Local Interest

Community Forum (9/21): "Alternatives to Incarceration"

On Friday, September 21, Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice will be holding a town hall public forum entitled, "Alternatives to Incarceration." 

The forum will be held this Friday, September 21st, from 6-8pm at the Urbana City Building at 400 S. Vine St. in Urbana, IL

Featured speakers include:

Models for Building Local Broadband: Public, Private, Coop, Nonprofit

Please considering attending this important event about the future of broadband in our community.
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center presents:
Models for Building Local Broadband:
Public, Private, Coop, Nonprofit
Wed, Sept. 19th - 4:30pm CST
Urbana City Hall - 400 S. Vine St.

Chris Mitchell, Institute for Local Self Reliance (expert in municipal broadband)
Greta Byrum, Open Technology Institute (field analyst in broadband)
Joanne Hovis, CTC Technology & Energy (public interest telecom expert)
Wally Bowen, Mountain Area Information Network (non-profit internet provider)
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson (Facilitator) Chair, UC2B Policy Committee, City Council Member, Urbana IMC member


Emails Reveal Champaign City Staff Working Behind the Scenes to Level Bristol Place

A recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request produced hundreds of pages of emails from staff with the City of Champaign and Housing Authority of Champaign County (HACC) about plans for the redevelopment of Bristol Place. In a recent story in the News-Gazette, Champaign Mayor Don Gerard defended the project and said he wanted to put to rest “talk on the street.” FOIA’d emails reveal the city’s intentions in their own words. City staff and Housing Authority Executive Director Ed Bland have moved forward with plans while keeping from the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners their designs for a land grab.    

E-mail - Kerri Spear (1 of 2)-2.pdf3.26 MB
E-mails - Kerri Spear (2 of 2).pdf3.73 MB
E-mails - Greg Skaggs.pdf3.57 MB
E-mails - Steve Carter-1.pdf1.52 MB
E-mails - Kevin Jackson.pdf4.58 MB
E-mails - Richard Schnuer.pdf1016.89 KB

Southeast Urbana Gets a Community Garden

The ribbon cutting for a new community garden in southeast Urbana took place on a sunny Saturday afternoon, September 8, 2012. Created by the Lierman Neighborhood Action Committee, it is part of the “Let’s Move” campaign launched by First Lady Michelle Obama to create community gardens in cities across the country.

Located at Washington and Lierman, the garden is at the center of a neighborhood which has been in the local mainstream media for its stories of robberies, shootings, and drug dealing. The garden is a sign that some members of the community are beginning to take control of their own destiny.

Springfield Government Jobs are Reserved for Friends of Management Stop the Nepotism NOW!

Despite 1000's of complaints by minority employes to the states own EEO representatives and OIG representatives the Governor is refusing to do anything about the problem of rampant nepotism and discrimination in Springfield Government Jobs. I work for Health and Family Services the division of Child Support Enforcement in Springfield Illinois. I have been told I should just quit my job. Many other people are being treated this way under the direction Health and Family Services Upper Level Management. During the past 10 decades 10's of millions of dollars in overtime monies that came from your taxes was distributed in a discriminatory manner that excluded minorities and liberal minded individuals. The State claims that the monies were distributed fairly according to department. What the state refuses to recognize is that Liberals and Minorities were forced out of the more lucrative departments.

Please contact the

Governor's Office and ask the following questions.

What percentage of discrimination complaints filed come out of Health and Family Services the Division of Child Support Enforcement?

Champaign Housing Authority Considers Demolishing a Third Black Neighborhood

A protest was held before the board meeting of the Housing Authority of Champaign County (HACC) on Thursday, August 23, 2012 by those questioning plans to demolish Bristol Place, a largely African American neighborhood on the North End in Champaign. This comes on the heels of the demolition of two public housing units, Dunbar Court and Joann Dorsey Homes, also largely comprised of black residents. Local authorities have ambitions of eliminating all signs of poverty, while failing to address the basic needs of those less fortunate.

Arrest Records Reveal Crime of "Walking While Black"



Crunch Time: Black people and jaywalking in Champaign





Por Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, 8/21/2012, 5:47 pm

State Hearing on PCB disposal over Mahomet Aquifer, Aug 16th at Piatt Co. Farm Bureau <>Blog in Progress

One item I want to emphasize is that because of a law titled TOSCA-Toxic Substance Control Act, only the Federal govt has jurisdiction on this decision. I think that state level action is important merely to raise the level of awareness and activism on the issue.
Phil Bloomer acting on behalf of Tim Johnson, will be at the Prairie Rivers Network gathering at their office Sat afternoon. It wold be great if a number of people would attend a raise the issue of the underground river in our area.

Another issue that can be raised is the fact that PCB's are not listed as toxic material in the Illinois regs. I can't understand why this would be the case. I did find out that the biggest "user" of PCB's as a wood preservative is the US Military. Pallets and ammunition boxes are purposely treated with PCB's. One wonders whether Scott Air Base is where this might be done.



by Local Yocal


CHAMPAIGN COUNTY- As the 2012 elections, decribed by hysterical media pundits as the "deciding moment of American History" draws near, I have attempted to talk to local conservatives. Some are very smart, great writers, and their patriotism seems sincere. So I read their emails, their ideas, their solutions to the current problems. I want to believe as a group of working class people, we share similar struggles. I would like to believe that those that participate in the Occupy Movement and the Tea Party Movement could stand together and confront the same Beast that crushes us all.

And then... I get this in my email box from the local conservatives:

Outstanding Documents Obtained in Police Brutality Case

After months of stalling, the city of Champaign has finally released documents about the incident on June 5, 2011 when a 20 year-old African American man, Brandon Ward, was choked in the back of a squad car by white officer Patrick Simons. While five officers have been disciplined, not one has been suspended for a single day. Nevertheless, it is a sign of the shake-up taking place in the Champaign Police Department.

