Mary Wigman's Witch Dance
An intro about Mary Wigman and a short clip of her "Witch Dance."...
published: 17 Nov 2006
Author: bobdena
Mary Wigman's Witch Dance
An intro about Mary Wigman and a short clip of her "Witch Dance."
Mary Wigman - 'Pastorale' (1929) - A German Expressionist Dance
This footage of Mary Wigman performing 'Pastorale' has been dated to 1929 by the t...
published: 17 Jun 2012
Author: Nick Wallace-Smith
Mary Wigman - 'Pastorale' (1929) - A German Expressionist Dance
This footage of Mary Wigman performing 'Pastorale' has been dated to 1929 by the techniques and the characteristics of her development at that time. Wigman was a German dancer, choreographer and pioneer of expressionist dance, who also advocated and developed dance therapy. She was one of the most important figures in the history of European dance, an iconic figure in Weimar Republic German culture. Her work was praised for translating existential ideas onto the stage.
Anonymous - Mary Wigman -Totenmal (1929) (excertos)
"In Germany, the Expressionist current triggered a wealth of exchanges between painte...
published: 26 Feb 2012
Author: cortexoccipital
Anonymous - Mary Wigman -Totenmal (1929) (excertos)
"In Germany, the Expressionist current triggered a wealth of exchanges between painters and dancers. While Laban embodied the new figure of the dancer as educator and theoretician, Mary Wigman, one of his pupils at the free community of Monte Verità, best epitomized the figure of woman beset with life and death urges, as illustrated in her famous Witch's dance. Wigman, who viewed herself as a dancer of humanity, proved equally fascinating to painters Emil Nolde and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, not to mention her pupil Gret Palucca." in www.centrepompidou.fr More info: en.wikipedia.org and read: -Rainer Metzger's "Berlin in the Twenties: Art and Culture 1918-33" -Mel Gordon's "Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin"
Mary Wigman - 'Sommerdans' (1929) - A German Expressionist Dance
This footage of Mary Wigman performing 'Sommerdans' has been dated to 1929 by the ...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Author: Nick Wallace-Smith
Mary Wigman - 'Sommerdans' (1929) - A German Expressionist Dance
This footage of Mary Wigman performing 'Sommerdans' has been dated to 1929 by the techniques and the characteristics of her development at that time. What particularly struck me about this performance is the extraordinary plasticity of her arms and hands. I think this is the original sound. Silent films could be given the illusion of being with sound by synchronising the footage with a phonograph record. Gaumont's Chronomégaphone was in operation as early as 1908. Wigman was a German dancer, choreographer and pioneer of expressionist dance, who also advocated and developed dance therapy. She was one of the most important figures in the history of European dance, an iconic figure in Weimar Republic German culture. Her work was praised for translating existential ideas onto the stage.
Mary Wigman (1886-1973) - Dancer, Choreographer and Pioneer of Expressionist Dance
Mary Wigman was a German dancer, choreographer and pioneer of expressionist dance. She als...
published: 21 May 2012
Author: Nick Wallace-Smith
Mary Wigman (1886-1973) - Dancer, Choreographer and Pioneer of Expressionist Dance
Mary Wigman was a German dancer, choreographer and pioneer of expressionist dance. She also advocated and developed dance therapy. Wigman was one of the most important figures in the history of European dance, an iconic figure in Weimar Republic German culture. Her work was praised for translating existential ideas onto the stage. This is her dance drama 'Der Exodus'.
Homage to Mary Wigman by Lucy DuBose
Permormed by Lucy DuBose in Austin, Texas May 25,2006 during the Spring Performances of th...
published: 02 Jul 2008
Author: TerryDuBose
Homage to Mary Wigman by Lucy DuBose
Permormed by Lucy DuBose in Austin, Texas May 25,2006 during the Spring Performances of the dance students of Michele Owens-Pearce...PATHWAYS.
