A Species Odyssey- Pt.1 (1/3)
"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stoo...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: PrimitiveByNature
A Species Odyssey- Pt.1 (1/3)
"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stood up on their hind legs and set off to conquer the African Savanna, to modern Man, setting off to conquer space. 7 million years of triumph fraught with difficulties and extraordinary events that make Man what he is today.
published: 21 Mar 2011
views: 19518
A Species Odyssey-Pt.2 (1/3)
"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stoo...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: PrimitiveByNature
A Species Odyssey-Pt.2 (1/3)
"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stood up on their hind legs and set off to conquer the African Savanna, to modern Man, setting off to conquer space. 7 million years of triumph fraught with difficulties and extraordinary events that make Man what he is today.
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: PrimitiveByNature
views: 59226
Homo Habilis, Homo Ergaster.mp4
Homo Habilis, Homo Ergaster...
published: 02 Sep 2010
author: biologymosco
Homo Habilis, Homo Ergaster.mp4
A Species Odyssey- Pt.1 (3/3)
"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stoo...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: PrimitiveByNature
A Species Odyssey- Pt.1 (3/3)
"A Species Odyssey" portrays the origins of Mankind from the moment the first primate stood up on their hind legs and set off to conquer the African Savanna, to modern Man, setting off to conquer space. 7 million years of triumph fraught with difficulties and extraordinary events that make Man what he is today.
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: PrimitiveByNature
views: 19073
Los individuos estrechan sus lazos al compartir su saber y experiencia, se profundiza el c...
published: 23 May 2011
author: sinuhe74
Los individuos estrechan sus lazos al compartir su saber y experiencia, se profundiza el conocimiento y en la experiencia, además crece un sentimiento de grupo, de ahi que vaya naciendo un sentido de la solidaridad, tambien una protección entre los individuos del clan. Se mejoran las herramientas de defensa para poder protegerse de los posibles peligros, el miedo se hace menos frecuente, apareciendo un sentimiento de valentia. Pasa el tiempo y no desean seguir viviendo encime de los arboles, de ahi que creen una especie de choza formadas de ramas de los arboles y las piedras que encuentran, gracias a la participación de todos los individuos del clan, habra una organización de las tareas de trabajo, como mal tambien apareceran los conflictos y las rivalidades a traves de su desarrollo. El Homo Habilis sera el primer constructor de cabañas, sentiran un sentido de bienestar al sentir que son parecidos ambos ambientes, la vida en los arboles sera sustituido por la vida en el suelo. Con el tiempo la especie tendra la necesidad de transmitir el conocimiento a los demas del clan, apareciendo la enseñanza del saber y del conocimiento. El Homo Habilis con el tiempo veran desaparecer la especie Australopitecus, con el tiempo dejara una sensacion de que todo es posible conseguir, y un espiritu de conquista. El planeta Tierra no se detiene y va recorriendo su historia hasta trasladarnos a un viaje increible, donde el Homo Habilis se enfrenta a las demás especies de hominidos por la ...
published: 23 May 2011
author: sinuhe74
views: 9865
Homo Ergaster - Wiki Article
Homo ergaster (also "African Homo erectus") is an extinct chronospecies of Homo that lived...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
Homo Ergaster - Wiki Article
Homo ergaster (also "African Homo erectus") is an extinct chronospecies of Homo that lived in eastern and southern Africa during the early Pleistocene, between 1.8 million and 1.3 million years ag... Homo Ergaster - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays
views: 5
Wildebeest gets killed by a group of Homo ergaster
I hate Wildebeests. All rights belong to the BBC....
published: 30 May 2012
author: IhateCreationsists
Wildebeest gets killed by a group of Homo ergaster
I hate Wildebeests. All rights belong to the BBC.
published: 30 May 2012
author: IhateCreationsists
views: 122
North Africa : The Original Homeland of The Modern Humans "Homo-Sapiens"
an interview with Science's Michael Balter on the growing evidence that North Africa was t...
