
Windows 7 vs Windows Vista
Click here for the latest Windows 7 Videos www.youtube.com If you like the video please ra...
published: 03 Jul 2009
Author: PCWizKid
Windows 7 vs Windows Vista
Click here for the latest Windows 7 Videos www.youtube.com If you like the video please rate, comment, or add to favorites. It is an amazingly easy way to help me out :). If not its cool! OFFICIAL PCWizKid WEBSITE: PCWizKidsTechTalk.com SECOND CHANNEL www.youtube.com PCWizKid's Blog.: PCWizKid.blogspot.com FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER www.twitter.com

Vista install in 2 minutes
Here is the best way to install Vista...
published: 02 Feb 2007
Author: opantxm
Vista install in 2 minutes
Here is the best way to install Vista

Make Windows Vista 50% Faster
***READ FIRST***************** //PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR A BETTER QUALITY VIDEO!!! www.youtu...
published: 22 Sep 2007
Author: 341873
Make Windows Vista 50% Faster
***READ FIRST***************** //PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR A BETTER QUALITY VIDEO!!! www.youtube.com IF THAT IS NOT ENOUGH PLEASE MAKE IT FULL SCREEN! This video was made on a Laptop with 1.6Ghz Processor, 512 MB RAM, carrying Windows Vista Ultimate as OS. This computer also does areo, very smoothly. Originally memory would be around 445 MB, but now it decreased all the way to 250 MB and less. ******WARNING!******* If you have an App that starts with your OS and it's heavily integrated in in Windows, DO NOT DISABLE IT. Examples of these apps are like security apps like Norton, McAfee, Antivirus/Firewalss in general. ------------------------------------------ IF ANY PROBLEMS RISE, RE-ENABLE ALL THE SERVICES THAT YOU DISABLED.

Filmed by Bradd Salazar, edited by Brent Hyden. Featuring: Kyle Armedariz Brandyn "Jo...
published: 24 Aug 2010
Author: 799054
Filmed by Bradd Salazar, edited by Brent Hyden. Featuring: Kyle Armedariz Brandyn "Joga" Manzano Josiah Nares Michael Honeycutt Bradd Salazar Jeremiah Nares Rowan Zorilla Bronson Ayub Alan Cornejo

Blakroc (Mos Def & The Black Keys) - On The Vista
www.365albumsayear.com Off the upcoming collaboration album "Blakroc" which feat...
published: 15 Nov 2009
Author: CharlieBoi001
Blakroc (Mos Def & The Black Keys) - On The Vista
www.365albumsayear.com Off the upcoming collaboration album "Blakroc" which features many hip-hop artists with production from rock group The Black Keys In stores November 27th, 09. cop it!

120907 Vista - FIESTAR MuBank
120907 Vista - FIESTAR MuBank Debut Stage...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Author: simhy4
120907 Vista - FIESTAR MuBank
120907 Vista - FIESTAR MuBank Debut Stage

BlakRoc - 02 - On The Vista (ft. Mos Def)
BlakRoc, The Black Keys new rock-hip-hop project, all the songs, check out my other videos...
published: 18 Nov 2009
Author: soulgolem
BlakRoc - 02 - On The Vista (ft. Mos Def)
BlakRoc, The Black Keys new rock-hip-hop project, all the songs, check out my other videos. I am dedicating this channel to fresh new releases or leaks, if audio is poor, I will personally remaster it for best listening experience. Also check out Barton Fink in my videos, best new act, spread the word.

FIESTAR(피에스타) _ Vista MV
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive...
published: 31 Aug 2012
FIESTAR(피에스타) _ Vista MV
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. :) Let's FIESTAR! The new girl group FIESTAR finally making their debut. FIESTAR received much attention from fans for being the first girl group of Loen Entertainment, home to Korea's top female artists including IU, Gain, SunnyHill, and Zia. As a combination of "Fiesta" and "Star", the name of the group "FIESTA" contains their determination to be a K-pop "STAR" that delivers passion and enjoyment to the public with music that is fun and full of energy just like the Spanish word for festival "FIESTA". The debut song "VISTA", announcing FIESTAR's beginning is a song that expresses their dynamic and active identity, enrapturing listeners with its original and magnificent sounds resembling a musical. Moreover, FIESTAR's version of "Sea of Moonlight" -- the title song of the summer project album of Loen Entertainment's creative label "LOEN TREE" -- is included as yet another gift for fans. ▶ LOENMUSIC FB : www.facebook.com ▶ LOENMUSIC TW : twitter.com FIESTAR (フィエスター) _ Vista MV Let's FIESTAR!新人ガールズグループFIESTARがいよいよデビュー。 FIESTARは、アイユ、カイン、サニーヒル、ジアなど国内最高の女性アーティストたちが所属しているロエン・エンターテイメントが初めて披露するガールズグループで、そのデビューニューズだけで音楽ファンたちの期待を一身に受けた。グループ名'FIESTAR'は'FIESA'と'STAR'の複合語で、'お祭り'を意味するスペイン語'FIESTA'のように、常に楽しくて <b>...</b>

