Manual reference entry using Pubmed ID in Mendeley Desktop
Quick video showing how to add references to your Mendeley Desktop library using a single ...
published: 15 Aug 2012
Author: Ricardo Vidal
Manual reference entry using Pubmed ID in Mendeley Desktop
Quick video showing how to add references to your Mendeley Desktop library using a single unique identifier such as a Pubmed ID.
EndNote X6 Overview
A general overview of the EndNote program....
published: 26 Jul 2012
Author: EndNoteTraining
EndNote X6 Overview
A general overview of the EndNote program.
5.3 RefWorks auf Deutsch: RefMobile
RefWorks - RefShare & RefMobile: RefMobile - die mobile und Smartphone-Unabhängig...
published: 30 Sep 2011
Author: ProQuestRefWorks
5.3 RefWorks auf Deutsch: RefMobile
RefWorks - RefShare & RefMobile: RefMobile - die mobile und Smartphone-Unabhängige Oberfläche für RefWorks
Jim Ostell speaking at the Genbank 25th Anniversary
Chief, Information Engineering Branch, NCBI, NLM, NIH Bethesda, MD GenBank at NCBI Slides ...
published: 03 May 2010
Jim Ostell speaking at the Genbank 25th Anniversary
Chief, Information Engineering Branch, NCBI, NLM, NIH Bethesda, MD GenBank at NCBI Slides available: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Manual Data Entry
Captions: English, 简体中文, 日本語, 한...
published: 08 Apr 2011
Author: EndNoteTraining
Manual Data Entry
Captions: English, 简体中文, 日本語, 한국어, Español, Türkçe, Français How to manually enter data in an EndNote record, with information on how the special fields work. Caption translation provided by the following distributors/resellers/collaborators: USACO, Japan (www.usaco.co.jp) Digital Information Services Center (DISC), The Netherlands (www.researchsoftware.nl)
Mining Data from Genome Browsers (2010)
February 02, 2010. Tyra Wolfsberg, Ph.D. Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2010 Handout: w...
published: 09 Mar 2010
Author: GenomeTV
Mining Data from Genome Browsers (2010)
February 02, 2010. Tyra Wolfsberg, Ph.D. Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2010 Handout: www.genome.gov More: www.genome.gov
Vimeo results:
Getting Stuff Into Zotero
There are tons of ways to get, books, articles, web pages, and any other kind of item into...
published: 16 Aug 2010
Author: zotero
Getting Stuff Into Zotero
There are tons of ways to get, books, articles, web pages, and any other kind of item into Zotero. So many, in fact, that we thought we needed this to make this short screencast. You might just be surprised at how many ways there are to get information into Zotero. This screencast covers six ways to get things into Zotero.
1. Location Bar Icons: When you visit library websites, journal databases, and many other Zotero enabled sites you can click the icons that appear in the location bar to grab citation information.
2. Create New Item from Current Page button: Clicking the Create New Item from Current Page button in the Zotero toolbar creates an item and saves the page as an attached snapshot.
3. Retrieve Metadata for PDFs: Zotero can also attempt to identify PDFs you have saved to your computer. Just drag them into the middle pane and right click on them and select “Retrieve Metadata for PDF”. If Zotero can find the PDF in Google Scholar, it creates a new library item for the paper, downloads the citation information and attaches the original PDF to the new item.
4. Look up Items by Unique Identifier: If have a DOI, ISBN, or PubMed ID Zotero can look up it's citation information.
5. Manually Adding Items: Items can be added manually by clicking the New Item button in the Zotero toolbar, then selecting the appropriate item type. Metadata can then be added by hand in the right column.
6. Importing Records from Other Tools: Many users come to Zotero with extensive collections stored in other reference management software. To import entire collections into Zotero, click on the gear icon and select “Import.” Browse to your file, select it, and click open.
4. Advanced PubMed Searching
[more free HINARI training, including Universal Subtitles at hinaritraining.org/]
published: 22 Jun 2011
Author: HINARI Training
4. Advanced PubMed Searching
[more free HINARI training, including Universal Subtitles at hinaritraining.org/]
Transcript of video:
Advanced PubMed: Literature searches for complex questions.
