AKSUMITE - The Gleam of Wetted Lips [complete]
AKSUMITE live at The End Records, Oct. 18th, 2013
AKSUMITE live at Saint Vitus Bar, Oct. 17th, 2013
Aksumite - For the Glory Of All Afrika
Aksumite - Priory of Aksum
Aksumite - Cursed Be Canaan
African History: Aksumite Empire
Teklu D. Saxaphone - Aksumite Band
Joe Aksumite - We Three Kings ( Clive Hunt, Michael Laing )
Review #12: Beer Camp AltRoute & Aksumite's "Rehearsal 2013"
Aksumite - The King Is Hideous
Aksumite - Eternity's Slow Rape
AKSUMITE - The Gleam of Wetted Lips [complete]
AKSUMITE live at The End Records, Oct. 18th, 2013
AKSUMITE live at Saint Vitus Bar, Oct. 17th, 2013
Aksumite - For the Glory Of All Afrika
Aksumite - Priory of Aksum
Aksumite - Cursed Be Canaan
African History: Aksumite Empire
Teklu D. Saxaphone - Aksumite Band
Joe Aksumite - We Three Kings ( Clive Hunt, Michael Laing )
Review #12: Beer Camp AltRoute & Aksumite's "Rehearsal 2013"
Aksumite - The King Is Hideous
Aksumite - Eternity's Slow Rape
Aksumite Empire
the fall of the aksumite empire
Aksumite - Touch hem evil´s flowing garment
Ethiopian Music - Instrumental - Aksumite Band : Teklu D playing Saxaphone
Aksumite - No Soil Overtured In The Master's Field
Aksumite - I Am Not A Heathen
Aksumite - Be Cast From Death's Left Hand
Aksumite - No Soil Overturned in the Master's Field
Aksumite - Endlessly, Remorselessly
The Kingdom of Aksum or Axum, also known as the Aksumite Empire and Abyssinia, was an important trading nation in northeastern Africa, existing from approximately 100–940 AD. It grew from the proto-Aksumite Iron Age period ca. 4th century BC to achieve prominence by the 1st century AD, and was a major player in the commerce between the Roman Empire and Ancient India. The Aksumite rulers facilitated trade by minting their own currency, the state established its hegemony over the declining Kingdom of Kush and regularly entered the politics of the kingdoms on the Arabian peninsula, eventually extending its rule over the region with the conquest of the Himyarite Kingdom.
Under Ezana (fl 320–360), Aksum became the first major empire to convert to Christianity, and was named by Mani (216–276) as one of the four great powers of his time along with Persia, Rome, and China. In the 7th century the Muslims, who originated in Mecca, sought refuge from Quraysh persecution by travelling to Aksum (Abyssinia), a journey famous in Islamic history as the First Hijra. Aksum's ancient capital is found in northern Ethiopia. The Kingdom used the name "Ethiopia" as early as the 4th century. It is also the alleged resting place of the Ark of the Covenant and the purported home of the Queen of Sheba.[citation needed].
Clive Hunt (born c.1955, Linstead, St. Catherine, Jamaica) is a Jamaican reggae multi-instrumentist, arranger, composer and producer.
Hunt learned the trumpet while at school and joined the Jamaica Military Band at the age of seventeen. On leaving the service he was recruited by Byron Lee for his band the Dragonaires, touring with the group in North America. He became a sought-after session musician, playing trumpet and also bass guitar, flute, horn, keyboards, and saxophone. He was also employed as an arranger and producer, working with Max Romeo, Lorna Bennett, The Skatalites, Pablo Moses, Dennis Brown, Gregory Isaacs, and Peter Tosh.
He released his first album "Satta I" (Trojan) under the name of "Lizzard" in 1976. A second dub album, Orthodox Dub was released on the Wackies label.
Hunt emigrated to New York in the late 1970s, where he worked with Joe Gibbs and Lloyd Barnes' Wackies set-up. In 1987 he returned to Jamaica, where he enjoyed success as a producer and musician woking with the likes of Beres Hammond, Judy Mowatt, The Abyssinians, and Garnett Silk, and recorded with Jimmy Cliff, Steely & Clevie, and The Rolling Stones.
Michael Laing (born in Durban, South Africa) taught chemistry at the University of Natal, Durban from 1964 until he retired as Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in 1997. He graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles in the field of x-ray crystallography, specializing in the determination of molecular structure. He has published papers on bonding, coordination compounds, and molecular geometry; and many articles in US and UK about the periodic table, and chemical education.
He has also been engaged in the application of x-ray powder diffraction to solving problems in such diverse fields as urinary calculi, road soils, platinum refining, fossils and breccia; and has taught specialist courses for architecture students on Materials and Failures. For 30 years his annual Christmas Chemical Magic Show has drawn audiences of hundreds.[citation needed]
[musick - Matt Harvey, Derrel Houdashelt, Matt Widener; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1994]
Beholding the kaliedescopic hue of your decomposing hymen I salivate,
Entranced by the effervescing effluvium of the rotted vagina, Carefully
excising the fragantly fermented labia I shall masticate, Savoring the
pungent aromatic whiff, my quivering lips wet with saliva... Nibbling the
avulsed petals of the flower of womanhood so delicate, My slavering palate
overwhelmed by the feotid flavor, Marinating chunks of vaginal skin in
feminine hygine creams so elegant, This culinary clitoral carving is a
decidedlt putrid endeavor... The shriveled copulatory organ, Falls prey to
my culinary whims, Sliced, diced, and mangled, painstakingly garnished and
trimmed... Dried and festered, salted to taste, A douche bag helps clean
out the clots, A napkin will insure that none goes to waste, As I heartliy
devour the rot... Vagitarian - a morbid mortified meal, Vagitarian -
gorging myself with psychopathic zeal, Vagitarian - a rancid repast so
horrific, Vagitarian - with a pinch of salt it's terrific... Gnashing the
clitoris with inconceivable delight, The dried vaginal potrusion I adore,
[Musick & Lyrixxx - Matt Harvey]
Calcified infant is a breach birth debacle
Natal necrolysis, destined for a formaldehyde-filled bottle
Caesarean section reveals the ghastly tot
An ossified infant, in it's womb borne to rot
Livid and stiff ere it's first breath is claimed
The rigid bundle of joy, catatonically maimed
Cold, dead and hard as it's exhumed from the womb
The uterus it's cradle, and it's moist fetid tomb...
Only scalpels left for playthings
Swaddling clothes bloody but not from chafing
Baptism by embalming solution
As the trocar facilities the cold blood's dilution...
Festered fetus drawn from the cavity in which it was conceived
Birth and death now unified, as the grotesque infant is retrieved
Livid osteopedion, breathless lungs still, cold and dry
Birth is just a forensic folly when in being born one dies
Birth and death in one fell breath, extract the corpse from her guts
The morbid birthing cavity is lavaged, torn and cut
Another tiny life that ended before it could begin
Another piece of human offal, to end up in the rubbish bin...
Neither gurgles nor cries escape it's lifeless blue lips
Placenta disgorges amniotic fluid as the umbilical cord rips
Morbid nursery chymes fall on deaf little ears
As the dry-eyed infant incites parents to bitter tears...
Obstetric atrocity
With a casket for a crib
Nursery for an autopsy
Body bag for a bib...
