Jill Stein For President Announcement Speech
Jill Stein for President, Green Party, Announcement. Boston, MA. October 24, 2011. Discuss...
published: 25 Oct 2011
Author: drjillstein
Jill Stein For President Announcement Speech
Jill Stein for President, Green Party, Announcement. Boston, MA. October 24, 2011. Discusses Green New Deal. www.jillstein.org.
Jill Stein's message of change, on which real hope depends
From JillStein.org -- In this first video message from Jill Stein, the Green Party preside...
published: 27 Dec 2011
Author: drjillstein
Jill Stein's message of change, on which real hope depends
From JillStein.org -- In this first video message from Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate addresses the White House's recent agreements to violate the 6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments to the Constitution, to speed up the timetable on the Keystone Pipeline, and to eliminate the national health care standard. In the message, Dr. Stein says that, "I'm taking about real hope for deep change -- the kind that's breaking out all over. Because so many people like you are standing up and refusing to accept this unprecedented state of inequality, austerity and perpetual war that we're in. Instead, you are demanding the peaceful, just, green future we all deserve. And that's the real source of hope, not only for the holidays -- but for every day, going forward to a better future that's within our reach."
Who is Jill Stein?
Jill Stein, 2012 Green Party Presidential Candidate, discusses why she entered the world o...
published: 04 Apr 2012
Author: Jill Stein for President
Who is Jill Stein?
Jill Stein, 2012 Green Party Presidential Candidate, discusses why she entered the world of politics.
Organizer, Physician Jill Stein Poised to Win Green Party's Presidential Nomination
DemocracyNow.org - As the corporate media covers every move made by Republican presidentia...
published: 13 Jul 2012
Author: democracynow
Organizer, Physician Jill Stein Poised to Win Green Party's Presidential Nomination
DemocracyNow.org - As the corporate media covers every move made by Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney and Democratic incumbent Barack Obama, we go to Baltimore to cover the Green Party 2012 National Convention. "We need big solutions, you know, not solutions around the margins. We really need to end unemployment, we need to put 25 million people back to work with good paying jobs," says presumptive presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein, who is running on a platform called "the Green New Deal" that emphasizes economic justice, tough financial regulation, the repeal of Citizens United and a transition to a "green economy." The Green Party expects to be on the 2012 ballot in at least 45 states and plans to spend approximately $1 million on its campaign. Stein is the party's first candidate to independently qualify for federal matching funds, a milestone for this 11-year-old third party. Watch our additional coverage from the Green Party National Convention at www.democracynow.org/shows/2012/7/13 To watch the complete weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman, visit www.democracynow.org FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Listen on SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a <b>...</b>
"Enough!" The first Jill Stein for President TV ad
Help us break through the media blackout and get this ad in front of millions of Americans...
published: 30 Aug 2012
Author: Jill Stein
"Enough!" The first Jill Stein for President TV ad
Help us break through the media blackout and get this ad in front of millions of Americans! Please embed this video and spread everywhere. And be sure to promote our website www.jillstein.org & Jill Stein 2012. Also, take a moment to donate http so we can put this ad in front of more people! THANK YOU! Paid for by Jill Stein for President
Voting Jill Stein or Gary Johnson in MA are the only votes that count
garyjohnson2012.com http youtube.com Subscribe to our youtube channel! Like our facebook p...
published: 09 Sep 2012
Author: MikeCANN
Voting Jill Stein or Gary Johnson in MA are the only votes that count
garyjohnson2012.com http youtube.com Subscribe to our youtube channel! Like our facebook page, www.facebook.com mikecann.net
Interview with Jill Stein, Green Party presidential candidate
An interview with the Green Party's presidential candidate, Jill Stein, at Seattle'...
published: 20 Aug 2012
Author: AdamUnedited
Interview with Jill Stein, Green Party presidential candidate
An interview with the Green Party's presidential candidate, Jill Stein, at Seattle's Hempfest on Friday, August 17th, 2012. For the shorter, edited version of this interview, along with other moments of Jill Stein at Hempfest, click here: www.youtube.com Be sure to check out the speech Jill Stein gave at the event: www.youtube.com You are watching my alternate channel, where I upload unedited footage. To see my edited videos, check out my main channel: www.youtube.com Or you can find my videos along with photos, blogs and more on my website: www.AdamTheAlien.com Jill Stein's website www.jillstein.org
Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Acceptance Speech to Convention
Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Acceptance Speech to Convention. Stein talks about her...