This is Vista Teaser
Premiers Friday August 26th at 6:30 pm. Decade Rideshop and Thirftstore in vista, off sout...
published: 06 Aug 2011
Author: 799054
This is Vista Teaser
Premiers Friday August 26th at 6:30 pm. Decade Rideshop and Thirftstore in vista, off south santa fe and civic center drive. support your local skateshop. free admission but if anyone wants a copy 5 berks would be chill all the money will go towards the new vista park foundation.

Windows Vista Tweak - Speed It Up!
Visit PCWizKidsTechTalk.com - Tips and Tweaks Speed up the Windows Vista start menu search...
published: 03 May 2007
Author: PCWizKid
Windows Vista Tweak - Speed It Up!
Visit PCWizKidsTechTalk.com - Tips and Tweaks Speed up the Windows Vista start menu search by customizing the search criteria. (Applies to all windows vista editions) -Yummy Eggs Click here to subscibe to PCWizKId http

Filmed and Edited by Bradd Salazar, Featuring: Kyle Armedariz Colton Lutman Josiah Nares A...
published: 21 Jan 2011
Author: AceTheSkater101
Filmed and Edited by Bradd Salazar, Featuring: Kyle Armedariz Colton Lutman Josiah Nares Ace Pelka Bradd Salazar Jeremiah Nares Brooks Bushman Andrew Green John Davis Kevan Hickox and the homies!! coming real soon

Windows 7 Overview: Better than Vista?
TechnoBuffalo: technobuffalo.com Follow me on twitter: cuthut.com Giving an overview of Wi...
published: 31 Aug 2009
Author: jon4lakers
Windows 7 Overview: Better than Vista?
TechnoBuffalo: technobuffalo.com Follow me on twitter: cuthut.com Giving an overview of Windows 7

FIESTAR - VISTA, 피에스타 - 비스타, Music Core 20120908
☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome vid...
published: 10 Sep 2012
Author: MBCkpop
FIESTAR - VISTA, 피에스타 - 비스타, Music Core 20120908
☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome videos, subscribe our channels!! Daily update available! ☞ Click here for watching more K-pop Rookies! www.youtube.com 공식홈페이지 www.imbc.com 방송시간 SAT, 16:10 ~ FIESTAR - VISTA, 피에스타 - 비스타, Show! Music Core(쇼! 음악중심), EP324, 2012/09/08, MBC TV, MBC TV, Republic of Korea

The Sims 3 - Building Vista
I hope you like white, because this house has not colour except white. The only color in t...
published: 04 Jan 2012
Author: TheCurtisParadisShow
The Sims 3 - Building Vista
I hope you like white, because this house has not colour except white. The only color in this house comes from nature itself. Let this amazing house, with its amazing view change your sims lives. ***PLEASE REMEMBER THAT CURTIS ONLY ACCEPTS HOUSE SUGGESTS VIA THE MODERATOR THAT CAN BE FOUND ON THE MAIN CHANNEL PAGE, OR ON THE CURTIS PARADIS SHOW WEBSITE.*** - Suggest a House: thecurtisparadisshow.ca You can download this house from the Sims 3 Exchange for free right now, and you can view all the pictures of the house on The Curtis Paradis Show Website. - Download / Pictures: thecurtisparadisshow.ca Don't forget to check out The Curtis Paradis Show Website for all the information you could want pertaining to the Show. See the newest videos, suggest houses, and watch Curtis Live during selected time on The Curtis Paradis Show LIVE. thecurtisparadisshow.ca Watch more of Curtis' videos like his Sims 3 House videos, or Stay up to date with the Sims 3 via the Sims 3 Update. If you are a big Apple fan you can check out the iBlog where it's all Apple all the time. Don't forget if you have a question you want to ask Curtis why as a Q&A Day question. - Sims 3 Houses http - The Sims 3 Update www.youtube.com - iBlog www.youtube.com - Q&A Day www.youtube.com You can connect with Curtis via Facebook, Twitter, and Dailybooth. - Facebook Page www.facebook.com - Twitter www.twitter.com www.twitter.com - Dailybooth dailybooth.com Remember to Subscribe, Thumb Up, and post a comment.
Vimeo results:

El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
published: 03 May 2011
Author: Daniel López
El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Actualización, publicado en:
NASA en Astronomy Picture of the Day:
National Geographic:
Bad Astronomy:
Universe Today:
Escenas tomadas desde Tenerife, a más de 2.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar y a lo largo de un año, para poder captar todos los posibles matices, nubes, estrellas, colores desde un paisaje único y desde uno de los mejores cielos del planeta.
Primero de una serie de vídeos Time Lapse nocturnos y crepusculares tomados en las Islas Canarias tratando de captar la belleza de cada isla.
Para captar el movimiento natural de la tierra, estrellas nubes, sol y Luna se usó la técnica TimeLapse, raíles Dolly verticales y horizontales, cabezales con movimientos horizontal y vertical. toma de datos HDR.
Algunas escenas del vídeo:
- "La Catedral" en el llano de Ucanca, toma nocturna con el Planeta Júpiter cruzando la escena.
- El Árbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) con un Tajinaste apuntando a la estrella polar.
- Tajinastes "nocturnos", El Tajinaste Rojo, endemismo Canario que florece en primavera.
- El "Gorro" en el Teide. Formación de una nube conocida como gorro en el pico del Teide.
- "Cascadas de nubes" que atraviesan las montañas como ríos de nubes multicolor.
- Mar de nubes rompiendo contra las montañas al igual que lo hiciera el mar.
- Gran charco de agua en el llano de Ucanca donde estrellas y nubes lenticulares se reflejan.
- Tajinastes nocturnos con la Vía Láctea saliendo por el horizonte tomada con un raíl dolly.
- Video del Sol poniéndose y un doble "rayo verde".
- Pléyades y la galaxia de Andrómeda entre rocas en las minas de San José.
- Escenas espectaculares de la puesta de sol en el Parque Nacional del Teide con nubes y movimiento dolly.
- ArcoIris desde el Parque Nacional del Teide.
- Halos multicolor alrededor de la Luna.
- Nubes estacionarias que permanecen horas en el mismo sitio ven como cambian sus colores por la puesta de Sol.
Daniel López es fotógrafo y astrofotógrafo que vive en Tenerife. Trabaja realizando fotografía y vídeo, especializado en nocturnas usando multitud de técnicas, desde cámara con trípode para captar cielo y tierra en la misma foto, telescopios amateur para realizar fotografías de los objetos astronómicos hasta telescopios profesionales para captar detalles y alta resolución. También realiza y produce videos relacionados con la naturaleza, paisajes y lugares interesantes en los que siempre trata de sacar algo nuevo y dar otro punto de vista diferente y "mágico".
Angel´s Tear (Aeon 2). Matti Paalanen
"El Cielo de Canarias" "Canary Sky"
Project produced by Daniel Lopez. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Scenes taken from Tenerife, more than 2,000 meters above sea level and over a year to capture all possible shades, clouds, stars, colors from a unique landscape and from one of the best skies on the planet.
First in a series of videos nocturnal and crepuscular Time Lapse taken in the Canary Islands trying to capture the beauty of each island.
To capture the natural movement of the earth, stars, clouds, sun and moon TimeLapse technique was used, Dolly vertical and horizontal rails, spindles with horizontal and vertical movements. HDR data collection.
Some scenes of the video:
- "The Cathedral" in the plain of Ucanca, night shot with the planet Jupiter across the scene.
- El Arbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) with a Tajinaste pointing to Polaris.
- Tajinastes "night", The Red Tajinaste, endemism Canario blooming in spring.
- The "hat" in the Teide. Formation of a cloud known as cap at the peak of Teide.
- "Waterfalls of clouds crossing the mountains and rivers of multicolored clouds.
- Sea of clouds crashing against the mountains as it did the sea.
- Large pool of water in the plain of Ucanca lenticular clouds where stars are reflected.
- Tajinastes night with the Milky Way taken out on the horizon with a dolly track.
- Video of the sun setting and a double green flash. "
- Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy between rocks in the mines of San Jose.
- Scenes spectacular sunset in the Teide National Park with clouds and moving dolly.
- ArcoIris from the Teide National Park.
- Multicolor Halos around the moon.
- Clouds remain stationary hours at the site are changing their colors as the sunset
Daniel Lopez is a photographer / astrophotographer based in Tenerife . Works by photography and video, specializing in evening using many techniques, from camera tripod grasp heaven and earth in the

