
Genus Products
Genus Product Video...
published: 26 Mar 2009
Author: genustechtv
Genus Products
Genus Product Video

Genus - Wayne Mcgregor
Bizarrely beautiful. Genus Choreography: Wayne Mcgregor. Music: Joby Talbot and Deru From ...
published: 12 Mar 2011
Author: GenericRoarkMkII
Genus - Wayne Mcgregor
Bizarrely beautiful. Genus Choreography: Wayne Mcgregor. Music: Joby Talbot and Deru From Frederick Wiseman's "La Danse".

Dorothee Gilbert - Genus Mac Gregor
Official site: www.dorotheegilbert.com Dorothee Gilbert - Genus Mac Gregor...
published: 07 Nov 2008
Author: WebDorotheeGilbert
Dorothee Gilbert - Genus Mac Gregor
Official site: www.dorotheegilbert.com Dorothee Gilbert - Genus Mac Gregor

Automat - (the) rise, (the) advance, (the) genus - Part I
Automat: (The) Rise (The) Advance (The) Genus Released: 1978 LP Genre: Electronic Music an...
published: 14 Oct 2007
Author: TheRiseSampa
Automat - (the) rise, (the) advance, (the) genus - Part I
Automat: (The) Rise (The) Advance (The) Genus Released: 1978 LP Genre: Electronic Music and sounds conceived, arranged and played by Romano Musumarra and Claudio Gizzi All tunes realized entirely with sounds programmed by Mario Maggi using the "MCS 70" (Memory Controlled Sythesizer) Sound Engineer: Luciano Torani

Genus 77mm ND (Neutral Density) Fader Filter Review
A short quick review of the 77mm ND (Neutral Density) Fader Filter By Genus...
published: 10 Feb 2011
Author: nightssky117
Genus 77mm ND (Neutral Density) Fader Filter Review
A short quick review of the 77mm ND (Neutral Density) Fader Filter By Genus

Tech Genus Deck List 2011
Here is the deck list from the use yugioh nationals or world championship qualifier. This ...
published: 18 Jul 2011
Author: YourYUGIOHChannel
Tech Genus Deck List 2011
Here is the deck list from the use yugioh nationals or world championship qualifier. This is one of the 3 genus decks that played.

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Students repeating with a beat...
published: 26 Nov 2006
Author: pangeaone
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Students repeating with a beat

Plink Plank Plunk! - GENUS
Formed in 1981 by Singapore Cultural Medallion recipient and local music doyen, Mr Alex Ab...
published: 26 Feb 2008
Author: NusGuitarEnsemble
Plink Plank Plunk! - GENUS
Formed in 1981 by Singapore Cultural Medallion recipient and local music doyen, Mr Alex Abisheganaden, GENUS is a guitar ensemble made up of undergraduates and graduates of the National University of Singapore. The NUS Guitar Ensemble can be found at www.guitar-ensemble-nus.com

Canon 5D Mark II Filmmaking - Fisheye Lens - Genus ND Fader - Tutorial
Watch in 720pHD or 1080pHD for best quality! More 5D cinematography! Click LIKE and SUBSCR...
published: 15 Feb 2011
Author: DemiTheCameraMan
Canon 5D Mark II Filmmaking - Fisheye Lens - Genus ND Fader - Tutorial
Watch in 720pHD or 1080pHD for best quality! More 5D cinematography! Click LIKE and SUBSCRICE! I'm using the Canon 15mm f2.8 Fisheye lens to get some creative shots on the railroad tracks. I also used Genus ND fader filters on my Canon 50mm f1.4 and my Canon 20-135mm f35.-5.6. The "fader filters" give you several stops in one filter. I also used my GlideTrack for dolly movement and my Manfrotto tripos and 501 fluid head for smooth pans and tilts. The mic was the Rode Video Mic. The point of these clips is to help people transitioning to 5D Filmmaking from videography understand having different lenses and different "types" of camera movement in their timelines. Original music from THE DEMI SHOW available on iTunes: itunes.apple.com Dont forget to subscribe.

