- published: 30 Jan 2013
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Cancel Your GEICO Coverage! Weapons Industry Policyholder Gets Terminated By Geico
GEICO cancels insurance because policyholder works in the 'weapons industry' http://www.ex...
published: 30 Jan 2013
author: 357 Downtown Chilliwack
Cancel Your GEICO Coverage! Weapons Industry Policyholder Gets Terminated By Geico
GEICO cancels insurance because policyholder works in the 'weapons industry' http://www.examiner.com/article/geico-cancels-insurance-because-policyholder-wor...
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- author: 357 Downtown Chilliwack
Event Release & Indemnity Agreement
http://www.contractcentral.com/event-release-indemnity.html In any physical activity where...
published: 02 Aug 2011
Event Release & Indemnity Agreement
http://www.contractcentral.com/event-release-indemnity.html In any physical activity where an event is sponsored, all participants should sign this Event Release & Indemnity Agreement. The event sponsor should always obtain this form, which also includes emergency contact information. This fill-in-the-blank form can also be easily adapted for personal use.
Designed for use in all 50 states.
- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 38
Screen Guild Theater: Take a Letter Darling / Shop Around the Corner / Double Indemnity
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published: 02 Dec 2012
author: theradioarchive
Screen Guild Theater: Take a Letter Darling / Shop Around the Corner / Double Indemnity
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Battle of Austerlitz (1993 BBC Documentary Brian Blessed narrates)
The Battle of Austerlitz, also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, was one of Napol...
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Armand94Sadowski
Battle of Austerlitz (1993 BBC Documentary Brian Blessed narrates)
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Berkshire Hathaway Says $52-a-Share Transatlantic Offer Expires Today
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author: FinancialNewsOnline
Berkshire Hathaway Says $52-a-Share Transatlantic Offer Expires Today
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Bismark ND News House Ag Committee Chair Talks Farm Bill in Bismarck
The lagging national economy makes it all the more difficult for Congress to come up with ...
published: 06 May 2013
author: transnnnn
Bismark ND News House Ag Committee Chair Talks Farm Bill in Bismarck
The lagging national economy makes it all the more difficult for Congress to come up with a new Farm Bill. Lots of programs important to North Dakota are on ...
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Legal Principle of Insurance
There are three major principles of insurance: Utmost Good Faith, Insurable Interest and I...
published: 07 Sep 2012
author: knipl2000
Legal Principle of Insurance
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Battle of Austerlitz
The Battle of Austerlitz, also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, was one of Napol...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: Eagle6355
Battle of Austerlitz
The Battle of Austerlitz, also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors, was one of Napoleon's greatest victories, where the French Empire effectively crush...
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Health Insurance Plan Reimbursement from Auto Wreck Settlement
When you signed up for health insurance at work did they tell you that if you get a in car...
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author: xMQB0yl0
Health Insurance Plan Reimbursement from Auto Wreck Settlement
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Towel from Progressive Insurance
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Vlog: My Half-Ass Canada Vlog
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published: 04 Jun 2012
Vlog: My Half-Ass Canada Vlog
So here are some shots from Canada. Not much since I got hit hard with not wanting to film anything. Pics from Europe in the next vid since I idiotically forgot the plugs in Europe are different then here in the states. Next vlog...unboxing part 2
Indemnity Trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWomElzoHPU&feature;=plcp
Ersan Barams Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ErsanBarams
Like InDe Studios On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InDestudios
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Understanding Basic Insurance Terms
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MistryKiDD Battle: Lawyer VS Insurance Broker
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Chinese Petitioners Look Forward to Finding Real "Happiness"
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Vimeo results:
2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Tongil
2012 Rev Moon's Life and Works (Eng and Kor Transcript)
Video about True Father's Life - "Peace King - True Parents, Rev Sun Myung Moon's Life and Works"
광활한 우주,
아름다운 지구!
평화 이상세계의 꿈~.
이 꿈은 하나님과 인류가 바라던 오랜 염원이다.