Film de / by Alexandre DUBOSC (France, 2' 48", 2011) http://alexandre-dubosc.com
DCP ( D...
published: 17 May 2011
Author: Alexandre DUBOSC
Film de / by Alexandre DUBOSC (France, 2' 48", 2011) http://alexandre-dubosc.com
DCP ( Digital Cinema Package ) encoding : http://www.cube-creative.fr
Last interviews :
==) "Essen - a taste magazine": http://www.essentaste.com/en/videos/alexandre-dubosc/
==) "MyFrenchFilms.com" by UniFrance http://myfrenchfilms.com/interviews/alexandre-dubosc-le-chef-de-lalimation/?lang=fr
==) "Skwigly": http://www.skwigly.co.uk/alexandre-dubosc-alimation/
( ma participation pour le concours Festival Annecy / Youtube 2011 )
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=753502709
Live motion film ( stroboscopique animation )
Comment s'animer les papilles... ( Hommage au pré-cinéma, aux jeux optiques : zoetrope, praxinoscope, etc...)
A tasty tribute to pre-cinema and optical toys (zoetrope, praxinoscope…).
"Making OeuF" :
Pictures :
Festivals ( compétition sélection ) :
- International Animation Short Marathon du Milano Film Festival (Italie)
- Croq'Anime, Paris (France)
- Animasyros International Animation Festival & Forum, Île de Syros (Grèce)
- Festival FIC, Bella Vista (Argentine) >> Mention spéciale
- AniFestROZAFA, Shkodra (Albanie)
- Tindirindis, Vilnius (Lituania)
- Festival du film d'animation Multivision, Saint-Petersbourg (Russie)
- Kinookus, Ston (Croatie)
- Anim'est, Bucharest (Roumanie)
- Eksjö Animation Festival (Suède)
- Instants Vidéo, Marseille (France)
- First Film Festival, Pékin (Chine)
- Festival international de films d'animation de Banjaluka (Bosnie Herzegovine)
- Mumia Festival du film d'animation underground, Belo-Horizonte (Brésil)
- Golden Kuker, Sofia (Bulgarie)
- Slow Motion Food Film Fest, Wolfville, Nova Scotia (Canada)
- Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie (Canada)
- Festival international du film de Leeds (Grande-Bretagne)
- Tofuzi, Batumi (Géorgie)
- Festival Quintessence à Ouidah, Cotonou, Porto-Novo et Parakou ( Bénin )
- Festival des 24 Courts du Mans ( France )
- Festival international du court-métrage d’animation de Roanne ( France )
- Festival Court Bouillon de N?mes ( France )
- Festival Off Courts 2012 de Trouville ( France )
- Sydney International Animation Festival ( Australia )
Copyright ==) No commercial use without my permission

Astronomer's Paradise
Make sure to watch this full-screen with the sound on!
Atacama Starry Nights: Episode I
published: 17 Feb 2012
Author: Christoph Malin
Astronomer's Paradise
Make sure to watch this full-screen with the sound on!
Atacama Starry Nights: Episode I
Astronomer's Paradise is the first episode of a Atacama Starry Nights timelapse movie series.
(on National Geographic http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/02/21/new-time-lapse-gives-rare-glimpse-at-atacamas-starry-nights/ and on Nikon Rumours! http://nikonrumors.com/2012/02/27/guest-post-astronomers-paradise-time-lapse-video.aspx/)
NEW: Order amazing prints of this movie at: http://christophmalin.zenfolio.com/
Cerro Paranal is an astronomers paradise with its stunningly dark, steady and transparent sky. Located in the barren Atacama Desert of Chile it is home to some of the world's leading telescopes.
Operated by the European Southern Observatory (www.eso.org) the Very Large Telescope (VLT) is located on the Paranal mountain, composed of four 8 m telescopes which can combine their light to make a giant telescope by interferometry.
Four smaller auxiliary telescopes, each 1.8 m in aperture, are important elements of the VLT interferometer.
Walking on the desert near Paranal between the scattered stones and boulders on the pale red dust, feels like being on Mars but under the Earth sky.
Paranal was selected for cutting edge astronomical observations also because of the sky transparency and steady atmospheric condition which let astronomers peer into tiny details in the deep cosmos using giant telescopes.
This film is made with footage from the November 2011 TWAN imaging expedition to Paranal assigned by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). We photographed 14 nights in a row from usually 05:30 pm to 08:00 a.m.
All video rights reserved by Christoph Malin (www.christophmalin.com) and Babak Tafreshi (btafreshi@twanight.org) of The World at Night (TWAN) program (www.twanight.org/tafreshi).
The inside vista-observatory video is contributed by Stephane Guisard (www.astrosurf.com/sguisard).
The Music choice of Audiodoctor @ soundcloud.com/audiodoctor - "Talamone Times" with its great JB theme
was inspired by the James Bond Movie "A Quantum of Solace", where the last part of the Film at the Desert Hotel was in fact filmed at Cerro Paranal (http://www.eso.org/public/outreach/bond/BondatParanal.html).
Equipment used by Christoph on assignment:
- 2 Nikon D3s
- 1 Nikon D700
- 1 Nikon D7000
- 2 AFS 12-24/2.8, 1 AFS 24-70/2.8, 1 AF 16/2.8 Fisheye, 1 AF DX 10/2.8 Fisheye
- Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly with MX2
- Astrotrac AT320 X-AG and Merlin with MX2
Transitions done with Apple Aperture (see http://vimeo.com/35998334). Edited and rendered with Final Cut Pro 10, Motion and Compressor. Some re-edits recently done with LR4 and LRT for testing, fun!. About 35000 TimeLapse images processed, 7500 used for this part of "Astronomers Paradise".
I hope we could at least capture the magic of this very special place a bit - this is how the night sky looks like, if people care about light pollution. And we need more people to do that.
With best regards,
Christoph Malin
web // christophmalin.com
order amazing prints of this movie and others at: http://christophmalin.zenfolio.com/

