
Minecraft Redstone RAM 128 Bytes (1 Kilobit)
This is my 128 byte RAM i have made. It is very compact, at least compared to my other RAM...
published: 10 Dec 2011
Author: TheRedstoneCrafter
Minecraft Redstone RAM 128 Bytes (1 Kilobit)
This is my 128 byte RAM i have made. It is very compact, at least compared to my other RAMs. One byte takes up a 3x17 footprint. If you find this video to be entertaining or useful, please like, comment, favorite, or even subscribe, it really helps :)

kilobit 2000
Областные сорk...
published: 06 May 2009
Author: MyAktau
kilobit 2000
Областные соревнования по брейку kilobit-2000

published: 05 Dec 2011
Author: TVGanjaTV

TEKST : Aby z głową...! Elo 2011...! Dudek RPK! Aby z głową, rusz w dr...
published: 02 Feb 2012
Author: 194co
TEKST : Aby z głową...! Elo 2011...! Dudek RPK! Aby z głową, rusz w drogę dzieciaku, aby z głową, aby z głową, aby z głowa, aby z głowa, rusz w drogę dzieciaku aby z głowa, aby z głową, aby z głową // x2 wychodzę z domu ledwo parę kroków w przód jakiś typ robi akcje w stylu,stań dziki zachód najebany wyurani, krzyczy głośno, rozrabia w bani pusto w chuj, poza tym żenada... nie lada kłopotów rodzi co dzień to miasto chciałbym spać lecz nie mogę, znowu nie mogę zasnąć chciałbym iść lecz nie idę, czy to sen czy to jawa ludzie kręcą się w koło zaplątani w tych sprawach patrze z góry widzę czarne ulice, jestem wysoko stad, nie jest trudno dostrzec życie pseudo urzędasów, napierdolonych rodziców... gdzie co drugi gra swą martwą rolę w wieczornym dzienniku chce mi się siku jak się na to kurwa patrze... naszczać na tych błaznów, tak by było najłatwiej nie słuchać, nie patrzeć, wyjebać telewizor! rozpętać taka akcje by zaznaczyć swój horyzont co to kurwa...? pisane prawo bezprawia byle chuj obsraniec może anonima nadać jeden telefon akcja, pustych parę slow szósta rano lecą drzwi a za nimi pełno psów i znów kurwy się cieszą że znaleźli piątkę zalegalizują weeda? nie... choć to żaden problem godłem tego ze jestem, kim jestem i widzę nie zmienię swojego podejścia ziomek.. Kocham ulice! ten rap to rzeczywisty obraz, rzeczywisty obraz tego co się dzieje w okół nas choćby lizali dupę... szli za tobą... bądź sobą! ten rap to rzeczywisty obraz, rzeczywisty obraz tego co się dzieje w okół <b>...</b>

Bonde do Rolê - Kilo (Official Music Video)
Purchase Bonde do Rolê - Kilo : bit.ly Purchase on Beatport: s.beatport.com Buy Bond...
published: 10 May 2012
Author: maddecent
Bonde do Rolê - Kilo (Official Music Video)
Purchase Bonde do Rolê - Kilo : bit.ly Purchase on Beatport: s.beatport.com Buy Bonde do Role's new album Tropicalbacanal here: bit.ly Production Company: Flamboyant Paradise Directors: Javier Lourenço - Ale Rey Executive Producer: Guido Rutenberg DP: Alan Badan Edit: Pablo Colella Mercedes Lopez Art Director: Toni Pippo It goes without saying that we are extremely excited to announced the new single and album from Brazil's wildest trio and our first love.... Bonde do Rolê! Having been the first release on Mad Decent, it only makes sense that as we quickly approach our 100th we have the honor of bringing Bonde Do Rolê 's amazing summer jam Kilo and album Tropicalbacanal to the world. In 2007, when their debut album With Lasers was released and Diplo and Pitchfork and the Fader and everyone else talked about how wild and weird and wonderful they were, it seemed like a stunt. In 2012, with their second album Tropicalbacanal about to be released, they're even more wild, more weird, and more wonderful. Not many people know what Bonde are singing about, but everyone keeps singing along; they're the third world Black Eyed Peas. Tropicalbacanal -- produced by Diplo and Filip Nikolic of Poolside and featuring guest turns from Caetano Veloso, Das Racist, Cecile, Rizzle Kicks, and the Death Set -- ushers in the fresh wave of avalanche tropical (the bossa nova of modern Brazil) and is all over the place; they wouldn't have it any other way. Kilo single out everywhere May 22 <b>...</b>