부모의 심정으로 종의 몸을 쓰고,
땀은 땅을 위하여, 눈물은 인류를 위하여, 피는 하늘을 위해
그리고 하나님조국을 위해 일생을 헌신해온 문선명 선생!
선생은 이제 인류 앞에 참부모, 세상 앞에 구세주, 천주 앞에 평화의 왕,
하늘 앞에 성자의 푯대로 추앙받고 있다.
Vast universe,
Beautiful Earth!
Dream of peaceful ideal world~.
This is the long cherished dream of God and humanity.
In the shoes of a servant with the heart of the parents,
Shedding sweat for earth, tears for humanity, and blood for heaven,
The man who has spent his entire life for God’s homeland: Rev. Sun Myung Moon!
Rev. Moon is now revered as the True Parents to humanity, the savior to the world, the King of Peace of the cosmos and the model saint infront of heaven.
선생은 3.1독립만세운동이 일어난지 10개월만인 1920년 1월 6일 평안북도 정주에 태어났다. 선생은 어린시절부터 호기심이 많았다. 온종일 산으로 강으로 누비면서 자연을 벗 삼았다. 그리고 자신보다는 주위를 생각하는 속 깊은 소년이었다.
하지만 조국은 일제 치하에서 신음하고 있었다.
선생의 고향인 평안북도 정주는, 만주로 향하는 피난민의 길목이었다.
10 months after the 3.1 Korean independence movement, Rev. Moon was born in Jeongju of Pyeong-An Book-Do on January 6th 1920.Rev. Moon was a boy full of curiosity. He befriended nature, spending his days roaming the mountains and rivers. He was also quite mature, always thinking others before himself.
However, the nation was groaning in misery under the Japanese rule.
His hometown, Jeong-Ju, was on the path of refugees running toward Manchuria.
정주에서도 살림이 도타웠던 선생의 집안은 나눔의 가풍을 실천하며 살아왔다. 증조할아버지는 ‘팔도강산 사람에게 밥을 먹이면 팔도강산에서 축복이 몰려든다’는 유언을 남길 정도였고, 그런 선생의 집은 힘들게 고향을 떠나는 피난민들이 잠시 요기를 하고 하룻밤 쉬어갈 수 있는 쉼터였다.
이런 가풍 속에 자란 소년 문선명은 어린 시절 부터 남의 불행과 아픔을 외면하지 못했다.
집안의 쌀부대를 져다가 피난민에게 나눠주기도 여러 번이었다.
Rev. Moon’s family was renowned for giving charity to those in need. His great-grandfather even left a saying, ‘If you feed people from all over the nation, the blessings of the nation will come to you,’ and thus, Rev. Moon’s house became a place where the refugees tired from their journey could stop to eat food and rest.
Having been raised with this kind of family tradition, from his early childhood Rev. Moon couldn’t ignore other people’s pain and suffering.
He often gave sacks of his family’s rice to the refugees passing by his home.
나라를 되찾기 위해서는 새로운 지식이 필요하다는 것을 깨닫고 오산학교에 입학하여 이듬해 정주공립보통학교로 전학했다.
He understood that he needed new knowledge in order to reclaim the nation, and so he entered Osan school, and transferred the following year to Jeong-Ju public school.
학교공부와 더불어 소년 문선명은 목사이자 독립운동가였던 문윤국 할아버지의 영향으로 종교와 애국에 대한 뜻을 키워나간다.
Influenced by his grandfather Yoon-Kook Moon, who was a pastor and also a independence activist, Rev. Moon’s love for religion and his country grew.
16살 되던 무렵...
13남매 중 다섯 가족을 잃는 아픔을 겪어야 했던 소년 문선명...
형제와 친구의 죽음, 민족의 수탈로 삶과 죽음에 대해 고민하던 16살의 소년은 산속에서 홀로 기도하며 하나님께 그 답을 구했다.
1935년 부활절 새벽. 밤새 눈물로 기도하던 소년은 예수님을 영적으로 만난다.