Oz Noy feat. K.Carlock J.Genus A.Fig W.Lee
CD Release Party...
published: 06 Jan 2007
Author: oznoy
Oz Noy feat. K.Carlock J.Genus A.Fig W.Lee
CD Release Party

Pitbull - Neron - genus
Pitbull Bulgaria genus...
published: 16 Aug 2010
Author: kmitrushev
Pitbull - Neron - genus
Pitbull Bulgaria genus

4th Place YCS Toronto - Tech Genus
14 3 TG Rush Rhino 3 TG Warwolf 3 TG Striker 3 Reborn Tengu 2 Beastking Barbaros 6 3 Pot o...
published: 19 Sep 2011
Author: trynet123
4th Place YCS Toronto - Tech Genus
14 3 TG Rush Rhino 3 TG Warwolf 3 TG Striker 3 Reborn Tengu 2 Beastking Barbaros 6 3 Pot of Duality 1 Dark Hole 1 Monster Reborn 1 Book of Moon 20 3 Horn of the Phantom Beast 2 Solemn Warning 2 TG1-EM1 2 Skill Drain 2 Call of the Haunted 2 Starlight Road 2 Bottomless Trap Hole 1 Dimensional Prison 1 Mirror Force 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Dark Bribe 1 Solemn Judgment Side: 2 Chain Disappearance 2 Liberty at Last! 1 The Transmigration Prophecy 1 DD Crow 1 Breaker the Magical Warrior 3 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Trap Dustshoot 2 Mind Crush 1 Dimensional Prison 1 Closed Forest

Australian Wolf Spider "Hoppy" close-up of genus pardosa
This 7 leg Wolf Spider ( HOPPY ) has been hanging out in my workshop for a month or so, I ...
published: 11 Dec 2011
Author: algorithm21century
Australian Wolf Spider "Hoppy" close-up of genus pardosa
This 7 leg Wolf Spider ( HOPPY ) has been hanging out in my workshop for a month or so, I tried to catch him a few times but he is a fast little sucker even with a leg missing, tonight he just turned up unannounced in my light tent and surprise surprise I had my camera ready and he was very co-operative and even posed for a few shots before he took off, nice of him to stop by just as I was setting up my video macro gear. I hope you enjoyed this clip and the Wolf spider facts below. ALGO Wolf Spider Facts The wolf spider belongs to the kingdom animalia, phylum arthropoda and genus pardosa. The wolf spider got its name from the wolf because just like its namesake it stalks its prey, small wolf spiders are less than one inch (25mm) in length whereas some species are as large as two inches (50mm), Hoppy is about 35mm long. Wolf spiders are agile and fast-moving ground predators, but they are not dangerous to humans their venom is not toxic to humans and it will only bite if provoked. The wolf spider does not make webs, most of these spiders move about wandering from one place to another looking for prey, if they find a good hunting area they will sometimes dig a hole in the ground and hang out there for a while. The greatest enemy of the wolf spider is the hunting wasp. These spiders are mostly active during the night, The wolf spider is equipped with a disc which is located at the back of their eyes, This gives them a form of night vision that the military can only dream <b>...</b>

TerreStar GENUS™ - How It Works
The TerreStar GENUS™ is the world's first integrated satellite and cellular smar...
published: 12 Nov 2010
Author: TerreStarNetworks
TerreStar GENUS™ - How It Works
The TerreStar GENUS™ is the world's first integrated satellite and cellular smartphone. It Ensures "always-on" connectivity - providing ubiquitous coverage where you need it, when you need it. It offers a cutting-edge handset that is both smaller and more feature-rich than previous satellite devices, a single phone number for satellite and cellular service, one consolidated bill, a touchscreen plus a full QWERTY keypad, and a 2.0 megapixel camera.
Vimeo results:

Canon 7D movie - Another night in Beijing
So here is my first attempt at filming with a production Canon Eos7D just one hour after r...
published: 25 Sep 2009
Author: Dan Chung
Canon 7D movie - Another night in Beijing
So here is my first attempt at filming with a production Canon Eos7D just one hour after receiving it from my local camera store. Starting at 10pm I spent about 2 hours in total filming this an the Nanluoguxiang Hutong in Beijing which is popular with locals and tourists alike. Due to the lack of light its shot mostly at around 1600 to 6400 ISO.
Lenses were the Canon 50mm f1.2L, 35mm f1.4L and the 70-200mm f4L IS. I attached my Zacuto Z-finder straight to the camera, then added a prototype of the new Genus d-slr bars supporting their wide angle mattebox to prevent any excess lens flare. I shot mostly handheld using a small Redrockmicro shoulder rig at times as well as on my fantastic Miller DS-20 tripod. Audio was from a Zoom H4n feeding the camera audio directly using a custom cable from Pinknoise systems (living with AGC to speed time in the edit).
For more detail go to www.dslrnewsshooter.com

Canon 7D - TV cameraman Matt Jasper unboxes and rigs up his new 7D
TV Network news cameraman Matt Jasper unboxes and rigs up his new Canon 7D.
Products fr...
published: 27 Sep 2009
Author: Dan Chung
Canon 7D - TV cameraman Matt Jasper unboxes and rigs up his new 7D
TV Network news cameraman Matt Jasper unboxes and rigs up his new Canon 7D.
Products from Canon, Redrockmicro, Genus, Zacuto, Zoom, Sony and Pinknoise systems.
More info on www.dslrnewsshooter.com
Shot on a Canon Eos5DmkII

