
Belgians divided by language barrier - 23 Sep 07
Failure by Belgium's political parties to form a government since elections in June ha...
published: 24 Sep 2007
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Belgians divided by language barrier - 23 Sep 07
Failure by Belgium's political parties to form a government since elections in June have prompted fears of a split in the tiny European country. Al Jazeera's Tania Page reports from Belgium, where the country is seen as roughly divided between the Dutch-speakers in the North and the mainly Franco-phone population in the south.

Vlamingen in Florida
Flemish people taking over the USA...
published: 30 May 2009
Author: evelienvanekert
Vlamingen in Florida
Flemish people taking over the USA

♥ REDONE! Mulan - Reflection ( FLEMISH FANDUB ) ♥
published: 11 Jul 2012
Author: Supermursu99
♥ REDONE! Mulan - Reflection ( FLEMISH FANDUB ) ♥
MULAN BELONGS TO DISNEY, MUSIC BELONGS TO DISNEY .. BLAHBLAHBLAH, i own only my voice Quality.. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM ???!! okay, you know what ? XD i don't remember how did this song go in finnish, i only remember flemish lyrics.. WEIRD :'D so, my other fandub kinda sucked, and i couldn't resist to make a new one. this kinda sucks too, but not that much :'D im sorry flemish people, that i did this to you ! umn.. don't ask me, what i did at the end..

Belgium Flemish Airport Police Abuse on African & Arab Travelers
Belgium Flemish airport police abuse of African and Arab travelers. A video of Diop tellin...
published: 27 Feb 2012
Author: mubruna1
Belgium Flemish Airport Police Abuse on African & Arab Travelers
Belgium Flemish airport police abuse of African and Arab travelers. A video of Diop telling his story....Diop is from Guinea, and was on an invitation visa to Denmark seeked out by a German friend, he was merely on a transit stop in Belgium, but the Flemish police were able to detain him under the pretext that he did not have enough money on him...With an invitation visa, he is not required to have money on him or his permission into Denmark would not be determined on if he has sufficient $ to enter Denmark....his visa was verified, but he was still detained and told they would send him back to Guinea....even after Denmark officials confirmed his visa, the Flemish police rejected his right to continue his flight to Denmark....

Gotye - Easy Way Out + Gotye speaks Flemish + Smoke And Mirrors
Live at the Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, Belgium, Thursday February 16, 2012...
published: 17 Feb 2012
Author: roelipilami
Gotye - Easy Way Out + Gotye speaks Flemish + Smoke And Mirrors
Live at the Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, Belgium, Thursday February 16, 2012

Europeans - Flemish law presses Francophones to integrate
Bickering in Belgium over multiple identities in the federal kingdom has rekindled with th...
published: 13 Jun 2007
Author: Euronews
Europeans - Flemish law presses Francophones to integrate
Bickering in Belgium over multiple identities in the federal kingdom has rekindled with the advent of legislative elections. Near the capital, Flemish-Walloon dialogue is not always easy in Sint-Genesius Rode... or Rhode Saint Genese, depending on what language is used.

Flemish parlementarians beaten by French Walloon riot police
A peacefull demonstration against the islamisation of Europe was violently beaten apart an...
published: 11 Sep 2007
Author: eniotnasnyw
Flemish parlementarians beaten by French Walloon riot police
A peacefull demonstration against the islamisation of Europe was violently beaten apart and stopped. Flemish members of parliament of the bigest Flemish party have been beaten and molested by a Walloon French speaking riot police. This is unseen violence against peacefull demonstrators and elected parlementarians. This can not be the direction of Europe. This is a huge leap backwards in democracy and into the dawning new middle ages of Islam. Every citizen in Europe and the free World must protest now, because tomorrow it might be your turn loosing your democratic right and freedom to the islamisation and caviar socialism and neo communism. I call upon you, wherever you're from, to protest also by no longer buying products of Brussels and French speaking Wallonia, and not to invest mony anymore in this communist behaving region with securitate police. Flemish Ethical Investing against repression. We Flemish deserve finally our independance and freedom. A people becoming a State!