Entre Rios conta de modo rápido a história de São Paulo e como essa está totalmente ligada...
published: 07 Sep 2010
Author: Caio Ferraz
Entre Rios conta de modo rápido a história de São Paulo e como essa está totalmente ligada com seus rios. Muitas vezes no dia-a-dia frenético de quem vive São Paulo eles passam desapercebidos e só se mostram quando chove e a cidade pára. Mas não sinta vergonha se você não sabe onde encontram esses rios! Não é sua culpa! Alguns foram escondidos de nossa vista e outros vemos só de passagem, mas quando o transito pára nas marginais podemos apreciar seu fedor. É triste mas a cidade está viva e ainda pode mudar!
O video foi realizado em 2009 como trabalho de conclusão de Caio Silva Ferraz, Luana de Abreu e Joana Scarpelini no curso em Bacharelado em Audiovisual no SENAC-SP, mas contou com a colaboração de várias pessoas que temos muito a agradecer.
Caio Silva Ferraz
Joana Scarpelini
Luana de Abreu
Lucas Barreto
Peter Pires Kogl
Heitor Missias
Luis Augusto Corrêa
Gabriel Manussakis
Heloísa Kato
Luana Abreu
Paulo Plá
Robert Nakabayashi
Tomas Viana
Gabriel Correia
Danilo Mantovani
Marcos Bruvic
Trilha Sonora:
Aécio de Souza
Mauricio de Oliveira
Luiz Romero Lacerda
Caio Silva Ferraz
Edição de Som:
Aécio de Souza
Nanci Barbosa
Flavio Brito
Orientador de Pesquisa:
Helena Werneck
Alexandre Delijaicov
Antônio Cláudio Moreira Lima e Moreira
Nestor Goulart Reis Filho
Odette Seabra
Marco Antonio Sávio
Mario Thadeu Leme de Barros
José Soares da Silva
Youtube results:

NYT's David Pogue on Windows Vista
Microsoft's new operating system, Vista, will soon be on sale to the public. But you m...
published: 19 Dec 2006
Author: TheNewYorkTimes
NYT's David Pogue on Windows Vista
Microsoft's new operating system, Vista, will soon be on sale to the public. But you may need a new computer to run it properly.

From www.blimptv.net The most tortuous computing experience ever devised...
published: 06 May 2008
From www.blimptv.net The most tortuous computing experience ever devised

【1080P】FIESTER- VISTA (8 Sep,2012)
【1080P】FIESTER- VISTA (8 Sep,2012) 此乃非公開&...
published: 08 Sep 2012
Author: lokyan69
【1080P】FIESTER- VISTA (8 Sep,2012)
【1080P】FIESTER- VISTA (8 Sep,2012) 此乃非公開的影片,擁有連結的才能觀看,請到( lokyan94.pixnet.net

FIESTAR - VISTA, 피에스타 - 비스타, Music Core 20120922
☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome vid...
published: 24 Sep 2012
Author: MBCkpop
FIESTAR - VISTA, 피에스타 - 비스타, Music Core 20120922
☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome videos, subscribe our channels!! Daily update available! ☞ Click here for listening to other K-pop www.youtube.com 공식홈페이지 www.imbc.com 방송시간 SAT, 16:10 ~ FIESTAR - VISTA, 피에스타 - 비스타, Show! Music Core(쇼! 음악중심),EP326, 2012/09/22, MBC TV, MBC TV, Republic of Korea