An Antecedently Unfashioned Breviloquent Telegenic Pericope of Recrementitious Vernacular
An Antecedently Unfashioned Breviloquent Telegenic Pericope of Recrementitious Vernacular
Or rather, a cutscene from Hotel Mario that I neglected to re-dub and include in "The Posh Mothershuckling Dangle Dongler Hour".
Pericope - XT
Pericope - XT
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing original song, XT. www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Pericope - Green Pride
Pericope - Green Pride
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing original song, Green Pride. www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Pericope - Elite Swine
Pericope - Elite Swine
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing original song, Elite Swine www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Pericope - Eye of the Beholder
Pericope - Eye of the Beholder
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing original song, Eye of the Beholder www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Pericope - Best of You
Pericope - Best of You
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing Foo Fighters cover, Best of You www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Pericope - Least We Forget
Pericope - Least We Forget
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing original song, Least We Forget. www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Pericope - The Kids Aren't Alright
Pericope - The Kids Aren't Alright
Dunedin Band, Pericope, playing The Offspring cover, The Kids Aren't Alright. www.pericope.synthasite.com www.myspace.com/pericope
Liver of a Duck - Pericope Adulterae Live
Liver of a Duck - Pericope Adulterae Live
Pericope Aduterae Live @ Juz Freising 14.04.12
Drake Bell en La Arena Monterrey-Up pericope
Drake Bell en La Arena Monterrey-Up pericope
Esta es la entrada del conciertooo aaah!! (L)
3f LXX: The Great I AM, John 8
3f LXX: The Great I AM, John 8
'NT 'threads' (quotes) LXX' series. Watch in HD, fullscreen. Here, the tie between John 8:42ff and Exodus 4 (which I hope you read first). Shows how the Lord 'ropes' the John 8 dialogue through Exodus Chaps 3-5 to mirror the crowd's own like-Pharaoh negativity. Awesome stuff. This demonstration will continue through Episode 3j. Pay close attention to how the Lord goes from the Exodus 3:14's ENDING reference He made in John 8:42 (seen in Episode 3a-c), down through the parallels in Exodus 4, then Exodus 5, then back to the BEGINNING of Exodus 3, to 'circle' back to Exodus 3:14 by the time He says its FIRST HALF, in John 8:58. See, to know what a passage means we gotta follow ALL of what the author actually SAYS, before we can properly interpret any PART of what he says. We Christians need to stop cherry-picking verses. Then we'd know that the pericope adulterae is a deliberate preamble to John 8, to show how the spiritual adulterers, wanted to stone Him Who Was Without Sin. John knew his Greek drama. The pericope adulterae introduction is vital, a true story, and explains much. Only religious types hate it. Rev 17 spiritual harlotry is miffed by any competition. So the anti-semitic and legalistic Church Fathers battled over the passage, some deleting it, some including it. But John's own 'oudeis' style is clearly based on the Lord. So we know where the passage belongs. :)
Iris DeMent - "He Reached Down"
Iris DeMent - "He Reached Down"
Photo by my friend Maura: - www.flickr.com - www.youtube.com Track from this album: - en.wikipedia.org Song by Iris DeMent - www.cowboylyrics.com en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org www.kingjamesbibleonline.org We have to pray for Iris DeMent - as she seems to have lost her faith! - en.wikipedia.org
Surviving Bible Mistranslation
Surviving Bible Mistranslation
This video is my personal favorite. Rated H for Humor. Rating for Uptight Religious Folk who insist God inspire Bible translations the LORD never used, to suit their laziness? Bypass this video, it will only make you mad. Maybe I must apologize to Gilbert and Sullivan, Gilbert Gottfried, Beetlejuice, the Joker, maybe Dr. Lechter plus Blondie, and of course to Balaam's hiny who inspired it all. Testimony of that motley crew: you too can learn Bible in the original-language texts. For God enables it. God knows those words and can teach them to you via your pastor. Oh: and if you're wondering if the pericope adulterae is valid, see the video description to my '3a LXX:' When you see how easy it is to prove valid, you'll know for sure that some 'scholars' aren't using 1John1:9. :)
3r LXX: Christ says He's God 50+ times in John 8
3r LXX: Christ says He's God 50+ times in John 8
50+ times Christ says He's God, PATTERNING HIS DISCOURSE AFTER PSALM 18. Hence this Episode 3r through 3v, revisits the whole chapter, showing how Christ is literally tracking Psalm 18 as He talks. When you see the line-by-line parallel between the two chapters, you'll freak out. I know I did. How many other sections of the Bible, are like this one? Maybe many, and we've missed this important hermeneutic, all these centuries? Yikes! More: this is yet another way to also prove that the so-called 'pericope adulterae' is validly in Bible exactly where it sits in John 8:1-11. That Bible section has been a political football for centuries, so this 3r covers it as an introduction to the rhetorical style of Bible fingerprinting: the use of keywords in a particular pattern, to 'fingerprint' what other parts of Bible, the speaker is using. Word doc demonstrating the 50+ times He says He's God in John 8, is here: www.brainout.net ; www.brainout.net is the pdf copy. A color-coded keyword map is here: John8-Psalm18map.pdf . Editable version of map is here: www.brainout.net . They won't highlight the same: I keep seeing more parallels as I review the material. Thank you, Super Donster. Your query made me revisit John 8, and through it I learned of this Bible rhetorical technique.