A new R.kan Albay film "The Flemish Vampire"...
published: 20 Jul 2006
Author: retroii
A new R.kan Albay film "The Flemish Vampire"

Debate in the Flemish Parliament on the recent gay bashings in Bxl
I'll add English subtitles as soon as I have a transcription.. Debate in the Flemish P...
published: 26 Jun 2011
Author: roel vanacker
Debate in the Flemish Parliament on the recent gay bashings in Bxl
I'll add English subtitles as soon as I have a transcription.. Debate in the Flemish Parliament on wednesday 22/06/2011

Belgium Divided
April 2008 The nation's politicians are bickering over an issue that's plagued the...
published: 28 Apr 2008
Author: journeymanpictures
Belgium Divided
April 2008 The nation's politicians are bickering over an issue that's plagued the country since its creation in 1830: how do you reconcile the French speaking Walloons in the south and the Dutch speaking Flemish in the north? How can you have national co-operation when the people who make up the nation don't share a common language let alone read the same newspapers, watch the same television or vote for the same politicians? Asked "What is Belgium actually for?" those on the Flemish far right have a devastating answer. "Belgium in my opinion is an occupier, because basically it was created to let the French culture dominate the Dutch culture, so in my opinion it's an occupier." That's the opinion of the new leader of the Flemish far-right, Bruno Valkeniers. The conflict even intrudes into the celebrity show biz media. Minutes after being crowned Miss Belgium, Alizee Poulicek, a French speaker, stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine and into the fire of the separatist debate. Asked an innocuous question in Flemish (Dutch), she was unable to reply. Booed by the crowd she was pilloried by the Dutch language press as being representative of the arrogance displayed by French speaking Belgians. Ms Poulicek has seen the linguistic light and confides in Epstein that actually she's very keen, "to learn Dutch and to do a lot of things on the Dutch side of the country and with Dutch people... and I have to do my best to try to speak Dutch." Produced by ABC Australia <b>...</b>

Flemish separatists try to disrupt 'Shame' demo (raw video)
A group of Flemish separatists intercepted the Brussels SHAME demo this Sunday. The provoc...
published: 24 Jan 2011
Author: EUXTV
Flemish separatists try to disrupt 'Shame' demo (raw video)
A group of Flemish separatists intercepted the Brussels SHAME demo this Sunday. The provocation underlines just how divided Belgian society has become, and helps explain some of the political problems which have preceeded this demo.

Belgium: The Endless Language Dispute | European Journal
Another Belgian government has just collapsed because of a dispute over language. The coal...
published: 30 Apr 2010
Author: deutschewelleenglish
Belgium: The Endless Language Dispute | European Journal
Another Belgian government has just collapsed because of a dispute over language. The coalition headed by Prime Minister Yves Leterme lasted just five months. The break-up comes only a few weeks before Belgium is due to take over the rotating EU presidency.The long-simmering spat centers around Francophone Belgians living in the Dutch-speaking suburbs around the capital. Some French speakers there continue to refuse to learn Dutch. But Flemish politicians insist that Dutch is the only official language in those areas. Francophone mayors who sent out election notices in French have not been confirmed in office. And soon anyone wishing to buy a house in the suburbs around Brussels may have to prove that they can speak Dutch fluently. The gulf between French-speaking Walloons and the Dutch-speaking Flemish continues to grow.

A three minute movie by "Vic Torriscom" to show how God can make the difference,...
published: 27 Jul 2010
Author: pverbeiren
A three minute movie by "Vic Torriscom" to show how God can make the difference, and inviting young Flemish people to a kick-off weekend "Emmanuelgoes2Madrid" WYD 2011.

Belgian politics sing "J''attendrai" in Brussels dialect
I love my dialect... The perfect dialect in Belgium... "Half en half"... A mix b...
published: 05 Jul 2007
Author: cendybelgio
Belgian politics sing "J''attendrai" in Brussels dialect
I love my dialect... The perfect dialect in Belgium... "Half en half"... A mix between french and flemish...
Vimeo results:

Sevilla, Feria de Abril 2009 - Fiestas de Primavera - Spain - Seville Fair in April 2009 - Spring Festivals
En el 2009 se celebra la semana del 28 de abril al 3 de mayo (el 27 por la noche se celebr...
published: 03 May 2009
Author: Domi Barranquero
Sevilla, Feria de Abril 2009 - Fiestas de Primavera - Spain - Seville Fair in April 2009 - Spring Festivals
En el 2009 se celebra la semana del 28 de abril al 3 de mayo (el 27 por la noche se celebra el tradicional pescaíto). Este video muestra lo que he visto en la Feria de Sevilla, en Abril del año 2009. La pelicula comienza mostrando detalles de la Portada de este año, que se inspira en edificios representativos de la Ciudad de Sevilla, El diseño de la Portada del 2009, muestra una interpretación basada en la fachada de una caseta de feria, destacando su monumental pañoleta exhornada con motivos sevillanos sustentada por dos grandes pilastras así como por columnas de la arquería de la plaza de toros de Sevilla. Todo ello culminado con remates que portan las tres banderas (Sevilla, Andalucía y España).La Portada de la Feria tiene un peso de 193.000 kilos. Luego sigue con un paseo virtual por las calles del Real, muy temprano, cuando las calles aun estan casi desiertas, y las casetas cerradas, En 1850 se instalan las primeras casetillas para la venta de turrones, buñuelos, juguetes etc.
La caseta en la Feria de Abril tiene dos espacios perfectamente diferenciados y separados:
- la parte delantera ó noble, que es la que vemos desde la calle y es donde se realiza la convivencia entre los integrantes de la caseta, donde se baila, canta y se suelen colocar las mesas para disfrutar del buen vino fino ó Manzanilla, aunque últimamente -muy a pesar de los puristas- se está imponiendo el "rebujito", bebida refrescante que se bebe en cantidades astronómicas y que nace de la unión entre la Manzanilla de Sanlúcar, el Sprite ó Seven Up y mucho hielo...
- la trastienda -parte interior de la caseta- en la que se ubican la cocina, el bar y los servicios WC.
Mas tarde, se puede presenciar a los caballos y caballistas, montados y paseando por el Real, A eso del mediodía, las calles del Real se llenan de caballistas y enganches que se convierten en un espectáculo de color. Es una de las reminiscencias de la feria de ganado que fue en su origen. Hoy por hoy es el único modo de desplazarse por el Real de la feria de una forma más cómoda que el simple paseo, despues el paseo de caballos por las calles de piedra de la feria, con los coches de caballos, donde guapas flamencas sevillanas engalanadas con flores, se pasean, guapos galanes coronados por sombreros de ala ancha, caleseras, y trajes tipicos y regionales, como no podian faltar los feriantes, que entre rebujitos,En la Feria de Abril y en la mayoría de las ferias andaluzas, además del típico fino se bebe también Rebujito, es una bebida inventada en un pueblo de Córdoba, Montilla, y que se ha extendido al resto de la comunidad.
Es muy refrescante y está muy rico, pero hay que tener cuidado porque se te puede subir a la cabeza.
En una jarra de aproximadamente un litro de capacidad mezcla 7up con manzanilla. Echa primero la manzanilla (aproximadamente un la mitad) y el resto de 7up. Si te gusta más suave echale menos manzanilla. Puedes ir probando el sabor y viendo como te gusta más, echando más o menos manzanilla.
Si te gusta más dulce, utiliza en vez de manzanilla, vino fino (te recomiendo un Montilla-Moriles, ya sea un Ximenez o cualquier otra marca). Además el fino es más barato que la manzanilla y a la gente le suele gustar más con Fino porque es más suave. sevillanas, y sevillanos, con tortillas, jamon y lomos de cerdo, disfrutan de una feria excepcional. Bailes por sevillanas, guitarras, folklore andaluz y sevillano....En la ultima parte del video se hace Una visita a la calle del infierno, que es el lugar de la Feria de Abril preferido por los más pequeños. En el se encuentran todas las atracciones, los juegos de azar, puestos de restauración etc. Podríamos definirla como un gran parque de atracciones instalado en el Real. Hoy en día ocupa una superficie de 64.000 metros cuadrados, Tampoco faltarán a la cita obligada las Tómbolas, las Casetas de Tiro y esas otras en las que se pueden disparar tiros a portería o a canastas de baloncesto.
El Circo Mundial volverá a ser protagonista de la Feria de Sevilla, serán los payasos, los acróbatas y los animales los encargados de representar una vez más al mayor espectáculo del mundo, que como no iba a ser menos tenía que tener presencia en la Feria de mayor arraigo del planeta, donde se pueden apreciar vistas aereas desde la noria de todo el Real de Feria. Todo acompañado con las mejores sevillanas de todos los tiempos. Y es que Sevilla es Impresionante. Imagenes tomadas con camara Optio 45 Pentax. Viva Andalucia Libre!!
In 2009 was celebrated the week of April 28 to May 3 (27 per night is celebrated on the traditional fish). This video shows what I've seen in the Feria de Sevilla in April 2009. The movie begins showing details of the home this year, based on representative buildings of the city of Seville, The design of the home this year, shows an interpretation based on the facade of a fair booth, highlighting the monumental scarf Sevillians exornada grounds supporte

Chad VanGaalen - I changed my name
Changed My Name
Most people didn't know when or where Chad VanGaalen would perform during...
published: 26 Jan 2010
Author: Welcome To The West
Chad VanGaalen - I changed my name
Changed My Name
Most people didn't know when or where Chad VanGaalen would perform during the CJSW 25th anniversary, multiplex concert. So as bands finished upstairs in the ballroom, fans of the University of Calgary campus station were sandwiched in between the stairwell and the beer merchants for this soul-hollowing set. Most people were stuck and most people didn't want to move.
VanGaalen, in every way, is the embodiment of an Alberta artist; in that, he can pedal many of talents for the sake of survival. An avid animator, illustrator, inventor, producer and skateboarder - VanGaalen is told to be an introvert or a homebody only emerging to show us something truly special. Last year, his contributions of the Soft Airplane album and the production of Women's debut (on the Flemish Eye label) became pioneering sound for real Canadian art.
On another Alberta note - he ranks one higher in the Google search engine than Chad Kroeger. Reinforcements have arrived!

