
Where the Hell is Matt? 2006
I had a great time making this. Hope you enjoy it. www.wherethehellismatt.com www.STRIDEgu...
published: 20 Jun 2006
Author: mattharding2718
Where the Hell is Matt? 2006
I had a great time making this. Hope you enjoy it. www.wherethehellismatt.com www.STRIDEgum.com

2006 - The Year in Movies
My tribute to all the great movies that 2006 brought us....
published: 11 Jan 2007
Author: oyguvaltshappy
2006 - The Year in Movies
My tribute to all the great movies that 2006 brought us.

JibJab.com - Nuckin' Futs! - The JibJab Year In Review 2006
www.jibjb.com What do Britney Spears, Google and Iran have in common? They all contributed...
published: 12 Oct 2007
Author: JibJab
JibJab.com - Nuckin' Futs! - The JibJab Year In Review 2006
www.jibjb.com What do Britney Spears, Google and Iran have in common? They all contributed to one heck of a crazy 2006! Watch singing school children recap the past year's events, with a touch of JibJab's twisted humor! View the original version of this video in high-res Want more JibJab? Visit us at: www.jibjab.com Register to get access to new JibJab releases sendables.jibjab.com Read our blog: blog.jibjab.com Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Become a fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com Add us on MySpace: vids.myspace.com Visit our YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com

Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland) 2006 Eurovision Song Contest Winner
We are already counting down to the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku. We do that by lo...
published: 26 Dec 2011
Author: eurovision
Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland) 2006 Eurovision Song Contest Winner
We are already counting down to the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku. We do that by looking back to recent editions of Europe's favorite TV show. This time we go to 2006, when the contest was held in Athens, Greece Lordi represented Finland in the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'Hard Rock Hallelujah'. They won the grand final in Athens and brought the contest to Helsinki in 2007.

Smosh - Food Battle 2006
Anthony & Ian fight to the death to prove which of their favorite food is superior. Wa...
published: 04 Oct 2006
Author: smosh
Smosh - Food Battle 2006
Anthony & Ian fight to the death to prove which of their favorite food is superior. Watch this video in higher quality & download at smosh.com http myspace.com

Italy - Germany (04.07.2006)
World Cup semifinal Italy - Germany...
published: 17 Apr 2007
Author: szofcio
Italy - Germany (04.07.2006)
World Cup semifinal Italy - Germany

2006 Emmys Opening
This is the greatest award show opening, hands down. Also, I do not own NBC, Fox, ABC or C...
published: 28 Aug 2006
Author: ReclinerMan
2006 Emmys Opening
This is the greatest award show opening, hands down. Also, I do not own NBC, Fox, ABC or Comedy Central; and they don't own me!

8/28/2006-Peter Schiff Predicts The US Economic Collapse With Unbelievable Accuracy
Visit www.PhilDeCarolis.com tosign up for my free weekly newsletter that includes Economic...
published: 07 Mar 2008
Author: PhilDeCarolis
8/28/2006-Peter Schiff Predicts The US Economic Collapse With Unbelievable Accuracy
Visit www.PhilDeCarolis.com tosign up for my free weekly newsletter that includes Economic and Real Estate updates or for more Peter Schiff videos and real estate advice from an experienced Investor Let me help you protect and grow your wealth NOW before it is too late. Contact me right away for a referral to my own personal broker with Euro Pacific Capital that can advise you on the purchase of precious metals (Gold, Silver, etc..), Commodities And/Or Foreign Dividend paying stocks to hedge against rising prices and your loss of hard earned wealth. Join me in preserving your savings so that we can utilize our retained purchasing power to purchase Discounted/Cash Flowing California Real Estate Assets at the bottom of this downturn for pennies on the dollar that will rise in value dramatically during Californias' next cyclical inflationary real estate bull market.