At the age of 16…
Young Rev. Moon lost 5 of his 13 siblings…
Grieving the death of his siblings and friends and for the suffering of the nation, the young boy at 16 years of age went up a mountain alone to seek answers from God.
On the dawn of Easter morning in 1935, the boy who prayed in tears all night long met Jesus in spirit.
이 날 하나님의 뜻 성사를 위한 결심은 평생을 움직이는 원동력이 되었다.
부활절 이후 소년 문선명은 그전과 확연히 달라졌다.
말수가 줄고, 깊은 사색을 하는 시간이 늘어갔다.
그러다 마침내 1938년 19세 때 서울 흑석동으로 상경하게 된다.
처음 고향을 떠나 낯선 땅에서의 하숙생활.
당시 만해도 첨단 학문분야였던 경성상공실무학교 전기과에 다녔
20120601-120 Bows of Attendence (KOR)
Translation for video of 120 BOWS with HYUNG-JIN NIM
I offer this bow:
1. with a...
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: Tongil
20120601-120 Bows of Attendence (KOR)
Translation for video of 120 BOWS with HYUNG-JIN NIM
I offer this bow:
1. with a pure heart, mind and motivation
2. to repent for my past life, not knowing that God gave me my life
3. to repent for my past life, not knowing that God raised me
4. to repent for my past life, not realizing that God was within me
5. to repent for my past life, not realizing the significance of the six thousand year providence of restoration that God had to go through to find me
6. to repent for my past life, not knowing True Parents
7. to repent for my past life, not realizing True Parents’ filial love towards liberating God
8. to repent for my past life, not realizing that True Parents’ true love indemnified and saved humankind from their sins
9. for not being able to unite my physical and spiritual selves
10. for ignoring my conscience and true heart
11. for not practicing God’s and True Parents’ true love
12. for having forgotten the conditions my ancestors and parents fulfilled so that I could be here
13. for forgetting the conditions and prayers many others had offered for me
14. in prayer for all those whom I have hurt through my greed and selfishness
15. praying for all those whom I have hurt through my arrogance
16. confessing that I am a sinner and repent before God and True Parents
17. to accept God and True Parents as my savior and pray that God will send the Holy Spirit to guide us
18. in prayer that God may bless this small condition, and strongly pray that He will guide me
19. offering all glory to God and True Parents
20. to show gratitude to God for letting my family conduct Hoon Dok Hwe with the Eight Holy Texts
21. to show gratitude to God for having manifested His dual characteristics through the creation, His substantial object partner
22. to show gratitude to God for enabling all beings to form the four position foundation through give and take action
23. to show gratitude to God for giving man the three great blessings to become His object partners of joy
24. to show gratitude to God for letting creation reach perfection through the three stages of growth
25. to show gratitude to God for positioning man in the center between the physical and the spiritual worlds
26. to show my gratitude to God for giving individuals both a spiritual self and a physical self to grow through
27. to show gratitude to God for letting us know that humankind’s original sin was an illicit sexual sin caused by the archangel Lucifer’s excessive greed
28. to show gratitude to God for letting me know that the origin of sin was the illicit sexual act between humankind’s first ancestors and the angel symbolized as a snake
29. accepting that the fall of man caused the four types of sins and the fallen nature to be formed
30. for failing to take God’s viewpoint
31. for forgetting and leaving my proper position
32. to repent for reversing the order of dominion
33. to repent for multiplying sinfulness
34. to show gratitude to God for letting me know how human history started and where it is going
35. to express my gratitude to God for showing me that the providence of salvation is the providence of restoration
36. to express my gratitude to God for showing me that human history is the providence of restoration
37. to express my gratitude to God for showing me that the last days is a hopeful time when the sinful world under Satan’s dominion will be transformed into an ideal world under God’s dominion
38. to express my gratitude to God for showing me that the evil world will end through the process of restoration of God’s three great blessings
39. to show gratitude to God for sending Jesus as the messiah in order to realize the purpose of the providence of salvation
40. to repent for the crucifixion of Jesus whom You sent to realize the providence of restoration
41. knowing that God predicted that the realization of His will depends upon man’s portion of responsibility