Test HD-DSLR Canon EOS 5D MK II (1) - 720p
[Para leer con más detalle el texto de este mini-tutorial con sus imágenes y enlaces corre...
published: 28 Sep 2009
Author: Julio Gómez
Test HD-DSLR Canon EOS 5D MK II (1) - 720p
[Para leer con más detalle el texto de este mini-tutorial con sus imágenes y enlaces correspondientes visita http://juliogm.wordpress.com/2010/03/04/video-test-hd-dslr-canon-eos-5d-mk-ii-1-720p/]
Este es el primero de una serie de vídeos -necesariamente breves- en los que pruebo las capacidades más elementales y simples de grabación de vídeo en esta y otras DSLR de Canon.
En la primera entrega se pueden ver imágenes de las siguientes pruebas básicas:
* Aberturas de diafragma y sus efectos en la imagen.
* Velocidades de obturación y sus efectos en la imagen.
NOTA: Históricamente ha habido dos posibles explicaciones a la pregunta de por qué el ser humano puede ver imagen en movimiento:
1. La persistencia retiniana (una imagen permanece en la retina humana una décima de segundo antes de desaparecer completamente. Esto permite que veamos la realidad como una secuencia de imágenes ininterrumpida y que podamos calcular fácilmente la velocidad y dirección de un objeto que se desplaza).
Este fundamento ha sido puesto en tela de juicio por numerosos neurólogos, sobre todo a partir de los años 80 cuando se enunció la teoría del fenómeno phi.
2. El fenómeno phi (no existe retención sino incapacidad del ojo para distinguir rápidamente estímulos repetidos mas allá de cierto límite. Ese límite de la percepción en sí mismo no es otro que el del fenómeno del movimiento aparente, denominado efecto PHI. Esta teoría está ilustrada con un ejemplo muy sencillo:
Si se colocan dos luces, una junto a otra, que se encienden alternativamente, cuando los focos van a una velocidad que rebasa el límite, el espectador no ve dos luces, sino una que se mueve de un lado a otro.
El límite perceptual se refiere al tiempo mínimo que un estímulo visual debe durar para poder ser percibido. No es que nuestros ojos retengan esa imagen, sino que las separaciones entre una imagen y otra no duran lo suficiente para ser percibidas).
Ese límite, en cualquier caso, está entre las 43 y las 45 imágenes por segundo. Por eso la velocidad de obturación más cercana a la visión humana en estas cámaras es la de 1/50.
En las cámaras de cine (con emulsión fotoquímica) el cálculo se ha realizado siempre colocando el ángulo del obturador a 180º. Este es un estándar que asociamos al "look" cinematográfico, aunque, por supuesto, no se emplea constantemente ni en todas las escenas.
Para entendernos, la equivalencia de cualquier ángulo del obturador (en cámaras donde este sea mecánico) respecto a la velocidad de obturación (con obturación electrónica o no) se calcula multiplicando el número de imágenes por segundo por los grados de un ciclo completo (360º) y dividiéndolo por el ángulo de obturación que se quiere imitar.
Hasta hace poco en la EOS 5D MK II había que conformarse con emplear un número de fps fijo (30) pero desde que se ha actualizado el firmware de este modelo para admitir cadencias de 24 y 25p, lo ideal si se busca el look citado es grabar a 24 fps.
Es decir que si buscamos ese aspecto (propio del ángulo del obturador a 180º en las cámaras de cine) la operación a realizar sería la siguiente:
24 x 360 / 180 = 48 (o sea, 1/50 sería la velocidad más cercana).
Velocidades superiores producirán un efecto de "staccato", velocidades inferiores producirán un desenfoque de movimiento.
Estos efectos pueden buscarse a propósito (el "staccato" es fundamental , por ejemplo, en los primeros 15 minutos de "Salvad al soldado Ryan").
Si no es así, es conveniente exponer combinando ISO y abertura de diafragma y no modificar la velocidad de obturación.
En cualquier caso siempre y cuando se grabe en exteriores podemos movernos en la horquilla entre los 1/30 y los 1/125 segs. sin demasiadas consecuencias.
En interiores en cambio, es fundamental tener presente la frecuencia de la corriente eléctrica (si no es continua).
* Sensibilidades ISO y sus efectos en la imagen.
NOTA: El ruido electrónico, sobre todo debido a errores de cuantificación en las zonas más oscuras de la imagen, comienza a ser apreciable sólo en los pasos superiores a las siguientes sensibilidades ISO (en las cuales la imagen aún aparece totalmente limpia):
- Canon EOS 7D: entre 800 y 1000 ISO
(su ISO máximo es de 12800 en vídeo)
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II: 1600 ISO
(su ISO máximo es de 12800 en vídeo)
- Canon EOS 1D Mark IV: 3200 ISO
(su ISO máximo es de 102400 en vídeo)
Esto no significa que no se puedan usar sensibilidades mayores (cuando hay suficiente luz, el ruido presente en la imagen no es molesto hasta alcanzar sensibilidades aún superiores).
Con poca luz, es posible que la imagen del LCD muestre ruido de crominancia. En las fotos, el ruido de crominancia no se registra. Sin embargo, en los vídeos, el ruido de crominancia se registrará casi de la misma manera que se ve en la pantalla LCD.
* Estilos de imagen
- Monocromo (filtro rojo, para contrastar cielos).
- Monocromo (filtro verde