published: 17 Jul 2012
Author: seecraig
Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Acceptance Speech to Convention
Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Acceptance Speech to Convention. Stein talks about her evolution from doctor to activist to candidate. As she became more involved with issue work she explains how she realized how even the elected Democrats thwarted reforms leading her to become a Green and a candidate. Jill Stein Campaign website www.jillstein.org Jill Stein Facebook www.facebook.com Green Party website www.gp.org
Green Party Nominee Jill Stein & Running Mate, Cheri Honkala: "We Represent the 99 Percent"
DemocracyNow.org - Dr. Jill Stein's Green Party vice presidential running mate, Cheri ...
published: 13 Jul 2012
Author: democracynow
Green Party Nominee Jill Stein & Running Mate, Cheri Honkala: "We Represent the 99 Percent"
DemocracyNow.org - Dr. Jill Stein's Green Party vice presidential running mate, Cheri Honkala, is a single mother who has first-hand experience with homelessness. In 2011, she ran on the Green Party for sheriff of Philadelphia on a platform of ending foreclosures and halting evictions. "Large sections of the population are just sitting out ... It is not just because they are not interested in what's happening in this country. They just don't see that their vote actually matters," Honkala says. "But our campaign gives an opportunity for people to see themselves because we represent the 99 percent." Her Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign is one of the country's largest movements led by the poor and homeless. We speak with Honkala and Dr. Stein about their campaign for the White House, and the challenges they face as a third party in a two-party political system. If elected, Stein says she would work to repeal the US Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling. "There are so many strategies that a president could bring into play to help draw public attention to not only the problem, but how we can solve it with a constitutional amendment to make clear that corporations are not persons and money is not speech." Watch our additional coverage from the Green Party National Convention at www.democracynow.org To watch the complete weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now <b>...</b>
Presidential Candidate Jill Stein speaks at Seattle Hempfest
The Green Party's presidential candidate, Jill Stein, gives a speech at Seattle's ...
published: 19 Aug 2012
Author: AdamUnedited
Presidential Candidate Jill Stein speaks at Seattle Hempfest
The Green Party's presidential candidate, Jill Stein, gives a speech at Seattle's Hempfest on Friday, August 17th, 2012. See more Jill Stein at Hempfest, including an exclusive interview, here: www.youtube.com Watch that interview complete and unedited here: www.youtube.com You are watching my alternate channel, where I upload unedited footage. To see my edited videos, check out my main channel: www.youtube.com Or you can find my videos along with photos, blogs and more on my website: www.AdamTheAlien.com Jill Stein's website www.jillstein.org
Jill Stein: "I'm practicing political medicine"
The full, unedited interview: www.youtube.com Jill Stein's full speech at Hempfest: ww...
published: 31 Aug 2012
Author: AdamTheAlien
Jill Stein: "I'm practicing political medicine"
The full, unedited interview: www.youtube.com Jill Stein's full speech at Hempfest: www.youtube.com My website: www.AdamTheAlien.com Jill Stein's website www.JillStein.org Footage of Jill Stein at Occupy Fannie Mae in Philadelphia courtesy Jill Stein for President. Used here under a CC-BY license. Original video www.youtube.com Footage of anti-foreclosure protesters courtesy OccupyMNTV via a CC-BY license. Original video: www.youtube.com
Jill Stein: Two Corporate Parties (August 25th 2012 - Minneapolis MN)
The Green Party's presidential candidate was in Minneapolis speaking about the Democra...
published: 30 Aug 2012
Author: eckonate
Jill Stein: Two Corporate Parties (August 25th 2012 - Minneapolis MN)
The Green Party's presidential candidate was in Minneapolis speaking about the Democrats and Republicans and their fundamentally pro-corporate policies.
Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum
Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum, discuss the issues as present...
published: 13 May 2012
Author: seecraig
Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum
Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum, discuss the issues as presented by Rose Aguilar from NPR affiliate KALW San Francisco. Jello Biafra, Green Party member and former lead singer for The Dead Kennedys also steps up to ask questions. EXCELLENT DISCUSSION. Intelligent Green thought. May 12 2012 Victoria Theater San Francisco California. Green Party gp.org Green Party Facebook www.facebook.com Green Party Twitter twitter.com @gpus Jill Stein Campaign site www.jillstein.org Green Party forums stream live on Green Party Livestream channel www.livestream.com Camera and onsite tech Sanda Everette Remote streaming tech Craig Seeman Additional tech Starlene Rankin
Regis interviews Jill Stein
My interview with Green Party candidate for President of the United States, Jill Stein, MD...
published: 02 Sep 2012
Author: Regis Tremblay
Regis interviews Jill Stein
My interview with Green Party candidate for President of the United States, Jill Stein, MD.
Youtube results:
Jill Stein's arrest, Anti-eviction action Chicago, Anaheim solidarity march Portland
This episode of the show reports on the Green Party candidate, Jill Stein's arrest in ...
published: 09 Aug 2012
Author: PressTVGlobalNews
Jill Stein's arrest, Anti-eviction action Chicago, Anaheim solidarity march Portland
This episode of the show reports on the Green Party candidate, Jill Stein's arrest in Philly. OWS Week also covers the anti foreclosure/eviction action of Chicago, Tompkins Square Park Riot Anniversary. Also on this edition of the show we report on Anaheim solidarity march and Wells Fargo protest to expose more of the big banks' illegal practices. Watch this video on our Website: www.presstv.com Follow our Facebook on: www.facebook.com Follow our Twitter on: twitter.com
Jill Stein The Politics of Fear vs The Politics of Courage Green Party Presidential Candidate
Jill Stein The Politics of Fear vs The Politics of Courage Green Party Presidential Candid...
published: 25 Mar 2012
Author: seecraig
Jill Stein The Politics of Fear vs The Politics of Courage Green Party Presidential Candidate
Jill Stein The Politics of Fear vs The Politics of Courage Green Party Presidential Candidate. Stein speaks about the importance of answering the Politics of Fear with the Politics of Courage and the combination of movement and electoral campaign to bring a functioning democracy. Jill Stein speaks at home fundraising event in Brooklyn, NY March 17, 2012 Campaign website www.jillstein.org Green Party website gp.org
Jill Stein for President
Getting Beyond Red Herring Politics Jill Stein and the 99% Dr. Jill Stein, the bright Gree...
published: 04 Sep 2012
Author: Paul Kangas
Jill Stein for President
Getting Beyond Red Herring Politics Jill Stein and the 99% Dr. Jill Stein, the bright Green Party candidate for President of the United States, promises a Manhattan-project jobs program that would ignite our solar economy, create 33 million new solar jobs, quit all nukes and put the US in the lead at the forefront of the world's newest and hottest solar & wind technologies. Stein can best do this by implementing a policy known worldwide at a "Feed-in-tariff" (FIT) which requires utilities, like PG&E, to pay homeowners $0.54 kWh for feeding green energy onto the grid. This programs pays homeowners for harvesting solar energy. A farmer could make $50000. a year just from solar. A similar plan in Germany produced 450000 new solar jobs. It created a cash flow of $5 billion in Germany, making Germany the strongest economy in Europe. Making Germany the greenest nation on Earth. Germany was able to shut down half its nukes in response to Fukushima. Germany will achieve 100% solar power by 2022 & shut down all its nukes. There are FITs in over 70 countries now, helping to shift the world from nukes to solar. This solves the climate crisis while creating millions of jobs. This gives more economic power to homeowners, farmers and tenants who harvest solar. This gives more political power to those who harvest solar, because it decentralizes economic power and so too political power. Political power grows out of solar panels and economic power. Stein will put forward the health care <b>...</b>
Jill Stein Discusses the Dynamic Vision of the Green Party Part 1
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein and DC anchor Mike Walter discuss her platfo...
published: 02 Sep 2012
Author: cctvamericaheat1
Jill Stein Discusses the Dynamic Vision of the Green Party Part 1
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein and DC anchor Mike Walter discuss her platform and how a third party alternative to the current two-party system would impact American politics.