While a simple search in PubMed will often find relevant articles, you may find that sometimes you either need to be more thorough or that the simple search did not retrieve what you hoped to find. When this is the case, you may want to approach your PubMed search differently. This video will walk you through the steps of conducting an advanced search in PubMed.
To do an advanced search, it is helpful to understand what is in PubMed. Advanced searches also require that you learn to identify the key concepts in your topic, identify subject headings relevant to your topic, and use some PubMed search tools, including Search Details, the MeSH database, and Advanced Search.
First, what is in PubMed? We know that it is a database of citations to journal articles in medicine and the related sciences. But is the full text of the article also available within PubMed itself? Unfortunately not. PubMed contains only the citations to articles, and LINKS to the full text options.
This means that you are only searching the citation information. This includes the article title, journal title, authors, page number, volume and issue, and the abstract if it’s available. You are also searching something called the Medical Subject Headings, or MeSH terms assigned to the article by indexers at the National Library of Medicine. These MeSH terms are chosen from a list to describe what the article is about.
So to get articles on your topic, it is important to choose search terms that will best match the MeSH terms or medical subject headings.
In PubMed, your search terms are automatically mapped to MeSH terms, so many times this is done completely behind the scenes for you. However, it is a good idea to check the Search Details to check to make sure that the mapping has found a good MeSH term for your concept. If it hasn’t, then you can look for a better subject heading in the MeSH database.
Before starting your search, it is important to think carefully about your topic and what information you would like to find. So as you think about your topic, take a moment to identify the key concepts in your search. In our example of attitudes toward the HPV vaccine in developing countries, our main concepts are likely the HPV vaccine, attitudes and behaviors, and developing countries.
To be facilitate better mapping, it is a good idea to search one concept at a time. Let’s start with our first concept, HPV vaccine.
After logging into HINARI and clicking on the PubMed link, we are at the PubMed home page. We can type our first concept into the search box. [type HPV vaccine]
Note that as you type, suggestions may appear. These are not MeSH terms, but are rather terms that other people have used. Generally, it is safe to simply ignore these terms.
After clicking search, the results appear. In order to determine whether we were mapped to a relevant MeSH term, scroll down on the results page to view the Search Details box. To make this area larger, you can click on See more.
On this page, note that our term hpv vaccine was mapped to the term papillomavirus vaccine, which is relevant to our topic. Note that the system also looked for the terms papillomavirus vaccine and hpv vaccine in other fields of the citations to be sure to pick up newer citations.
Since our terms were hpv and vaccine, it also looked for those in all fields. So, we have been mapped to a MeSH term that is relevant to our topic.
We can now search for our second term, attitudes. Directly from this search details page, we can type our term into the search box at the top. [type in attitudes, and click search]
Note that we are not searching within our set of citations about the HPV vaccine, but are rather creating a second set of articles on our second concept. We will combine these at the end.
As we did with our first concept, we will now check the Search Details box to see what kind of MeSH term we were mapped to for attitudes [scroll down to search details].
In this case, we were mapped to a MeSH term for attitudes. This might be a good term, or it might be too broad. If we want to determine whether there could be a better MeSH term for our topic, we can scroll back to the top of the page and change the search option to MeSH. This will let us look directly in a database of MeSH terms for one that is the best for our concept. [change search dropdown to MeSH, click Search].
Our results are now MeSH terms that have something to do with attitudes. Note that these are not citations, as we are now in the MeSH database NoT the PubMed database.
From this list of terms, it appears that there might be more relevant subject headings for our topic. To see the definition of a term, click on it. [click on attitude to health] This term is specifically about attitudes to health, disease and the me
Whale Evolution vs. The Actual Fossil Evidence
Not at all like a whale - video
published: 21 Oct 2011
Author: Philip Cunningham
Whale Evolution vs. The Actual Fossil Evidence
Not at all like a whale - video
Whale Tale Two
Excerpt: We think that the most logical interpretation of the Pakicetus fossils are that they represent land-dwelling mammals that didn’t even have teeth or ears in common with modern whales. This actually pulls the whale evolution tree out by the roots. Evolutionists are back to the point of not having any clue as to how land mammals could possibly have evolved into whales.
Meet Pakicetus, the Terrestrial Mammal BioLogos Calls a "Whale" - November 2010
Ambulocetus (49 million years ago)
Of all the supposed whale transitions, ambulocetus is probably the most well known. It is often depicted as an animal that is adapted to living on land and in the water. Of course, just like pakicetus, the artistic reconstructions of ambulocetus go beyond what the fossil findings justify.
