
Felix - 2009 World Pole Dance Champion
Felix performing her winning routing at the World Pole Dance Championships in Jamaica 2009...
published: 04 May 2009
Author: PolePassion
Felix - 2009 World Pole Dance Champion
Felix performing her winning routing at the World Pole Dance Championships in Jamaica 2009. Dancing on competition Rpole's www.r-polefitness.com The most Portable Dance Pole in the World! Event organisers: www.polepassion.com Poles supplied by: www.r-polefitness.com

pole dancing clips (Only Hope - Phunkk Mob) READ INFO
ONLINE LESSONS!!! www.studioveena.com?a_aid=282f524d Learn topole dance in the comfort of ...
published: 15 Nov 2006
Author: TaraKarina
pole dancing clips (Only Hope - Phunkk Mob) READ INFO
ONLINE LESSONS!!! www.studioveena.com?a_aid=282f524d Learn topole dance in the comfort of your own home with the hugely talented and graceful Veena! Learn how to warm up and cool down, a wide variety of fantastic and beautiful moves, transitions and strength training. READ READ READ READ READ!!! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE LOOK AT MY MAIN PAGE! ANSWERS ARE THERE! GET YOUR POLE! http www.stripperexercisedancepoles.com Any comments containing vile language will NOT be approved, comments regarding how proud my parents must be, how i have a great future, how i am a devil woman will again not be approved, there's a reason why YOU clicked on my video - the video didn't find you - so if you don't like it, don't bother leaving a comment - duh! I do not work in a club, pole dancing if a form of fitness and an expression for me - takes a huge amount of effort and i'm proud of what i can do. read my main page for more info about me before you go wasting your time leaving stupid comments. took me 3 months to get to this level of dancing 6-8 hours a day for 3 months. video was made in november 2006! i do not do this amout of hours now though. in total i have been dancing for a year and 9 months. i do not have any dance background, no ballet, gymnastics ect song Only Hope - Phunkk Mob i am using a 50mm chrome x-pole which is always on static (unless mentioned). you can buy one at the links above.

Indian Pole Gymnastics
published: 14 Aug 2010
Author: Unseenripvids
Indian Pole Gymnastics

Polish Flyboys over Britain 1940
On a June day, Churchill had risen to declare: 'The battle of France is over. I expect...
published: 10 Jul 2011
Author: Rogvist
Polish Flyboys over Britain 1940
On a June day, Churchill had risen to declare: 'The battle of France is over. I expect that the battle of Britain is about to begin. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender." The courage and character that Churchill pledged for Britain had already been demonstrated by Poland. It was the first country to experience the terror of the Nazi Blitzkrieg, the first to fight back, the first to say - and mean - "We shall never surrender". Poland fell in October 1939, but its government and military refused then, and refused for the rest of the war, to capitulate. In a remarkable odyssey, scores of thousands of Polish pilots, soldiers, and sailors escaped Poland - some on foot; some in cars, trucks, and buses; some in airplanes; some in ships and submarines. They made their various ways first to France, thence to Britain to continue the fight. For the first full year of the war, Poland, whose government-in-exile operated from London, was Britain's most important declared ally. Polish pilots were ferocious fighters. With their homeland in enemy hands and news of Nazi and Soviet atrocities in the occupied Poland reaching them on almost daily basis, unsure of the fate of their close ones, they took their hate into the air with them. The English girls loved the Poles, the newspapers raved about their exploits, and King George VI visited them at their <b>...</b>

Brass Pole - Budweiser commercial
Self explanatory...
published: 16 Nov 2006
Author: spodyr6
Brass Pole - Budweiser commercial
Self explanatory

