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Husband guilty in 25-year-old murder case

Andrea Petrie
April 19, 2011
John Vincent McDonald has been convicted of the 1986 murder of his ex-wife, Marlene McDonald.

John Vincent McDonald has been convicted of the 1986 murder of his ex-wife, Marlene McDonald.

The husband of a Victorian woman who disappeared almost 25 years ago has today been convicted of her murder.

After four days of deliberations, a Supreme Court jury found John Vincent McDonald, 70, of Sunbury, guilty of killing wife Marlene McDonald, who "vanished off the face of the earth" on the night of December 13-14, 1986.

Her car was found the next day where the waitress, 36, worked — the Truck City Restaurant and Cafe on the Hume Highway in Campbellfield.

A poster calling for information about missing Marlene McDonald.

A poster calling for information about missing Marlene McDonald.

The mother of five was abducted and presumably killed after being kidnapped at her Reservoir home on that night in 1986.

"She has never been heard of from that date to this — no word from her, about her, no communication whatsoever. [She] vanished," said prosecutor Geoff Horgan, SC.

Her body has also never been found.

Mrs McDonald separated from her husband 13 months before her disappearance, after what the court heard was a violent relationship.

Her mother, Edith McEntee testified that Mrs McDonald told her bruises on her body had been caused by her husband, who was also responsible for breaking her finger.

Several other witnesses gave evidence that they saw her with black eyes and bruises and that her brother and father had attacked her in the months leading up to her disappearance because she had left her husband. One witnesses, a neighbour, told the court that Mrs McDonald had said that her brother and son were going to do something to her but would not say what it was because it was "too terrible".

McDonald nominated several other people possibly responsible for her disappearance and presumed murder — most of whom are now dead — therefore are unable to defend themselves.

They included her father, Patrick McEntee, a strict Catholic who was angry she had left her husband; her brother, Tony McEntee, who had previously assaulted her; and, one of her sons, Damian McDonald, who the court heard blamed her for his parents' marriage break-up.

Defence barrister Tony Lewis argued Mrs McDonald could still be alive because "it is possible to disappear".

"There is no body, there is no mode of death, there is no place that they can point to that Marlene is," Mr Lewis said.

They suggested there was a chance that she had run off a with a truck driver and was living in a caravan park in Queensland or somewhere.

McDonald had suggested that Maria Korp — who he knew was the wife of his cricket friend Joe Korp — had seen Mrs McDonald interstate.

But Mrs Korp's daughter Laura De Gois testified at the trial that her mother had never been to Queensland.

Mrs Korp was killed in 2005 by Korp's lover, Tania Herman. Korp later killed himself before he was tried over her attempted murder.

Another possibility raised by McDonald's defence was that his wife got into trouble because she had been dealing drugs at the truck stop. Two of her sons, Simon and Timothy, testified to have seen her with bags of pills and wads of cash, but Mr Horgan argued they were unreliable witnesses who lied and made things up to help their father.

McDonald also told police his wife might have been killed by one of her male friends, Bruce Williams, who had been the last to see her alive and to whom McDonald claimed his wife was pregnant to.

But the prosecution claimed McDonald had a "murderous obsession" with his wife, especially regarding relationships she had with other men she met at work after her marriage separation.

"The prosecution case is that when the children had access he would cause them to write abusive notes for her, to give to her after those access visits, and he would call her a slut, a whore or a prostitute. He would not adjust to her leaving him and making her own life independent of him."

McDonald was also angry because his wife had initiated Family Court proceedings before her disappearance to formalise access and custody arrangements for their children; the two eldest stayed with their father upon the break-up, while the younger three stayed with her.

At the time of her disappearance, McDonald wanted custody of all the children.

"Having got rid of her, he then got custody of the children," Mr Horgan said. "Because she was no longer around, that contested case ceased to be a contested case. He was then the only parent and he was awarded custody."

He asked the jury to question why Mrs McDonald would go to the length of taking court action to formalise child custody arrangements if she just planned disappear and start a new life.

"The conclusion that she is dead is inescapable," Mr Horgan said in his closing address.

"[She has] made no contact with any family member, her friends, her children since December 14, 1986 [and] not accessed any business, government body, agency or the like."

He added that McDonald bore his wife "great animosity, great enmity".

"He couldn't stand her. He would do everything he could to make her life as miserable as possible... There's only one person — [John McDonald] — who organised the abduction, who had the motive, the hatred, the man who wanted to make Marlene McDonald's life as hard as he could for her, until he gets to the point where he can organise her abduction. And the necessary inevitable consequence of that, we say, her murder, either by himself or at the hands of somebody else. We don't know."

The court heard McDonald was an "inveterate liar" who had lied to police in his interviews, including about where he got information that had never been made public.

The real breakthrough in the case came in late 2007 after an undercover policeman posed as a freelance investigative journalist and paid McDonald for a feature story he claimed he was going to sell to the newspapers about his wife's disappearance.

Among the information the undercover operative fed him was that a body had been found at Kinglake that might be his missing wife.

McDonald was interviewed by police around this time and named his co-accused during a soliloquy in his car after investigators spoke to him again. It was captured on police bugs.

After acquitting himself in the minds of the interviewing police officers during the rumination, McDonald is heard on the recordings saying: "Yeah, Bino and the other bloke . . . no they [police] don't know, wouldn't know."

Until that point, police did not know of the existence of a man nicknamed "Bino", who later proved to be one of the three men recruited by McDonald for his wife's kidnapping.

He was also overheard playing the role of police officers telling him that his wife's body had been found in Kinglake.

McDonald's co-accused, Stuart Binion, Andrew Ardley and Greg Bone testified that he was behind the plot and that she was alive when they handed her over to McDonald because he told them she was crazy and he needed their help to capture her so he could take her to Sydney to put her in an asylum.

They all pleaded guilty to kidnapping Mrs McDonald and were sentenced to almost three years' jail. They received nine-month minimum terms after agreeing to testify against McDonald.

"Why are they going to go to jail for fiction? They are not," he said. "She was abducted that night. There could be no argument about that."

Mr Lewis said Binion, Bone and Ardley were liars.

A $100,000 reward leading to a murder conviction in the case was also offered, which Mr Lewis argued was reason for the trio to make up a story implicating McDonald.

McDonald was also captured on listening devices on another occasion whispering to himself a hypothetical conversation with Binion about him coming forward to claim the reward.

"That conversation gives the game away," the jury was told by Mr Horgan. "What other possible interpretation can you put on that except that John McDonald knows about Binion, knows his role and expects, fears, that he's going to come forward with the reward and... spill the beans on him?"

Mr Lewis said the missing woman's family was "strongly opposed" to her charging her brother with assault, said her son had been seen by a neighbour leaving her house the night she disappeared, and reminded the jury that Mrs McDonald had picked up her pay before she vanished therefore had money.

"She was a manipulative person," he said. "She coloured events so as to cast her herself in a good light and she coloured events so as to cast John McDonald in a bad light."

He argued that if his client knew his wife was dead, there was no point for him to go to his wife's work in the weeks after she disappeared and made inquiries about her made no sense.

He said the prosecution case had an "insurmountable problem".

"The insurmountable problem really comes from the fact that there is no body, there is no mode of death," Mr Lewis said.

"There is no place that they can point to that Marlene is. Despite what Mr Horgan says, she could be in any part of Australia, or indeed the world."

But the jury believed she was dead.

Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth remanded McDonald to appear before her for a pre-sentence plea hearing next month.