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Mama's going to have to get a casket reserved
But if your body is too decomposed
The coffin door will have to stay closed
A babe in her arms
Not safe from harm
When the water breaks, the cradle will rot
A nursery chyme with no happy ending, left in the wastebasket, dead and
[Lead - Matt]
Another corpse to carve for pathologists and their ilk
Nursed on embalming fluid, no use crying over silt mother's milk
Silent baby rattles stilled
The doctor's gloved hands deliver the babe into a grave that now is filled
Morbid anatomy technicians are the child's only playmates
Callously dissecting, the infantile inanimate
A bloodied dissecting table serves as the young one's tomb and trundle
As inquisitive butchery, splays this joyless rotten bundle...
Dead before ever being alive to die
Eyes closed forever ere the first tear could dry
Mouth sealed by rigor mortis before the first newborn cry
Dissected infant on the table, dead-cut and dry...
Newborn fatality
Whose playpen is a slab
Lifeless nativity
Diminutive toes to be tagged...
Now I lay you down to sleep
Your putrid flesh not long to keep
If you should rot before you wake
Then leave your corpse for the worms to take
In the cold corridors in the sterile, dead morgue
Sobs are heard from the maternity ward
But from the mouth of babes, no sound escapes
[Sarcofago Cover]
[musick & lyrixxx - Sarcofago, 1989]
Inside my freedom
I'm slaved
By those tastes of lust and evil
I cannot escape
I ever hear a voice
A voice that is my sign
Sex, drinks & metal
The destiny of my life!
I'm alive
And licensed to:
Sex, drinks & metal
Some forces tried to stop me
But I destroy them with my hate
'cause in blood I will have my revenge
I'm not worried if it happens late
I'm living in sin
And it's a hard way of life
But in sex, drinks & metal
Extrapolating from the abhorrent
We disinter a sordid truth
Heinously plundering death's depths
Like a bumbling violent sleuth
Tearing through the layers of decay
With vicious rancor and bitter scorn
To get at the cold, dead heart of the matter
Which we bring forth to mourn
Carnage canonized
We let death reign unfettered
Derangement eulogized
To the last bloody letter
No one can do it better
In grisly detail we play out or own
Death scenes' coup de grace
With homicidal zeal we remove the curtain
That decorum would draw
Retrograding your morality in our sick
Dead world, it had no place
Desecrating your sense of dignity
But of course in the end, it's all a matter of distaste
Your values mollified, severed by clean
Precise cuts, each to the last
Your senses vilified, taste and tolerance
Are now taken to task
In the name of gore
We'll set right this bloody score
The grave can't hold us anymore
We'll kick in the mausoleum doors
Even sicker than before
We enjoy this gruesome chore
Revealing the ghastly horror
The face of death that you deplore
Rotting through the core
This slaughterous carnage you abhor
Is the vocation we adore
As we drain another oozing sore
Bringing revulsion to the fore
As the vomit stains on the floor
Forevermore, in the name of gore
Stopping at nothing to indulge
An off-color sense of tumor
We regurgitate force-fed atrocities
Straight onto a silver platter
Serving up ghastly repast
Hard to swallow without black humor
With tongue in cheek
We gorge on the matter of splatter
Leaving no headstone unturned
And no grave site unmarred
Our wayward journey six feet
Straight down we undertake
Dark horses tread swiftly
Through this unhallowed dance macabre
Somnambulating through
Our own nightmares while fully awake
Never letting sleeping cadavers lie
We wring out their sickening stories
Though lending a near and a voice
To the dead would make some wince
No detail is omitted
No matter how repulsive, vile or gory
We won't recant our morbid epithets
Flesh, not words, is what we mince
Decay by any other name
Would reek and fester just the same
We delight in beating a dead corpse
In its own malignant game
Slicing off another cutting remark
That could shear off protruding bones
Our barbs are quite malicious
And our verbal daggers sharply honed
Decay consecrated
Wallowing in our own pathological waste
Reality regurgitated
And smear right back in your fucking face
In the name of gore
We'll set right this bloody score
The grave can't hold us anymore
We'll kick in the mausoleum doors
Even sicker than before
We enjoy this gruesome chore
Revealing the ghastly horror
The face of death that you deplore
Rotting through the core
This slaughterous carnage you abhor
Is the vocation we adore
As we drain another oozing sore
Bringing revulsion to the fore
As the vomit stains on the floor
In my waxen world, time stands still
Forever frozen like flies trapped in amber
One perfect moment preserved, just ere the kill
Gruesome atrocities transfixed in horror's chamber
Poetry without motion, figures stranded midstream
Waxen players in this dark drama of the macabre
Mouths agape with terror but breathless to scream
No death rattle heard, nor parting sors...
I am preserver of life through my morbid art
For each mannequin was truly alive from the start
So if the eyes seem to follow your gaze as you gawk
Know that in the eyes of the dead, in their shadow you walk...
Cadavers molded in wax as their lives buried away
More preening puppets to perform in the scenes that i play
Features cast in the moment of dying preserved
How they screamed as they met with their fates well deserved...
Recreating the horror of the moment of death
My models serve their purpose quite well
Embalm their bodies in wax, capture their dying breath
Drain the fluids to stave off the smell
Like dolls that dance to their own funeral dirge
They play out their death scenes interminably
As prized their exhibits in my dark reserve
They unfold their secrets only to me
Life eternal in wax was their death's decree
Suffering for my art, they surrendered to me
So when their eyes lock with your gaze
Look unflinchingly at death or turn away fast...
Skin blistered and softened as it was coated and sealed away
Another preserved puppet to prance on the strings that i play
The fear ensnared in their captive countenances i've trapped
Mummified and memorialised in wax well-woven and wrapped...
[lead - matt]
So sit still in your place at the end of the blade
By my design, death's hand find you just out of reach
Another player in this deathly silent world that i have made
Devoid of sound, fury or motion, sense, movement or speech
Awaiting a terminus that never will come
You're a marionette bound by my strings
Trussed in this tomb of wax, your time here is not done
For time does not quite end all things...
This is my life's work, this still, silent place
A monument to the fear frozen in a cold, waxen face
Take care not to stare into their eyes, whatever you do
When you look deep into death, it sees back into you too...
Flesh bubbled and scalded, as this molten bath washed life away
Wax covered my still-screaming prey
Another piece for my prizing, recast in my mold
Features harden and set as the wax grows stiff and cold...
Headstones overturned and smashed
Your fucking corpse i want to thrash
The cold, hard ground i hack and slash
Coffins torns apart like trash
Six feet closer to your doom
From this grave i will exhume
Horrid flesh my blade consumes
As i destroy your earthen tomb!
Vacant grave
To remove my rotting prize
From the soil the box will rise
Disembalm the cadaverized
Defile the dead i so despise
The pick-axe now unburied
Slaughter in the cemetery
From the site the corpse is carried
The ink still wet on the obituary
Vacant grave
Your hands and feet i masticate
The body i incinerate
A shovel used to decapitate
The corpse`s head i obliterate
Only pieces they will find
Of the carnage so unkind
Twisted fragments of your spine
At the hole i left behind!
Hacked to pieces they found her
Or rather, they scraped her off of the floor
Bits or bone and brain all around her
And the whole room was spattered with gore
Her death was pitiless and violent
Bludgeoned beyond recognition
Her facial features crushed, her brain beat to mush
Her last moment were truly perdition...
Picking up the chunks of the bodies left behind
Senseless carnage and bloodshed is all they will find
So many bits and pieces in deadth's dark desing
This axe was made to grind...
The next piece of the puzzle was even more brutal
I hacked up her bowels with a grin
Her struggles would prove so tragically futile
Oh, how she squirmed as she was done in
Even the coroner found it quite savage
When he saw what forensics uncovered
A few pieces was all they could salvage
Out of the red running gutter...
