The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Poetry Slam & Issue Release Party

Join us this Saturday for a night of music, refreshment and open mic as we celebrate the special release of the April issue, featuring poets from the Champaign-Urbana community. Hosted by Aaron Ammons, MC of the widely successful S.P.E.A.K. Cafe. Bring some of your own poetry to share, or simple come out to support creative writing in your community. Free and open to all.

Visit for more info.

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RIP: Bob Kirchner, Champion of the People

via email: >From CCHCC's Executive Director, Claudia Lennhoff Dear Friends,

It is with a very heavy and broken heart that I write to tell you about the death of Robert G. Kirchner, a dear friend, and hero, to us at Champaign County Health Care Consumers (CCHCC). Bob Kirchner, only 54 years old, died of a heart attack on the morning of Sunday, April 17. Bob was a local attorney who defended many who had no resources; he also helped and legally supported many local non-profits, including CCHCC, and he served on the County Board and the County Board of Health -- among many other activities. Bob was a true champion of justice for people, and for the organizations who fight for justice for the people.

Our deepest sympathies go to Bob's wife Gerri Kirchner, with whom he had a great and beautiful partnership and to whom he was utterly devoted. Our sympathies also go to Ruth Wyman, our dear friend and the young attorney with whom Bob worked for many years.

The IMC Weekly, April 18th: Earth Week, Jazz, Improv and more!

SEIU Holds Victory Rally After Winning Contract!

On Monday, April 18 at noon, SEIU held a victory rally on the quad after signing a contract with the University of Illinois administration. The building service workers and food service workers were ready to strike that morning if the administration had not agreed to negotiate. An agreement was reached the previous day that secured SEIU workers a one percent raise until the end of the fiscal year on July 1, and a 1.75 percent raise which will last until the end of their two-year contract. The contract also includes an agreement that no more than 15 percent of employees will be part-time workers. In 2012, both the SEIU and Graduate Employees’ Organization (GEO) will be set to renew their contracts.

As Strike Looms, Students Take Action to Support SEIU

On Thursday, April 14 at 5:50 PM, undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be taking action at the Pennsylvania Avenue Residence (PAR) dining hall to educate students on, and show support for, the Union of University Food and Building Service Workers’ (SEIU Local 73, Chapter 119) 8-month struggle to negotiate a fair contract.  The action will momentarily disrupt dining hall service to demonstrate how the administration’s refusal to negotiate a fair contract with food and building service workers may soon result in a long-term disruption of dining hall service.

Earlier this year 98% of food service workers and 94% of building service workers authorized a strike.  That strike is poised to begin Monday, April 18, should the university’s administration fail to negotiate a contract.

April 16: UC Mini Maker Faire Combines Technology and Craft to Celebrate the "Maker Movement"

Join us for the inaugural Urbana-Champaign Mini Maker Faire on Saturday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Independent Media Center, 202 S. Broadway, in downtown Urbana. Prices: $3 for adults; $1 for kids under 12.

Chief Frazier to Speak at Community Forum Friday Night

Chief Leon Frazier, African American ex-police chief, will be speaking at a community forum on Friday night, April 15, at 5:30 pm on the topic of "Eliminating Police Abuse." The event, hosted by CU Citizens for Peace and Justice, will be at the Salem Baptist Church at 5th and Park Street.

On Thursday night, April 14, Chief Frazier held a discussion at the Independent Media Center attended by members of CUCPJ and the ACLU.


“Whose Side Are You On?” Georgia Seven Fundraiser with UIUC Student Andrea Rosales

On Wednesday, April 13, a fundraiser for the Georgia Seven was held at Ikenberry Commons on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus. Seven undocumented students were arrested in an act of civil disobedience on April 5 in Atlanta. Among them was UIUC student Andrea Rosales who spoke at an event titled “Whose Side Are You On?” organized by the student group La Colectiva.

Andrea told the story of the weeks of planning leading up to the action, her experience of being arrested, and her 24 hours in jail. Andrea was brought to the United States when she was five years old. She is to graduate in May with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Latino Studies. At the fundraiser, Andrea talked about her decision to carry out a nonviolent demonstration. “How many other of my fellow students would I have to see disappear?” she said. “How many would I have to see drop out of college because they couldn’t afford it?”

The IMC Weekly, April 4th: DIY, Odd Music, Dance, and More!

