
fogli di musica - feuillets de musique - Noten - music scores - free
Instruction how to get to International Music Scores Library Project - free music-scores a...
published: 05 Feb 2011
Author: villakoecher
fogli di musica - feuillets de musique - Noten - music scores - free
Instruction how to get to International Music Scores Library Project - free music-scores and mp3 Anleitung zum Auffinden von gemeinfreien Noten und mp3 im International Music Scores Library Project Introduzione e link come arrivare al International Music Scores Library Project - fogli di musica da scaricare gratuitamente imslp.org imslp.org imslp.org imslp.org imslp.org imslp.org The virtual collection of fortepiani wiki.hammerfluegel.net

Digital Humanities Sampler, Part 1
Part 1 of four videos showing pilot projects at the cutting edge of research in digital hu...
published: 21 Dec 2010
Author: NEHgov
Digital Humanities Sampler, Part 1
Part 1 of four videos showing pilot projects at the cutting edge of research in digital humanities. Recorded at the National Endowment for the Humanities in September 2010, at a meeting of project managers who received start-up grants from NEH's Office of Digital Humanities. These are the individual projects, in order of appearance: American University - The Map of Jazz Musicians www.youtube.com Boston University - Evolutionary Subject Tagging in the Humanities www.youtube.com Center for Civic Education - Project Citizen Casebase: Strengthening Youth Voices in an Open-Source Democracy www.youtube.com City of Philadelphia - Historic Overlays on Smart Phones www.youtube.com Dartmouth College & Brandeis University - Mapping the History of Knowledge: Text-Based Tools & Algorithms for Tracking the Development of Concepts www.youtube.com George Mason University - Scholar Press www.youtube.com Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Gesture, Rhetoric, and Digital Storytelling www.youtube.com Indiana University - Optical Music Recognition on the International Music Score Library Project www.youtube.com Kent State - The GeoHistorian Project www.youtube.com Lower Eastside Girls Club - The Lower Eastside Girls Club Girl/Hood Project www.youtube.com Pennsylvania State University - Learning as Playing: An Animated, Interactive Archive of 17th - 19th Century Narrative Media For and By Children www.youtube.com

Convert and rename PDFs in MusicReader
In this tutorial, we look at using MusicReader's sister program MusicConvert to conver...
published: 31 Jan 2011
Author: hughsung
Convert and rename PDFs in MusicReader
In this tutorial, we look at using MusicReader's sister program MusicConvert to convert a PDF file downloaded from the popular public domain classical sheet music site, IMSLP.org (International Music Score Library Project). Once the PDF is converted, we look at how to rename the file and add catalog information to make it easier to organize and find in your digital sheet music library.

Wieniawski- Romance - Andante non troppo in B flat major - Jeline
Sometimes an "instant" performance turns out to be wonderful and I feel this is ...
published: 29 Jul 2012
Author: blueyoyi
Wieniawski- Romance - Andante non troppo in B flat major - Jeline
Sometimes an "instant" performance turns out to be wonderful and I feel this is one of them. We had to download minutes earlier the piano score from the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) and Prof. Borromeo (Enzo's piano teacher) had to sight read it and Enzo had to be the page turner. (:-)) This was during a break in the masterclass conducted by the professor at Silliman University in Central Philippines. We encourage you to finish the piece as it gets more "heart wrenching" from 2:00 minutes upward!! btw, Jeline is also mentored by Prof. Borromeo in the piano. Thanks for watching and listening!!!