The next clue in this forensic jigsaw
Arrived on the slab quite the worse for wear
It was all they could manage, to find something to lavage
So little of her carcass was there...
Picking up the scraps of the bodies left behind
Senseless carnage and bloodshed is all they will find
So many bits and pieces in death's dark design
This axe was made to grind...
Lead - Matt
They scraped the remains into Ziploc bags
Collected for autopsy
No blood on the axe, I covered my tracks
Nothing will lead them to me...
A grotesque enigma carved from human flesh and bone
Death is the final hand we're all dealt
From the grizzly aftermath, of this heinous bloodbath
The only answer's the puzzle itself...
Picking up the shreds of the bodies left behind
Senseless carnage and bloodshed is all they will find
So many bits and pieces in death's dark design
Your abdomen punctured just beneath the chest
To access the gizzards he soon will infest
This gurgling oblique aponeurosis is split
By an influx of patogens through the hypogastric slit...
Your entrails reviled as they`re plagued and infected
By diseased bacteria he has injected
Forced to play host to neurotropic grime
Your innards now plagued with pathogenic slime...
Organs sputter and spasm drowned in the cess
Sphinctral vlaves clogged by this viral excess
Your abdomen bloats with virulent eruption
Discontented intestines crepitating in corruption
Eaten from the inside out your life`s being consumed
Festered rot in your guts turns your body to your tomb...
His handiwork your funeral, he watches with a laugh
Sardonic smile across his face as you wretch your epitaph...
Within yourchruning belly necrosis necrosis spreads and thrives
An excruciating way to die: Infested alive!
[musick & lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, 1998]
Observing the forensic dissection, Espying the splayed chest cavity, His
abberant sexual stimuli, The grotesquely displayed anatomy... Organs
displaced with steel forceps, By the morbid anatomy technician, Ensanguined
guts arouse the mixoscopic, His voyeuristic experience facilitated by
masturbation... Evacuation of the omentum proceeds, As connective tissue is
ripped, This intense vicarious carnal diversion, Peaks as embalming fluid
drips... Fomented by images so gory and sick... With the coroner's autopsy
complete, He views the peritoneal chasm, Satiating his troilistic
perversion, The scoptophilic acheives orgasm... A testicular ejaculatroy
[musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1995]
Blood is spilled, bones are cracked, Fettered limbs are cruelly hacked,
Relentless brutal maniac, Violent death, gore attack... Torso... Choke on
guts, final breath, Now awaiting your morbid death, No more hope for life is
[originally performed by Sodom]
Behind the scenes of destiny
I adore you in this song for me
Call me within your holy house to dwell
Let me raise for myself in spell
Voluptuously dancing daughters of the night sky
Sing the rapturous love song with high
Let your sweet scented juice run
Waste away under the lashes of my whip
Bath in sin
Sadistic souls
Break their crust
Sodomy and lust
Carnal desire runs through my veins
Whipping boys and scapegoats cry in pain
Psychopathic terror during their sleep
My power asks why, my power is weak
Spineless bundles of my excess
Expurse of innocence and helplessness
In the perfumes of my secret orison
Fresh blood of children drops down on me
Bath in sin
Sadistic souls
Break their crust
Sodomy and lust
Madness, crime, disgrace, ptomaine
Excrements, contempt, violence, kill
Ordeals if a thousand deads congealed in gloom
Strike hard and deep, to hell with them master
Mighty prophet's stature shall surpass the stars
The passion is the smell of cremation
I spit on your crapulous creed curse them!
Sucking your giveth delight and bright glory
Strive ever to be more joyous to the death
Don't fear any god will deny you for this
Bath in sin
Sadistic souls
Break Their crust
[musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, 1996]
Fastened down and secured to the operating table, With scalpels and cutlery I
will work upon your aesthetics, A most afflictive process you are made to
endure, Without the solacing service of a general anasthetic... Forcibly
penetrating the palpebra, I gouge and cut into the ciliary body, Severing the
nerve, your eye is knocked from its orbit, As you can plainly see...
Dissatisfied with your over all being, I formulate a plan of operation, A
large incision into the abdomen is made, To perform general enucleation... I
give you an apendectomy, Removing organs unnecessary, A spare kidney is
excised, In pain you writhe... (chorus) I slice the renal artery,
Gastro-intestinal-otomy, Digestive tract dislocation, Subjected to
enucleation... With monocular vision you can now regard, The constituents of
your gut I have displaced, Depurating the shell, your thorax beautifully
carved, Your abdomen now a barren landscape... Fracturing the rib cage with a
raspatory, As your gullet is gorged with sanguineous muco-sputter, Not yet
complete curtailing your anatomy, I delve to the heart of the matter...
Exhuming your entrails, Discarded organs grow stale, Severing the ventricle,
(musick - Derrel Houdashelt, Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey)
Feverishly savouring my sordid, charnel chore, The rib cage and sternum I
frenziedly bore, Skin flayed and stripped as your torso is wrecked, A
grotesquely wrenched cavity now lays bare to dissect... A granular amorphous
mass is all that remains, Of the peritoneum which enshrouds the rotted
stomach, Tubucular enlargements extend across the abdomen, The gnarled cheese
like clumps I now hack... Necrotic tissue converted to casein, Omental bursa
caked and dried, My dissection kit now quite bedaubed, As I further sunder
your rotted insides... Blanketing the organs that once facilitated digestion,
Transversing the dead bowels like an apron over the intestine... A dried
crepitated mound of viscera, Innards desiccated during caseation, I gouge and
excoriate my way through the guts, Now ripped and mangled during
desecration... The disfigured gut now totally wasted, I regard the disinterred
stiff with a smirk, Decomposed, dissected and dismembered, I resplendently
I unearth the decomposing corpse, Splintering the musty casket, Seething with
excitement, I lay bare the dusty tomb... The pungent aroma of putrescence,
Penetrates my nasal passage, Revealing the naked body, To play host to my
morbid whims... An expeditious dissection of the degenerate anatomy, Will
hasten the deconstruction of the thoracic cavity, Caseated viscera, abdominal
enema, The cadaveric paste inspires a moment of levity... I sip the succulent
succus, I nibble the nauseating noma, Gorging myself on the gore, An
appetance to truly abhor... Sodomized by an ingot, Shifting through the shit
clots, Pelvic fractuing is wrought... The image of the grumous vagina, An
amorous sight that makes my erection grow thick, Penetrating the dried meatus,
[Originally by Possessed]
[Music - MT Lyrics - JB]
Arise from the dead
Attack from the grave
The killing won't stop 'til first light
We'll bring you to hell
Because we want to enslave
Your soul will be frozen with fright
We'll break through the crust
Leave from our crypts
Protected by eternal life
Lay down the laws
From our satanic scripts
Bringing you nothing but strife
Death Metal
Death Metal
Ruling your cities
Controlling your towns
Entrapped in your worst nightmare
