Freedom of expression should not be undermined

Obviously. And that should extend to mocking religion, even cruelly. And violence is not an acceptable response, even to someone maligning your God. But unfettered freedom of speech is not an entrenched value everywhere in the world (although I wish it were). And when we’re talking about swaths of relatively powerless people who have spent the past few decades facing hostility and violence from the United States and from their own leaders, rioting as the only way of demonstrating widespread frustration and discontent becomes somewhat… not understandable in the way that means “acceptable,” but understandable in the “capable of being understood” way. Because even if the better option was a cool, collected conversation, no one is sitting at the other side of that table. Which again isn’t a justification — the rioting is wrongheaded and horrible and I would even say silly in response to such an asinine, juvenile video — it’s just an observation. As is this: When there are already fires blazing, maybe don’t throw gasoline on them just to prove that you can. more

Can Black Women Lead on Rethinking Marriage?

By Dani McClain, cross-posted from On The Issues Magazine. One highlight of Election Day 2012: voters in Maryland, Washington and Maine deciding, with their ballots, whether people in same-sex relationships will be allowed to marry. Black voters in those states — especially Maryland, which is nearly one-third African American – may need to take cover. [...] more

Melissa Leo: Kind of the best.

Yes and yes. My favorite parts: more

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Sorry for the delay. Self-promote away! more

Rescued from Caperton’s Recycling Bin: “You’re kidding me! I’ve never been asked that question before.”

Periodically, I get around to clearing off my desk and flattening out crumpled magazine clippings and saying, “Huh. Look at that.” Today: Marie Claire‘s Carrick Mollenkamp interviews Sallie Krawcheck, “[o]ne of Wall Street’s most powerful women” who “was ousted from her job running Bank of America’s wealth management division last fall.” more

Pregnancy Testing in Bars

First thought: The obsession with OMG WOMEN ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG WHILE PREGNANT is hitting new highs (lows?) when bars are offering pregnancy tests in the bathrooms to make sure that no woman ever accidentally has a glass of wine after insemination. more

Shorter Daniel Fincke: “TONE.”

Daniel Fincke asks: “Do marginalized people need to be insulting in order to be empowered”?

Caperton replies: Have you tried asking a marginalized person? more

Tune in to HuffPo Live today at 4pm EST

To check out a conversation between me, Hanna Rosin and some other soon-to-be-announced fantastic participants discussing Rosin’s new book, The End of Men: And the Rise of Women. more

Breastfeeding Sick Babies in Class

A professor walks into class with her baby — the baby was sick and couldn’t go to daycare, and it was the first day of class and the prof didn’t want to cancel, so baby was brought along. During the lecture, the baby is at times strapped to the professor’s back, and at times crawling on the floor, at times being held by a teaching assistant. At one point, the baby gets fussy, and so the professor breastfeeds the baby. Normal “this is life” stuff, or a national news story? more

Pat Robertson on wife beating

Hey remember how Mitt Romney appeared alongside Pat Robertson this weekend to talk about God and Christian values and stuff? Now Robertson is encouraging men to beat their wives, so that’s cool. Very cool guy to hang out with and rely upon for moral guidance. more