The ambulocetus remains that have been discovered are much more complete than the first findings of pakicetus; however, crucial parts of the animal still have not been discovered. For example, the pelvic girdle has not been found.[7] Without this, there is really no way of telling how the creature moved. This, however, does not stop evolutionists from using artistic manipulations to make ambulocetus look like it is a transitional form.
Very often, popular science journals, such as National Geographic, have depicted ambulocetus as being very transitional-like by giving the creature webbed feet.[8] This is another place where the reader must be able to distinguish between fact and fiction. Soft tissue rarely ever gets preserved, and the ambulocetus remains are no exception. In other words, all we have are the bones. There is no evidence that the creature had webbed feet other than in the imagination of the evolutionists.
As for 'vestigial legs'; It turns out the 'vestigial legs' are really very functional pelvic bones instead:
An Email Exchange Regarding "Vestigial Legs" Pelvic Bones in Whales by Jim Pamplin
Excerpt: The pelvic bones (supposed Vestigial Legs) of whales serve as attachments for the musculature associated with the penis in males and its homologue, the clitoris, in females. The muscle involved is known as the ischiocavernosus and is quite a powerful muscle in males. It serves as a retractor muscle for the penis in copulation and probably provides the base for lateral movements of the penis. The mechanisms of penile motion are not well understood in whales. The penis seems to be capable of a lot of independent motion, much like the trunk of an elephant. How much of this is mediated by the ischiocavernosus is not known.
In females the anatomical parts are smaller and more diffuse. I would imagine that there is something homologous to the perineal muscles in man and tetrapods, which affect the entire pelvic area - the clitoris, vagina and anus.
The pelvic rudiments also serve as origins for the ischiocaudalis muscle, which is a ventral muscle that inserts on the tips of the chevron bones of the spinal column and acts to flex the tail in normal locomotion.
The time for the supposed transition of whales, from some four legged creature, has now been dramatically shortened;
A Whale of a Problem for Evolution: Ancient Whale Jawbone Found in Antartica - JonathanM - October 2011
Excerpt: Argentine paleontologist Marcelo Reguero said the fossilized archaeocete jawbone found in February dates back 49 million years. In evolutionary terms, that’s not far off from the fossils of even older proto-whales from 53 million years ago that have been found,,,
Discovery of "Oldest Fully Aquatic Whale" Fossil Throws a Major Bone into Whale Evolution Story - Casey Luskin - October 18, 2011
Excerpt: In fact, if this find has been correctly identified, then fully aquatic whales might have existed before many of their alleged semi-aquatic evolutionary precursors.
Whales: New "Icon of Evolution" or a Challenge to Darwinian Theory? - podcast
"Whales have a long generation time, and they don't have huge populations. They're like the worst-case scenario for trying to evolve structures rapidly," "To fix all the mutations needed to convert a little land mammal into a fully functional whale [in ten million years]--mathematically that's totally not possible." Casey Luskin
Whale Evolution? Darwinist 'Trawlers' Have Every Reason To Be Concerned:
Excerpt: As one review note
Science Bulletins: MRSA—The Evolution of a Drug-Resistant Superbug
The human body is a diverse bacterial ecosystem. Humans are hosts to trillions of microbes...
published: 15 Jun 2012
Author: AMNH
Science Bulletins: MRSA—The Evolution of a Drug-Resistant Superbug
The human body is a diverse bacterial ecosystem. Humans are hosts to trillions of microbes, most of which are harmless or even beneficial. But a new study shows how one bacterium traveled from humans to farm animals and back to humans, developing resistance to antibiotics along the way. Staph infections in humans are usually treatable, but this new strain, called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), does not respond to antibiotics. Researchers found that it developed resistance while in farm animal hosts, through exposure to high level of antibiotics in their diet. Identifying the evolutionary processes of disease agents that transfer between species may help scientists determine how to prevent and treat emerging diseases.
Related Links:
Staphylococcus aureus CC398: Host Adaptation and Emergence of Methicillin Resistance in Livestock
PubMed Health: MRSA
CDC: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infections
US Food and Drug Administration
New York Times: Steps Set for Livestock Antibiotic Ban