Dogma vs Reason
Dogma vs Reason
This video is the first in a few being made to take a look at why dogma should be tossed out in favor of reason, evidence-based methods, and self-correcting systems. Featured is a verse in the bible which is the favorite of many, yet suffers an unlikely origin. That last image in the video is here:www.georgehernandez.com
Railfanning HO Scale RDCs at 6 o'clock
Railfanning HO Scale RDCs at 6 o'clock
You're just in time to railfan a pair of CNJ (Central Railroad of New Jersey) RDC-1s (Rail Diesel Cars) as they make their 6 AM commuter run from East Side Station, with a stop at Pericope, and terminating at Tchotchka Street. Although these are Lifelike HO models, the Jersey Central Railroad actually ran the protype in the 1960's. Who knows? I may have watched these cars glide thru Westfield, toward Cranford or Plainfield. You'll also see my version of NJ rush-hour driving in a stop-motion sequence. My 12'x6' railroad, sits on five 3'x4' plywood sections, in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains. (By the way, I thank "Bramptonrailfan" for suggesting this video--over 1 year ago! Check out his videos. They're good!) While you're here though, check out my channel page (by clicking the icon or ibiubuok at the top of this column)--see if you're "Addicted to Trains or Model Trains." (About the song: An unknown artist performed The Lovin' Spoonful's "6 o'clock." I would have preferred their version but YouTube would have silenced my video! They still may. Admittedly, it's not a great sounding copy.) Your comments & ratings are welcomed. Thanks for watching and please stop by again!
Introduction & The Holy Mass Part One (4th Sunday of Easter) Msgr. Orencio 'Orie' D. Jubac, EV.wmv
Introduction & The Holy Mass Part One (4th Sunday of Easter) Msgr. Orencio 'Orie' D. Jubac, EV.wmv
The Good Shepherd is a pericope found in John 10:1-21 in which Jesus is depicted as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. Similar imagery is used in Psalm 23. The Good Shepherd is revisited throughout the four Gospels in references to Jesus not letting himself lose any of his sheep. The surrounding context of the allegorical story of the Good Shepherd (John 9:35-41 and John 10:22-30) shows that the people around Jesus realized that he was asserting that he was God. Biblical scholar Donald Guthrie maintains that the reaction of the Jews (picking up stones to stone him) shows that they understood that Jesus was asserting his own divinity.
The Holy Mass Part Two (4th Sunday of Easter Season) Msgr. Orencio 'Orie' D. Jubac, EV.wmv
The Holy Mass Part Two (4th Sunday of Easter Season) Msgr. Orencio 'Orie' D. Jubac, EV.wmv
The Good Shepherd is a pericope found in John 10:1-21 in which Jesus is depicted as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. Similar imagery is used in Psalm 23. The Good Shepherd is revisited throughout the four Gospels in references to Jesus not letting himself lose any of his sheep. The surrounding context of the allegorical story of the Good Shepherd (John 9:35-41 and John 10:22-30) shows that the people around Jesus realized that he was asserting that he was God. Biblical scholar Donald Guthrie maintains that the reaction of the Jews (picking up stones to stone him) shows that they understood that Jesus was asserting his own divinity.
3v LXX: Christ says He's God 50+ times in John 8, conclusion
3v LXX: Christ says He's God 50+ times in John 8, conclusion
How Christ uses the ending Psalm 18 prophecy to the Gentiles, to demonstrate He's God in John 8. Word doc on the 50+ times He says He's God in John 8, is here: www.brainout.net ; www.brainout.net is the pdf copy. Color-coded maps showing how Christ parallels John 8 to Psalm 18: www.brainout.net (not editable); www.brainout.net (editable). Also covered: His sophisticated keyword tracking style to the unique apostellw foursomes in LXX of Exodus, and the unique doxa uses in Isaiah 53, to 'tag' what he says to both Psalm 18, and those two books. Since Jews memorized text, they would be aware of how many times a keyword was repeated in a passage, which count served as a mnemonic and an index. Awesome stuff.
3n LXX: The Great YHWH, John 8:58 and Exo 3:14
3n LXX: The Great YHWH, John 8:58 and Exo 3:14
'NT 'threads' (quotes) LXX' series. Watch in HD, fullscreen. Watch how the Hebrew and Greek verbs function simultaneously as nouns. This is a common feature for infinitives, gerunds, participles in almost every language, but the GENIUS of Christ's language in John 8:58, takes full advantage of this dual-natured feature of BOTH Hebrew and Greek in Exo 3:14. Yeah, because He's God-Man! So now we'll see more about what YHWH, comes to mean, directly from the way Christ uses the Hebrew and LXX of Exo 3:14. Exciting, witty stuff!
The Holy Mass Part Six (4th Sunday of Easter) Msgr. Orencio 'Orie' D. Jubac, EV.wmv
The Holy Mass Part Six (4th Sunday of Easter) Msgr. Orencio 'Orie' D. Jubac, EV.wmv
The Good Shepherd is a pericope found in John 10:1-21 in which Jesus is depicted as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. Similar imagery is used in Psalm 23. The Good Shepherd is revisited throughout the four Gospels in references to Jesus not letting himself lose any of his sheep. The surrounding context of the allegorical story of the Good Shepherd (John 9:35-41 and John 10:22-30) shows that the people around Jesus realized that he was asserting that he was God. Biblical scholar Donald Guthrie maintains that the reaction of the Jews (picking up stones to stone him) shows that they understood that Jesus was asserting his own divinity.