[HD] 2006 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Part 1: Femme Fatale
[HD] 2006 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Part 1: Femme Fatale From appearance on t...
published: 31 Dec 2008
Author: AkaiRinggo
[HD] 2006 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Part 1: Femme Fatale
[HD] 2006 The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Part 1: Femme Fatale From appearance on the runway: 1.Gisele Bunchen 2.Alessandra Ambrosio 3.Izabel Goulart 4.Karolina Kurkova 5.Natasha Poly 6.Raquel Zimmerman 7.Caroline Winberg 8.Hana Soukupova 9.Jessica Stam 10.Katja Shceckina 11.Elise Crombez 12.Oluchi Onweagba Music: 1.Sexy Back(Live), by Justin Timberlake

Emancipator - Lionheart (2006)
www.myspace.com Lionheart from the album: "soon it will be cold enough" youtube....
published: 31 Dec 2007
Author: MalyCocka
Emancipator - Lionheart (2006)
www.myspace.com Lionheart from the album: "soon it will be cold enough" youtube.com Emancipator - Anthem (my 2nd video)

Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2006 (pt 01)
Clip of BFQOTY pt 01...
published: 01 Jan 2007
Author: tehqueenisdead
Big Fat Quiz Of The Year 2006 (pt 01)
Clip of BFQOTY pt 01

Liverpool v West Ham FA Cup Final 2006 HD.mp4
published: 12 Jun 2011
Author: MarkLiverpoolLnW
Liverpool v West Ham FA Cup Final 2006 HD.mp4

Band Of Horses - The Funeral (2006)
Album: Everything All The Time (2006) Genre: Rock Style: Acoustic, Southern Rock, Indie Ro...
published: 29 Nov 2009
Author: ElektraMSK
Band Of Horses - The Funeral (2006)
Album: Everything All The Time (2006) Genre: Rock Style: Acoustic, Southern Rock, Indie Rock

Cassie - Me & U - (Official Music Video 2006) HD
Cassie - Cassie Me & U Music Video...
published: 11 May 2010
Author: NuPopRnBMuzik
Cassie - Me & U - (Official Music Video 2006) HD
Cassie - Cassie Me & U Music Video
Vimeo results:

Afghanistan – touch down in flight
As each of us has his own impression of Afghanistan that is predominantly marked with pict...
published: 01 Nov 2011
Author: Augustin Pictures
Afghanistan – touch down in flight
As each of us has his own impression of Afghanistan that is predominantly marked with pictures of foreign forces, explosions and terror, we were privileged to have access to capture daily life and portrait some people of Afghanistan.
We hope the pictures you know will merge with the pictures you see and will enrich your view on the country in the Hindu Kush.
Kabul and Mazar-e Sharif
We wanted to go to other places as well but there were several incidents and security was too bad. Just one day after shooting at the blue mosque in Mazar-e Sharif a mob started from the very same place storming the UN building.
I have lived from 2006-2008 in Kabul doing my civil service for a humanitarian aid organization. This March I had the chance to go back with my fiancée to show her the place I love and to capture the beauty of this country with our cameras.
At the same time I made this as a tribute to a dear friend, who was shot in the streets of Kabul. Gayle inspired me in her love and dedication for the Afghans.
After a full summer with other work we had now the chance to do the editing.
Lisa-Maria Puy who composed the music for us was wonderful to work with. We met her on Zanzibar island and back in Germany she composed this wonderful soundtrack within just 3 days (and nights). She studied music at HfM Detmold in Germany and is a very talented artist and we hope to work with her again.
You can contact her on: puy-music[at]gmx.de
Last week the clip got published in the iPad edition of Süddeutsche-Zeitung Magazin.
I hope you enjoy and we are happy for your honest feedback.
Lukas and Salome Augustin
Equipment used:
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 7D
Canon 24-105mm L IS 4f
Canon 16-35mm L
Canon 50mm 1.4f
Canon 85mm 1.8f
Glidetrack HD
Handgrip Nighthawk and D|Focus V3 (shoulder mount)
Zoom H1
2x Rode Videomic Pro
Manfrotto 501 HD and 701 HDV
LCW ND Filter Fader MK II
We edited and colour graded the entire clip on Final Cut Pro X
more information and production photos:
© by Lukas and Salome Augustin
All rights reserved
fell free to watch it on Vimeo, to share on Facebook, Twitter etc. but please ask for embed permission and please don't upload the video on Youtube or any other site. Thank you!

