
Pioneer 10: First to Jupiter
A video of Pioneer 10's mission to Jupiter and my Father's involvement in the proj...
published: 10 Dec 2010
Author: herrwest
Pioneer 10: First to Jupiter
A video of Pioneer 10's mission to Jupiter and my Father's involvement in the project.

Pioneer 10 & Pioneer 11: "Exploration of the Planets" pt1-2 1971 NASA
more at scitech.quickfound.net Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cro...
published: 06 Apr 2012
Author: webdev17
Pioneer 10 & Pioneer 11: "Exploration of the Planets" pt1-2 1971 NASA
more at scitech.quickfound.net Public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). Split with MKVmerge GUI (part of MKVToolNix), the same software can recombine the downloaded parts (in mp4 format): www.bunkus.org part 2: www.youtube.com en.wikipedia.org Pioneer 10 (also known as Pioneer F) is a 258-kilogram robotic space probe that completed the first interplanetary mission to Jupiter, and became the first spacecraft to achieve escape velocity from the Solar System. The project was managed by the NASA Ames Research Center and the contract for the construction of the spacecraft was awarded to TRW Inc. The spacecraft was assembled around a hexagonal bus with a 2.74 m parabolic dish high-gain antenna oriented along the spin axis. Power was supplied by four radioisotope thermoelectric generators that provided a combined 155 W at the start of the mission. Pioneer 10 was launched on March 2, 1972 by an Atlas-Centaur expendable vehicle from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Between July 15, 1972, and February 15, 1973, it became the first spacecraft to traverse the asteroid belt. Imaging of Jupiter began November 6, 1973, at a range of 25 million km, and a total of more than 500 images <b>...</b>

Pioneer 10 (Original)
The music for this piece was recorded on June 13, 1983 in celebration of the fact that Pio...
published: 31 Jan 2010
Author: SkySights
Pioneer 10 (Original)
The music for this piece was recorded on June 13, 1983 in celebration of the fact that Pioneer 10 was leaving our solar system that day, headed for interstellar space. This was the first time we had reached that far. I've coupled this with a video adaptation of the official NASA artwork created by Don Davis. The image is courtesy NASA. Feel free to use the music and video in new creations, provided you provide credit to me, Don Davis and NASA. I hope you enjoy this musical voyage that commemorates a great day in space exploration. --Fred Becker

pioneer 10 " a milli freestyle
juste un petit video de mon petit systeme de son , 2 x pioneer 10 " (ts-w257d4 1000 w...
published: 12 Oct 2009
Author: blackdevildark
pioneer 10 " a milli freestyle
juste un petit video de mon petit systeme de son , 2 x pioneer 10 " (ts-w257d4 1000 watts chaque ), ampli ultimate t3 1000d , quantum audio 4 farad capaciteur , dual xdm7615 head unit, 1800 watts quantum fx speaker sur lil mama a milli freestyle

Klaa shoots Pioneer 10 probe
"Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior's mettle."...
published: 06 Apr 2009
Author: Kevin Blakey
Klaa shoots Pioneer 10 probe
"Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior's mettle."

Pioneer 10: Jupiter Odyssey pt1-2 1974 NASA 15min
video for embedding at scitech.quickfound.net "Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to...
published: 16 Oct 2011
Author: webdev17
Pioneer 10: Jupiter Odyssey pt1-2 1974 NASA 15min
video for embedding at scitech.quickfound.net "Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to travel beyond Mars to the outer planets of our solar system. During the 21-month, 620-million-mile journey to Jupiter, Pioneer penetrated the previously unexplored asteroid belt without mishap, eliminating the long held fear that high-speed particles or huge asteroids might destroy the spacecraft. This film tells of the findings recorded by the scientific instruments and cameras onboard. After leaving the Jovian system, Pioneer will be on a course that will take the spacecraft out of our solar system where it will wander endlessly through the Milky Way Galaxy, carrying a message for possible extraterrestrial beings." The last intelligible telemetry from Pioneer 10 was received on April 27, 2002; the signal from the spacecraft was lost completely on January 23, 2003. Public domain film from the National Archives with the aspect ratio corrected and mild noise reduction applied. part 2: www.youtube.com from "PIONEER 10 SPACECRAFT DEPARTS SOLAR SYSTEM" 1983 ntrs.nasa.gov The first departure of a spacecraft from the solar system will occur on Monday, June 13 [1983] at approximately 5:00 am PDT. At that time, the Pioneer 10 spacecraft will cross the orbit of Neptune and be farther from the sun than all of the known planets. Pioneer's final step across Neptune's orbit happens at a distance of 2.81 billion miles from the sun. Neptune is currently the outermost planet. Pl.uto will be nearer to <b>...</b>

