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Walmart Warehouse Workers STRIKE & Walmarch!

News forwarded to Rogue Indy by RAW: (Rogue) Residents Against Walmart, 17.09.2012 - 21:21
Photo: Warehouse Workers United Warehouse Workers United website
video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiNwIK9t1Lw&feature=plcp

Posted on September 17th, 2012

Hundreds to Greet Marchers at LA City Hall, Demand Responsibility from Walmart; LA County Fed’s Maria Elena Durazo, Dolores Huerta, Rep. Judy Chu to Join

The “WalMarch,” a 50-mile, 6-day pilgrimage of warehouse workers, is drawing national attention on deplorable working conditions inside Southern California warehouses that serve major retailers including Walmart. Workers are asking for basic yet critical improvements on the job: fans to combat the 100 degree heat, functioning equipment, clean water, regular breaks, and an end to inhumane work quotas and retaliation for speaking up about safety conditions.
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Walmart's "Grand" Opening

Siskiyou13, 24.08.2012 - 01:09
A recent letter to the Editor of the Medford Mail Tribune entitled, "Now We Know" from resident Don Young went as follows:

"Hmm. Five thousand Walmart customers and 25 Occupy protesters. Now, we know who are the real 99 (and one half) percent."
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Oregon Supreme Court win on MERS

Keith S. Dubanevich, Oregon Dept. of Justice, 18.07.2012 - 18:50
MERS equals 1% Corporate Greed Breaking news: The Oregon Court of Appeals has ruled that MERS is not the real beneficiary and thus does not have standing to pursue foreclosures. Attached is the opinion.
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Hard Travelin' Tour celebrating Woody Guthrie's 100th birthday is a BIG HIT in Ashland

Woody's 100th Birthday Cake The Hard Travelin' Tour, summer of 2012 is Anne Feeney, Mark Ross and Adam Moss singin' songs written or inspired by Woody Guthrie in this year of his 100th Birthday (officially July 14, 2012)

Ashland, Oregon--July 7, 2012
Southern Oregon's concert dazzles over 120 people crammed into Ashland's UCC Congregational Church on Saturday night. This was the Rogue Valley's first very HOT summer day and all those bodies in a non-airconditioned space made for one heck of a celebration. The church was plumb full of sweaty smiling people celebrating with laughter and lots of song...

Sponsoring Organizations: Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Southern Oregon Central Labor Council, Occupy Medford, Citizens for Peace and Justice and Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice.

Proceeds raised benefit Healthcare For All—Oregon.

Following is a report from Allen Hallmark who provides several photos of this grand occasion... click a pic to make it larger
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HCAO response to Supreme Court ruling on ACA mandate

Health Care for All—Oregon, 28.06.2012 - 17:05
The following press release is forwarded by Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice. It can also be seen at this website  http://www.singlepayeroregon.org

June 28, 2012
For immediate release
Contact: Joanne Cvar, Chair HCAO Communications  cvar@peak.org 541 563 3615
Mike Huntington, MD, HCAO president;  mchuntington@comcast.net, 541-745-5635 (H) 541 829 1182 (C)

HCAO response to Supreme Court ruling on ACA mandate
Health Care for All Oregon welcomes the survival of important patient protections and rights under today’s Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act. These protections include the ban on refusal of coverage for pre-existing conditions, the required full coverage of limited basic primary care, and the extension of coverage of adult children under parental insurance through age 25. These elements move the human right to health care in the U.S. forward.
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Co-op Annual Report: Board Candidates a Loss for Labor

Jason Houk, News Director KSKQ and Jobs with Justice Organizer, 25.06.2012 - 04:14
Newswire author Jason Houk (*Note from Rogue IMC volunteer: This is an ongoing saga about Union Busting illegally being conducted by the Ashland Food Co-op. The fiasco continues...)

The Co-op board has a duty to rein in the unlawful activities of their management staff. The National Labor Relations Board affirmed 13 unfair labor practice complaints and this is a MAJOR red flag that something is wrong.

It is certain that the co-op board would not tolerate theft by their General Manager and that accusations of sexual harassment or racism would be taken seriously. On the matter of violating labor laws and the rights of co-op workers, however, the board is painfully neglect in their

Read More to get the inside scoop-
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Our Dysfunctional Health Care System and What We Can Do About It

Real Health Care Reform, an educational television program on Rogue Valley Community Television

"Our Dysfunctional Health Care System and What We Can Do About It"
RVTV cable ch. #15, Wednesdays at 6PM, June 27 with repeats July 4, 11, & 18

This special hour-long edition features talks by two distinguished physicians and scholars who toured Oregon recently speaking about health care reform. A special thank you to producer Roberta Hall who has made this show available in Southern Oregon

Marcia Angell and Arnold Relman—both are past editors of the New England Journal of medicine, and staunch supporters of a single payer system---and we have a good video of their talk
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Sweatfree Communities—Stop Global Sweatshops!

Dear Organizers, Leaders and Activists:

T-shirts for our causes should support the cause of empowering the workers who make the apparel!

As we order T-shirts for our progressive causes we can choose to make a real difference when we choose Alta Gracia.
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Public Protest Planned Against Exclusion Zone

Ryan Navickas, 24.05.2012 - 20:40
Public Protest planned for Tuesday May 29th at 5pm regarding the City of Ashland's proposed Exclusion Zone targeted at the homeless. The city is also proposing changes to its Camping Ban which would make it easier for the police to give citations.
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May Day at the Co-op - Solidarity Shop-in!

J U S T I C E * F O R * C O - O P * W O R K E R S, 26.04.2012 - 18:57
Celebrate May Day, International Workers Day and show support for workers at the Co-op that support a union to foster democracy in the workplace. Help us kick off the month of May as “Wear your union colors when you shop the Co-op!” Call for management neutrality and a truly free and fair election.
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Text Academics defy State Capture for human rights
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