Eos1DmkIV with Tokina 11-16mm and Genus Mattebox
A quick test of a production Canon Eos1DmkIV fitted with a Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 zoom lens a...
published: 03 Jan 2010
Author: Dan Chung
Eos1DmkIV with Tokina 11-16mm and Genus Mattebox
A quick test of a production Canon Eos1DmkIV fitted with a Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 zoom lens and Genus wideangle mattebox fitted with 0.9ND filter. Exposure is 1/50th at f2.8, 100 or 160asa.
See www.dslrnewsshooter.com for more details
Youtube results:

Genus ND Filter - lightenupandshoot
lightenupandshoot.com for the full post. The newest addition to the Backpacker Studio, a n...
published: 06 Sep 2011
Author: mikeyorange
Genus ND Filter - lightenupandshoot
lightenupandshoot.com for the full post. The newest addition to the Backpacker Studio, a neutral density "ND" filter. ND filters reduce the amount of light entering the camera's sensor (like putting on a pair of sunglasses for your camera). Why would you want to do this? Imagine if you could shoot with an aperture of 1.8 in full sun or have a long shutter speed of 30 seconds in the middle of the day. The Genus ND affects the exposure from 2 -8 stops of light without changing color.

Dorothée Gilbert Mathias Heymann Myriam Ould Braham Genus Wayne McGregor
Dorothée Gilbert, Mathias Heymann, Myriam Ould-Braham et Simone Valastro dans le ba...
published: 15 Nov 2009
Author: camss91
Dorothée Gilbert Mathias Heymann Myriam Ould Braham Genus Wayne McGregor
Dorothée Gilbert, Mathias Heymann, Myriam Ould-Braham et Simone Valastro dans le ballet Genus de Wayne Mc Gregor, à l'Opéra de Paris

JAMES GENUS August 2000
I put this up @ the request of my friend, James.This shows him in compelling form As the T...
published: 29 Aug 2009
Author: allthatjazzsamples
JAMES GENUS August 2000
I put this up @ the request of my friend, James.This shows him in compelling form As the Trio with Bob @ the keys pn & Billy K behind the kit , are SO integrated..boy ! Billy keeps his solo in check - with great self discipline -until the end of "Westchester Lady" approaches..then he is out.Like a missile, from it's silo.This is a neat theme,which really "cranks" up the tension & postively sends out showers of musical sparks.Of course, this is how I perceive it..you may disagree ? Ihave the complete gig,which lasts for 46 mins.From the private collection of Colin Kellam... Visit James @: www.jamesgenus.com or come to his site,via mine @: www.allthatjazz-ondvd.co.uk..on my new "Jazz Friends2 " Page..just click on his pic on this page & you will be taken straight to his Site ! Our doors are always open..just a click..that's it..you're in..welcome !.NOTE: Our Web Site addresses,as above on this text page are NOT direct links. You have to "Google" us.

AlgTop5: Two-dimensional objects- the torus and genus
We introduce some surfaces: the cylinder, the torus or doughnut, and the n-holed torus. We...
published: 02 Nov 2010
Author: UNSWelearning
AlgTop5: Two-dimensional objects- the torus and genus
We introduce some surfaces: the cylinder, the torus or doughnut, and the n-holed torus. We define the genus of a surface in terms of maximal number of disjoint curves that do not disconnect it. We discuss how the plane covers the cylinder and the torus, and the associated group of translations. This is the 5th lecture of this beginners course in Algebraic Topology given by Assoc Prof NJ Wildberger of UNSW. His YouTube site Insights into Mathematics at user: njwildberger also contains series on MathFoundations, History of Mathematics, LinearAlgebra, Rational Trigonometry and even one called Elementary Mathematics (K-6) Explained.