Gymnopédie No.1 (Erik Satie) - Rajen Nagar
Piano performance of Erik Satie's first Gymnopédie from his collection of three...
published: 29 Mar 2012
Author: rajennagarmusic
Gymnopédie No.1 (Erik Satie) - Rajen Nagar
Piano performance of Erik Satie's first Gymnopédie from his collection of three atmospheric piano compositions - The Gymnopédies. The sheet music can be obtained from the free International Music Score Library Project website - imslp.org if the copyright has been surpassed in your region. Performed by Rajen Nagar © 2012. Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

Rachmaninov: Elegie in e-flat minor, op. 3 no. 1
Adrian Liu, Piano Public domain score from International Music Score Library Project: conq...
published: 12 May 2012
Author: Adrian Liu
Rachmaninov: Elegie in e-flat minor, op. 3 no. 1
Adrian Liu, Piano Public domain score from International Music Score Library Project: conquest.imslp.info Recorded at Studio West - www.studiowest.com

Au bord du ruisseau, by Henriette Renié
Harp solo "Au bord du ruisseau" (By the Side of the Brook), by Henriette Reni&ea...;
published: 06 Sep 2011
Author: wvpgmail
Au bord du ruisseau, by Henriette Renié
Harp solo "Au bord du ruisseau" (By the Side of the Brook), by Henriette Renié. Harpist Ray Pool has given me some background information that I didn't know: this piece is from a two-volume set by Henriette Renié titled "Six Pièces." The complete contents are: Premier Suite: Menuet Au Bord du Ruisseau Petite Valse Deuxieme Suite: Air Ancien Lied Valse Mélancolique The music for all six is available at the Petrucci Music Library of the International Music Score Library Project. It is unlikely that this work is public domain in the EU, or in any country where the copyright term is life-plus-70 years. However, it is in the public domain in Canada (where IMSLP is hosted) and other countries where the term is life-plus-50 years (like China, Japan, Korea and many others worldwide). As this work was first published before 1923 or failed to meet notice or renewal requirements to secure statutory copyright, it is almost certainly public domain in the USA as well. Please obey the copyright laws of your country. Neither I nor IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country.

Nocturne in E Flat Major Op. 9 No. 2 (Chopin, Frédéric) - Rajen Nagar
Piano performance of Chopin's Nocturne in E Flat Major. The sheet music can be obtaine...
published: 01 Apr 2012
Author: rajennagarmusic
Nocturne in E Flat Major Op. 9 No. 2 (Chopin, Frédéric) - Rajen Nagar
Piano performance of Chopin's Nocturne in E Flat Major. The sheet music can be obtained from the free International Music Score Library Project website - imslp.org if the copyright has been surpassed in your region. Performed by Rajen Nagar © 2012. Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

(Part 1) Using iPads and Tablets for Choir Rehearsal and Performance
Topics covered in this video series: - Advantages and disadvantages of using a tablet. - R...
published: 23 Nov 2011
Author: scholacantorum1
(Part 1) Using iPads and Tablets for Choir Rehearsal and Performance
Topics covered in this video series: - Advantages and disadvantages of using a tablet. - Rehearsal and concert etiquette and logistics with a tablet. - Useful accessories. - Where to get music and how to install it. The rest of the talk will be specific to the "forScore" iPad app: - How to create a concert set. - How to use bookmarks and the seek bar. - Recommended settings. - Rotation and half-page turns. - How to add links (effectively like paper clips for paper music) to handle repeats, skipping solos, etc. - How to make markings on the music. Due to technical difficulties, we weren't able to include close-up footage of the iPad in action - sorry! Maybe next time... If you found this video helpful, please consider supporting Schola Cantorum by purchasing your iPad/tablet music accessories through our online store at bit.ly or through our Amazon affliate links below. Resources: Rev360 (formerly Handstand) - iPad case with hand strap www.ipad-accessories-hub.com Buy on Amazon: bit.ly Snugg iPad 2 leather case with elastic hand strap www.thesnugg.com Buy on Amazon: bit.ly Z3 iPad music stand - by RAT stands www.ratstands.com Padlette - Detachable tablet hand strap www.padlette.com Buy on Amazon bit.ly iPad stylus Buy on Amazon: bit.ly AirTurn - Bluetooth wireless foot pedal for controlling page turns airturn.com Buy on Amazon bit.ly ForScore - sheet music reader app for iPad www.forscoreapp.com Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) - Free downloads of choral scores in the <b>...</b>