The Ward case created a storm of controversy in November 2011 when Champaign city officials announced that they had seen video of a black youth being abused by police. It occurred around 2:30 a.m. at 4th and Green streets after the bars had closed. Video of the incident was anonymously leaked at the Independent Media Center website, ucimc.org, and has received nearly 15,000 hits to date.

BWard 5-9-12 FOIA Request.pdf226.27 KB
BWard 6-30-12 Request.pdf183.93 KB

African Americans in Urbana Make Up 61 Percent of Drug Arrests

The many sides of acceptance in Rantoul and Urbana

By Jeff Kelly Lowenstein


This year we are privileged to be working on a project about demographic changes in a 16-county region in Central Illinois with our friends and colleagues at Citizen-Access.

As part of the project we are looking at the Latino community in Rantoul and the black community in Urbana.

Each has seen significant growth in the past decade.  The numbers  of Latinos increased by 262 percent from 2000 to 2010 and the number of black people in Urbana rose by 29 percent in the same time.

Poet Hakim Bellamy Performs at UC-IMC

Poet laureate of Alburquerque Hakim Bellamy performed Saturday night, July 28, 2012, at the Grassroots Media Conference at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center.


Joe Torres at Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center

Joe Torres, co-author of "News for All the People" was caught en route to the IMC in Urbana, IL, where he's giving the keynote speech for the Grassroots Radio Conference. Here's a brief interview.



Grassroots Radio Conference Underway!

The national Grassroots Radio Conference is taking place this year at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center. The conference comes on the heels of recent legislation opening up markets for low power radio stations across the United States. On Friday, July 27, a day of panels took place about how people could set up community radio stations. 

There were panels of information sharing with people telling stories of how they had successfully produced community radio in their own home towns.

There was also a poetry workshop held by local poet and host of SPEAK Cafe Aaron Ammons.

The keynote address was given by Joe Torres, co-author with Juan Gonzalez, of News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media.

Grassroots Radio Conference Coming to Urbana: Hundreds converging July 26-29 to chart the future of community radio.

From July 26-29, the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center will be hosting the Grassroots Radio Conference (GRC), an annual conference celebrating the vibrant and democratic medium of local, community-driven radio. Highlights include a Friday night keynote by New York Times best-selling author Joe Torres, a bus tour of UC2B, Urbana-Champaign’s new public broadband system, and a celebration of WRFU’s new radio tower that will enable the station to reach the entire Champaign-Urbana community. Registration is $125 ($75 low-income) and can be done at www.grassrootsradioconference.org.

“The University of Illinois Isn't Broke, It's Broken!” Campus Labor Coalition Holds Rally

It was 96° in the shade, but a large crowd came out on July 19, 2012 for a showing of union solidarity. The Campus Labor Coalition―including AFSCME, SEIU, GEO, AAP, and CFA―held a rally at the Alma Mater on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and then marched across the quad.

The rally was partly to show support for workers in the local AFSCME union who have repeatedly been stalled by university negotiators and are still waiting for a fair contract. The university sites the state budget crisis, while top administrators go on getting paid inflated six-figure salaries. Despite several recent scandals that have forced campus leaders to resign in shame, they have been given golden parachutes by their colleagues. Those at the rally held signs that read “The U of I Isn't Broke, It's Broken!”

Kudos to Our Own Brian Dolinar

By Belden Fields

Researcher, teacher, and editor/writer for the Public i, Brian Dolinar, has just made two major contributions to the world of knowledge.  Both of them are books about the contributions of African Americans to the intellectual, cultural and political life of the United States.

Free College-Level Courses in Champaign in the Humanities Begin This Fall

Illinoisans in the areas of Chicago and Urbana-Champaign are invited to apply to be part of a unique program offering a free college liberal arts course to adults living on low-incomes, complete with college credit.

The Odyssey Project, a program of the Illinois Humanities Council in partnership with the Clemente Course in the Humanities, is a free college-level introduction to the humanities, founded on the conviction that engagement with the humanities can offer individuals a way out of poverty by fostering habits of sustained reflection, critical thinking, and skilled communication.

Classes are offered in literature, philosophy, history, art history, and writing, taught by faculty members from top institutions including the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and DePaul University. In partnership with the Bard College Clemente® Course in the Humanities, students may receive up to six units of college credit.

In Illinois, "Land of the Free," Why Are Women Giving Birth in Chains?

America is almost unique in the civilised world for forcing pregnant prisoners to undergo childbirth cuffed and shackled

by Sadhbh Walshe

In 2007, a 17-year-old girl called Cora Fletcher was charged with retail theft. Over a year later, after she missed a court date, she was sent to the Cook County jail, in Illinois. She was eight months pregnant at the time.

During a pre-natal check-up at the facility, her baby appeared to have no heartbeat, so she was sent to the county hospital. As the medical team tried to induce her, Fletcher claims that both her hands and both her feet were shackled to either side of the bed. Only when she finally went into labor, three days later, was one hand and one foot released. It's hard to imagine a more crucifying way to force a woman to try to give birth.

Sadly for Fletcher, there was no payoff for the trauma and humiliation she was forced to endure, as her baby was born dead.

Sign CUCPJ Petition to Stop New Jail!

Champaign-Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice has set up an online petition for people to show their opposition to the proposal from the Jail Planning Team to spend $20 million on new jail facilities in Champaign County. We believe the county has more pressing needs than a new jail; and since more than half of the people in our county jail are African-American (while only 12% of the county population is Black), we know who will end up in these new jail cells.

Show your opposition to mass incarceration at the local level and sign our petition.