Quest Software RDP Graphics Acceleration
This is a demonstration of dramatic difference in end user experience when comparing versi...
published: 12 Sep 2008
Author: patrickrouse
Quest Software RDP Graphics Acceleration
This is a demonstration of dramatic difference in end user experience when comparing version 6.1 of the Microsoft RDP Protocol, Optimized to use less network bandwidth, vs Quest Software's RDP Graphics Acceleration. In my previous demonstration I tested across a 128 kilobit WAN connection. In this demonstration both tests are being performed across the same 56 kilobit per second WAN connection to virtual machines in Reston Virginia, from my client in San Diego California. The connection has approximately 150 milliseconds of latency The first demonstration is of RDP 6.1 on Vista SP1. As we can see, as bandwidth is reduced to 56 kilobits per second, RDP 6.1 performs poorly even when optimized to use less network bandwidth. The second demonstration is of the same web content rendered via Quest Software's RDP Graphics Acceleration over the same 56 kilobit per second WAN connection.

Clear 4G Internet Review & Speed Test
Clearwire: Clear 4G Internet Review & Clear Spot Apollo www.clear.com...
published: 19 Sep 2012
Author: ThreeDigitIQ
Clear 4G Internet Review & Speed Test
Clearwire: Clear 4G Internet Review & Clear Spot Apollo www.clear.com

ComputerTV Inbox June 4
This week the rotating schedule pits Albert and Bauer together, once again. However reluct...
published: 04 Jun 2009
Author: TigerDirectBlog
ComputerTV Inbox June 4
This week the rotating schedule pits Albert and Bauer together, once again. However reluctant they may feel about participating in Inbox with each other rather then the new lovely lady hosts, Sam and Betty, they still buck to answer your enmails. This week the boys advise an eager PC builder, discuss the benefits and possible frame rate advantages of running a dedicated physx card, and get schooled by a master nerd on the science behind baudrate to kilobit conversions. The guys also figure out that they will definitely be importing their new intern from a foreign country, when they recieve the heart felt email from a fan, desperate to come to America, and be part of the CTV staff. Also stay tuned til the end to get a sneak peak at Betty's new show which is going to be taking you into the world of professional sports to see how stadium technicians use technology to make a major sporting event a success. Email them to your hearts content: Albert@com.puter.tv Bauer@com.puter.tv or hit them up on facebook, computertalbert and computertvbauer..

Quest Software RDP Graphics Acceleration
This is a demonstration of dramatic difference in end user experience when comparing versi...
published: 12 Sep 2008
Author: patrickrouse
Quest Software RDP Graphics Acceleration
This is a demonstration of dramatic difference in end user experience when comparing version 6.1 of the Microsoft RDP Protocol, Optimized to use less network bandwidth, vs Quest Software's RDP Graphics Acceleration. In this demonstration both tests are being performed across the same 128 kilobit per second WAN connection to virtual machines in Reston Virginia, from my client in San Diego California. The connection has approximately 150 milliseconds of latency The first demonstration is of RDP 6.1 on Vista SP1. As we can see, as bandwidth is reduced to 128 kilobits per second, RDP 6.1 performs poorly even when optimized to use less network bandwidth. The second demonstration is of the same web content rendered via Quest Software's RDP Graphics Acceleration over the same 128 kilobit per second WAN connection.

The Legend of Zeldu (Zelda Fan Game)
Do you feel like going on an adventure? TO THE DARK WORLD! Music by CSGuitar89: www.youtub...
published: 16 Oct 2011
Author: Ninjaxim
The Legend of Zeldu (Zelda Fan Game)
Do you feel like going on an adventure? TO THE DARK WORLD! Music by CSGuitar89: www.youtube.com Download and play my games at www.phatrobit.com If you want to play the trailer version, go here phatrobit.com WARNING! The trailer version has issues, I will not fix them as it's an old outdated version and flash is stupid.

Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Headphone Review
Welcome to my first-ever video review on the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Studio Monitor Headpho...
published: 04 Jun 2012
Author: Kenoji8
Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Headphone Review
Welcome to my first-ever video review on the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Studio Monitor Headphones. I am pleased to show you guys this wonderful product and hopefully this video will steer you all in the right direction. If you have questions AFTER watching the review and reading the description, I'll try to answer them as best as I can. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy the video! A few notes that I edited out or didn't discuss in the video: - Though I'm not a big fan of hip-hop, I listened to some Waka Flocka, T-Pain ("Take Your Shirt Off"), and Ying Yang Twins, and the bass response is VERY good. However, it is bass that is true to the track. If you are looking for headphones with a very strong, ear-shaking bass, these aren't your cans, or at least my pair didn't feel like this. - Movies sound AMAZING. I watched "The Matrix Reloaded" and "Serenity" and the character dialogue is very crisp and the action scenes are unbelievably dynamic. Sound effects are jaw-dropping, most notably in the fight scenes in The Matrix. And actually, movies sounded a little better without the Behringer amp. Don't watch a scary movie with these because you will jump out of your seat! - If you listen to music that is poorly encoded or has a low kilobit rate (128 kbps or less), you will hear it! You will not be able to stand low-quality music after pumping audio through these. Non-HD encoded music off of YouTube won't sound as good as it could be from a CD, through iTunes, or by other means <b>...</b>

Conversor de Bytes
En este video muestro una aplicación realizada por mi para convertir cualquier tipo...
published: 25 Apr 2009
Author: bocapasion23
Conversor de Bytes
En este video muestro una aplicación realizada por mi para convertir cualquier tipo de medida (bytes, megabytes, gigabits, megabytes, etc) en cualquier otra. Descargar programa: rapidshare.com

Batman's Brilliant Deduction
Batman's deductive abilities only rivaled by Sherlock Holmes....
published: 03 Dec 2009
Author: KilobitKid
Batman's Brilliant Deduction
Batman's deductive abilities only rivaled by Sherlock Holmes.
Vimeo results:

Earth Hour 3 kilobits per second
Trying a lower bitrate to see if it's smoother....
published: 31 May 2010
Author: Hisham Petry
Earth Hour 3 kilobits per second
Trying a lower bitrate to see if it's smoother.

Paul Goodman Changed My Life - Theatrical Trailer
HI-RES: Quicktime file with a screen size of 720 pixels wide, no letterbox, 16x9.
H.264 (m...
published: 16 Sep 2011
Author: Jonathan Lee
Paul Goodman Changed My Life - Theatrical Trailer
HI-RES: Quicktime file with a screen size of 720 pixels wide, no letterbox, 16x9.
H.264 (mpeg 4 , part 10) video with stereo AAC audio at 44.1khz.
Minimum bit rate of 2.5 Mb (megabits) or 2500Kb (kilobits) (.mp4, .m4v, .mov)
Please name the file: paulgoodman.hires.trailer.mov

Senior Games / Anne Improved
This used a compression algorithm much closer to what Vimeo recommends. (Now that I know ...
published: 23 Feb 2010
Author: John Guislin
Senior Games / Anne Improved
This used a compression algorithm much closer to what Vimeo recommends. (Now that I know the difference between 2 kilobits and 2 megabits, it works a lot better.) If you like this, I can make the other three this way. It takes about 30 minutes to compress.