La danse de la sorcière, Mary Wigman
Extrait du solo de Mary Wigman : Hexentanz traces-du-sacre.centrepompidou.fr...
published: 30 May 2011
Author: zephyr91
La danse de la sorcière, Mary Wigman
Extrait du solo de Mary Wigman : Hexentanz traces-du-sacre.centrepompidou.fr
A DANÇA EXPRESSIONISTA O expressionismo que surge com as artes plásticas, no...
published: 07 Sep 2011
Author: professorlindomar
A DANÇA EXPRESSIONISTA O expressionismo que surge com as artes plásticas, no início do século XX, também absorve a literatura, o teatro eo cinema, com uma estética sombria e conteúdo pessimista, refletindo a angústia de uma geração. A dança moderna que já vinha se contrapondo à dança acadêmica, ganha mais uma representante, que se alinha às propostas estéticas do movimento expressionista, a bailarina e coreógrafa Mary Wigman. A alemã Mary Wigman, a precursora da dança expressionista, não se limitou a propagar modelos aprendidos. Em sua primeira fase expressionista, aliou-se ao artista plástico Expressionista Emil Nolde, de quem era amiga, cujas máscaras que produzia lhe inspiravam uma dança trágica, de movimentos sôfregos. Neste sentido, o rosto sendo ocultado, sob formas ameaçadoras e rígidas, o corpo passa expressar todo o potencial emotivo. O grotesco passa a ser uma característica de sua dança. Para Mary Wigman, a dança não deveria interpretar a música, mas ser composta junto com o coreógrafo. Encontrando dificuldade nesta parceria, muitas de suas criações foram coreografadas sem música, utilizando ritmos marcados com os pés descalços ou por pequenos conjuntos de percussão. Isto torna ainda mais trágico o caráter de sua arte. Sua dança não pretendia contar uma história, não tinha um caráter narrativo. O que pretendia era concentrar em símbolo ou mito aquilo que está nascendo, o que é emergente. Na época da segunda guerra, os nazistas fecharam sua escola de dança <b>...</b>
Mary Wigman performs 'Hexentanz' (1921)
published: 03 Jun 2012
Author: siderealpress
Mary Wigman performs 'Hexentanz' (1921)
Mary Wigman History Presentation
published: 08 May 2012
Author: baileyboo96
Mary Wigman History Presentation
Mary Wigman 39 s Witch Dance
published: 16 Feb 2012
Author: tdirkse
Mary Wigman 39 s Witch Dance
A Mary Wigman Dance Evening
A Mary Wigman Dance Evening une pièce chorégraphique de Fabian Barba du coll...
published: 25 Jan 2011
Author: 76ruedelaroquette
A Mary Wigman Dance Evening
A Mary Wigman Dance Evening une pièce chorégraphique de Fabian Barba du collectif Busy Rocks. Du 28 février au 2 mars 2011 au Théâtre de la Bastille à Paris dans le cadre de Hors-Série n°3. Plus d'infos sur www.theatre-bastille.com
Homage to Mary Wigman by Simona Manzo
published: 07 Feb 2010
Author: ThePipistr
Homage to Mary Wigman by Simona Manzo
Fragmentos - Mary Wigman
published: 05 Sep 2010
Author: varelagloria
Fragmentos - Mary Wigman
Vimeo results:
wigman section
Our LinkUp residency began as an exploration of movement addressing trauma experienced by ...
published: 05 Aug 2012
Author: Watch Tower
wigman section
Our LinkUp residency began as an exploration of movement addressing trauma experienced by the body. This is a time of war, economic inequality, and environmental change. Our bodies are not separate from these issues; our bodies can resist violence and repair our culture. We set the intention to create a vocabulary of healing.
We looked back at the life and work of Mary Wigman, Kazuo Ohno, Pina Bausch and Yvonne Rainer as inspiration. These artists, born out of eras of post-war trauma, developed unique movement forms rebelling against virtuosity, verticality, and elegance. Instead they favored individual expression and sought to create opportunities for transformation through movement. Throughout our investigation, we discovered how each of our lives intersect with the experiences of our predecessors, and we created our own rituals to understand healing. We practiced the 5 BX (the national calisthenics regiment of the Canadian Air Force), danced along to Trio A by Yvonne Rainer, and developed a pedestrian score. We became interested in the Occupy movement and attended General Assembly meetings. We researched shamanism, vortexes, and biodynamic agriculture. We discussed our spiritual beliefs and embodied totem animals. We grew into a collective. Our inquiry evolved from historical and global to contemporary and deeply personal. This scene is from the middle of the piece and is part of a ritual transformation for healing.