Piercing your ears
With a horrible sound
Casting my elusive stare
Lucifer laughs
His needs are fulfilled
The flames are now burning hot
Bodies are burning
The people are killed
Torture the reason we fought
Death Metal
Death Metal
Kill them pigs
[Solo: Mike]
Now we take over
And rule by Death Metal
Enjoy our long-waited reign
Blood's what we want
And we won't settle
Until we drive you insane
Attacking the young,
Killing the old
Bleeding with every heartbeat
Darkness has fallen
And your soul is sold
Claws will dig into your meat
When the sun doesn't rise
And the day is like night
Know that your life is at its end
Rendered helpless
So scream out in fright
Death Metal came in the wind
Death Metal
Death Metal
[musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1998]
In the deadest of nights I perform a graveside disservice, Disinhuming the
remains of those who I deem to deserve this, A corpse dead to rights will
undergo this rigorous trashing, Selecting the tomb of the poor stiff that
tonight I will be thrashing... Exhumed from the shelter of earth's dusty
embrace for a morbid curiosity, Then abruptly dismembered without
compunction, just pure feriocity... Consumed and left to welter, In shredded
entrails and long dessciated pus, Wiping the firt from my hands, As I walk
from the grave that I've trampled to dust... Caskets uprooted, mausoleums
stained red, Riding high six feet deep amongst the deadest of the dead, A
tombstone is the sole mute witness, To necro-attrocities as I endeavor to
split this... Corpse in half, stricken by my wrath, The carcass is maimed,
Cleft by pick-axe, halved, quartered and smashed, The gravesite's in flames,
Culled from the reams of obituaries deep in the cemetary, I torment the
entombed, The dead should be wary of the grudges I carry, Deep into the
gloom... Riding high six feet under, Inhale the stench of my nocturnal
plunderm I'll never find piece in a cold, hard death bed, Until I have found
the deadest of the dead... Your insipid epitaph rots, In the dead-letter file,
A necrophile's smile beguiles, Your remains thus defiled, The decrepit
laughter echoes, In the now vacant burial plot, Decayed, dead and decomposed,
But in peace you'll never rot... Piss on the unholy grave, torso carved and
depraved, Now gone the way of all flesh to give me this day my daily death,
The next to fall prey to my sepulchural slaughter, Another dead festering
corpse whose demise has at last brought her... Under the blade, she's carved
up and flayed, Body dismembered, No respects paid, I hack up the slayed, Who
no one remembers, Chainsaw fucked to the hilt, her guts have all spilled, I
destroy the interred, One foot in the grave, by the casket enslaved, I'm an
unholy terror... Riding high six feet down, Finding my niche in a hole in the
ground, One step over the dead-line I tread, In this graveyard of stiffs, I am
[musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1995]
The mouldy earth crumbles under my pick-axe, The hardened turf gives up its
morbid harvest, Cracking the earthen crypt with my rusted spade, Disinterrment
of the pieces from where they lay to rest... The arduous task reveals my
unhealthy reward, A long dead stiff is the fruit of my labours, Fracturing the
brittle wooden coffin, To reveal the skeletonized remains that I savour... The
horrendous stench only serves, To heighten my anticipation, Rotted prizes
bring with them, The prospect of gratification... Fellating the femur as my
anus quivers anxiously, I tongue the mandibles as I work myself into a frenzy,
My sphincter twitching uncontrollably in expectation, With a firm grip on the
fibula I commence my anal penetration... My buttocks clenched tightly around
the bone, A wave of sensual pleasure washes over me as I groan, Again an again
I fill myself, squirming in ecstacy, My prostate is tormented by the
splintered bones abrupt entry... This tortured anus is stretched by the
entry of the tibia, I grimace in an amalgam of pleasure and pain, My fetish
for osseus necro-perversion I lustily pursue, My erection engorged with blood
as my anus is strained... My crudely fashioned ossified dildo, An instrument
of supreme titilation, Bizarre necro-sodomy my only end, And I pursue it with
fervent dedication... I gnaw on chalky metatarsals, Grinding my anus on the
[musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1995]
By night I return to the storage shed, Anxious to catch a glimpse of the dead,
Nervously, I unbolt the door, Making my way into this abatoir... Hot air
rushes out the aperture, A putrid gust of flattus and methane, Inhaling the
rotting fumes as I choke, Hit by a wave of nausea I try to restrain... At last
I regard the bloated stiffs, Terribly dislimbed and deceased, My plumpened
prizes now swollen by putrefaction, A makeshift mortuary for the obese...
Their corpulence exceeded solely, By the foulness of their smell, Their girth
only expanded upon in death, The fleshy carcasses bloat and swell...
Postmortem hypertrophy plagues the hefty cadavers, Their portly bodies now
thoroughly dead, The incessant buzzing of insects as necrovores slaver, Fills
the tepid chamber whose walls I've stained red... I hacked through their
layers of blubbering fat, Some were gutted, some punctured, some razed, When I
finished I found them decidedly flat, If not yet dead, then at least bleeding
and dazed... In this dingy shack I had left them to rot, And then departed the
undignified scene, The makeshift crypt they inhabit now fetid and hot, The
(musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, Matt Harvey, 1997)
Cleaving away at any extremity, From his torso his appendages are ripped,
Another pass of my chainsaw, And his leg is disjoined at the hip, Cutting with
my shoulder blade, His forearm I lustily seize, Bit by bit deconstructing his
demise, Allowing my victim no piece... Limb from limb... Dislimbing my victims
for my collection of severed and rotting keepsakes, Trophies for my room
displayed in mylar on decorative platters and stakes, Once in possession of
the fleshy sinewy gew gaws that I demand, Only these quadrapalegic cadavers
are left to give me a hand... Limb from limb... Taking her hand and arms and
legs, She is left looking quite stumped, Collecting the body parts that I
greedily hoarde, The torso is callously dumped, Her grevious wounds spill
precious ichor, Upon the makeshift abatoir's floor, But the sacrifice is not
made in vein, Donating her arms to the poor... Limb from limb, mercilessly
taking people for an arm and a leg, Limb from limb, an unscrupulous bargain
upon which you cannot reneg, Limb from limb, I have so many, but I always
hanker for more, Limb from limb, at times it's impossible to get a foot in the
door... Limb from limb... You must hand it to me as I split you at the seams,
I always get a leg up on my victims, your ensanguined projections I glean,
Jigsawed without hope of reassembly, I take what's yours as mine, You watch as
Suffering intolerably from bladder irritability, Emitting septic belches,
pungent septic funk, Unable to function because of bowel flaccidity,
Interruption of rectal reflex, a constipated gut... Fecal inspissation inspire
colonic impaction, Decaying the discharge, ulcerative colitis, Bodily waste
accumulates from abdominal distention, Perforation of tissue,
diverticulitis... Indigested splatter, Regurgitated bolus overflows in your
maw, Atonic bladder, The state of the kidneys is now piss poor...
