
Hidden Wisdom: the History of Hermeticism
History of secret Western esoteric path of Hermeticism with Christopher Warnock of Renaiss...
published: 03 Apr 2009
author: renaissanceastrology
Hidden Wisdom: the History of Hermeticism
History of secret Western esoteric path of Hermeticism with Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology. More information at www.renaissanceastrology.com
published: 03 Apr 2009
views: 35494

Hermeticism & Alchemy (Terence McKenna) [FULL]
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.com 1992Workshop, New York "History itself is a kind of alchem...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: TerenceMcKennaTube
Hermeticism & Alchemy (Terence McKenna) [FULL]
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.com 1992Workshop, New York "History itself is a kind of alchemical process. ... History is the catalyst of nature." "If we could raise to consciousness our alchemical heritage, and our heritage in the shamanism of the archaic, then we could actually see that the purpose of technology is to liberate, not to enslave, and somehow we've lost the thread." "You know, Tim Leary used to say, 'When in doubt, double the dose.' " "Capitalism, I can't say this enough, is NOT in our interest." "The Earth is perfectly capable of raising outrageous hell without us triggering a nuclear war." "My faith is that we're just slow to get rolling, and that once the battle is joined, once every person on Earth realizes that we're in a battle for planetary survival, then people will get with the program, it's just that things aren't bad enough yet." "We're lead by jackasses. We [the psychedelic community] don't bother with our political processes." "What we have to do is stop looking for leadership from the top, because the least among us makes their way into those positions of power. I mean, you can see that now [1992], those guys are not fit to throw guts down to a bear ... ANY OF THEM!" "What we have to do is knock off this fantasy of being citizens inside a democratic state. I mean, what we are are the propagandized masses inside a Fascist dictatorship." "Know your enemy and they probably will not be your enemy." "I think that the Third Reich was a Sunday school ...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: TerenceMcKennaTube
views: 91082

Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy - Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus
A Manly P.Hall lecture about Hermetic Philosophy....
published: 23 Apr 2011
author: linuxfrik
Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy - Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus
A Manly P.Hall lecture about Hermetic Philosophy.
published: 23 Apr 2011
author: linuxfrik
views: 37281

The Hermetic Hour - The Magick of Franz Bardon
The Hermetic Hour presents a lecture on the magick of Franz Bardon, the 20th century Europ...
published: 29 Feb 2012
author: TheHermeticHour
The Hermetic Hour - The Magick of Franz Bardon
The Hermetic Hour presents a lecture on the magick of Franz Bardon, the 20th century European alchemist and magician. Bardon was the author of three books on magick, and one semi-autobiographical novel. His Eastern style methods of training, owing much to raja and tantric yoga, have had a considerable influence on modern Western practice. We will discuss each of his three books in sequence; where his information came from, and what his philosophy was. You will learn about "fluid condensers," "volts," "elementals," magnetic and electric fluids, and magick mirrors. His debt to PB Randolph will be mentioned. We will discuss the origins of his myriads of spirits, the way he derived his sigils, his unique concept of Kabbalah. Bardon's background as a professional hypnotist, alchemist and healer will be compared to his mundane life and problems. The Master was an over-weight chain-smoker who died after eating a bacon sandwich---but he was still "The Master," and we should appreciate him all the more for the faults that made him human. Tune in find out why Simon, King of the Witches kept saying "Magnetic-Electric," while having fun with the DA's daughter.
published: 29 Feb 2012
author: TheHermeticHour
views: 8005

Hermetic Gnosis: Secrets of Spiritual Hermeticism
Philosophy and spiritual path of Hermetic mystic union with Christopher Warnock of Renaiss...
published: 19 Apr 2009
author: renaissanceastrology
Hermetic Gnosis: Secrets of Spiritual Hermeticism
Philosophy and spiritual path of Hermetic mystic union with Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology. More information at www.renaissanceastrology.com
published: 19 Apr 2009
author: renaissanceastrology
views: 72477