Polish - Hungarian Brotherhood
lengyelorszagma.blog.hu - recommended site. "Węgier Polaka rad gości i s...
published: 16 Dec 2007
Author: Rogvist
Polish - Hungarian Brotherhood
lengyelorszagma.blog.hu - recommended site. "Węgier Polaka rad gości i słucha W nowym znajomym znajdzie zawsze druha" Dziewczyna z Egeru, János Arany From Kanenass:(Thank you!) 1.One of Hungary's greatest kings was raised in Poland and his mother was Polish. 1048-1095 Holy László (László in Hungarian means Władysław) 2.Grunwald/Tannenberg 1410: The Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxemburg wanted to aid the Teutonic Knights against the Polish and Lithuanians with a formidable army.Howewer the Hungarian nobles sabotaged the plan and denied to raise arms against them. 3.The battle of Mohacs 1526:(As important to Hungarians as Grünwald to Poles) Zygmunt Stary (Sigismund the Old), the king of Poland refused to aid Hungary against the Turks (they had a peace treaty for 3 years then), 4000 Poles disobeyed the order and rided toward Hungary. (Unfortunately it was late.) 4.Báthory István (Stefan) 1575-1586, a famous reformer king in Poland. 5.Józef Zachariasz Bem, a Pole (Bem József in Hungarian) was the best general of the revolution in 1848 against the Habsburgs (Austrians). 6.The WW II: Hungarian soldiers refused to fight against the Polish people. 7.1956. 8.Husaria (Polish) / Huszár (Hungarian) 9.Sabre (Szablya/Szabla) 10.And the special type of old moustaches. (Used both by Polish and Hungarian nobles. And don't forget the cloths too.) And this is just some from the many... Można stwierdzić, że zrodził się niespotykany w Europie fenomen przyjaźni i świadomości wspólnoty losu <b>...</b>

CN Tower by The Poles
Canada's New Wave/Pop/Punk band Michaele Jordana and The Poles hit single CN Tower, po...
published: 30 Jun 2011
Author: TheXrayrobot
CN Tower by The Poles
Canada's New Wave/Pop/Punk band Michaele Jordana and The Poles hit single CN Tower, posted online in honour of the CN Tower's birthday! Check out the Canadian Classic!

Polish History in 10 minutes
A very nicely done movie showing some of the more important facts from Polish history in j...
published: 04 May 2007
Author: XsiadzBiskup
Polish History in 10 minutes
A very nicely done movie showing some of the more important facts from Polish history in just ten minutes (Reloaded by XsiadzBiskup) UPDATE: 02.IX.2011 ------------- When I've uploaded this video, many many years ago, I didn't realize it would become so popular.. Well, it's my first and only one video that I've uploaded on YT :-) ...Over 1 million votes wow :-) In the meanwhile - untill recently I've lost my YT passwords, and during the years I've also totally forgot about this video (that's why I haven't responded to any of you comments).. untill yesterday when for some reason YT started sending me messages on my mobile.. My mobile has been invaded by some rubbish messages writiten by a bunch of tiny whiny moronic German & Russian Trolls.. Well.. Since I don't like my mobile being polluted by some German/Russian rubbish, and in Poland we a saying "you don't kick with a horse" meaning: you'd better not argue with an idiot, because then you'd risk being seen as one of them ...and I really don't have time for getting into this YT lingo to be able to find out how to prevent those messages from being sent to my mobile ;-) - I'm closing this video for any further comments. That said - I'd like to thank you everybody for their kind & possitive comments and votes. I'd also reccomend everyone the "Polish History in 9 minutes" made by the Oscar Nominee Tomasz Bagiński: www.youtube.com And "Kraków 1000 years ago - virtual reconstruction": PI: www.youtube.com P II: www.youtube.com <b>...</b>

Stereotypy o Polakach. - Stereotypes about Poles and Poland. Historical background.
Learn more Polish. I talk about the historical background of the stereotypes about Poles a...
published: 30 Aug 2012
Author: magauchsein
Stereotypy o Polakach. - Stereotypes about Poles and Poland. Historical background.
Learn more Polish. I talk about the historical background of the stereotypes about Poles and Poland. I want to support you to learn Polish. I decided to make videos with subtitles so that you can better understand what I'm saying. Check also this video: youtu.be

Stomp - Poles
Stomp is "big, noisy and irresistible". Visit www.stomplondon.com for more info....
published: 26 Mar 2008
Author: WestEndTheatre
Stomp - Poles
Stomp is "big, noisy and irresistible". Visit www.stomplondon.com for more info.

