
Evolution Of Life According To Samkhya School Of Hinduism
Evolution Of Life According To Samkhya School Of Hinduism
According to the Samkhya school of Hinduism, life evolves from Prakriti (Nature) when it comes into contact with the soul (Purusha). There are two eternal principles in the universe, individual soul called purusha and Nature called Prakriti. The souls are many while Nature is one. The souls are eternal and absolute, but when they come into contact with Nature, Nature holds them in its bondage and makes them embodied soul. This video explains how Nature envelops the souls and undergoes transformation and evolution and how various tattvas are created.

Samkhya and Upanisad versus Abhidhrama and Suta
Samkhya and Upanisad versus Abhidhrama and Suta
First,the relationship between the Samkhya and Upanisad versus Abhidhrama and Suta, the attempt of human beings to list and explain the phenomena in the universe both physically and mentally, far beyond modern science. Second, moethods to preserve Palm Pali texts, in South East Asia, especailly in Siam.

Fundamentals of Ayurveda 1 Origins and Samkhya Samya Ayurvedic Therapies
Fundamentals of Ayurveda 1 Origins and Samkhya Samya Ayurvedic Therapies
Sample of Fundamentals of Ayurveda from Samya Ayurvedic Therapies Correspondence Course Salt Springs Spa Resort Samya Studio of Yoga, Dance, Healing, Visual and Martial Arts

Samkhya Philosophy.MP4
Samkhya Philosophy.MP4
Samkhya philosophy,Yoga philosophies backbone,Raja yoga.V3ps@rediffmail.com

Samkhya the basic of all eastern religions and philosophies
Samkhya the basic of all eastern religions and philosophies
For similar videos go to Hinduwebsite a profile on you tube Sankhya was one of the six orthodox systems (astika, those systems that recognize vedic authority) of Hindu philosophy. The major text of this Vedic school is the extant Samkhya Karika, written by Ishvara Krishna, circa 200 AD. This text (in karika 70) identifies Sankhya as a Tantra[2] and its philosophy was one of the main influences both on the rise of the Tantras as a body of literature, as well as Tantra sadhana[3]. There are no purely Sankhya schools existing today in Hinduism, but its influence is felt in the Yoga and Vedanta schools. Srila Prabupada (founder of the worldwide "Hare Krishna movement") believes that the original theistic Sankhya philosophy was propounded by sage Kapila in the Srimad Bhagavatam long before another atheistic form of Samkhya-yoga was enunciated by what he alleged to be an imposter posing as Kapila,[4] but his view is not supported by any text. more can be found on wikipedia en.wikipedia.org

Bhagavad Gita Recitation - Gita Dhyanam and Samkhya Yoga Chapter
Bhagavad Gita Recitation - Gita Dhyanam and Samkhya Yoga Chapter
Harilal from Kerala recites the Shri Gita Dhyanam and the second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. More Mantra Videos on my.yoga-vidya.org

Samkhya Kapil K Kella SWANG
Samkhya Kapil K Kella SWANG
Thoughts and Creation by Kapil K Kella, Ideate Expression SWANG Communication Ahmedabad

Just messing around with Samkhya
Just messing around with Samkhya
She tried to hit me and run off, then she tried to whoop me with a belt. She is such a charcter

Silent WInter Samkhya Garden Tour
Silent WInter Samkhya Garden Tour
The Samkhya evolutionary path descending down the garden path...

Me and Samkhya do our Supreme Mathematics
Me and Samkhya do our Supreme Mathematics
..And almost make it through Supreme Alphabet. We are going to do this Daily. She 'is' going to like this 4.

Yoga Samkhya no metro do Porto
Yoga Samkhya no metro do Porto
Sequência de assanas no metro do Porto por Catarina Ferreira. Yoga sequence in Oporto subway, by Catarina Ferreira.

Yoga Samkhya e os Exames sem Stress
Yoga Samkhya e os Exames sem Stress
Aulas do Yoga Gratis para todos os estudantes - iniciativa da Associacao Lusa do Yoga e da Federacao Lusa do Yoga

Yoga Samkhya: Beneficios para a saúde
Yoga Samkhya: Beneficios para a saúde
Catarina Ferreira explica os beneficios do yoga, por telefone, na RTP2.

Teachings of yoga 1/5
Teachings of yoga 1/5
Lecture given at Kainan University, Taiwan,on Yoga philosophy including Samkhya and a brief outline of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Sociedade Civil - Yoga Samkhya e Beneficios para a saúde.flv
Sociedade Civil - Yoga Samkhya e Beneficios para a saúde.flv

Teachings of yoga 2/5
Teachings of yoga 2/5
Lecture given at Kainan University, Taiwan,on Yoga philosophy including Samkhya and a brief outline of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Lecture by Atul Krsna
Lecture by Atul Krsna
What is Ayurveda and Samkhya Philosophy? History of Ayurveda. Kapha, Pitta, Vata, What are the Doshas? What is Purush and Prakrati? How do they connect to Tridoshas. Lecture by Pt. Atul Krishna Das for San Diego College of Ayurveda. www.sandiegocollegeofayurveda.com

Reality, Checked with John & Trevor, Episode 2: The Akashic Record
Reality, Checked with John & Trevor, Episode 2: The Akashic Record
Join John and Trevor as they dive into the concept known as the Akashic Record. According to Wikipedia: "The akashic records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a "universal supercomputer" and the "Mind of God". People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically and that they can be accessed through astral projection or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. The concept was popularized in the theosophical movements of the 19th century and is derived from Hindu philosophy of Samkhya. It is promulgated in the Samkhya philosophy that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in the elements of akasha one of the five types of elements visualized as existing in the elemental theory of Ancient India, called Mahabhuta. In the Mahabharata mention is made of Chitragupta (lit. "hidden picture"). He is the son of Brahma and a minister of Dharma and his duty is to examine a list of the good and evil actions of men (the Agrasamdhani) after their death. "Nothing is lost of either piety or sin that is committed by creatures. On days of the full moon and the new moon, those acts are conveyed to the Sun where they rest. When a mortal goes into the region of the dead, the deity of the Sun bears witness to all his acts. He that is righteous acquires the fruits of his <b>...</b>