TEASER A.H aptitude héréditaire
dvd disponible
Conception, mise en scène et interprétation Mr X & Mr J
Créateur lumière ...
published: 07 Jun 2011
Author: Fanadeep
TEASER A.H aptitude héréditaire
dvd disponible
Conception, mise en scène et interprétation Mr X & Mr J
Créateur lumière Antoine Barré Foncelle
Scénographie Mr X & Mr J en collaboration avec Christophe Boisson
Mix du tableau I Cut Killer
Création vidéo graphique des tableaux I & II Pierre Nouvel
Texte du tableau III Sweet Ceylan Russel
Création vidéo des tableaux III et IV Mr X & Mr J
Régie plateau Jordan Deloge
Régie costumes et accessoires Sonia Bosc
Résidences et coproductions : le Théâtre de Vanves, scène conventionnée pour la Danse, l’Espace Pasolini Valenciennes, La Chartreuse Centre National des Écritures Contemporaines Villeneuve lez Avignon, La Maison Folie Mons.
Avec l’aide d’Arcadi dans le cadre des Plateaux solidaires et du Centre National de la Danse pour le prêt de studio.
Ce projet est issu de la résidence Les Inclassables 2009 à Montréal (Culturesfrance, le Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, l’Office Franco Québecois pour la Jeunnesse).
L’interdisciplinarité questionne autant les formes, que la réception et le langage susceptible de témoigner de l’expérience vécue. En ce qui concerne notre travail, qui mélange danse, théâtre, vidéo, il semble que le vocabulaire pictural soit le plus à même d’en rendre compte. Nous ne travaillons en effet ni à une dramaturgie classique ou narration, ni à un pur exercice des corps et du mouvement. Notre démarche, comme celle de certains metteurs en scène flamands, vise à la création de tableaux vivants, qui oeuvrent autant une polysensorialité qu’une pluralité de sens, réfutant toute perception unique et totalisante du plateau.
La vidéo intervient très tôt dans notre processus de travail, afin de définir un territoire. Elle est à la fois exploration du réel et ouverture sur un voyage et une errance. Elle nous permet de fixer un personnage, que nous appelons « figure » : une solitude, un corps, que nous défendons comme forcément étranger à soi, à l’autre, au monde.
L’espace théâtral, qui se crée à partir d’improvisations, intervient dans un deuxième temps, comme possibilité de recréer du lien. Entre ces personnages d’abord : un lien ténu, parfois absurde, dans un raccord de tissu, dans une corde tendue par l’un qui suspend l’autre, qui passe par la digestion du pire, du plus dérisoire et qui transcende toute violence et toute marginalité. Un lien qui ne s’incarne pas dans la parole mais dans deux corps vivants, en transformation.
Il y a bien sûr des lectures de Faulkner et de Steinbeck dans notre travail, de tous ces idiots et de ces fous, qui chez nous sont, femmes, homosexuels, étrangers et qui, dans la société d’aujourd’hui servent plus que jamais de monnaie d’échange. Il y a, sur toile de fond de cette société contemporaine marchande, de bruits et de conquêtes, l’envie de leur créer une place. De leur tisser une histoire, à travers peut-être la seule cellule qui ne puissent être récupérée : celle du corps et celle du couple.
Dans ce voyage ubuesque, le lien que nous partageons avec le spectateur est celui du pouvoir rendu. La possibilité d’interpréter ou non, de sentir ou de refuser. D’être seul aussi, petits corps humains parmi un grand corps social et politique.
C’est la démarche honnête que nous avons. Nous n’emmenons personne par la main et personne n’est forcé à nous suivre.
Claire Maugendre
A propos de A.H aptitude héréditaire…
Qu’est-ce qui se mélange et qui reste ? Qu’est-ce qui s’invente, en dehors des codes et des formes ? Peut-on s’exclure de l’héritage inconscient, de la culture populaire, de la suprématie occidentale ? Quelles possibilités pour créer, dans le conditionnement de la condition humaine ? Qu’est-ce qui nous reste ? Hein ?