Exploring The Hermetic Tradition (Terence McKenna) [FULL]
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.com Terence K. McKenna (1991) Exploring the Hermetic Tradition...
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: TerenceMcKennaTube
Exploring The Hermetic Tradition (Terence McKenna) [FULL]
alchemicalarchives.blogspot.com Terence K. McKenna (1991) Exploring the Hermetic Tradition. This is the pre-talk anicdotes before the workshop, Hermeticism & Alchemy. "History itself is a kind of alchemical process. ... History is the catalyst of nature." "If we could raise to consciousness our alchemical heritage, and our heritage in the shamanism of the archaic, then we could actually see that the purpose of technology is to liberate, not to enslave, and somehow we've lost the thread." Art: Remedios Varo 'Creation of the Birds' (1957)
published: 10 Jul 2011
author: TerenceMcKennaTube
views: 50176

Introduction to Hermeticism
This episode provides a brief introduction into Hermeticism...
published: 30 May 2011
author: Taliesin McKnight
Introduction to Hermeticism
This episode provides a brief introduction into Hermeticism
published: 30 May 2011
author: Taliesin McKnight
views: 1370

Bruce Rawles Full interview -7 Hermetic Laws & Sacred Geometry
Bruce Rawles Full interview of the 7 Hermetic Laws & Sacred Geometry...
published: 06 Sep 2008
author: newrealities
Bruce Rawles Full interview -7 Hermetic Laws & Sacred Geometry
Bruce Rawles Full interview of the 7 Hermetic Laws & Sacred Geometry
published: 06 Sep 2008
author: newrealities
views: 8367

Manly P Hall - Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy - Part1
The Doctrine of Hermes Trismegistus series, Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy. Manly ...
published: 13 Mar 2009
author: LuxorMedia
Manly P Hall - Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy - Part1
The Doctrine of Hermes Trismegistus series, Orientation of the Hermetic Philosophy. Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 - August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for his work The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, published in 1928[1] [2] when he was 27 years old. He was made a knight patron of the Masonic Research Group of San Francisco in 1953, although he was not raised until 22 November 1954 into Jewel Lodge No. 374 , San Francisco. He later received his 32° in the Valley of San Francisco AASR (SJ).[3] In 1973 (47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages), Hall was recognized as a 33º Mason (the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite), at a ceremony held at PRS on December 8,[4][5]). In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles Join our social network at esotericonline.net
published: 13 Mar 2009
author: LuxorMedia
views: 42441

The Hermetic Hour - The "Why" of Magick
The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon leads a discussion on Hermetic Philosophy, from ancie...
published: 28 May 2012
author: TheHermeticHour
The Hermetic Hour - The "Why" of Magick
The Hermetic Hour's host Poke Runyon leads a discussion on Hermetic Philosophy, from ancient Alexandria through the Renaissance, and into the modern era. We look at the early work of Empedocles and Pythagoras, the Pomander and the Asclepius, the Emerald Tablet, and the Chaldean Oracles. We consider the Gnostic connection, and how the kabbalah arose from Greek, Assyrian, and Gnostic roots, and how it joined with Hermeticism in the Renaissance. We establish why astrology is so important in the magical art. Most importantly we look for The Great Secret of Hermetic-kabbalistic philosophy. This is the "Why" of Magick. This is the Holy Grail that we search for. This is the reason we dedicate our lives to an art that destroys the fools, and makes the wise immortal. I doubt that you have ever heard anything like this before. Tune in and we will open the pathway to enlightenment. Nosce te Ipsum -- Tu es Deus. blogtalkradio.com/the-hermetic-hour
published: 28 May 2012
author: TheHermeticHour
views: 4764