42. to show gratitude to God for sending Elijah again to prepare for the coming of the messiah
43. in grief that John the Baptist rejected Jesus and blocked the path of the Jewish people
44. to express my gratitude to God for showing me the true meaning of life and death, realizing that my physical self is a garment for my spiritual self
45. to express my gratitude to God for showing me that spiritual death means leaving His bosom of love and falling under Satan’s dominion
46. to express my gratitude to God for showing me that resurrection is a progressive state where fallen humankind is restored into God’s direct dominion from Satan’s dominion
47. to show my gratitude to God for leading the providence of resurrection for humankind through the three stages of growth, formation, growth and completion
48. to show my gratitude to God for enabling spirits to be resurrected again through people on earth
49. to show my gratitude to God for uniting all religions through the returning resurrection
50. to express my gratitude to God for predestin
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon Sermon, March. 6, 2011 - Las Vegas, NV
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon
"Chambumonim, Og-mansei,"
March 6, 2011
Las Vegas
IN JIN NIM: Good m...
published: 22 Apr 2011
author: Tongil
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon Sermon, March. 6, 2011 - Las Vegas, NV
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon
"Chambumonim, Og-mansei,"
March 6, 2011
Las Vegas
IN JIN NIM: Good morning, brothers and sisters. Thank you so much for coming out and loving our True Parents like the way you did yesterday. I hope that even though they’re not here physically, they can feel your spirit. This morning I have a wonderful surprise for all of you. As you know, not only do we have our True Parents with us here in Las Vegas, but I am delighted to say that we also have with us today my younger brother, the spiritual head of our movement.
Brothers and sisters, let’s give him an American welcome to Las Vegas and show him how much we appreciate everything that he is doing for our True Parents and for our movement!
HYUNG JIN NIM: Please be seated. It’s very nice to be back in the States, but really it’s not about me. I’m very grateful because over the last couple of days we’ve seen True Parents at their best. Yesterday Father was amazing, wasn’t he? Incredible. One of the moments for me during that speech was when Father was speaking and shedding tears, and all of a sudden he had a nosebleed.
He just keeps pushing himself, at 92. It’s endless. When I saw that nosebleed, it reminded me of the love of Christ, that holy blood that was shed for our sins. It reminded me of his great love for humanity. He talked about it, of course, in his speech: about the tears that were shed, the blood that was shed for Heaven. I was very moved at that moment.
I’ve had the great blessing to be able to go to various countries over the last couple of months, starting from Korea, and then Japan, Hong Kong, and Kenya. We have brothers and sisters all over the world who are sending their love to True Parents.
Today I want to share a couple of words with you before we go into our main practice. That practice is simply: “Cham bu mo nim, og mansei.(참부모님 억 만세).” You all know how to say, “Cham bu mo nim, og mansei.” I want to suggest to you today that “Cham bu mo nim, og mansei” has amazing power because within that phrase is our entire faith: everything from true love to filial piety, to loyalty, to service, humility, gratitude, glory returned to God. Everything is encapsulated in that tiny phrase.
When I have a chance to visit our brothers and sisters in different regions and countries, I commonly ask them, “What is the purpose of creation? You’ve heard Principle; you’ve heard lectures and read the Principle. What is the purpose of creation?” I heard, “Joy;” I heard, “Peaceful ideal world,” all these things. So, the purpose of creation, we’ve heard, is the peaceful ideal world, is true family, is joy. But when we look at the Principle it’s actually much clearer than that. The purpose of creation is not the ideal peaceful world. It’s not. This is probably a shock to you because you’ve heard that many times. But when you look at the Principle, that’s not the purpose of creation.
The purpose of creation is God seeking to find his true love object partner. That’s the purpose. That true love object partner is the partner with whom he will set up the four position foundation. It is the partner with which he will begin give and receive action. And it is with that true love object partner that a true family, true tribe, true society, true world, ideal world and cosmos will arise.