I. Territoire Feat. Jane Pateen & Steve, inspired by Todd Hopper, Rob Zombie, John Waters, La Guerre du Feu, the Grindhouse movies et les Men’s adventure magazine des années 50/60
II. Possession Feat. Anna & Anna inspired by Andreij Zulawski, Barry Lyndon de Stanley Kubrick, Mary Wigman et le Headbanging
III. Rejet Feat. Penny & Victoire inspired by Gus Van Sant, Britney Spears, Hans Bellmer, Francis Bacon
IV. Justice Feat. Rupert & Brandon inspired by Alfred Hitchcock, Frankenstein de Marie Shelley, le rétro-futurisme, la Bible
A.H aptitude héréditaire vu par les étudiants de l’Ecole des Beaux Arts de Valenciennes…
(projet initié par l’Espace Pasolini dans le cadre du Festival Les Instants magnétiques)
« L’homme est un loup pour
l’homme. » Thomas Hobbes.
A.H aptitude héréditaire,
c’est le retour aux sources de
l’homme, remis dans un contexte
d’animal. Il a des proies, de
son espèce parfois. Ses rituels
peuvent être étranges, inutiles.
Avec force références culturelles,
Fanadeep nous plonge dans une
atmosphère visuelle rare, qui met
en scène la condition humaine
et ses contrariétés : l’errance, la
An eulogy to those that have passed. Moving images of Mary Wigman's Hexentanz (1930).
published: 05 Dec 2011
Author: Eriijk Rêssler
An eulogy to those that have passed. Moving images of Mary Wigman's Hexentanz (1930).
Soundtrack: Drowning Witch
Documented November 2011
Fabián Barba
The Center for Visual and Performance Studies brought Fabián Barba to talk about
A Lectu...
published: 17 Feb 2012
Author: Muse Cinemedia
Fabián Barba
The Center for Visual and Performance Studies brought Fabián Barba to talk about
A Lecture, A Mary Wigman Dance Evening, at UCSC Cowell Conference Room, Thursday, February 2, 2012
Youtube results:
Lady Mary Wigman Gaga - Witch Dance Bad Romance
Lady Mary Wigman Gaga em Witch Dance Bad Romance....
published: 16 Jun 2010
Author: natashamacielp
Lady Mary Wigman Gaga - Witch Dance Bad Romance
Lady Mary Wigman Gaga em Witch Dance Bad Romance.
DNB -- Witch Dance (Hexentanz) by Bonnie Oda Homsey after Mary Wigman
This dance is notated in Labanotation. If you are interested in this dance for performance...
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: dancenotationbureau
DNB -- Witch Dance (Hexentanz) by Bonnie Oda Homsey after Mary Wigman
This dance is notated in Labanotation. If you are interested in this dance for performance, educational, or research purposes, please visit the Dance Notation Bureau's (DNB) Notated Theatrical Dances Catalog at www.dancenotation.org For staging inquiries, please contact Alice Helpern at alicehelpern@dancenotation.org; for educational and research inquiries, please email library@dancenotation.org
A Mary Wigman Dance Evening | Fabián Barba
Part of Dance Umbrella 2012 Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Like us on Facebook www.faceb...
published: 05 Sep 2012
Author: danceumbrellauk
A Mary Wigman Dance Evening | Fabián Barba
Part of Dance Umbrella 2012 Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com www.danceumbrella.co.uk Fascinated by the work of one of the pioneers of modern dance, Barba quotes from a wide selection of Mary Wigman's work, further developing the tension between his reconstruction and her original.
15. Hexentanz (1929) Chor. Mary Wigman.avi
Desde lareciente Asociación de Profesionales de las Artes Escénicas, iremos ...
published: 27 Aug 2011
Author: profesionalesartes
15. Hexentanz (1929) Chor. Mary Wigman.avi
Desde lareciente Asociación de Profesionales de las Artes Escénicas, iremos colgando poco a poco videos y/o cosas que creamos de interes para cualquier artista de este ambito, asi mismo, damos las gracias a "Teatropodcast", por su reciente colaboración y su ayuda desinteresada, en fomentar el círculo de comunicación de los artista escénicos. Así mismo desde la asociación os invitamos a pasaros por el blog de uno de nuestros colaboradores teatropodcast.blogspot.com