Gastro-abdominal nausea increases with the compression of flatus, Ankylosing
spondylitis renders locomotion an impossibility, Prolapsing of the sphincter
following violent tenesmus, Bile and chyme seep through ulcers into the
peritoneal cavity... Microbes dine on enterolithic crust, Intestines bloated
from bacterial infection, Crepitated bowels move in disgust, Escherichia coli
mount an insurrection (repeat)... Congenital mega colon halts manual
disimpaction, Suppositories run over the sealed orifice, Laxatives
perpetuate the swelling of the abdomen, The catheter cannot penetrate anal
agenisis... The cardiovascular system is infected through osmosis, Overwhelmed
by pathogens and bacteria so rank, Mephitic claret causes equilibrial stasis,
[musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, 1995]
Laid down amongst several thousand tabanid brethren, Wriggling free from a
post-natal prison, Incubated in the spume of composting meat, Blindly in
search of a necro-pyomorphic feast, Burrowing through layers of necrotic
tissue, Pulpous flesh and muscle sinew, Re-ingesting the digested chyme,
Frolicking in a playground of post-mortem slime... Writhing larvae are gorged
on the lukewarm grey matter, Overwrought with parasites, a rancid head of
splatter... Cranial atrophy is abetted by gnathostomiasis, As gamesome grubs
take to tumbling down sulcus... Dipterous infants, White and limbless, Nursed
on carcass, A pale existence... Relentless quarrying results in anastomosis,
Actuating the event of enteroptosis, Through the extirpation of sustenacula,
The thoughtless act of a juvenile brachycera, The corpse, subjected to
cutaneous larva migrans, Provides temporary dwelling for the pupating clan,
Then, following the harvest of the rancid lysate, The toddlers lie dormant in
order to transmutate... Subsisting solely as a parasitic anathema, These
(musick - Matt Harvey; lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, Matt Harvey, 1995)
Brutally raped and hacked, Vagina torn ripped in half, Slash and rend,
mutilate, Garrote the bitch, decapitate, Face ripped off, disfigurement,
Bodily dismemberment, Guts are spilled, violent death, Mangled cunt to
molest... Left embracing the carcass I discover my fomentment, As I
unconsciously rub up against her gory habiliment, The muliebral texture of
the soused and silken garment, The one and only way to find sexual
contentment... Suffering from mammary and vaginal envy, I fasten around my
chest the brassiere of the deceased, Excising the breasts with painstaking
precision, I pad my bra with a pair of decomposing falsies... Hastily undress
the corpse, Peel off clothing, quite a chore, Clutching her bousterrie,
Caressing bloody lingerie, Grasping for ensanguined garb, My erection is
growing hard, Buttoning the imbrued dress, Feminine attire, a bloody mess...
As I adorn myself in my victims blood-stained apparel, My perverse urges are
fulfilled with overwhelming delight, I ejaculate as I slip into her urine
soaked panties, My carnal desire that of a necro-transvestite... Encrusted,
runny stockings, finery for a fiend... Donning ghastly vestments,
Grimly I dig up the turfs To remove the corrupted stiffs Trying to contain my excitement As I desecrate graveolent crypts... Fingers claw at coffin lids Eager festal exhumation Hugging your wry, festered remains With post-humous joy and elation... Body snatched, freshly interred Whatever takes my fancy To satisfy my gratuitous pica My culinary necromancy... Scrutinised then brutalised My forensic inquisition is fulfiled My recipe is now your epitaph Be it fried, boiled or grilled...
I devour the pediculous corpse Whetting my palate as I exhume The festering stench of rotting flesh Makes me drool as I consume...
Caskets I grate My larder's a grave I'm sickly obsessed (with the badly decomposed) Rotten remains I eat Purulent meat What a funeral feast (putrid reek)
Weeping tissue is stripped Pus dribbles from my lips Pulverising this pustular chaff Butchering up morgue's makes me laugh...
Ulcerated flesh I munch Rotting corpses are my lunch On bones I love to crunch (on the badly decomposed) Shrivelled innards I lick The corpse's head I kick Crumbling shreds I pick (eat the stiffs) [Solo: morbid melody for the deceased with salt to taste]
Rancid flesh, slaughter the dead - Caskets exhumed... Corpses disinterred, graves disturbed - To consume...
Bereaved relatives are not amused As on their dear departed I feverishly consume...
Slavering worms, decomposure burns Corrosion born, as bacteria gnaw
Desecrate... Precipitate....(from the muddy grave) Macerate... Eviscerate...
Caskets I grate My larder's a grave I'm sickly obsessed (with the badly decomposed) Rotten remains I eat Purulent meat What a funeral feast (putrid reek)
Deep within the grave
Where the cadaver lies decayed - there lurks the rotting
Within every fetid corpse
This process festers on its course - to speed the rotting
Its ubiquity cannot be denied - a gruesome trade, sempiternally plied
From the waste in which we wallow
To the flesh we gluttonously swallow - we consume the rotting
In rubbish bins of medical waste
Awaits the horrendous, wretched taste - of the rotting
That first whiff sure to nauseate - and its rancid fruit we regurgitate
The rotting's coming
The end it brings
The rotting is the destiny of all that's breathing
The rotting's strumming
On your heartstrings
The rotting's coming - 'til you're the corpse that we're bereaving
In the slither of the grubs
The maggots writhing in their chum - there feed the rotting
In suppurating stools
That dribble ichor into pools - there reeks the rotting
The grue that binds us together - is everyone devouring one another
The rotting's coming
The end it brings
The rotting is the destiny of all that's breathing
The rotting's strumming
On your heartstrings
The rotting's coming - 'til you're the corpse that we're bereaving
The rotting
[Lead - Matt]
[Lead - Bud]
The humble and the great
All consumed by the same fate - become the rotting
In its blackening embrace
All is eventually erased - by the rotting
The putrid waste upon which we've built our lives - as we decay, maggots and weevils thrive
The rotting's coming
It was here all along
The rotting is an acrid, stinking, putrid savor
The rotting's strumming
Its discordant song
The rotting's thrumming
A defective dirge to scourge your neighbors
Gorging - the glut of grue consumed, vigorously
Swollen, distended appetites - deformed prosperity
Ingesting - the inhumed inhumane, indiscriminately
The all-consuming, never stopping - virulent voracity
And as you toil, they reap the despoiled
A ravening
Voracious hungering
Consuming, slavering, a ravening, so sickening
Ever feeding - ravening
Swallowing - your self subsumed, insidiously
Your life, your death, your thoughts entombed - so callously
Regurgitating - repugnant retch repeated, endlessly
A malignant mantra metastasized - takes hold internally
And as you build, their graveyards you'll fill
A ravening
Voracious hungering
Consuming, slavering, a ravening, so sickening
Ever feeding - ravening
[Lead - Bud]
[Lead - Matt]
Slaking - they sup salivating, salaciously
Bottomless hunger never sated - consume gratuitously
Accumulating - avariciously accruing, acrimoniously
Coffers and coffins overflow - in horrific harmony
And as you slave, you save your masters the task of digging your grave
A ravening
Voracious hungering
Consuming, slavering, a ravening, so sickening
Purulent hemorrhoidal inflammation Irritating rectal rash I scrape out the crepitating cavity To scour out the festering gash...
Caked on pus and dribbling cess Extracted with care and precision Removing stagnant grime and watery chyme I tear out lacerating incisions...
Gaping septic sores Draining ulcerous gore Pyorrheic waste Your rectal fluid I taste...
Grate the mess Drink the cess Lick the rash Your hemorrhoids I gnash...
Gurgling oblique aponeurosis is split, As I infect your festering hypogastric slit Forced to play host to neurotrophic grime, I skillfully plague your insides with pathogenic slime...
Ruptured gastro-duodenal flexure erupts, saponifying moist retroperineal fats Sporozic fungi, virulent bacteria, and parasitic microorganisms I sadistically inject...
Impregnated and bloated with my industrial pathogens, of lumbrosacral obliteration, Your degenerative oesalphageal, melts from the suppuration...
Disarticulated, dismembered, and shred Useless pile of squirming meat Smeared bodily secretions gleaming As I caress the sickening flesh...
Cadaveric penetration Intestinal fornication Masturbating on your innards Probing your orifices...
Throbbing, I masturbate Drooling I ejaculate...
Macerated intestines Disgusting, seeping, and torn Semen splattered evisceration Necro-erotic stimulation...
(Lead- Matt) (Lead- Derrel)
Abdominal cavity, Flayed and pinned Eviscerated cadaver, Decapitated and skinned...
