
Atomic Bomb Test
The Atomic Cannon, at 280 mm, was the largest nuclear capable mobile artillery piece manuf...
published: 24 Oct 2008
author: omgucantbesrs
Atomic Bomb Test
The Atomic Cannon, at 280 mm, was the largest nuclear capable mobile artillery piece manufactured by the United States. On May 25, 1953, a 280 mm cannon fired an atomic projectile a distance of 7 miles at the Nevada Test Site. Twenty 280 mm cannons were manufactured. None were used in battle. (Sound effects Added.)
published: 24 Oct 2008
views: 2734074

Farming Simulator 2013: Giant Bomb Quick Look
Ryan and Vinny till till they drop in this year's premier agricultural simulation....
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: TheRealGiantBomb
Farming Simulator 2013: Giant Bomb Quick Look
Ryan and Vinny till till they drop in this year's premier agricultural simulation.
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: TheRealGiantBomb
views: 15306

Bomb It (HD) The Movie Full Documentary
Bomb It The Movie (HD) Full Documentary...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: GraffBombingPsycho
Bomb It (HD) The Movie Full Documentary
Bomb It The Movie (HD) Full Documentary
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: GraffBombingPsycho
views: 37813

Bottle Bomb - The Slow Mo Guys
Gav and Dan show you a very fast way to get all of the water out of your bottle. Follow Ga...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: theslowmoguys
Bottle Bomb - The Slow Mo Guys
Gav and Dan show you a very fast way to get all of the water out of your bottle. Follow Gav on Twitter - twitter.com Follow Dan on Twitter - twitter.com This was shot using a Phantom Flex high-speed camera at 5000fps. Bottle Bomb - The Slow Mo Guys
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: theslowmoguys
views: 1393807

Bomb it the movie graffiti documentary (PART 1)
bomb it the movie graffiti documentary i will be uploading music too, only raw hood shit a...
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: GraffBombingPsycho
Bomb it the movie graffiti documentary (PART 1)
bomb it the movie graffiti documentary i will be uploading music too, only raw hood shit and maybe some mainstream shit to keep the audience paying attention to our swaggg. Bomb it Movie Playlist (FULL WIDESCREEN): www.youtube.com State Your Name Graffiti Movie in full. www.youtube.com 5am Graffiti movie in full: www.youtube.com War4 Graffiti Movie Playlist: www.youtube.com Full length movie Playlist: www.youtube.com HipHop Music Playlist: www.youtube.com Instamental Beats Playlist: www.youtube.com Infamy Full movie in one video: www.youtube.com The Real Alpo Story: www.youtube.com *FREE FULL LENGTH MOVIES!! www.youtube.com *FREE FULL LENGTH MOVIES!! www.youtube.com
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: GraffBombingPsycho
views: 82516

The Bucketheads - The Bomb Original [1995]
[Song - The Bomb] [Artist - The Bucketheads] [Album -all in the mind] These sounds, the-th...
published: 14 Oct 2009
author: MajorPotLeaf
The Bucketheads - The Bomb Original [1995]
[Song - The Bomb] [Artist - The Bucketheads] [Album -all in the mind] These sounds, the-the-these sounds The-the-these sounds fall into my mi-iii-ind These sounds fall into my mi-iii-ind These sounds fall into my mi-iii-ind These sounds f-fall into my mi-iii-ind These...
published: 14 Oct 2009
author: MajorPotLeaf
views: 978119

A-Bomb Blast Effects (1959)
published: 10 Feb 2011
author: WarStories
A-Bomb Blast Effects (1959)

Raw Video: Car Bomb Explosion Hits Officer
A bomb squad officer was lucky to escape serious injury when a car exploded in Thailand's ...
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: AssociatedPress
Raw Video: Car Bomb Explosion Hits Officer
A bomb squad officer was lucky to escape serious injury when a car exploded in Thailand's restive south on Friday. (July 2)
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: AssociatedPress
views: 248480

Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare at Northport: Giant Bomb Quick Look
Things get scary for REAL around here when Vinny, Patrick, and Drew attempt a look at this...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: TheRealGiantBomb
Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare at Northport: Giant Bomb Quick Look
Things get scary for REAL around here when Vinny, Patrick, and Drew attempt a look at this spooky DLC.
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: TheRealGiantBomb
views: 5816

Agent Orange and Atom Bomb Test Documentary
Agent Orange is the code name for one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the US mili...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: thefilmarchives
Agent Orange and Atom Bomb Test Documentary
Agent Orange is the code name for one of the herbicides and defoliants used by the US military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. Vietnam estimates 400000 people were killed or maimed, and 500000 children born with birth defects. A 50:50 mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D, it was manufactured for the US Department of Defense primarily by Monsanto Corporation and Dow Chemical. The 2,4,5-T used to produce Agent Orange was later discovered to be contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, an extremely toxic dioxin compound. It was given its name from the color of the orange-striped 55 US gallon (208 L) barrels in which it was shipped, and was by far the most widely used of the so-called "Rainbow Herbicides". During the Vietnam War, between 1962 and 1971, the United States military sprayed nearly 20000000 US gallons (80000000 l) of material containing chemical herbicides and defoliants mixed with jet fuel in Vietnam, eastern Laos and parts of Cambodia, as part of Operation Ranch Hand. The program's goal was to defoliate forested and rural land, depriving guerrillas of cover; another goal was to induce forced draft urbanization, destroying the ability of peasants to support themselves in the countryside, and forcing them to flee to the US dominated cities, thus depriving the guerrillas of their rural support base and food supply. The US began to target food crops in October 1962, primarily using Agent ...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: thefilmarchives
views: 93132

Raw Video: 550-lb. WWII Bomb Detonated
Explosives experts in Germany detonated the remains of a 550-pound World War II bomb in ce...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: AssociatedPress
Raw Video: 550-lb. WWII Bomb Detonated
Explosives experts in Germany detonated the remains of a 550-pound World War II bomb in central Munich on Tuesday. About 3000 residents were forced to leave their homes and debris caused fires in several nearby buildings. (Aug. 29)
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: AssociatedPress
views: 12345

Giant Bomb Mailbag: A Massive Box Appears
You only have one choice when a box that's half your size shows up at the office: open it ...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: TheRealGiantBomb
Giant Bomb Mailbag: A Massive Box Appears
You only have one choice when a box that's half your size shows up at the office: open it with reckless abandon.
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: TheRealGiantBomb
views: 13150

debika - bath bomb making kit (scent of champagne)
★YouTube and FC2 is the only website I have and the other is fake.★ (1) It cost 880 yen. (...
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: RRcherrypie
debika - bath bomb making kit (scent of champagne)
★YouTube and FC2 is the only website I have and the other is fake.★ (1) It cost 880 yen. (2) It is not edible. According to kit description, you can use the glass / spoon after washing. (3) The strawberry syrup is edible.
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: RRcherrypie
views: 795119

JDAM bombs are dropped on Taliban munitions and IEDs. Area was cleared of all persons befo...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: FUNKER530
JDAM bombs are dropped on Taliban munitions and IEDs. Area was cleared of all persons before drop. This footage is documentation of the war in Afghanistan and should be used for educational purposes. *DISCLAIMER* This footage is to be taken as a documentary on the events of the war in Afghanistan and should be viewed as educational. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence.
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: FUNKER530
views: 606098
Youtube results:

To Mars By A-Bomb - The Secret History of Project Orion - BBC - Nuclear Propulsion - (FULL)
Nuclear propulsion offers speeds of 10% the speed of light and can make our solar system e...
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: TTTopGun
To Mars By A-Bomb - The Secret History of Project Orion - BBC - Nuclear Propulsion - (FULL)
Nuclear propulsion offers speeds of 10% the speed of light and can make our solar system explorable as well as enhancing the unmanned satellite missions and furthering our knowledge. It is now clear to everyone that the USA only engaged in space exploration out of a despicable egocentric power struggle with the Soviet Union that only exists in the minds of the elites on all sides but not to every normal person on the earth. This video at the very least shows a propulsion system that does not encapsulate the explosion like unreliable chemical rockets. Likely scenario is a scaled down version of Orion, using a two stage system, one to clear the earth using non-radiative explosions and secondly to reach 15000 km/s = 900000km/h using nuclear propulsion to achieve the goal of grasping our solar system tightly in our hands and seeing inter-steller planets up close for the first time. Space is already highly radioactive so it OK to use there. Science can also begin to explore time dilation in detail and its effects on humans. A nations militarily national security would increase even be assured if a confident far-reaching intergalactic capability were grasped. Do not fear the bomb, if can be used to destroy but normal people can all agree to use it to create. Explore Mars, Explore Europa. What is past Pluto? The Orion nuclear pulse rocket design has extremely high performance. Freeman Dyson moved away from the use of fission bombs and considered the use of one megaton deuterium ...
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: TTTopGun
views: 31489

Stink Bomb Perfume Prank
Nikki's perfume was almost empty so I thought it would be funny to dump it out and replace...
published: 09 May 2012
author: Nikitabanana88
Stink Bomb Perfume Prank
Nikki's perfume was almost empty so I thought it would be funny to dump it out and replace it with the liquid in stink bombs. PO Box Address Nikki and John PO box 127 Norco, CA 92860 Our T-shirt Store: nikkiandjohn.spreadshirt.com (USA) T-shirts in the UK nikkiandjohn.spreadshirt.net (UK) Our Facebook Fanpage: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Johns Twitter: twitter.com Nikkis twitter twitter.com Google PLUS us! Nikki's G+ : plus.google.com John's G+:plus.google.com Website: www.NikkiandJohn.com
published: 09 May 2012
author: Nikitabanana88
views: 618479

Hiroshima A-Bomb
A re-enactment of the A-bomb that hit Hiroshima. Using eye witness accounts and technical ...
published: 10 Apr 2007
author: oozitt
Hiroshima A-Bomb
A re-enactment of the A-bomb that hit Hiroshima. Using eye witness accounts and technical detail this is a little over 9 min retelling of one of the worlds most shocking and horrific days in human history. Please feel free to leave your comments.
published: 10 Apr 2007
author: oozitt
views: 802160

Operation Upshot-Knothole ANNIE nuclear test, 1953
Posted by Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog: nuclearsecrecy.com Atomic bomb test A...
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: RestrictedData
Operation Upshot-Knothole ANNIE nuclear test, 1953
Posted by Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog: nuclearsecrecy.com Atomic bomb test ANNIE, March 17, 1953. This footage is interesting because the audio is more or less unedited. The timing between seeing the explosion and hearing the blast wave is off by a few seconds, which is how it would be in reality for an observer at that distance (because light travels much faster than sound). All together the audio is great here, so put on some headphones and experience it as if you were actually there. "In an effort to calm public fears about weapons testing, Annie was an "open shot" -- civilian reporters were permitted to view it from News Nob, 11 kilometers south of the shot-tower. Annie was a weapon development test, it was an experimental device (code named XR3) that provided additional information to normalize the yield-vs-initiation time curve. It was a Mk-5 HE assembly using a Type D pit, and used a betatron for external initiation (the third such test). Total device weight was 2700 lb, predicted yield was 15-20 kt." (nuclearweaponarchive.org Video source: US National Archives (research.archives.gov created by the US Department of Defense (public domain). I have trimmed off some less interesting footage from the original (an interview with a general, some helicopters) as well as a second of the beginning of the tape.
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: RestrictedData
views: 283406