Het Ottervolk (The Otter People)
Video, 9 mins, 2009...
published: 19 Jul 2011
Author: Micha Eden Erdesz
Het Ottervolk (The Otter People)
Video, 9 mins, 2009

Layers of Skin
Choreography: Filip Van Huffel
Music composition: Joris Vanvinckenroye / Aranis
published: 07 Jun 2011
Author: Retina Dance Company
Layers of Skin
Choreography: Filip Van Huffel
Music composition: Joris Vanvinckenroye / Aranis
Dramaturg: Marnix Rummens
Dancers: Kristina Alleyne, Pauline De Laet, Erin Harty, Steven Martin, David Michel, Matthew Slater
Musicians: Liesbeth Lambrecht: violin, Stijn Denys: guitar, Marjolein Cools: accordion, Pierre Chevalier: piano, David Kerman: drums and percussion, Joris Vanvinckenroye: double bass, Jana Arns: flutes
Lighting Design: Andrew Hammond
Layers of Skin is a multilayered performance event with bold choreography by Belgian/English choreographer Filip Van Huffel and his Retina Dance Company with live music by Joris Vanvinckenroye and his acclaimed Belgian chamber rock ensemble Aranis.
Layers of Skin unites Retina’s skills in creating artistic touring productions as well as leading large-scale participatory projects. Retina has firmly established itself as a company that enables other dancers, either professional or community, to excel in process and performance. Artistic Director Filip Van Huffel has a unique ability to encourage individuals to move confidently and creatively and Layers of Skin will maximise his strengths. Layers of Skin is a unique contemporary dance performance project that can exist in different formats and size. At its smallest it is a production for 6 professional Retina Company dancers with recorded music, and at the opposite end of the scale there are 6 Retina dancers, 6 professional dancers and 12 amateur dancers from the local area and live music from 7 musicians from the Flemish music ensemble Aranis, resulting in 31 people on stage. The premiere of this project will take place during the 30-year celebration of Cultuurcentrum Berchem, Antwerp before touring internationally and every production can be tailored to meet the needs of the booking venue.
Youtube results:

Belgium: French, Flemish-speakers unite over deadlock
Report - Belgium: French, Flemish-speakers unite over deadlock No shaving without a govern...
published: 25 Jan 2011
Author: france24english
Belgium: French, Flemish-speakers unite over deadlock
Report - Belgium: French, Flemish-speakers unite over deadlock No shaving without a government. A razor strike is just one of the ways Belgians are expressing their frustration with political deadlock.

Politics chips away at Belgium unity - 15-Dec-07
Belgiums growing rift between its French-speakers and its Flemish population has left the ...
published: 15 Dec 2007
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Politics chips away at Belgium unity - 15-Dec-07
Belgiums growing rift between its French-speakers and its Flemish population has left the country without a government for six months and given rise to increasing economic concern. Al Jazeera's Mark Seddon reports on the possible split at the heart of Europe.

Belgium: divorce or unity - Reporter
Will Belgium soon break up? The quarrel between French-speaking Walloons and Dutch-speakin...
published: 16 May 2010
Author: Euronews
Belgium: divorce or unity - Reporter
Will Belgium soon break up? The quarrel between French-speaking Walloons and Dutch-speaking Flemings is getting sharper ahead of elections coming next month. Opinion polls show a rise in Flemish separatist feeling. Will the Flemings and Walloons be able to agree on reforms for a future Belgium?... www.euronews.net/

DV 55. Flemish Folk-Songs and sea-birds
Here on this video I made the film and was singing at the same time behind the camera. You...
published: 30 Oct 2008
Author: dominiquedv
DV 55. Flemish Folk-Songs and sea-birds
Here on this video I made the film and was singing at the same time behind the camera. You can see also the sea-birds and hear the song of the flemish country. One can hear me, but not see me. The folk-songs of the flemish people of the North of France, were collected in the book "Chansons populaires des flamands de France" (folk-songs of the french flames) by Edmond de Coessemaker in the 19th century.