An endless funeral procession marches on
Numbed and grey as they delay their slow decay into the ground
Nameless tombs amid the gloom, await like shadowed, grim cocoons
They are the dead and this dirge is their swansong
Those of the unlife infest the carcass of the world
Bloodless eyes look to the sky as their flag is unfurled
Marionettes dance out their days pulled by razor-wire strings
Inching nearer to their graves with every requiem they sing
Dust to destiny they inherit a dying world undone
An oblong box to mold them, in the shape of deaths to come
Upon battered, shredded heartstrings, their threnody strummed
Lives without meaning form the shape of deaths to come
The shape of deaths to come
Dead words fall on dead ears to fill dead time
As into their gilded coffins, they eagerly climb
To die out their last days, in a wasteful, putrid haze
And so en masse, at last they deteriorate into decline
Those of the unlife ingest the carcass of the world
Slobbering lips are licked as their banner is unfurled
Puppeteers slash a danse macabre with their razor-wire strings
Dragging us deeper into the grave with every requiem - we sing
Dust to destiny they inherit a dying world undone
An oblong box to mold them, in the shape of deaths to come
Upon battered, shredded heartstrings, their threnody strummed
Lives without meaning form the shape of deaths to come
The shape of deaths to come
[Lead - Matt]
[Lead - Bud]
Those of the unlife disgorge the carcass of the world
Onto platters of splatter as our napkins are unfurled
Led to feast on our undoing as a marionette upon its strings
I don't know how to live through this hell Woken up, I'm still locked in this shell Frozen soul, frozen down to the core Break the ice, I can't take anymore
Chorus: Freezing Can't move at all Screaming Can't hear my call I am dying to live Cry out I'm trapped under ice
Crystallized, as I lay here and rest Eyes of glass stare directly at death From deep sleep I have broken away No one knows, no one hears what I say
Freezing Can't move at all Screaming Can't hear my call I am dying to live Cry out I'm trapped under ice
Scream, for my soul Fate, mystified Hell, forever more [2x]
No release from my cryonic state What is this? I've been stricken by fate Wrapped up tight Cannot move Can't break free Hand of doom has a tight grip on me
Spasmodic convulsions, gut wrenching pain Contracting digestive tract, bowels collapse Solidified mass of infectious embryonic vomit As lochial fluids spew from your mouth...
Festering fetus expelled Oral caesarean section Your jaw alvulsed violently A drastic birth canal redirection...
Aborted regurgitation flays your gums As you gag on the umbilical cord Ruptured esophagus floundering In your pulverized torso's shattered gourd...
Your face ripped open as you choke on The blooded pulp of the disgorged infant Eyeballs ejected, skin torn to shreds Natal fluids erupt from your eyesockets...
Festering cervix explodes in your face As you gag on the newborn you're forced to taste Drooling the pulpy necro-natal cess Slobbering the contents of your abdominal abscess...
Some boys kiss me Some boys hug me I think they're okay If they don't give me proper credit I just walk away
They can beg And they can plead But they can't see the light (that's right, that's right) 'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash Is always Mr. Right
'Cause we are living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl
Some boys roam And some boys know That that's all right with me If they can't raise my interest than I'll have to let them be
Some boys try And some boys lie But I don't let them play (no way, no way) Only boys that save they're pennies Make my rainy day
'Cause we are living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl
Living in a material world Living in a material world Living in a material world Living in a material world
Boys may come And boys may go And that's all right you see Experience has made me rich And now they're after me
'Cause everybody's living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl
Living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl
A material A material A material A material A material A material A material world
Living in a material world Living in a material world Living in a material world Living in a material world
Mangled body lies wasted Decaying on a mortuary slab Ulcerative heap of carnage Preserved in a plastic bag...
Cavities are opened, innards dislocated Gastric fluid gurgles, as your entrails are masticated Vile evisceration, discarded in a box Liquefacted autopsy, I ladle the cadaverous slop...
The process of pyosisification The onset of posthumous gangrene The putrid stench of your decomposing bowels The morbid foetor of your crepitated spleen...
Your innards wallow in the cess Your abdominal cavity's a sticky mess The syrupy gastro-rectal paste Is your purulent cadaveric waste...
Slurping the pyostic goulash Feasting on sticky pustulated suppuration Alcoholic dissolution ferments As my necrotic thirsts are sloppily quenched...
Oozing guts devoured Sickening innards ground Helping myself to mouthfuls Of your festering cadaveric mound...
Suck - the rot Vomit - the meal Culinary, pathology...
Pay to be born Pay to die Pay to be born Pay to die
Terminal condition, rampant infection spread too far - leaving many scars
Cadaverous contagion, to necrotize, slash, and mar - blood now black as tar
Repugnant epidemic, deadened hearts beat as one - keeping time with death's drum
The rotting now systemic, the end at last must come - now the grue starts to run
A global funeral, a worldwide wake
Lay it all to rest, for the worms to take
Experiment that failed, we now must help it die
And let our death knell now decry:
Sic transit gloria mortem
So passes the glory of death
Sic transit gloria mortem
So long unrecognized, dying once disguised as life - on the edge of a knife
But lift the putrid veil, beyond the pale and see the light - existence wrought with strife
A shattered hope undone, the dead were taught they'd none to serve - a brutal lesson unlearned
They then enthroned, 'pon their own bones the masters that they deserved - for a gravesite reserved
A global funeral, a worldwide wake
Lay it all to rest, for the worms to take
Experiment that failed, we now must help it die
And let our death knell now decry:
Sic transit gloria mortem
So passes the glory of death
Sic transit gloria mortem
So passes the glory - of death...