Crazy Chinese Poles INSANITY
like i've never and by extension, you've never seen before. this is not my video. ...
published: 17 Sep 2008
Author: frangi
Crazy Chinese Poles INSANITY
like i've never and by extension, you've never seen before. this is not my video. i know very little about it. here is the original link video.qq.com

Led Zeppelin- Gallows Pole
Led Zeppelin- Gallows Pole...
published: 08 Apr 2010
Author: graemek1
Led Zeppelin- Gallows Pole
Led Zeppelin- Gallows Pole

Led Zeppelin-Gallows Pole
This is a song by Led Zeppelin from the album "Led Zeppelin III". It was origina...
published: 24 Oct 2007
Author: SqueezeMyLemonBabe
Led Zeppelin-Gallows Pole
This is a song by Led Zeppelin from the album "Led Zeppelin III". It was originally a folk song.
Vimeo results:

Breaking Bad Illustrated
I'm currently looking for a job in motion design, or in illustration/graphic design. I'm w...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Author: Martin Woutisseth
Breaking Bad Illustrated
I'm currently looking for a job in motion design, or in illustration/graphic design. I'm working also as freelance, so feel free to contact me. More informations below.
Designed and animated by Martin Woutisseth:
site: http://www.martinwoutisseth.com
blog : http://finestblackdesign.blogspot.com
twitter: @mwoutisseth
mail : contact(at)martinwoutisseth(dot)com
Music bought on Vimeo music store:
"Mexico" by the band "Gringo"
After finished "Tim Burton - a filmography", I was like a marathon man in the need to run again after the finish. I didn't win the contest but I had a lot of great feedbacks from world wide and I'm glad that the fans enjoyed it. Like all my work, I treated the subject with lot of respect.
Nowadays, that's very common, but I'm also a big fan of the TV serie Breaking Bad. Since a friend adviced me to took a look three or four years ago, I started to become very addicted to the Vince Gilligan's cook. To me, everything is great ! The scenario of course, the cast, the acting, the visual ideas, the atmosphere... Everything is just so awesome...
So I decide to just make a tribute to Walter White by making an illustration, and then it was missing Jesse Pinkman, so I made it after. Why not a bad guy ? So I made Gustavo,and etc etc. Until I had thirteen characters. From that step, I was thinking, why not to make an animation ? But I thought, only characters would be weak... And after, two filmography (Kubrick and Burton) both in the same style, I needed to create something more dynamic and rock and roll, by still keeping my style and improving my motion design skills.
Backgrounds was interesting too to create. If you take a look on the show, there are very important between each scenes. I wanted to make feel the atmosphere of the New Mexico to the viewers, with the Usa and the Mexican influence.
About the music, after listening many songs in online music store, I found that great one ! It was perfect with the atmosphere that I wanted to build. Basically, Romain Trouillet was ready to score this one because he is a big fan of the show too but he was busy on that time. If he is ok, we will work together again on the next one. Probably the last filmography, Takeshi Kitano which is almost finished on illustrations.
If you listen the lyrics, that's very interesting. I matched it with the different characters of the cast and their meaning. For example: "I lost my convictions", I added Saul, the attorney who is not every time honest. Secundo, "I lost my religion", The Salamanca cousins but a Santa Muerte, the divinity of gangster. And in the end, "I had money", Gus and Walter was interesting to put in that time, Gus with the money in the background and Walter because that's one of this motivation.
Also for the beat of the music, I tryed to find ideas too: electric poles, road line, curving line sfrom a map a little bit like the move in Guitar Hero when you do that sound but mixing with the map idea. From Albuquerque until Mexico city, I checked on a map to respect the cities and the motorway numbers ! I wish I can go one day and see the landscapes and the backgrounds in real ! You probably has the same feeling too by seeing that show ;-)
Finally, I saw a lot of other opening titles and movie clip. I tried to mix the things I like the most: Queens of the stone age - go with the flow, Dizzee Rascal - Fix up look sharp, Machete, Grindhouse, Repo Man, Walking Dead by Daniel Kanemoto, Danny Yount's opening, the website Art of Title, etc, etc...
Thanks for reading and forgive my english :)

GoPro HD - Skimboarding In A Storm!
This video was featured on the home page of Gizmodo.com, http://news.discovery.com, digita...
published: 27 Jan 2010
Author: Patrick Lawler
GoPro HD - Skimboarding In A Storm!
This video was featured on the home page of Gizmodo.com, http://news.discovery.com, digitalcinemafoundry.com, and Pharrell's blog http://bit.ly/9phwKl
I filmed my friend David wiping out in extremely choppy horrible storm waves on his skimboard. I attached a GoPro HD Hero to a broom pole and we had a fun (yet freezing) time throwing the thing around!