Pioneer 10's Pounding
2- 10" Pioneer subs in a sealed box in my hatchback. Runnin off a GM-5000 Pioneer 760...
published: 03 Nov 2009
Author: DiamondAudioSubs
Pioneer 10's Pounding
2- 10" Pioneer subs in a sealed box in my hatchback. Runnin off a GM-5000 Pioneer 760 watt amp, bridged @ 8 ohms with the subs wired in series. Gain is turned up a little under half way and the head unit is pioneer USB also, all settings are set to 0. It was filmed on a laptop so the image is mirrored & upside down, the amp/subs aren't cutting out, that's what the head unit does when I changed the Subwoofer Hertz setting. Sounds like I got jackie chan in the trunk trying to kick his way out

pioneer 10 inch shallow
10 inch shallow mount pioneer in my dodge ram single cab 350 rms 4 ohm sub 100 rms @ 4 ohm...
published: 16 Mar 2010
Author: BAouttaVA
pioneer 10 inch shallow
10 inch shallow mount pioneer in my dodge ram single cab 350 rms 4 ohm sub 100 rms @ 4 ohm alpine v12 amp .65 cubic foot q-logic box stuffed with fiberfill

The Pioneer Program
www.nasa.gov Launched on March 2, 1972, Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to travel thro...
published: 30 Apr 2009
Author: Humanoidity
The Pioneer Program
www.nasa.gov Launched on March 2, 1972, Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to travel through the asteroid belt, and the first spacecraft to make direct observations and obtain close-up images of Jupiter. Pioneer 10 is now coasting silently through deep space toward the red star Aldebarran, a journey of over 2 million years.

Pioneer 10" by Smokey
800 watts @ 4 ohms...
published: 13 Jun 2008
Author: smokeyblaze
Pioneer 10" by Smokey
800 watts @ 4 ohms

Sony Xplod 15" vs Pioneer 10"
Sony: XS-L152P5 15" 450 Watts max, 1500 watts pico. Pioneer: TS-W256C 10" 350 Wa...
published: 03 Oct 2007
Author: algaby19
Sony Xplod 15" vs Pioneer 10"
Sony: XS-L152P5 15" 450 Watts max, 1500 watts pico. Pioneer: TS-W256C 10" 350 Watts max, 800 watts pico. Amplificador: Sony HT-DDW670 510 Watts potencia total, 85w X 5 channel + 85w subwoofer. Musica: Planet Violet - Velvet Skies.

Omaggio alla sonda Pioneer 10
Tributo alla sonda spaziale Pioneer 10 Tribute to the space probe Pioneer 10...
published: 13 Jun 2009
Author: lukysArts
Omaggio alla sonda Pioneer 10
Tributo alla sonda spaziale Pioneer 10 Tribute to the space probe Pioneer 10
Vimeo results:

Welcome To Planet Earth
Welcome to Planet Earth is the story of the extremely unique Jody Pendarvis and his 30 foo...
published: 06 Jun 2011
Author: Mikey Livingston
Welcome To Planet Earth
Welcome to Planet Earth is the story of the extremely unique Jody Pendarvis and his 30 foot UFO he built in his front yard in the small town of Bowman, SC. After a sighting of alien life forms, Jody built the giant UFO as a place to welcome aliens when they return. All though visitors are welcomed to check out this unique and slightly odd landmark, Jody hopes that he will one day see the return of his friends from the sky. This is his story.
Filmed at the UFO Welcome Center in Bowman, SC
A Livingston Bros. / Pioneers Production
Director / DP / Editor: Michael Livingston
B-Cam Operator & Audio: Morgan Livingston
**Tech Info**
Canon 7D
85mm 1.2 L
24-70mm 2.8 L
VariND Filter
Zoom H2n
Filmed with the new technicolor cinestyle
www.mikeylivingston.com for more documentaries

