About Us

Tip Us:

To send a tip to our editorial staff, write to tips@consumerist.com. Please understand that you are contacting journalists and all emails will be considered submissions for publication unless you explicitly request otherwise.

 Consumerist is physically located at:

101 Truman Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10703-1057

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  • Unsolicited "guest post" submissions
  • Infographics
  • Free samples or gifts
  • Advertising requests
  • Random pictures with no connection to consumer issues
  • Link exchange requests
  • Random vitriol 

Please do send us the following:

  • Questions for "Ask the Consumerist"
  • Stories you think we should cover
  • Helpful tips for consumers (e. g., Do you work retail and wish your customers knew xy & z?)
  • Pictures of interesting things you see while shopping or working. (If you're on the go, download the Consumerist Tipster App and use it to quickly send us pictures. Your photo submissions are sent directly to the editors.)
  • Information you think we might be interested in seeing

Contact Us:

Comments Moderator: EMAIL | AIM
Media Inquiries: EMAIL
Technical Support: EMAIL
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Executive Editor
Meg Marco 

Deputy Editor
Chris Morran

Senior Editor
Mary Beth Quirk

Assistant Editor & Tipline Empress
Laura Northrup

Community Moderator
The Inimitable Roz

The Consumerist is published by Consumer Media LLC, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Consumer Reports, and takes no outside advertising.

Please note:

1. We do not take outside advertising of any kind, and we do not respond to advertising inquiries. Please do not contact us regarding advertising.
2. We do not exchange links or post links based on anything other than editorial discretion, and do not reply to link exchange requests. All links that appear on our sites do so solely based on their value to our readers, as determined by our editors.

About Consumer Media LLC

The Consumerist's parent company, Consumer Media LLC, is a subsidiary of Consumer Reports, the nation's leading not-for-profit consumer advocacy organization. Since its founding in 1936, Consumer Reports has fought for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and to empower consumers to protect themselves. To maintain independence and impartiality, CR accepts neither outside advertising nor free samples. It employs a staff of "mystery shoppers" who buy products in retail stores around the country, just as any other buyer would, and then ship them to the Consumer Reports labs, where technical experts test some 3,000 products yearly.

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