published: 26 Nov 2011
author: samysamy25
North Africa : The Original Homeland of The Modern Humans "Homo-Sapiens"
an interview with Science's Michael Balter on the growing evidence that North Africa was the original home of the modern humans who first trekked out of the continent. Earliest evidence of modern human life history in North African early Homo sapiens Some researchers have postulated that North Africa, and not East or South Africa, was the original home of the modern humans who first trekked out of the continent www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org www.pnas.org www.eva.mpg.de Homo Ergaster or Homo Heidlebergensis were Evolved into the Aterians and then to The Iberu Maurusians known as the Cromagnons of the Maghreb. which they left Africa from their North African roots into Europe.Middle east and southern Asia across East Africa. Maroc et pays nord africaine "maghrébine" l'origine de l'espèce Humaine "homo-sapiens".
published: 26 Nov 2011
author: samysamy25
views: 1867
2 000 000 AC Homo ergaster
O Homo habilis seguirá evoluindo cara novos fitos dos homínidos: O homo ergaster ou homo e...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: Cliphistoria
2 000 000 AC Homo ergaster
O Homo habilis seguirá evoluindo cara novos fitos dos homínidos: O homo ergaster ou homo erectus (hai división de opinións entre os investigadores) La España Prehistórica (Javier Trueba/Juan Luis Arsuaga, 2011)
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: Cliphistoria
views: 4371
The Grassland Apes : Evolution - Introduction
This is a shortlist on what species I am working on. Music is Don't Stop by Mark Ronson. F...
published: 16 Jan 2009
author: GarzaofBelfast
The Grassland Apes : Evolution - Introduction
This is a shortlist on what species I am working on. Music is Don't Stop by Mark Ronson. Free free to post any comments or questions.
published: 16 Jan 2009
author: GarzaofBelfast
views: 3634
Homo ergaster (Человек работающий) — ископаемый вид людей
... Москва Пуси Райт Кремль Путин Путин в старых часах и пуленепробиваемом плаще прилетел ...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: You4Tube2smile
Homo ergaster (Человек работающий) — ископаемый вид людей
... Москва Пуси Райт Кремль Путин Путин в старых часах и пуленепробиваемом плаще прилетел на вертолете и открыл станцию метро РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ ЗДЕСЬ: perfilyeff.inweb24.biz Homo ergaster (Человек работающий) — ископаемый вид людей, появившийся в Африке 1,8 млн лет назад в результате эволюции Homo habilis или Homo rudolfensis. Рассматривается как промежуточное звено между австралопитеками и Homo erectus, иногда описывается как африканский подвид питекантропов (лат. Homo erectus ergaster), однако всё большее число исследователей склонны отличать их от неафриканских представителей человеческого рода, живших в промежуток 1,8-1,5 миллиона лет назад — время существования Homo ergaster.
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: You4Tube2smile
views: 1275
Homo ergaster
homo ergaster, trabajo de CCMC...
published: 14 Dec 2010
author: Teresaaa94
Homo ergaster
Homo Ergaster
Mi gran pase de diapositivas....
published: 19 May 2010
author: EvolutivosClan
Homo Ergaster
Youtube results:
1 000 000 AC Homo Erectus
A especie humana continúa a súa evolución imparable tras a dispersión do homo ergaster den...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Cliphistoria
1 000 000 AC Homo Erectus
A especie humana continúa a súa evolución imparable tras a dispersión do homo ergaster dende Africa cara todos os continentes. O concepto "home erectus" agrupa a numerosas subespecies de amplia dispersión xenéticamente interconectadas dende Asia a Europa. La odisea de la especie
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Cliphistoria
views: 18018
Homo ergaster
This is probably not how the late Homo ergaster walked, this is how cartoons walk....
published: 05 Apr 2007
author: nuber11blade
Homo ergaster
This is probably not how the late Homo ergaster walked, this is how cartoons walk.
published: 05 Apr 2007
author: nuber11blade
views: 973
Homo ergaster 1,9 έως 1,4 εκατομμύρια χρόνια πριν
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: lilixxax
Homo ergaster 1,9 έως 1,4 εκατομμύρια χρόνια πριν
ΓΙΑ ΙΔΙΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΝΤΕ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ τώρα στο κανάλι ΛΙΛΗ TV FOR SAME ISSUES Subscribe now to LILI TV channel
published: 17 Sep 2012
author: lilixxax
views: 89