For the glory of death - so many caskets were nailed
For the glory of death - so many bloody banners were hailed
For the glory of death - so many putrefying years
For the glory of death - we present an anthem to fall on dead ears
[Lead - Bud]
Sign the death certificate, tag the toe, close the box - and let it rot
Place this vile grotesquery in the vault and turn the lock - and pray it's forgot
Misshapen and horrendous, filthy, diseased, and impure - a necrotopia obscure
Better off reduced to ash thus its extinction assured - but bury it deep, to be sure
A global funeral, a worldwide wake
Lay it all to rest, for the worms to take
Experiment that failed, we now must help it die
And let our death knell now decry:
Sic transit gloria mortem
So passes the glory of death
Sic transit gloria mortem
Murder, all guts, all fun All murder, all guts, all fun
A kick in the head, a gouged out eye Your intestines explode and your eyeballs pop And the taste of your blood will drive me on You see I get what I want, and I want when you bleed 'Cause the things I can cause have the seal of the dead In humanity's fading glow
All murder, all guts, all fun
The things you see and believe
The reflection displays quite differently
Dysmorphic impressions held tenaciously
Open your eyes, behold reality
If you can bear the disappointment
When you see what you truly are
If you can choke back the repulsion
At all of your pustules, buboes, and scars
Dysmorphic - vision of self and state
Honor and compassion, avarice and hate
Dysmorphic - reflection forever barred
Can't accept what we truly are - dysmorphic
Sickened, you infect all that has occurred
With twisted truths and honeyed words
The soothing deceptions you've always heard
As you shamble along immured in the absurd
Twisted self-image cultivated
Self-gratifying death mask to hide behind
Dysmorphic animus to turn your eyes from
The rotting truth you would find
Dysmorphic - vision of self and state
Honor and compassion, avarice and hate
Dysmorphic - reflection forever barred
Can't believe how disgusting we truly are
Dysmorphic - vision, from many one
The truth undone before we begun
Dysmorphic - spawned from slaughter and war
Can't accept ourselves as we truly are - dysmorphic
Dysmorphic - eyes that cannot, will not see
Dysmorphic - distasteful truths exhumed from your mind's cemetery
[Lead - Matt]
[Lead - Bud]
So scrub the blood from your conscience
With a steady stream of comforting lies
Prey-like sheep as you stand ankle-deep
In a river of corpses left behind
Dysmorphic - vision of self and state
Honor and compassion, avarice and hate
Dysmorphic - reflection forever barred
Can't believe how disgusting we truly are
Dysmorphic - vision, from many one
The truth undone before we begun
Dysmorphic - spawned from slaughter and war
A moribund procession, rots its way through the streets
Eagerly slavering for the essence they'll secrete
Smearing the walls of the world, with mephitic putrescence
They drag all within it, to their state of excrescence
One nation buried under the debt
One nation rotting under the dead
A nation nursed on bile, filth, and gall
With gibbeting and pustules for all
Under blighted skies, a foul banner is raised
As the feast now begins, for all that decays
The reek of the slaughter, mars the smog-stricken skies
And the heady thrill of the kill, bloodstains dead livid eyes
One nation rabid under the sword
One nation ravenous and engorged
A nation nursed on bile, filth, and gall
With gibbeting and pustules for all
A morbid chorus cries out, "unlife is now birth"
And proclaims its dominion, over all the earth
[Lead - Bud]
A mordant chorus descants "only the dead truly live"
A decrepit decree that we must never forgive
[Lead - Matt]
One nation gorged to their grue-glutted fill
One nation wallows in a cesspool of swill
A nation nursed on bile, filth, and gall
Place these coins upon your eyes
The final payment in your necrotic tithe
And so the gleam that rendered you blind
Affords the last entertainment you'll ever buy
Filthy lucre's gleam - leaves you excoriated at the seams
The rented corpse you've been, now teems, a necrovore's unburied dream
Coin of the realm misspent - another grey life, came and went
Sundered and rent, your carcass spent upon the wheel unbent
Coins - upon the eyes
You paid to live, now pay to die
A lifetime bled out by degrees
Haemorrhaging figuratively
Now as you pay the final fee
It comes to pass quite literally
Evil's root unquenched - from your cold dead hands your legacy wrenched
Into the trench to stench along the other dead blood-drenched
Mortgaged life past due - just as you knew you'd one day rue
The contract in blood they drew, you signed and what ensued is that they ran you through
Coins - upon the eyes
You paid to live, now pay to die
Now pay to die
DIE! [x4]
Die - even as you think you live
Die - with all you have to give
Die - lifesblood drained as through a sieve
Die - with all your regrets to forgive - never forgive
[Lead - Matt]
[Lead - Bud]
This tenebrous tariff will cost you dear
In sweat and blood, but please no tears
Clinking coppers fall upon dead ears
Overdrawn and overtaxed for years
Coffin nails are never still - ever more plots we've yet to fill
Another deposit in the till, gravehills, rising grim and still
Some say that death is dead - it's all undertaking, too much overhead
But in sooth I'm in the red, in my deathbed I repose obscenely overfed
Coins - upon the eyes
Splattered tumors reek, guts turn to cheese Dry festered entrails, withered caseating carnage...
Moldy septic boils are munched, Cankered, suppurating gore is devoured...
Mashed, ground, and bleeding Pyosisified, torn, and seeping I lick your rupturing carbuncles and taste your pyorrheic scabs...
A festering disemboweled torso remains As I gleefully munch on your decomposed brains - Your genitals I hack and mangle...
Christmas time is here again Santa needs a helping hand We cannot find his evil sheet To draw his laying for the night So all the waiting christmas trees Gonna hear their master sing....
Theres no presents, not this christmas Theres no presents Tom and jerry, drinking sherry They dont give a damn
Christmas time is here again Santa needs a helping hand Its getting very, very late St.peters crossed the golden gate And donald duck is still in bed I wonder who he's gonna help
Theres no presents, not this christmas Theres no presents Tom and jerry, all done sherry They dont give a damn
Theres no presents, not this christmas Theres no presents Tom and jerry, still drinking sherry They dont give a damn
All who walk 'mongst the graves through the murk and the gloom
You that crawl to the depths of the filth in the tomb
So obsessed with the fruits of the autopsy room
Heed this carrion call, join with the exhumed
A voice descanting dirges
Upon dead ears these requiems fall
The cacophony of our vilest urges
Indulge them one, indulge them all
Come six feet deep to our level
And heed this carrion call
Join this repugnant revel
Heed the carrion call
Those who shudder at filth but can't turn away
Deaf to love songs that but cloy and betray
When life is a tomb you can do naught but decay
Heed this carrion call to snatch your carcass away
A voice descanting dirges
Upon dead ears these requiems fall
The cacophony of our vilest urges
Indulge them one, indulge them all
Come six feet deep to our level
And heed this carrion call
Join this repugnant revel
Heed the carrion call
The carrion call - ringing out long and clear, foul and loud
The carrion call - an intoxicating reek spreads like a noxious cloud
The carrion call - a blast of fetid, stinking, putrid air
The carrion call - you reek to high heaven, but you no longer care
[Lead - Bud]
Join with the dead, hold high your severed head
From our graves to the streets we're inexorably led
Stink through the night as we paint the town red
Awash in the ichor we've all willingly bled
A voice descanting dirges
Upon dead ears these requiems fall
The cacophony of our vilest urges
Indulge them one, indulge them all
Come six feet deep to our level
And heed this carrion call
Join this repugnant revel
The first ripening pustule - reared its black head today
A mephitic harbinger - of inexorable decay
Carbuncles and buboes - weeping welts to ensue
Blood bears infection - as it courses through
In sickness as in health - sickened by the sight
Of myself in the mirror - cowering from the light
Sickened in heart and mind - bowed beneath this blight
Flesh suppurates - blood drains to white
Once infected death's grip seizes through my veins
Blackening sores erupt, fever boils through my brains
A contagious affliction, sputum expectorates red
Sickened unto the grave
As epidermal revulsion marks me as soon to be dead
Sickened unto the grave
Sickened - unto the grave
My family and neighbors - come shun my face
For fear of infection - I'll be left to my fate
Writhing in dejection - in an abhorrent state
My blood drains to white - sickened unto the grave
The pustules rupture - a foul, fetid spew
Swollen piles leaking - infectious, discolored grue
My shocking reflection - I no longer recognize
As I succumb to decay - before my festered eyes
The only solace I find is that as the contagion spreads
I'll be joined by you all amongst the numberless dead
A contagious affliction, sputum expectorates red
Sickened unto the grave
As epidermal revulsion marks me as soon to be dead
Sickened unto the grave
Sickened - unto the grave
Life looms somewhere forgotten in a feverish haze
As my extremities contort beneath my gore-grizzled gaze
Waking hours turned to nightmare as my senses decay
And my blood drains to white, sickened unto the grave
There's a ripening reek that emanates from my crotch
And I dare not speak the horrid shade of the blotch
That marks my face as one soon to be at death's door
As I now become totally rotten to the gore - totally rotten to the gore
[Lead - Bud]
[Lead - Matt]
[Lead - Bud]
As my bowels liquefy and my skin sloughs away
Sickened unto the grave
I welcome the cold comfort of death's black embrace
Sickened unto the grave
Sickened - unto the grave
[musick & lyrixxx - Ross Sewage, 1997]
Malignant sores seep, Pustules erupt with cheese, Degeneration of
epithelium, Phagocytic cells increase... The carcinoma disseminates through
lymphatic fluid, Giving rise to a myriad of metastic moppets, Lambasted by
lesions and suffering tissue rejection, As your countenance glides off in
deliquesced droplets... Infected layers of skin disembogue in sullied
chunks, Cleaved from connective tissue by fitful hands, Your long face
accentuated by pendulant flesh, Debilitated by an aberration in the DNA
strand... Corpulent moles and warts, Symptoms of the sarcoma, Abrading the
neoplasm, You avulse the keratoma... A tumorous husk is amassed and left to
decay, Emitting a foul septic aroma, Ameliorate the disease through total
dermal regeneration, You slough the gory melanoma... Irradiated and
mutated, Cancerous cells deviate, Carcinogens and pathogens, The integument
You`ll fester forever in this forensic hell
Sempiternal suppuration, throax starts to swell
Purulent perdition, the body`s fluid coagulate
Half dissolved gizzards oozing on my plate
Slathering the chyme and pyathoric grume
Your Last Supper is meal that turns my table to your tomb
Imbibe the fedit fluids and gorge myself upon the guts
Ravenously I stuff my face, my gullet starts to glut!