So those things that we usually think of as the purpose of creation—ideal world, even true society—these are products of the purpose of creation, the purpose being the true love object partner. So when we look at the true love object partner, we know that that object partner was supposed to be the perfected Adam and Eve. We know also that Jesus was supposed to be—what was he supposed to be? He was supposed to be that true love object partner.
In a nutshell, Christ, Adam, and Eve were supposed to become true parents. So we can say that the purpose of creation is the perfected Adam and Eve, the true love object partner of God’s true love, True Parents. That’s the purpose of creation. From that relationship comes everything. From that relationship comes the True Family. From that relationship comes the true tribe, society, nation, world, and cosmos. That’s the value of our True Parents, and I want to suggest to you that it’s a profound value.
If we understand that the purpose of creation is True Parents, we understand that God’s entire love energy moves powerfully toward them, God’s direct object partner. It was supposed to be Adam and Eve, but, then, due to the Fall, Christ, but, then again, due to the non-acceptance of Jesus Christ, True Parents.
True Father has asked us the question, “If God had to throw away either True Parents or the universe, the entire cosmos, which would he choose?” You’ve heard it, too. He’d throw away the cosmos. That’s how precious True Parents are. So if we understand that, we also understand that the cosmos, i
Youtube results:
911 JUSTICE IS TRUTH IN ACTION E PLURIBUS UNUM Larry Silverstein purchased the World Trade...
published: 07 May 2013
author: ARCHSENTINEL1's channel
911 JUSTICE IS TRUTH IN ACTION E PLURIBUS UNUM Larry Silverstein purchased the World Trade Center in July 2001, shortly after the New York Port Authority los...
- published: 07 May 2013
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How much do you pay for car insurance?
try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://www.usainsuran...
published: 27 Feb 2012
How much do you pay for car insurance?
try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://www.usainsurancequotes.net
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you don t mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?
Insurance rates vary SO much from person to person. It s based on some of the following: Age, Sex, Where you live, Your credit score, your driving record, your claims record, whether you re married or single, whether you own or rent, and what type of vehicle you own. I m a 19 year old Married Female that Rents and I Pay 42.00 a month with Progressive on two vehicles with just liability on them. I drive a 92 corolla and a 97 sentra. Call an independent agent and ask for a quote, they ll give you the best deal they can find.
"I am 30 yrs old. I have a 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier with full coverage and my premium is only $326 every six months.
Some factors that determine your premium would be mainly your driving record. If you ve had any tickets or accidents recently that will add points to your insurance score and make your rates higher obviously. Ask your agent about any discounts that might be available to you. Some companies won t always tell you about discounts. If you re a student, you may qualify for a Good Student Discount if your grades are good. If you rent a house or apartment look into renter s insurance which could give you a multi-line discount on your auto insurance. Luckily though once you turn 25 you may then qualify for an adult driver rating, instead of a principle youth. Now, I don t know which state you re in, but every state operates a little differently with their underwriting guidelines, available discounts for whichever company you re with. But I would start by calling around to different companies. Most places will do quotes over the phone. Just start shopping around for a better rate. You aren t required to remain loyal to one company or another and it doesn t affect your credit or insurance rating if you change insurance companies.
I work for Cotton States Insurance in TN (where I have my personal car insurance). Cotton States operates in the southeast (TN, AL, GA). We recently merged with Country Financial which operates out of the midwest.
Our rates for youthful drivers with prior insurance and a good driving record are actually pretty good.
Hope this helped a little."
- published: 27 Feb 2012
- views: 19
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Ronald E Bachman FSA, MAAA - Health Informatics Board Member, Bryan University
Ronald E. Bachman FSA, MAAA President & CEO, Healthcare Visions Inc. Former Principal/Sr. Partner, Healthcare, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Health Informatics ...
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The Bo and Rocko show
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author: freerevolutionradio
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