The Hermetic Hour - Enochian Magick 1
www.blogtalkradio.com/the-hermetic-hour Enochian Magick Episode first aired June 10th, 201...
published: 30 Oct 2011
author: TheHermeticHour
The Hermetic Hour - Enochian Magick 1
www.blogtalkradio.com/the-hermetic-hour Enochian Magick Episode first aired June 10th, 2010 The Hermetic Hour presents an introductory lecture on Enochian Magick. Your host, Poke Runyon, has been practicing this system for forty years and has some personal insights into its effectiveness, how it works, and what one can expect from it. We will begin with a brief history from John Dee and Edward Kelley in Elizabethan times, through the Golden Dawn's amplifications, Crowley's contributions, and the present day developments, including the work of Lon Milo DuQuette. We will discuss Terrestrial Victory, and how it became the modern system of the Thirty Aethyrs. We will recount some Enochian visions, and even deliver an Enochian Call --- You can close your eyes and see what kind of visions arise in your mind's eye. So, tune in and we'll visit the Enochians. Show Host: Carroll Poke Runyon Show Producer: Zandria Artwork: Kelly Ervin
published: 30 Oct 2011
author: TheHermeticHour
views: 8268

6b.The Emerald Tablet, the Hermetic tradition & the Golden Dawn (Part 2)
Golden-Dawn.EU - 1(888)595-HOGD - Part 6 includes the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Penta...
published: 13 Apr 2009
author: HermeticGoldenDawn
6b.The Emerald Tablet, the Hermetic tradition & the Golden Dawn (Part 2)
Golden-Dawn.EU - 1(888)595-HOGD - Part 6 includes the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram in the Ahathoor Grand Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. David Griffin lectures on The Emerald Tablet, Hermetic Tradition, and Energetic Evolution. Part 6 of the Golden Dawn Paris Centennial Celebration documentary, hosted by the Ahathoor Grand Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in Paris, France, the Mother Temple of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega.
published: 13 Apr 2009
author: HermeticGoldenDawn
views: 11647

The Hermetic Code in DNA
vid created by theduderinok. Michael Hayes - The Hermetic Code in DNA . 08-30-08...
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: theduderinok2
The Hermetic Code in DNA
vid created by theduderinok. Michael Hayes - The Hermetic Code in DNA . 08-30-08
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: theduderinok2
views: 31522

www.transalchemy.com Vital Links www.conspirituality.com http www.myspace.com www.myspace....
published: 18 Jan 2010
author: particleion
www.transalchemy.com Vital Links www.conspirituality.com http www.myspace.com www.myspace.com www.myspace.com www.facebook.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Conspirituality is a revolutionary, spiritually conscious and politically charged hip-hop group from Vancouver, British Columbia. The group consists of three members, Gemineye and Zaddik Melchizedek with BigBrother accompanying them on beats and percussion, providing the soundtrack to Gemineye & Zaddiks lyrical motion pictures. Gemineye concentrates mainly on revealing the ugly faces of the powers that be. Even the staunchest non—believers have witnessed Gemineye use calculated intelligence to turn so called conspiracy theories in to stone cold facts before their vary eyes. These conspiracy facts include such white-hot topics as 9/11 Truth, Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati and the Princess Diana Assassination. Meanwhile Zaddik Melchizedek takes focus and sheds light on ancient world traditions, cultures, mythologies and beliefs. Unlocking secrets buried deep beneath the sands of time and displaying them in the bright sun of today for this generations hip hop community. Conspirituality can constantly be found incinerating stages and blowing away audiences from their local Vancouver all the way to the Eastern Seaboard. They have toured, performed, and collaborated with such artists as Sweatshop Union, Kyprios, Moka Only, Josh Martinez, Kia Kadiri, Zion I and Ndidi Cascade.
published: 18 Jan 2010
author: particleion
views: 10410
Youtube results:

Terence McKenna: Hermeticism & Alchemy - 1/19
1992 Workshop, New York "History itself is a kind of alchemical process. ... History is th...
published: 05 Apr 2011
author: TerenceMcKennaTube
Terence McKenna: Hermeticism & Alchemy - 1/19
1992 Workshop, New York "History itself is a kind of alchemical process. ... History is the catalyst of nature." "If we could raise to consciousness our alchemical heritage, and our heritage in the shamanism of the archaic, then we could actually see that the purpose of technology is to liberate, not to enslave, and somehow we've lost the thread." "You know, Tim Leary used to say, 'When in doubt, double the dose.' " "Capitalism, I can't say this enough, is NOT in our interest." "The Earth is perfectly capable of raising outrageous hell without us triggering a nuclear war." "My faith is that we're just slow to get rolling, and that once the battle is joined, once every person on Earth realizes that we're in a battle for planetary survival, then people will get with the program, it's just that things aren't bad enough yet." "We're lead by jackasses. We [the psychedelic community] don't bother with our political processes." "What we have to do is stop looking for leadership from the top, because the least among us makes their way into those positions of power. I mean, you can see that now [1992], those guys are not fit to throw guts down to a bear ... ANY OF THEM!" "What we have to do is knock off this fantasy of being citizens inside a democratic state. I mean, what we are are the propagandized masses inside a Fascist dictatorship." "Know your enemy and they probably will not be your enemy." "I think that the Third Reich was a Sunday school picnic compared to the population ...
published: 05 Apr 2011
author: TerenceMcKennaTube
views: 10882

The Hermetic Hour - The Hermetic Qabala
Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon presents a lecture on "The Hermetic Qabalah." First we will...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: TheHermeticHour
The Hermetic Hour - The Hermetic Qabala
Hermetic Hour host Poke Runyon presents a lecture on "The Hermetic Qabalah." First we will define what Qabalah, or Kabbalah, or Cabala, or "QBL" is, and then we will present a very simplified version of the basic principles -- sort of a "Qabalah for Dummies." Then we will move on into what we can do with it (that's the fun part). I once said that "hypnosis is the tactic of the magician, and Qabalah is his strategy." We can define it as a software program, an operating system, or a schematic for the mind which enables the left brain (the rational part) to access and control the right brain (the intuitive part). We will get down to the magical nuts-and-bolts. We'll define the four dimensions, the Tree of Life, the Cube of Space, what the astrological connection is, where the angels and demons live, and how we use the Qabalah to communicate with them. Tune in and let us gently bend your mind. www.blogtalkradio.com
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: TheHermeticHour
views: 4323

The Seven Hermetic Principles (For Manifesting) - Hermes Trismegistus
www.occult33.com Hermes Trismegistus (Greek Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-great Hermes"; L...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: TheOccult33
The Seven Hermetic Principles (For Manifesting) - Hermes Trismegistus
www.occult33.com Hermes Trismegistus (Greek Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-great Hermes"; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is the representation of the syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. In Hellenistic Egypt, the Greeks recognised the congruence of their god Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Subsequently the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: TheOccult33
views: 8026

Masters of the Light, Hermetic Introduction Pt 1, The Key of Gnosis
hermeticsource.info Video created by John Carnagey My work serves to be a source of ancien...
published: 01 Jul 2010
author: wjcarnagey
Masters of the Light, Hermetic Introduction Pt 1, The Key of Gnosis
hermeticsource.info Video created by John Carnagey My work serves to be a source of ancient esoteric wisdom and modern quantum sciences. These modern quantum sciences are beginning to validate and prove the truths and understandings of reality that we have been told of before by the Egyptian Mystery Schools and many ancient masters through out known history. That is... 1. That we are all an eternal "light/energy/consciousness/soul". We are not bodies that have souls, rather we are souls experiencing a 'body'. 2. That the very source of that soul is in fact The ALL or "God". "While it is true that The ALL is ALL, it is equally as true that The ALL is within ALL". "The source, limit, and constitution of all things is God. " Thus making all life and creation sacred. ("Do unto others as you would have done unto you") 3. Third, that those souls all being individuated pieces of The ALL, live within its infinitely expanding imagination. The universe is entirely mental in reality, nature, and construct, existing only in the mental perceptions and illusions of the senses presented to that soul. The imagination of god is in fact the dwelling ground/plane of existence that the soul 'resides' in, experiencing a 'separate' existence from inherent 'oneness'. God is all, and all is in gods imagination. God is the force (energy) behind all 'physical' matter, this force is, primary, eternal, and of real substantiality. Matter is secondary, passing, and based in illusion. "We live in ...
published: 01 Jul 2010
author: wjcarnagey
views: 22121