The IMC Weekly for the week of Monday, April 4th

Check out what's happening at the IMC in the first two weeks of April!

UIUC Student Andrea Rosales Among Georgia 7 Arrested Protesting for Immigrant Rights

Andrea Rosales was brought to the United States at the age of 5. She is currently a 22 year old college senior and will be receiving her Bachelor’s in Sociology and Latino Studies this May. With graduation soon approaching, Andrea finds herself unable to use her degree to give back to the community that nurtured her. She is currently organizing for the empowerment of undocumented youth with the Immigrant Youth Justice League in Illinois. Tired of waiting for politicians to act, she believes the time has come to take action.

Andreas is among seven undocumented youth were arrested at Georgia State University! All seven are being taken to the Atlanta Detention Center. Please use the links below to help raise awareness, petition, and give $ to get them out on bail ASAP.


Just to make sure you all know how to help:


1. The first petition is here: - There will be more soon

City of Urbana Votes 7-0 to Approve WRFU Tower Permit




Tonight, WRFU has passed the biggest legislative hurdle to date. In a unanimous 7-0 vote, the City of Urbana voted in favor of granting the IMC a Special Use building permit to construct WRFU's new 100' tower. This is a tremenous moment for the IMC and WRFU, five years in the making. Special thanks must be given to the volunteers who have worked so hard on creating a fantastic proposal -and- for their unwavering support to stay motivated for months and years. To the overwhelming show of supporters who attended the Urbana City Council meeting, the Historic Preservation and Planning Commission meetings:


So what's next?
We need to send our amendments to the IL Historic Preservation. As the IMC is a historically registered building, we need to run any exterior structural changes by them before we can break ground. There might be a survey or two. And then, the building can begin! That tower will be up in no time.

City Council Decides of New WRFU Tower Tonight!

New Tower: Current tower on the left; proposed tower on the rightJoin WRFU and other IMC supporters tonight, Monday April 4th, at 7pm at the City Chambers just across Vine St. from Lincoln Square (click for a map). We will present our case to get a new, higher radio tower. It'll be 100 feet tall, stand in the alley next to the building (instead of on top of the building) and reach further into Urbana and Champaign. Come to talk about how the radio station has made an impact in your life and in the lives of people in the community, or just be there to show that you care. This is the last meeting in front of the city. This evening, we will hopefully get the OK from the City to put up the new tower.

-Tatyana Safronova, WRFU Volunteer


UIUC Workers Picket, Announce Strike Intent

Press Advisory
For Immediate Release 4-3-11

Workers and supporters picketing at UIUC, give notice of intent to strike

Building and Food Service workers at UIUC will picket again Monday and Tuesday morning with local allies among students, faculty, and community members, in hopes of demonstrating their seriousness about striking the university if a new Collective Bargaining Agreement cannot be reached in ongoing negotiations.  On Friday the service workers' union, Local 73 of SEIU, gave legal notice of the workers' intent to strike a if a new agreement cannot be reached within 14 calendar days. 

Both pickets will begin at 7:30am in front of the Florida Avenue Residence Hall (F.A.R.), 1001 College Court just off Lincoln Avenue near Florida in Urbana.

Midwest Zine Fest - April 30, May 1, 2011

Celebrate the 125th May Day in Urbana at Mid-West Zine Fest!

The Radical Librarians are pleased to announce the first annual Midwest Zine Festival. It will be April 30th- May 1st, 2011 at the Independent Media Center in Urbana, IL. The Midwest Zine Festival will be a gathering of zine-makers, authors, speakers, musicians and other rad people for the purpose of celebrating zines and zine-culture.

The festival will include interactive events, food, speakers, music and plenty of zines. The festival is open to the public and admission is free. Organizers are now taking registrations from artists, zine-makers, activists, authors or groups interested in having a table, presenting talks, or purposing interactive events as part of the festival.

Find out more at

Conflict of Interest on Champaign School Board: Contracts go to Chalifoux's Husband

Why are our School District's tax dollars going to support her husband and business associates?

Not surprisingly the News-Gazette has endorsed one of their own, incumbent Kristine Chalifoux, to serve on Champaign's Unit 4 School Board for a second term. The Unit 4 Candidate has made a substantial profit from School District funds over the four years she has held her position.

