
Poland News!
The "news" we did during a international exchange done in Szczawnica, Poland in ...
published: 25 Jul 2011
Author: Zirrio
Poland News!
The "news" we did during a international exchange done in Szczawnica, Poland in January 2005, using a camcorder and a single RCA audio. Quality is poor... but we had a hell of fun doing it ;)

(2002) Poland News
Yulia Volkova & Lena Katina Poland News 2002...
published: 16 Oct 2011
Author: Screaming4MoreBlog
(2002) Poland News
Yulia Volkova & Lena Katina Poland News 2002

Poland News in 2004
Lambda & Da Goose , Jeffed on the news in poland...
published: 15 Jan 2007
Author: djlambda
Poland News in 2004
Lambda & Da Goose , Jeffed on the news in poland

Cricket in Poland News Report
A news report on cricket in Poland. A match between Berlin Cricket Club and Polonia Cricke...
published: 06 May 2009
Author: cricketpoland
Cricket in Poland News Report
A news report on cricket in Poland. A match between Berlin Cricket Club and Polonia Cricket Club.

tATu (Poland News)
tATu in Poland 2002...
published: 17 Apr 2008
Author: ALTIST28
tATu (Poland News)
tATu in Poland 2002

Hooligans strike as Polish and Russian fans come together in Warsaw
Hooliganism reared its ugly head at Euro 2012 as police were forced to use water cannon, t...
published: 12 Jun 2012
Author: goal
Hooligans strike as Polish and Russian fans come together in Warsaw
Hooliganism reared its ugly head at Euro 2012 as police were forced to use water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets as Polish and Russian fans fought in Warsaw ahead of the meeting between the sides which ended in a 1-1 draw. A march ahead of the match by thousands of Russian fans to mark their national day was stopped as missiles were thrown. Bookmark: www.youtube.com Subscribe to Goal - www.youtube.com Twitter - twitter.com Facebook Goal UK: www.facebook.com Goal International: www.facebook.com

World Choir Games 2012 - Vox Juventutis
Positive Vibrations Quartet and Vox Juventutis Win Gold and Silver at The World Choir Game...
published: 13 Jul 2012
Author: Alvinmediashare1
World Choir Games 2012 - Vox Juventutis
Positive Vibrations Quartet and Vox Juventutis Win Gold and Silver at The World Choir Games in Cincinnati. This combined choir from Poland performed at Fountain Square on Friday the 13th, 2012. Visit their website at: www.voxjuventutis.pl

Macbeth in a minute at the Edinburgh festival
Macbeth in a minute at the Edinburgh festival To stage a spectacular new production of 200...
published: 14 Aug 2012
Author: TheGuardian
Macbeth in a minute at the Edinburgh festival
Macbeth in a minute at the Edinburgh festival To stage a spectacular new production of 2008: Macbeth by the Polish company TR Warszawa, the Edinburgh international festival has created a special theatre in a vast exhibition hall near the airport. The space has taken weeks to build -- but the process is somewhat swifter in this exclusive timelapse footage...

Polcon 2012 - Relacja - [Kurs na Konwent #9]
Pełna relacja z konwentu Polcon 2012 we Wrocławiu. Ten odbył się w dni...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Author: raportobiezyswiata
Polcon 2012 - Relacja - [Kurs na Konwent #9]
Pełna relacja z konwentu Polcon 2012 we Wrocławiu. Ten odbył się w dniach 23-26. sierpnia. Podsumowujemy wydarzenia podczas imprezy, spotkania z gośćmi, interesujące prelekcje, ale także problemy organizacyjne, które nie uszły naszej uwadze. W przygotowaniu mamy też całą serię materiałów uzupełniających, które pomogą wam przeżyć konwent jeszcze raz. Szukajcie ich na naszym kanale.