Endless Roads 2 - The Island
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this second episode, the girls take ...
published: 06 Dec 2011
Author: Juan Rayos
Endless Roads 2 - The Island
·Roadtrip in Spain with the Longboard Girls Crew·
In this second episode, the girls take the ferry and head to Mallorca, where they will be spending the next days travelling and skating the rocky island. New friends and local riders join the girls for this stage and some crazy downhill.
[7 female riders, 1 van, 15 days, 4.300km, 416 GB of raw material… culminating in one video, divided into four chapters. The film documents the adventure of the trip, portraying the girls, their lifestyle and their passion for longboard.]
En este segundo episodio las chicas cogen el ferry rumbo a Mallorca, donde pasarán varios días recorriendo y patinando la montañosa isla. Nuevas caras se suman al grupo en esta etapa de viaje y algunos riders locales las acompañarán practicando downhill.
[7 riders, 1 furgoneta, 15 días, 4.300 kilómetros, 416GB de imágenes… Meses de trabajo! Todo ello se convertirá en un vídeo, dividido en cuatro capítulos, que documenta la aventura del viaje, retrata a sus protagonistas y muestra su pasión por el longboard.]
“La la la” - ANNI B SWEET (Subterfuge records/Pizza pop 2009)
“George” - THE CASTERS (Subtrfuge records/Pizza pop 2010)
“Sabor a fresa” - ALFONSO SANTISTEBAN (Subterfuge Records/Musica para un guateque sideral 2006)
“The girl from Spain” - ALFONSO SANTISTEBAN.(Subterfuge records/Musica para un guateque sideral 2005)
Second camera operators: Raúl Serrano (Ra), Nacho Caribbean
Production team: Mónica Madenfrost, Jesus Asensio (Chus), Raúl Serrano (Ra)