If voters compare her views before she announced her candidacy back in 2005,

and in 2006,

Chalifoux 5-10-10 RegMtgMinutes.pdf172.55 KB
Chalifoux board_minutes_2011-02-14.pdf109.77 KB

The IMC Weekly for the week of Monday, March 28th

Check out what's coming up at the IMC this week!

From the Punk Underground to the Library Stacks: Girls, Zines, and Their Travels

Janice Radway, Walter Dill Scott Professor of Communication Studies, Northwestern University, will present "From the Punk Underground to the Library Stacks: Girls, Zines, and Their Travels" on Tuesday, March 29, 4:00pm, Spurlock Museum, 600 S. Gregory, Urbana.

In the 1990s, girls around the world created underground publications known as "zines." First as fans responding to the music of girl bands like Bikini Kill, Bratmobile and Huggy Bear, they later participated in a dynamic social movement known as Riot Grrrl.  When Riot Grrrl zines were taken up by mainstream magazines like Sassy, a younger cohort of girls took up the form.  Now, these underground zines appear in libary stacks, art works, classrooms, academic articles and books.  Why and how did this happen?

This presentation is free and open to the public.

The IMC Weekly for the weeks of March 14th and March 21st

Check out what's coming up at the IMC!


Ex-Cop Lisa Staples Back in Court on Second DUI

On Monday, March 14, 2011, former Champaign police detective Lisa Staples returned to court for a second DUI. She nearly killed two 17-year-old girls on December 19, 2010 when she struck their car at high speeds. According to four additional charges filed in court, Staples also lied when applying for a new driver’s license and Illinois state ID card just two days after her license was taken away.

In the initial report by Mary Schenk in the News-Gazette, Sheriff Dan Walsh was interviewed. Giving a minimum of the details, Walsh said that Staples had apparently rear-ended a small SUV on a country road near Bondville. Walsh provided irrelevant information about an Ameren gas line that was damaged. What Walsh did not say, and Schenk failed to follow up on, was that there was much more damage done that night.

Donate to Japanese Earthquake Relief!

On Friday, March 11, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck off Japan's main island close to Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. The quake, which was the strongest one ever to hit Japan, and the resulting tsunamis killed at least 1000 people. Today, there was also an explosion in a nuclear power plant which was damaged by the earthquake. The damaged plant has already exposed people to radiation. Please donate to the Red Cross relief effort. Give $10 by texting REDCROSS to 90999. Your donation will go to support relief efforts for the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. To give more, go to this Red Cross donation Web site. 

Solidarity Rally Turns into Spontaneous Temporary Occupation

On Friday, March 11, 2011, approximately 300 people joined a nationwide student walkout and rally on the quad at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. What was unique about this rally was the number of many new faces of people who did not typically show up for rallies on campus. They have clearly been inspired by the mass protests in Wisconsin and rapidly spreading throughout the Midwest in Indiana and Ohio.

The rally was part of a nationwide call for student walkouts in solidarity with union workers in Wisconsin. On Wednesday, Republican lawmakers rammed through legislation undermining the collective bargaining rights of public sector unions in the state capitol in Wisconsin where there have been ongoing demonstrations for three weeks. On Friday morning, Governor Scott Walker signed the bill into action.

Boycott of Chick-fil-A Organized By EQCU

Local LGBTQ activist group Equality Champaign-Urbana has announced a boycott of the Chick-fil-A restaurant franchise. This action is in coordination with the LGBT law group OUTlaw as well as other University of Illinois student groups who are working to keep the fast food chain's contract from being renewed at the UIUC. Indiana University South Bend, Florida Gulf Coast University, Duke University and the University of North Texas are also working to either remove the franchise or keep it from coming to their school.

Recently the restaurant came under fire from the LGBTQ community when it was revealed that they have donated food and money to a number of anti-LGBTQ groups including Focus on the Family, the National Organization for Marriage, Exodus International and the Pennsylvania Family Institute. Chick-fil-A has also said that same-sex couples are not welcome at the company's marriage institute.

Equality Champaign-Urbana believes that it is neccesary to boycott Chick-fil-A because they finance inequality. It is wrong to pay for our own discrimination or anyone else's.

The IMC Weekly for the week of Monday, March 7th

Check out what's coming up this week at the IMC!

Workers Defend Their Rights in Wisconsin & Ohio

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