USA: Military checkpoints all over
Welcome to the Police State! ! military checkpoint\checkpoints militaire, comme en Afghani...
published: 12 Jul 2012
Author: TheQuantaLight
USA: Military checkpoints all over
Welcome to the Police State! ! military checkpoint\checkpoints militaire, comme en Afghanistan! yeeeeeeee! Published on Jul 9, 2012 by sanderson1611 www.sanderson1611.blogspot.com

PERSONNAL MESSAGE TO YOU. To newcomers: 1)Use your own channel,re-diffuse,create,search an...
published: 08 Sep 2012
Author: TheQuantaLight
PERSONNAL MESSAGE TO YOU. To newcomers: 1)Use your own channel,re-diffuse,create,search and put useful stuff.If you choose,you are Anonymous,you can speak in the naMe of Anonymous.ITi's not a group,its thE first planet humAn colleCtive,point.SAY,WE ARE ANONYMOUS on your tubes. 2)Get Informed & inform. Forget all Mainstream mediaS(only good for a missing cat) Get linked with everyone 3)Subscribe and follow MANY channels: hundreds of channels,take no side,keep an open mind. Think as a Global Citizen,International must come before national. LOVE-PROGRESS-PEACE-NO FEAR!! bye-bye ; )

Sum41Poland's News - Episode 1
First of all we'd like to apologize for our lack of emotions during the studio part - ...
published: 28 Feb 2012
Author: Sum41Poland
Sum41Poland's News - Episode 1
First of all we'd like to apologize for our lack of emotions during the studio part - was damn freezing there. And another thing, we do not own any of the material concerning Sum 41 (pictures, Grammy video, Skumfuk music video). This video was produced using iMovie effects and music. Contact us: sum41poland.dbv.pl http Thumbs up and subscribe for more ;)

Fans brawl draws commotion ahead of Poland-Russia draw
Police halted a march by thousands of Russian football fans in Warsaw Tuesday after sporad...
published: 13 Jun 2012
Author: news20four
Fans brawl draws commotion ahead of Poland-Russia draw
Police halted a march by thousands of Russian football fans in Warsaw Tuesday after sporadic fighting broke out between Polish and Russian supporters, hours before their teams faced off in a key Euro 2012 match that ended in 1:1 draw.Flanked by riot police, several thousand Russia fans marched across the Vistula river towards the National Stadium in Warsaw in a show of support for their national squad and to mark Russia Day, when Russia broke away from the Soviet Union in 1990. They chanted "We came to win" and "Russia, Russia", which was interpreted by some Poles, whose rivalry with Russia extends well beyond football, as a taunt.
Youtube results:

Piotr-Magik-Łuszcz- Marcina-Abra dAba-Martena wywiad KALIBER 44
published: 17 Sep 2012
Author: kajllor
Piotr-Magik-Łuszcz- Marcina-Abra dAba-Martena wywiad KALIBER 44

Sum41Poland's News - Episode 2
First of all we'd like to apologize for all technical difficulties. And another thing,...
published: 14 Mar 2012
Author: Sum41Poland
Sum41Poland's News - Episode 2
First of all we'd like to apologize for all technical difficulties. And another thing, we do not own any of the material concerning Sum 41 (music, pictures etc.) Links to the videos we used: krwestbrlU - www.youtube.com DebbiLavigne - www.youtube.com Sum41VE - www.youtube.com JeremyDisasters - www.youtube.com AngelsAndAirwavesAWA - www.youtube.com This video was produced using iMovie effects and music. Contact us: sum41poland.ucoz.com twitter.com Thumbs up and subscribe for more ;)

This video is about the successful rarest world alert issued by the Almighty Divinity thro...
published: 22 Mar 2012
Author: joybinod
This video is about the successful rarest world alert issued by the Almighty Divinity through tapasyrat Binod Kumar Joshi about the divine direction to all rulers of world, in the presence of divine media. The world alert is issued in a conference organised for said purpose. (i) The world alert is available for viewing at youtu.be (II) World News, World Alert. youtu.be World News. World Alert. विश्व समाचार विश्व सतर्क(अलर्ट). youtu.be (III) World Alert Great World Tapasyarat Binod Press Release English 22-02-2012. youtu.be World Alert Great World Tapasyarat Binod Press Release Hindi 22-02-2012 www.youtube.com (IV) www.greatworldfoundation.wordpress.com (V) www.mahaprabhu.wordpress.com