By @jason_silva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
Our other videos:
Beginning of ...
published: 24 Dec 2011
Author: Jason Silva
By @jason_silva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
Our other videos:
Beginning of Infinity - http://vimeo.com/29938326
You are a RCVR - http://vimeo.com/27671433
Imagination - http://vimeo.com/34902950
Abundance - http://vimeo.com/34984088
The Imaginary Foundation says "To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns"...
Albert-László Barabási, author of LINKED, wants you to think about NETWORKS:
“Networks are everywhere. The brain is a network of nerve cells connected by axons, and cells themselves are networks of molecules connected by biochemical reactions. Societies, too, are networks of people linked by friendships, familial relationships and professional ties. On a larger scale, food webs and ecosystems can be represented as networks of species. And networks pervade technology: the Internet, power grids and transportation systems are but a few examples. Even the language we are using to convey these thoughts to you is a network, made up of words connected by syntactic relationships.”
'For decades, we assumed that the components of such complex systems as the cell, the society, or the Internet are randomly wired together. In the past decade, an avalanche of research has shown that many real networks, independent of their age, function, and scope, converge to similar architectures, a universality that allowed researchers from different disciplines to embrace network theory as a common paradigm.'
Steven Johnson, author of Where Good Ideas Come From, writes about recurring patterns and liquid networks:
“Coral reefs are sometimes called “the cities of the sea”, and part of the argument is that we need to take the metaphor seriously: the reef ecosystem is so innovative because it shares some defining characteristics with actual cities. These patterns of innovation and creativity are fractal: they reappear in recognizable form as you zoom in and out, from molecule to neuron to pixel to sidewalk. Whether you’re looking at original innovations of carbon-based life, or the explosion of news tools on the web, the same shapes keep turning up... when life gets creative, it has a tendency to gravitate toward certain recurring patterns, whether those patterns are self-organizing, or whether they are deliberately crafted by human agents”
Patrick Pittman from Dumbo Feather adds:
“Put simply: cities are like ant colonies are like software is like slime molds are like evolution is like disease is like sewage systems are like poetry is like the neural pathways in our brain. Everything is connected.
"...Johnson uses ‘The Long Zoom’ to define the way he looks at the world—if you concentrate on any one level, there are patterns that you miss. When you step back and simultaneously consider, say, the sentience of a slime mold, the cultural life of downtown Manhattan and the behavior of artificially intelligent computer code, new patterns emerge.”
James Gleick, author of THE INFORMATION, has written how the cells of an organism are nodes in a richly interwoven communications network, transmitting and receiving, coding and decoding and how Evolution itself embodies an ongoing exchange of information between organism and environment.. (Its an ECO-SYSTEM, an EVOLVING NETWORK)
“If you want to understand life,” Wrote Richard Dawkins, “don’t think about vibrant, throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology." (AND THINK ABOUT NETWORKS!!
Geoffrey West, from The Santa Fe Institute, also believes in the pivotal role of NETWORKS:
"...Network systems can sustain life at all scales, whether intracellularly or within you and me or in ecosystems or within a city.... If you have a million citizens in a city or if you have 1014 cells in your body, they have to be networked together in some optimal way for that system to function, to adapt, to grow, to mitigate, and to be long term resilient."
Author Paul Stammetts writes about The Mycelial Archetype: He compares the mushroom mycelium with the overlapping information-sharing systems that comprise the Internet, with the networked neurons in the brain, and with a computer model of dark matter in the universe. All share this densely intertwingled filamental structure.
An article in Reality Sandwich called Google a psychedelically informed superpowered network, a manifestation of the mycelial archetype:
“Recognizing this super-connectivity and conductivity is often accompanied by blissful mindbody states and the cognitive ecstasy of multiple "aha's!" when the patterns in the mycelium are revealed. That Googling that has become a prime noetic technology (How can we recognize a pattern and connect more and more, faster and faster?: superconnectivity and superconductivity) mirrors the increased speed of connection of thought-forms from cannabis highs on up. The whole process is driven by desire not only for these blissful states in and of themselves, but also as the cognitive resource they represent.The devices of

"Motion Plus Design" Center : "What is Motion Design ?"
*** UPDATED VERSION (See Erratum below) ***
------------------------------- THE PROJECT
published: 28 Sep 2011
Author: Motion Plus Design
"Motion Plus Design" Center : "What is Motion Design ?"
*** UPDATED VERSION (See Erratum below) ***
------------------------------- THE PROJECT
"Motion Plus Design" is a project which aims to create the first exhibition center
dedicated to Motion Design in Paris, france. This is a non-profit project. Students, professionals and anyone interested could discover artists, meet and learn. This centre will also provide an opportunity to promote artists in other design departments so the different graphic design worlds could cross. To make it real we need your support! The more we are, the more the project's got chances to exist!
Website : http://motion-plus-design.com
Get involved via facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/ENGLISH-Motion-Plus-Design/262169577157419
Mail : contact@motion-plus-design.com
Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/Mo_Plus_Design
Newsletter : please send us your email at newsletter@motion-plus-design.com
Want to translate this film in your language ? : translate@motion-plus-design.com
------------------------------- OTHER LANGUAGES
Spanish : http://vimeo.com/31805518
Portuguese : http://vimeo.com/31805448
Chinese : http://vimeo.com/31801886
Japanese : http://vimeo.com/31805394
Russian : http://vimeo.com/31805480
Greek : http://vimeo.com/31805030
Turkish : http://vimeo.com/31805551
Italian : http://vimeo.com/31805364
Iranian : http://vimeo.com/31805331
German : http://vimeo.com/31805268
Dutch : http://vimeo.com/31804683
French : http://vimeo.com/29734504
------------------------------- ERRATUM
We were wrong on some credits of the previous version, big apologies for that.
Here are the new changes you'll see in this updated version :
/// MTV award 2009 opening sequence was in fact designed at Prologue by Ilya Abulhaniv
/// Panic Room opening sequence was in fact designed by Picture Mill
/// Donnie Brasco opening sequence was in fact designed at Imaginary Forces by Kyle Cooper
/// NBC More Colorful ident, was in fact designed at Capacity by Ellerey Gave & Alex Mapar
/// NBC ident (2006) was in fact designed at Capacity
/// Chanel 4 ident was in fact designed by Lambie Nairn
Youtube results:

2006 Chicago Marathon - How NOT to end a race!
Robert Cheruiyot wins Chicago Marathon 10/22/06 with a time of 2:07:35 but slips at finish...
published: 22 Oct 2006
Author: derfermark
2006 Chicago Marathon - How NOT to end a race!
Robert Cheruiyot wins Chicago Marathon 10/22/06 with a time of 2:07:35 but slips at finish line - OUCH! 10/24/06 Update: CHICAGO (AP) - Chicago Marathon winner Robert Cheruiyot left the hospital on Tuesday after spending two nights there with a mild concussion he sustained when he slipped at the finish line. The 28-year-old had sprinted away from fellow Kenyan Daniel Njenga during the final stretch of Sunday's race when he slipped backward and banged his head, causing internal and external bleeding. His momentum carried him across the line, making him the winner in two hours seven minutes 35 seconds. Cheruiyot, this year's Boston Marathon champion, was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. He had no recollection of what had happened immediately afterward and asked his coach if he had won. But his agent, Federico Rosa, said his client's memory is intact. There were decals with the marathon's logo at the finish line, but Rosa did not blame them for the fall. He suggested after the race and during a news conference on Monday that wet conditions, shoes and even just a lack of balance caused Cheruiyot to slip.

Yellow Fever (2006) - Re-Release Official
This is the OFFICIAL version of our most popular short film. We didn't really start us...
published: 29 Jan 2010
Author: WongFuProductions
Yellow Fever (2006) - Re-Release Official
This is the OFFICIAL version of our most popular short film. We didn't really start using this channel until 2008, and just recently decided that we should put up our most popular short film since there's so many other versions out there. Perfect timing though, exactly 4 years since its original release in 2006, we're finally releasing Yellow Fever on our official YouTube channel. Music: We had to change the original music because we didn't own it. Sorry if you liked the old one better. BLOOPERS wongfuproductions.com SUBSCRIBE! youtube.com OFFICIAL wongfuproductions.com FACEBOOK http TWITTER twitter.com STORE Get your Nice Guy/Girl Tshirts and Awkward Turtles areyouaniceguy.com

Arctic Monkeys - The View From The Afternoon (2006)
Arctic Monkeys - The View From The Afternoon Diredted By WizDomino Recording Company is an...
published: 24 Feb 2010
Author: DominoRecords
Arctic Monkeys - The View From The Afternoon (2006)
Arctic Monkeys - The View From The Afternoon Diredted By WizDomino Recording Company is an independent record label founded in 1993. Subscribe to Domino: goo.gl dominorecordco.com http twitter.com open.spotify.com

Italy - 2006 World Cup Highlights
These are the highlights for Italy in the Fifa World Cup 2006, Some nice goals!!! Italy wo...
published: 04 Jun 2007
Author: cooleo16
Italy - 2006 World Cup Highlights
These are the highlights for Italy in the Fifa World Cup 2006, Some nice goals!!! Italy won because they are the best team in the world, including the country, since it's my nation :D Enjoy :D