Pilote Tout en Haut du Monde / Longway North
Sacha, une jeune fille de l’aristocratie russe de la fin du 19ème siècle, rêve de Grand no...
published: 13 Mar 2012
Author: Sacrebleu Productions
Pilote Tout en Haut du Monde / Longway North
Sacha, une jeune fille de l’aristocratie russe de la fin du 19ème siècle, rêve de Grand nord. et elle se languit de son grand-père Oloukine. Scientifique renommé et explorateur de l’arctique, il n’est pas revenu de sa dernière expédition à la conquête du pôle.
Il y a consacré sa carrière, Sacha veut y consacrer sa vie. une vocation qui est loin de satisfaire ses parents qui arrangent déjà un mariage. un violent conflit oppose dès lors Sacha à son père et la décide à s’enfuir de Saint-Pétersbourg. Dut-elle aller tout en haut du monde, elle est résolue à retrouver son grand-père.
Sasha, a young Russian artistocratic girl at the end of the 19th century, dreams of the Great North and languishes over Oloukine, her grandfather, a renowned scientist and Arctic explorer, who has not returned from his last expedition to conquer the North Pole.
He transmitted his vocation to Sasha which is far from satisfying her parents as they have already arranged for their daughter to marry.
She revolts against this destiny, flees and is resolved to going to join Oloukine a longway north.

Me my Shark and I
the day before I shot this video, i was SUP surfing with a couple friends and 2 sharks cir...
published: 11 Aug 2010
Author: Chuck Patterson
Me my Shark and I
the day before I shot this video, i was SUP surfing with a couple friends and 2 sharks circled us for about 15 minutes. the next day, i decided to go back out at around the same time and take my GO PRO HD HERO camera (http://www.gopro.com) mounted on a 10 ft pole and do some exploring.
Sure enough within 5 minutes a 9 ft shark came out of no where and circled twice and slapped his tail on my board before disappearing. then a minute later a 7 ft young juvenile Great White swam circles around me for 12 minutes. It was an unreal experience that I will cherish forever. chuckpattersonsports.com
Youtube results:

Tekkit Part 29 - Nerd Poles
After a nice sleep, the boys discuss the next steps of the factory construction and have a...
published: 18 Aug 2012
Author: BlueXephos
Tekkit Part 29 - Nerd Poles
After a nice sleep, the boys discuss the next steps of the factory construction and have a little trouble with engines and pipes! Sjin's Channel: www.youtube.com Duncan's Channel: www.youtube.com Sips's Channel: www.youtube.com Tekkit Download: www.technicpack.net Textures: bdcraft.net ● Yogscast Gear: yogscast.spreadshirt.co.uk ● Facebook: www.facebook.com ● Twitter: www.twitter.com ● Forums: yogscast.com ● Podcast: itunes.apple.com ● Powered by Chillblast: www.chillblast.com ● PO Box: The Yogscast, PO Box 3125, Bristol, BS2 2DG

African Pole Dancer
Incredible footage of an acrobat at Nile High Camp in Jinja Uganda -Brought to you by theA...
published: 25 Oct 2006
Author: theadventure100
African Pole Dancer
Incredible footage of an acrobat at Nile High Camp in Jinja Uganda -Brought to you by theAdventure100.com

Pink Floyd - Poles Apart (Live)
Bootlegging The Bootleggers By Sem_Nick...
published: 29 Aug 2006
Author: SemNick90
Pink Floyd - Poles Apart (Live)
Bootlegging The Bootleggers By Sem_Nick

Best Chinese Pole Act Ever
Amazing Chinese Pole Act. Chinese acrobats perform on chinese poles and trampolines. some ...
published: 25 Nov 2008
Author: tarzanwynn
Best Chinese Pole Act Ever
Amazing Chinese Pole Act. Chinese acrobats perform on chinese poles and trampolines. some of these tricks are nowhere to be seen but in this act. I found this on the internet and I had to share it.