_grau | 10:01 min | d 2004
_grau is a personal reflection on memories coming up during a car accident, where past eve...
published: 30 Dec 2008
Author: Robert Seidel
_grau | 10:01 min | d 2004
_grau is a personal reflection on memories coming up during a car accident, where past events emerge, fuse, erode and finally vanish ethereally … various real sources where distorted, filtered and fitted into a sculptural structure to create not a plain abstract, but a very private snapshot of a whole life within its last seconds …
Media critic Matt Hanson, author of The End of Celluloid and founder of onedotzero festival says: "_grau appeals to me because it is organo-tech. it does not deliberately ape the abstract pioneers of abstract cinema, and it is worlds away from the motion graphic masturbation of many of those enamoured by digital animation. seidel's work is impressionistic, melding biological and emotional currents. out of amorphous shapes we make out bones, heads, a hand. a spirit leaving the body. at least, this is what i sense out of the chaos of galactic reconfigurations, neurological connections, and biological forms. this is a powerful piece of digital animation precisely because it does not feel like such, it feels emotional, epic. and once you release the background to the animation--communicating a 'coming to terms' with the aftermath of a car accident--you realise why."
Robert Seidel | 10:01 minutes | Germany 2004 | www.2minds.de

Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Ber...
published: 03 Dec 2011
Author: enpiedeguerra
Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Beriain sobre la historia de Serxio Ces, percebeiro de Cedeira, Galicia.
Preseleccionado para los Premios Goya 2012.
Ruge el viento. El mar golpea los acantilados. Dos metros de roca, ésa es la franja de agua y oxígeno en la que crece el percebe. Dos metros donde el mar se ensaña, donde bate con fuerza milenaria. Una frontera de olas y espuma en la que Serxo y sus compañeros luchan por un bocado de mar.
Una frontera de valor y miedo. De temeridad y sentido común. Dos metros sin margen de error. Ahí vive el percebe. Ahí vive Serxo.
Percebeiros es la batalla contra el mar de unos guerreros que no se consideran héroes.
David Beriain is a Spanish war correspondent that has covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Colombia and Kashmir, among others. He is currently in charge of coordinating the fea- ture section at Medina Media, a production com- pany based out of Spain.
Beriain is one of the few reporters in the world that has managed to infiltrate the FARC guerrilla camps in Colombia. His work there made him a finalist for the Bayeux-Calvados, the most pres- tigious international award for war correspon- dents. He has interviewed the Taliban command- ers who killed Spanish soldiers, met with the twelve-year-old hitmen that Colombian druglords exploit as child soldiers, and even accompanied the American Army on some of their most danger- ous military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His latest TV documentary took him to Eastern Congo, where he covered the conflict between the Congolese Army and the rebels who fight, kill and rape in order to gain the control of the Coltan and Cassiterite mines.
During his time at Sea Bites, Beriain was in charge of producing the story and coordinating all the members in the team. He was the one who convinced everyone to get on board and as a true leader, he turned a group of people who did not know each other into a real team.
(+34) 609 72 71 61 beriain.david@gmail.com enpiedeguerra.tv/

Fernando Ureña is a Spanish editor and script writer. For the past three years, he has worked as a script analyst for Cuatro’s national fiction shows. He has also supervised the scripts for several other Spanish networks such as Canal+, Digital+, TVE or Audiovisual Sport. He is currently writing the scripts for various Spanish movies, a work he combines with his editorial tasks at some of Spain’s most prestigious publishing compa- nies.
Ureña gave birth to the idea of Sea Bites.
He conceived the story and was David Beriain’s second hand in the team. They wrote the script together and Ureña followed the entire process of video-editing, post-production and sonorization.
(+34) 655 01 89 80 fmumary@gmail.com
SERGIO CARO Director of photography
Sergio Caro is a Spanish photographer and cam- eraman. He is specialized in international con- flicts and illegal immigration in Europe. His 2005 photographs of Sub-Saharan immigrants being hauled away by bus to be abandoned in the desert won him the Visa D’Or at the International Photo- journalists Awards in Perpignan, one of the most prestigious ceremonies in the world. His photo- graphs have been published in renowned media such as Newsweek, Le Figaro or the Financial Times. As a television cameraman, he has cov- ered Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo together with David Beriain.
Together with Ernesto Villalba, he created Once Upon a Time, a multimedia company that por- trays unique characters from a very artistic point of view.
In Sea Bites, Caro’s ten years of experience al- lowed him to hang himself from the rocks just as the barnacle fishermen did and taking as many risks as they do. He also played the role of direc- tor of photography coordinating all the camera- men at work.
(+34) 656 55 06 57 sergio@sergiocaro.com sergiocaro.com/