My meal congeals, my nostrils reel, flesh is all I need
Spoon the grume, stole from the tomb, bute the hand that bleeds
Sputter, spatter, supper, splatter, slurp the sicky swill
Chyme after chyme, at feeding time, I always eat my fill!
Fester Forever
Gored, Devoured and severed
Eat, drink, and be marry
For tomorrow we die
Meat is just flesh, only temporary
On its pulpous provisions we dine
A carnal cornucopia
Of maturating bowels and offal
The bitter rasp of decay`s pungent taste
Permeates every putrid mouthful
My meal congeals, my nostrils reel, flesh is all I need
Spoon the grume, stole from the tomb, bute the hand that bleeds
Sputter, spatter, supper, splatter, slurp the sicky swill
Chyme after chyme, at feeding time, I always eat my fill!
Fester Forever
Anatomized, gnawed, and dismembered
Ribcage pried apart and sundered open wide
The pulmonary splatter platter is served
Mucu-purulent morsels of viscous heart and lung
A fell feast that is quite ill-deserved
If meat is murder, then cannibalism`s carnage
My seven corpse meals are an excess in death
I rise from my table soaken in the fluids of the deceased
Bile hangs hot on my breath
Fester Forever
(Musick & Lyrixxx - Matt Harvey)
(Lead - Matt)
The ashen grey muse commissions a new verse
A song to while away the long sojourn in the hearse
Yet all of us who danse macabre to these dour, dismal tunes
Become cold, grim and hard as the dirt upon the tomb...
In darkened dirges death's knell peals out it's toll
As another cadaver is consigned six feet down to its hole
But ere the last shovel of dirt falls on the wall of the box
We gravely offer a salute to those about to rot...
So lift up your severed heads, in a song for the dead
Life's course ever runs red, so let no lyric remain unsaid
As from our mouths the melody is bled, in a symphony scripted in red
Like rats by the piper we're led, to join in this song for the dead...
(Lead - Mike)
The humor of the gallons never fails to ring true
In this dead, bleak, sick world that we're hung, drawn and quartered though
As each internecine instrument plays its own bloody part
The hammering of coffin nails outpaces the beating of our hearts...
Symphonic surgery orchestrated, a cleaver conducts
The execrable epiphany comes too late, just to reduce us to chunks
Rising up from the sod heaves a gross, putrid breath
As the chorus is joined in this song for the dead...
So lift up your severed heads, in a song for the dead
Life's course ever runs red, so let no lyric remain unsaid
As from our mouths the melody is bled, in a symphony scripted in red
Like rats by the piper we're led, to join in this song for the dead...
(Lead - Matt)
Truncated toccatas deranged - raked across barbed strings and hacked
Eviscerated etudes for the de-brained - plucked upon heartstring stretched
on the rack
Medicinal movements decomposed - Regurgitating oratorios obscene
Forensic fugues and de-boned - Mutilating the melody's method and means...
The crepitated coda dies in mid-refrain
As the sheet-music is obscured by a sanguine scarlet stain
Shattered stave lodged in your split-open splattered brain
The ruptured meter falters as the bow is fretted once again...
Acrid arias are screeched
The bloated thorax is breached
Abrading viscera with bleach
Grotesquely gavage the deceased...
(Lead - Matt)
Cleaving the clef
Broken notes bleed into a mess
Falling on ears so deaf
So it ever is in death...
Carbonized cantatas corrupt - ringing out, sewing seeds of dischord and
Suppurated sonatas erupt - Purulent pizzicatos slicing every which way
The truncated cadence is sundered - Bloody scraps of sheet music
unintellibly scrawled
Threnodies resonate six feet under - To where all life's fractured melodies
will finally resolve...
The symphonic slaughter's swells without restraint
As the cacophonous cadenza splits your eardrums clean in twain
The repugnant orchestra pit an abattoir of death and pain
[musick - Matt Harvey, Derrel Houdashelt; lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1992]
Gnawing the stools, I masticate with fervor, Enthusiastically I ingest the
discharge of your gaping anus, Anal disgorgement of steaming bits of meat...
Each smelly mouthful I devour, Your rectum is now going sour... I divulge
the latent feast of your colon, As my drill gouges an avenue of
ano-obliteration... Steaming fecal morsels expelled, Chunks of watery
bloodied stool, Your salivating sphincter is throbbing, As I begin to
heartily drool... Shredded chunks of your buttocks, Your gaping anus is
ground and mulched, As you are made to excrete your innards, Your pulsating
sphincter emits a septic belch... Sanguineous anal discharge... Loosened
bowel segments, Your colon hemorraghing in fecal fistula, This disemboweling
Once upon the slab
The torso starts to swell as entrails bloat
After the toes are tagged
Crepitus is the smell that has you clutching your throat
Irrigate flatus, foul, tepid splatter...
Decrepit Crescendo
Flatulent emanations so rank
The air`s turning sour as the bowels start to leak
The morgue is now fetid and drunk
The stench overpowers, such a noxious, nauseating reek
Crepitating stiffs, take another whiff...
Decrepit Crescendo
The hypertrophic cadaver erupts
With a curdling stench as it`s bowels starts to vent
The creaking anus ernits a stench so corrput
Your guts will be wrenched `til the intestinal tract is spent
Putrid odours emanate, from beneath the mortuary drape...
[musick & lyrixxx - Matt Harvey, 1993]
Cerebral cortex slashed, Frontal lobes abrased, Cerebellum gouged, Your
hypophysis avulsed... Medulla severed, Lobes dismembered, Hypothalamus
punctured, Optic chasm ruptured... The pons is scraped, As your brain I
rape, The decomposed cerebrum now sludge, Putrid grey matter is
splattered... Thalumic dismemberment, Your formix is cruelly rent,
Brainstem now flayed and hacked, Mesencephalon is reduced to scrap...
Grotesque splattered brains, Hypoglossal dysfunction, Macerated
cephalo-extirpation, Neuro-cranial disjunction... I carve the corpus
callosum, I shred the lacerated mind, Peeling the abrased cortex and
precental gyrus, Bissecting the central sulcus and lateral tissue... Gouged
and sliced, diced, and hacked to bits, I carve with feverish glee as you now
lose your wits, Your vacated cranium is scraped to its... Scraped the
core... Dismantling the cerebrum, Disassembling the brainstem, Your