Christmas Tree Setup 2007
Now a yearly tradition—check out my other videos. My favourite video so far. :-)
Date: N...
published: 27 Nov 2009
Author: Derek Warren
Christmas Tree Setup 2007
Now a yearly tradition—check out my other videos. My favourite video so far. :-)
Date: November 17th, 2007 (yes, we're crazy)
Vital statistics: 1m38s. 22.5 megabytes! 800x600, 30fps, encoded with H.264 at 1700 kilobits/second.
Pictures taken every ~7 seconds; sequenced at 8fps. Encoded at 30fps.
I managed to increase the frame rate this year by knocking down the camera resolution from ~1920x1600 to 1024x768.
The music isn't very Christmasy, but it's playful! 2007 was a very good year...
Number of pictures taken: 745
Number of times the camera needed fresh batteries: 3
Number of times mom insisted I move the tree: 3
Number of light strings on this year's tree: 6
Number of lights per string: 100
Number of years since my sister was home for Christmas: 2 :(
Number of hours spent setting up the tree while minding the computer and camera: 4
Number of hours spent with video editing & compression tools: 2
Once again, I wondered about the music but found something at the last minute that was a good fit. Most of the synchronization you see is purely accidental.
I like the way the first few bars of music match the action in the movie: the furniture "clears off the dancefloor" to make way for the tree. The base of the tree also seems to bounce off an invisible wall just as you hear the strike of a tom-tom.
I once saw a clip of "The Automatic Moving Company" when I was a kid which inspired the introduction.
Watch for the Pac-Man reference.
We switched to brand-new LED lights this year. Whee!
Our living room is huge and dark enough that I needed three large extra lights to achieve the results you see here.
My sister and I loathe the fake flowers that mom keeps around the house (right-hand side of the frame). We also marvel at the time it took mom to do the needlework that hangs on our living room walls.
Just before the reindeer and snowman make an appearance, it looks like Mom changed the position of a few ornaments when I wasn't looking. MOM!
Made with my G5 and {t|c}rusty old Titanium PowerBook running Mac OS X 10.5.
Happy holidays.
Youtube results:

Reading an Ancient 32K Intel EPROM By Hand
Yesterday I discovered a veritable relic in the shop. Inside a tackle box that was acquire...
published: 12 Dec 2010
Author: Tbird761
Reading an Ancient 32K Intel EPROM By Hand
Yesterday I discovered a veritable relic in the shop. Inside a tackle box that was acquired with a bunch of other stuff at an auction was an Intel D732A. That's a 32 Kilobit UV-eraseable EPROM designed in 1982. I looked online for a tech doc, and sure enough it was available. With this information in hand, I proceeded to throw together a board to see if anything was still on this ancient chip, and I wanted to have some fun doing it in an uncommon way. Anyone can read the contents of an EPROM using a reader or a microcontroller, but I decided to read it "by hand" as it were. This video shows the result. The top row of LEDs (red) shows the 12-bit address the switches have selected. The bottom right row of LEDs (green) shows the 8-bit page that is at the selected address (the data). The two LEDs to the left on the bottom are both active-low control lines--output enable (amber) and chip select (blue). I don't know what the data on the chip is for--it could be boot code or anything. Here's the bit stream (MSB to LSB) for the first handful of pages: 0101-1100 1000-0000 0000-0100 1101-0011 1111-1010 0000-0100 0000-1010 0101-1100 0000-0011.

Minecraft Binary to BCD Tutorial
This is a tutorial on a binary to bcd converter. Download: www.mediafire.com If you find t...
published: 06 Jul 2012
Author: TheRedstoneCrafter
Minecraft Binary to BCD Tutorial
This is a tutorial on a binary to bcd converter. Download: www.mediafire.com If you find this video to be entertaining or useful, please rate, comment, favorite, or even subscribe, it helps a lot :)

Minecraft Redstone: Word Processor V2
This is an imrpoved version of my previous word processor. The old one had 4 displays, thi...
published: 07 Jan 2012
Author: TheRedstoneCrafter
Minecraft Redstone: Word Processor V2
This is an imrpoved version of my previous word processor. The old one had 4 displays, this one has 12. This one laos generates less lag. One thing though, is that the displays are smaller(7x5) compared to 13x13. It also does not have a programmable key, and only has capital letters and numbers 0-9. You can get the save here: www.mediafire.com

Minecraft Redstone Minigame - Stacker
This is a minigame I made in minecraft. It is based off of the arcade game "Stacker&q...;
published: 13 Feb 2012
Author: TheRedstoneCrafter
Minecraft Redstone Minigame - Stacker
This is a minigame I made in minecraft. It is based off of the arcade game "Stacker". If you find this video to be entertaining, please rate, comment, favorite, or even subscribe, it helps a lot :)