Ernesto Villalba is a Spanish multimedia journal- ist. He is a co-founder of Once Upon a Time, a pioneer online production company that makes short films and other multimedia materials for the web. The company’s first work, “Time to Time”, was selected by Innovative Interactivity as one of the fifty best multimedia packages of the year. Since 2008, he has directed all graphic design- and social media-related strategies for REC, the main feature aired by Cuatro, one of Spain’s “Big Five” TV networks.
Villalba is currently focused on his work at Once Upon a Time developing several documentary projects and combines them with his role as a teacher for several innovative seminars.
In Sea Bites, he was the cameraman that followed Serxo, our protagonist, outside the sea. Villalba’s particular sensitivity made our protagonist feel so comfortable with him that he even got the nick- name “Sombra”, shadow in Spanish.
(+34) 667 55 56 10 ernestovillalba.photo@gmail.com e

onedotzero_adventures in motion 2010 preview
to help quench your thirst for our unique brand of cutting edge moving image [until novem...
published: 10 Aug 2010
Author: onedotzero
onedotzero_adventures in motion 2010 preview
to help quench your thirst for our unique brand of cutting edge moving image [until november at least] we've put together a preview of our upcoming onedotzero_adventures in motion festival, featuring work from george wu, julia pott + the latest offering from johnny hardstaff.
onedotzero_adventures in motion, our pioneering festival, returns this year to London’s BFI Southbank from 10 – 14 November 2010. Presenting the most exciting international moving image work, from the offbeat to the radical, the festival pushes the boundaries of creativity, innovation and technological wonder.
Highlights of this years festival are sure to include robotica, an exploration of the ethics and social effects of robots or androids, code warriors, investigating the trend of using computer code as raw material to create moving image work, and ladymation, a brand new programme showcasing eclectic gems from female directors currently leading the way in animation... as well as a late-night viewing which promises plenty of weird + wonderful content.
Youtube results:

10 Min Mix for BPM Show / Pioneer competition
Follow me on facebook: www.facebook.com What an opportuni, opportuni, opportuni,opportunit...
published: 16 Sep 2010
Author: djchachiuk
10 Min Mix for BPM Show / Pioneer competition
Follow me on facebook: www.facebook.com What an opportuni, opportuni, opportuni,opportunity!!! ;) 10 Min Mix for the BPM Show / Pioneer competition ( Even if I did have a stinking cold, lol ) BIG thanks to DJ tutor who tough me how to mix! ;) and Pioneer for all the AMAZING equipment!!!! www.pioneer.co.uk www.visitbpm.co.uk Track Listing 1 Don't call me baby, Madison_avenue (ACappella) 2 Supernova - Esta Loca (Supernova 2010 Revision) 3 Thrive (EDXs Fe5tival Mix),EDX Thrive 4 Lisa Stansfield - People hold on (ACappella) 5 Sinfonia Della Notte - John Dahlback Remix 6 La Roux - Bullet Proof (ACappella) Live from club kitchen!!! ;) hehehehe and this would be so much better if I had 3 decks!!! ;) Its hard to fit all that in on 2!!! lol and all in 10 mins! find more mixes at http or subscribe to my podcast: itunes.apple.com

Sub woofer pioneer 10" TS-W2504SPL
todo esto es el sistema de sonido de mi nissan pathfinder espero que les guste, que es lo ...
published: 06 Jan 2009
Author: masterwisin
Sub woofer pioneer 10" TS-W2504SPL
todo esto es el sistema de sonido de mi nissan pathfinder espero que les guste, que es lo mejor en sistema de sonido pionners

published: 23 Jan 2009
Author: tepatitlan1985

For the headz.... Hip Hop Freestyle on Pioneer set up 10 min mix DJ Turne
10 min freestyle hip hop mix on a Pioneer set up..... www.twitter.com www.djturne.blogspot...
published: 03 Feb 2010
Author: DeejayTurne
For the headz.... Hip Hop Freestyle on Pioneer set up 10 min mix DJ Turne
10 min freestyle hip hop mix on a Pioneer set up..... www.twitter.com www.djturne.blogspot.com