Beethoven piano sonata in A major op 101 first movement
I was happy to find that the International Music Score Library Project have a public domai...
published: 26 Apr 2012
Author: johnharmer1943
Beethoven piano sonata in A major op 101 first movement
I was happy to find that the International Music Score Library Project have a public domain PDF of Beethoven's autograph manuscript of this magical late piano sonata. The manuscript helped to resolve a few minor variations between editions, and I also felt it allowed me to get a warm feeling of the presence of Beethoven. This sonata is often thought to mark the beginning of his late period, where he enters a realm of sound that has never really been matched. He was already profoundly deaf, and wrote this music having only ever heard it in his head. When attempting to memorise the piece, I would find my incorrect guess at the chords was always banal compared to Beethoven's choice. Here is where you can find the almost limitless treasures of scores that IMSLP make available: imslp.org

Intro to Orchestration Part 3: Personal Resources
Introduction Part 3: skills, equipment, and media that are essential to a working orchestr...
published: 03 Oct 2009
Author: OrchestrationOnline
Intro to Orchestration Part 3: Personal Resources
Introduction Part 3: skills, equipment, and media that are essential to a working orchestrator. Link to IMSLP, a free library of downloadable public domain scores: imslp.org Links to my talks on orchestration manuals: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com

Für Elise (Piano Theme) - Rajen Nagar
Piano performance of Beethoven's Für Elise (theme). This piece is originally know...
published: 03 Apr 2012
Author: rajennagarmusic
Für Elise (Piano Theme) - Rajen Nagar
Piano performance of Beethoven's Für Elise (theme). This piece is originally known as the Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor. Beethoven is thought to have wrote this piece of music for an admirer of his, the identify of whom is still a point of contention! The sheet music can be obtained from the free International Music Score Library Project website - imslp.org if the copyright has been surpassed in your region. Performed by Rajen Nagar © 2012. Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com

Lamb of the Nile - Anime Studio Debut 8
Another animation made in Anime Studio Debut 8, with the help of a BAMBOO Wacom tablet. Th...
published: 27 Aug 2012
Author: Phordeable
Lamb of the Nile - Anime Studio Debut 8
Another animation made in Anime Studio Debut 8, with the help of a BAMBOO Wacom tablet. The Entertainer music Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - imslp.org by Adam Cuerden found at imslp.org or imslp.org at the International Music Score Library Project adamcuerden.deviantart.com Thank You!

The Best of William Byrd
International Music Score Library Project ® Music - William Byrd - Mass for Five Voice...
published: 14 Mar 2012
Author: Javer2949
The Best of William Byrd
International Music Score Library Project ® Music - William Byrd - Mass for Five Voices (Full Disc) - William Byrd - (Motet) - Ave verum corpus (Full Disc) - William Byrd - Mass for Three Voices (Full disc) - [The Tallis Scholars] - William Byrd - Mass for Four Voices - [The Tallis Scholars,part 2 ]
Vimeo results:

The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse
Nov.9th 2007 - Nov.13th 2008 // one year on foot // 4646km through China // unlimited bear...
published: 13 May 2009
Author: Christoph Rehage
The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse
Nov.9th 2007 - Nov.13th 2008 // one year on foot // 4646km through China // unlimited beard & hair growth // Homepage: http://www.thelongestway.com // Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CRehage // musical score by The Kingpins (http://www.myspace.com/theoneandonlykingpins) and Zhu Fengbo
Additional info:
- I never finished my original goal of walking to Germany. Instead, I walked for a year and roughly 4500km, passed the Gobi desert, and then decided to stop walking for now.
- All of the distance from Beijing to Ürümqi has been completed solely on foot, straight good old walking. There are instances where you can see me in the video sitting on a plane or riding a boat, but those are during breaks I had to take from walking, either to sort out bureaucracy issues or to take care of some personal things.
- I had been planning this trip for over a year before I even started, and getting as far as I got was an experience for which I am very grateful.
- Obtaining the necessary visa for a trip like this was not very easy, hence I had to go back to Beijing a few times to resolve some issues.
- The songs I used in the video are 1) Zhu Fengbo - "Olive Tree" and 2) The Kingpins - "L'aventurier" - visit the Kingpins website if you want to know more, they are very cool I think.
- This is not a strict "1 pic a day" video, because I wanted to make it a bit more alive by adding some additional movement. Sometimes during the film you would follow me turn around, or something would happen in the background. I tried to capture these moments to make the video more interesting.
- The core of this project is in fact my website "http://www.thelongestway.com" where I have posted my extensive travel diary, starting from day 1 (Nov 9th 2007) and describing every single day until the end one year later.
If you have any additional questions, please refer to:
and get the Google Earth file here (1KB):
Update - this weird beard video won at the following festivals:
2009 Boulder Adventure Film Festival
2010 Berlin Webcuts
2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival
2011 Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival
2011 5th International Mountain Film Festival Domžale
2011 Squamish Mountain Festival
2011 Mezinárodný Festival Horských Filmov, Poprad
2011 Vertical Film Festival, Moscow
#8 top viral video 2009 at Time.com

Bathtub IV
©2009 COPYRIGHT - All Rights reserved
Project info @ http://keithloutit.com
My stock libra...
published: 10 Feb 2009
Author: Keith Loutit
Bathtub IV
©2009 COPYRIGHT - All Rights reserved
Project info @ http://keithloutit.com
My stock library: http://www.youtube.com/user/tiltshiftstock?feature=mhee
This is a personal project that would not have been possible without the support of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. Thanks to the entire team for their generous access during training exercises and patrols this Summer. Since the Service began in 1973, it has carried out more than 21,000 missions ranging from urgent patient transfers to dangerous search and rescue missions.
This film is 100% 'real', but there are some new techniques for me here, such as using time lapse to create the illusion of forward movement for the helicopter ocean scenes. These flight sequences would not be possible without the skill and patience of Chief Pilot Peter Yates. Thanks also to Trevor Cracknell (for getting wet!) and Family.
“CLEMENTINE” (Megan Washington)
Performed by Washington
© 2008 J Albert & Son Pty Limited
Used with permission
Artist Info @ http://keithloutit.com
Thank you,

OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutel...
published: 12 Jun 2011
Author: OFFF, let's feed the future
OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutely MINDBLOWING TITLES made for OFFF by PostPanic.
Thank you so much to PostPanic, and specially to Mischa Rozema, Ania Markham and Si Scott, simply epic!!!
Written by Mischa Rozema and British graphic designer, Si Scott, the opening titles reflect their dark thoughts on a possible future. Directed by Mischa and shot on location in Prague, the film guides the viewer through a grim scenario embedded with the names of artists appearing at this year’s OFFF festival. The live action was brought back to Amsterdam for post, primarily carried out by PostPanic’s in-house team of artists but also with the additional help of freelancers and partner companies that we have enjoyed strong creative relationships with over the years. It’s really fair to say that this was a labour of love by a passionate crew of people.
Says Ania Markham, Executive Producer at PostPanic:
“The images created by the crew of people working on the titles has been unbelievable, with nationalities represented including Dutch, Czech, English, American, Polish, German, Swedish and Belgian. It’s been a great opportunity for all of us to work together on a non-commercial project we’re passionate about and we’re so proud of the combined effort and final result.”
This project started out as a collaboration between myself and Si Scott. Right from the start, we decided that it should be the darkest thing we could make. I think it just felt natural to the both of us; if we had to nail the future, it would not be a nice place.
This idea evolved into a clash of times. Inspired by an idea from the late Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote about different historical civilizations meeting in a single point in time. So what happens when civilizations meet? The 'weaker' one gets eaten by the 'stronger'. You only have to look at history to see the destructive power of civilizations.
So the main underlying idea is: what would happen if the future lands on our doorstep today? Let's take mankind, add perhaps 100 years and then let them show up on our doorstep today. The future would pretty much devour the present. Probably in a matter of, let's say, 7 days… So that's what we're looking at. But every ending also means a new beginning, hence Year Zero.
There's all kinds of hidden messages in there. Like the virus eating away at reality, buildings and people, even at the viewers brain. It's behaving off course much like a computer virus. And the network of wires represents the future of social networking. I just made it physical and let it 'catch' the city and it's people like a net. All these ideas just serve as inspiration for us to create a future that worked for this concept. They're not meant to be deciphered by the audience. It's still meant to be just a title sequence and not an actual movie.
Now what makes a good title sequence? Personally, I think it's something that gets you in the mood, warms you up for what you're about to experience, be it a film, tv series or in our case, the OFFF festival. We decided to treat the OFFF festival as a feature film experience. So all we had to do was get the viewer into the right state of mind. Without, of course, being too narrative led. The best title sequences out there are nothing but a random collection of images/scenes that don't tell a lot if you watch them on their own. But edit them together and a new context is created. A context that matters, a feeling that gets the viewer ready for the main event, in our case, the festival.
To get started, the next thing we did was make a collection of ideas that would scare me and Si. So, anything drawn from our youth, right through to stuff that's inspired us over the years as well as seemingly random compositions that trigger the imagination of the viewer. For example, when we show you the aesthetics of a car explosion, it's carefully constructed. Why a car and not something else? Because an exploding car brings extra content to an otherwise simple aesthetic display of violence. A car doesn't explode by itself so instantly the brain tries to formulate the background behind it. It adds an either political or criminal edge to the violence. To me it felt appropriate because of the sense of protest and rebellion the shot has. And maybe the biggest question; was there someone in the car and if so, who was it? For me, every idea should provoke these kind of questions; from a girl in a prom dress holding a rocket launcher to a riot cop standing in the kitchen. All scenes have a pre and post story to them. In no time you're actually trying to connect these seemingly random scenes and boom; you've just created your own strange context. You now have a feeling, a taste and lots of questions probably. Questions that normally would be answered by watching the actual movie. But since there's no actual movie here we'll leave stranded with, hopefully,

“For my film portrait of Sasha Grey, I wanted to focus on her expressive and psychological...
published: 01 Jun 2011
Author: V Magazine
“For my film portrait of Sasha Grey, I wanted to focus on her expressive and psychological transformation into a cinematic actor, separate from the cues that have associated Sasha with her previous career as a performance artist working within the adult film world.” –Richard Phillips
Shot on location at the John Lautner Chemosphere House off Mulholland Drive, the film showcases Sasha as a perpetually evolving figure. Costume designer Ellen Mirojnick (“Basic Instinct,” “Fatal Attraction,” “Wall Street,” “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”) dressed Sasha for the part in an array of lingerie and military inspired garments to highlight the dual nature of her masculine / feminine persona. Looking over the roadside from the vantage point of one the most legendary residences in modern and cinematic history, Sasha reflects on her relationship to the San Fernando Valley landscape- the location of some of her most noted adult performances. Back inside the circular vortex of the Chemosphere, Sasha's inner dialogue projects an equally diaristic and imaginary self-portrait that pushes beyond the extremes of her past filmography and into her new future.
“Sasha Grey,” along with Phillip’s first short film, “Lindsay Lohan,” will be included in "Commercial Break," presented by the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Venice, Italy, June 1 - 5, 2011, concurrent with the 54th international exhibition of the Venice Biennale.
A Richard Phillips Film
Directed by: Richard Phillips and Taylor Steele Director of Photography: Todd Heater Costume Designer: Ellen Mirojnick Creative Director: Dominic Sidhu Art Director: Kyra Griffin Editor: Haines Hall Color mastering: Pascal Dangin for Boxmotion Music: Chelsea Wolfe
About Richard Phillips
Phillips’ strikingly distinctive paintings are drawn from found imagery that deal with the marketability of man, his wishes, ideas, actions, identity, sexuality, politics, and desires. Images he translates into drawings and then paintings executed through a traditional process. In doing so, he makes use of the iconic quality of pictures, which the media and art use daily – each according to its own agenda. Perhaps more so than any other contemporary painter of his kind, Phillips’ imagery has achieved a level of pop recognition outside of the artworld with fashion, media and film collaborations, including Gossip Girl, MAC Cosmetics, The Art Production Fund, Visionaire, and a recent guest judge appearance on Bravo’s new TV series “Work of Art: The Next Great Artist”. Phillips’ most recent exhibition, Most Wanted at White Cube in London, features ten larger than life celebrity portraits set against red carpet step and repeat backdrops.
Born in Massachusetts in 1962, Richard Phillips lives and works in New York City. He has exhibited extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe including Gagosian Gallery, New York; the Kunsthalle Zürich; Le Consortium in Dijon; Max Hetzler, Berlin; and White Cube in London.
Youtube results:

Ave Verum Corpus K.618
My rendering of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus (K.618) using virtual instruments: Garritan ...
published: 27 Oct 2010
Author: ElTGV
Ave Verum Corpus K.618
My rendering of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus (K.618) using virtual instruments: Garritan Personal Orchestra (strings, continuo), East-West Quantum Leap Symphonic Choir (voices), and PMI/SampleTekk's Moerdijk organ (continuo). Rendering done in Logic Express. The score was downloaded from the International Music Score Library Project (imslp.org), and was typeset by Pierre Gouin from another edition.

JRB to 87N in an M400 Moller Skycar
A short quiet flight from Wall Street to the Hamptons on a summer Friday evening. *I shoul...
published: 30 Dec 2009
Author: majormajor42
JRB to 87N in an M400 Moller Skycar
A short quiet flight from Wall Street to the Hamptons on a summer Friday evening. *I should have included TrackIR and Airport Design Editor in the credits as well as the International Music Score Library Project for the music. Download the M400 for FSX or FS2004 here: www.simviation.com

Berlin Balloon Project (The Chase)
Chasing our video camera as it floats over the city of Berlin while hanging from red ballo...
published: 17 Nov 2007
Author: TheBalloonProject
Berlin Balloon Project (The Chase)
Chasing our video camera as it floats over the city of Berlin while hanging from red balloons. NEW YORK BALLOON PROJECT: www.youtube.com edited by balloonist ira mowen: youtube.com It was a cold and rainy afternoon in Berlin and our last chance to do The Berlin Balloon Project since Luca (youtube.com one of the co-founders of The Balloon Project was leaving the next day. We strapped more than 30 helium balloons to a video camera and sent it up all by itself over the city some few hundred meters. We then proceeded to chase it down with bikes as the rain slowly brought it back to earth and in friendly hands. (At 4 minutes it crosses over the Berlin Wall on Bernauer Str.) See how we got the camera back here: de.youtube.com Watch just the aerial footage here: www.youtube.com Music: Mozart's Requiem from the International Music Score Library Project imslp.on-wiki.net Pictures, Contact, Info, and News @ theballoonproject.org

Lullaby Op.13 No.7 - A. Ilyinsky - P. Barton, Feurich 218 grand piano
This work in G♭ major is played mainly on the black keys of the piano. Free score IM...
published: 18 Aug 2012
Author: PaulBartonPiano
Lullaby Op.13 No.7 - A. Ilyinsky - P. Barton, Feurich 218 grand piano
This work in G♭ major is played mainly on the black keys of the piano. Free score IMSLP: imslp.org FEURICH pianos: www.feurich.com facebook www.facebook.com FEURICH pianos: www.feurich.com facebook www.facebook.com Recorded with 2 CharterOak E700 microphones and Zoom H4N as interface. Recording details/photos on my blog: paulbartonstudio.blogspot.com Content ID This classical work is in the public domain and played and recorded by Paul Barton, the channel holder in his studio and NOT third-party content as claimed.