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Product Reviews


Microchip's new Multipurpose Flash Plus devices deliver high speed, low power, small footprint for NOR Flash apps

Microchip Technology Inc. has expanded its Multipurpose Flash Plus (MPF+) portfolio with four new compact 512K x16 Parallel Flash CMOS devices.

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New 90nm high-speed macro targets high-performance automotive and industrial MCU apps

TSMC has unveiled the foundry segment's claimed first 100MHz flash memory single-cycle access speed 90nm embedded flash IP.

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IDT bows first NVMe flash controller

IDT announced samples of its NVM Express (NVMe) enterprise flash memory controller with native support for PCIe® Gen 3.

Join  post comment   1 comment    last comment  jingecco
Here is a similar product. The S1D13506F00A1 series is a controller IC that can display text and ...

Comparison Tables


The electronics industry is rebuilding in Thailand after the massive 2011 floods nearly flatlined some companies. Why?

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Murrata is moving there design center to this very area out of the states.
The demand for storage is far outpacing our production. That's a good thing.

Join  post comment   4 comments    last comment  Phil.Gillaspy
The one sure prediction for memory is, if you make it, we will fill it.
With the launch of, EDN and UBM Electronics provide engineers access to over 185 million parts, with features such as comparison, parametric search, search save, and alerts.

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It seems like the next phase of this effort needs to be driven by suggestions from users on the ...
How we scared the, um, stuffing out of people in the dorm bathrooms

Join  post comment   17 comments    last comment  HarveyB49
Brings to mind the "Little Jiffy Fuse Tester" we built and left in the shop. Just a simple little ...
I wasn't the instigator but my reputation made me the prime suspect

Join  post comment   7 comments    last comment  David Ashton
Guilty as charged...kind of.... I've fallen into this trap a couple of times.... assuming that the ...
It's when products have an impact that's felt beyond the top and bottom lines that engineers can go home with a really warm feeling in their hearts.

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I agree, this story is amazing because at the end of the day life-saving technologies are priceless. ...
I was humbled—and just a bit frightened--to see the Apple and Intel cruise ships pass so closely as they sailed down San Francisco’s Howard St. this week.

Join  post comment   5 comments    last comment  chipmonk
rick : Apple is playing to its strength which is still "visualizing synergistic systems and zen ...
Toshiba is making multiple moves in its chip manufacturing; offering foundry services in Europe and reportedly cutting NAND flash prices just two months after cutting production.

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Ironically, the results of research lead to higher costs in the short term. But research is always ...
The crisis surrounding Renesas underscores the rut in which Japan has been stuck. Renesas was created by, for, and of Japan, and that's the issue.

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Good example. They also decided to focus on memory and sold all the non-memory business to ...
Find out what STEC discovered during virtualization show.

Join  post comment   2 comments    last comment  Kristin Lewotsky
Well, that's embarrassing. I blame the impending holiday weekend. Question #2 could be interpreted ...

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The varied approaches will require separate techniques for optimizing performance and battery life ...
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TFC-SD  09.15.2012
Caption contest: Mars attacks!
Huston, you have a problem. My service call bill.
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I've never dropped my phone in the toilet, or otherwise had any problems with any of my phones where ...
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