
The Coptic Calendar التقويم القبطـي
the coptic -old egyptian year months - the calender of the coptic orthodox church of egypt...
published: 30 Nov 2010
Author: petnag999
The Coptic Calendar التقويم القبطـي
the coptic -old egyptian year months - the calender of the coptic orthodox church of egypt

The church of martyrs and coptic calendar -bekhit
The Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is used by the Coptic Orthodox ...
published: 10 Jun 2012
Author: bekhit kaldas
The church of martyrs and coptic calendar -bekhit
The Coptic calendar, also called the Alexandrian calendar, is used by the Coptic Orthodox Church and still used in Egypt. This calendar is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar. To avoid the calendar creep of the latter, a reform of the ancient Egyptian calendar was introduced at the time of Ptolemy III (Decree of Canopus, in 238 BC) which consisted of the intercalation of a sixth epagomenal day every fourth year. However, this reform was opposed by the Egyptian priests, and the idea was not adopted until 25 BC, when the Roman Emperor Augustus formally reformed the calendar of Egypt, keeping it forever synchronized with the newly introduced Julian calendar. To distinguish it from the Ancient Egyptian calendar, which remained in use by some astronomers until medieval times, this reformed calendar is known as the Coptic calendar. Its years and months coincide with those of the Ethiopian calendar but have different numbers and names Coptic months Thout Paopi Hathor Koiak Tobi Meshir Paremhat Paremoude Pashons Paoni Epip Mesori Pi Kogi Enavot (the Little Month)

Introduction to the Coptic Calendar
published: 16 Jun 2011
Author: OrthodoxSermons
Introduction to the Coptic Calendar

Coptic Calendar Revealed
Stephen Sindoni shares interesting unknown facts surrounding numerology in the video entit...
published: 17 Sep 2012
Author: WebFlixsGuy
Coptic Calendar Revealed
Stephen Sindoni shares interesting unknown facts surrounding numerology in the video entitled "Coptic Calendar Revealed."

+++ Coptic Orthodox Fasting - St. Mary's Fast +++
This is a short film Directed by Mark Alexander, shot beautifully of a Chef from the Medit...
published: 21 Aug 2011
Author: Logos777productions
+++ Coptic Orthodox Fasting - St. Mary's Fast +++
This is a short film Directed by Mark Alexander, shot beautifully of a Chef from the Mediterranean City of Alexandria, Egypt as he prepares a Sunday dinner during one of the small fasts according to the Coptic Calendar the Fast of St. Mary. Excerpts from HH Pope Shenouda III's book "The Spirituality Of Fasting" was taken throughout the film. The Copts, the Christians of Egypt, who belong mostly to the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, observe fasting periods according to the Coptic calendar. These fasting periods are matched by no other Christian community. Out of the 365 days of the year, the Copts fast over 210 days. There are spiritual, symbolic, and even practical reasons for fasting. In the fall from Paradise man became possessed of a carnal nature; he adopted carnal practices. Through fasting, the Orthodox Christians attempt to recapture Paradise in their lives by refraining from those carnal practices. In general, Coptic fasting means becoming vegan, thus abstaining from meat, fish, eggs, dairy, and other animal products. fish is permissible during the Advent fast, the Apostles' Fast, and the Fast of Saint Mary, except on Wednesdays and Fridays of these fasts. Lent and the Holy Week fasts are stricter than the other fasts in their discipline. There are those[who?] who see fasting as an exercise in self-denial and Christian obedience that serves to rid the believer of his or her passions (what most modern people would call "addictions"). These often low <b>...</b>

The Coptic Calendar
published: 09 Sep 2012
Author: OrthodoxSermons
The Coptic Calendar

The Gregorian Calendar "Missed" the Mark!!!
1st Chronicles 12:32 "And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had UNDERS...
published: 11 Feb 2012
Author: benjamite144
The Gregorian Calendar "Missed" the Mark!!!
1st Chronicles 12:32 "And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had UNDERSTANDING OF THE TIMES, to know what Israel ought to do......" The Mayan calendar is Hebraic and not Julian. It follows the same principle as the Ethiopian calendar which places us in the year 2004!!!! The Ethiopian calendar, also called the Ge'ez calendar, IS THE PRINCIPLE CALENDAR USED IN ETHIOPIA and also serves as the liturgical calendar for Christians in Eritrea belonging to the Eritrean Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Church and Lutheran Evangelical Church of Eritrea. A SEVEN- TO EIGHT-YEAR GAP BETWEEN THE ETHIOPIAN AND GREGORIAN CALENDARS RESULTS FROM "alternate calculations" IN DETERMINING THE DATE OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF CHRIST. Like the Coptic calendar, the Ethiopian calendar has twelve months of 30 days each plus five or six epagomenal days, which comprise a thirteenth month. The Ethiopian months begin on the same days as those of the Coptic calendar, but their names are in Ge'ez. The sixth epagomenal day is added every four years without exception on August 29 of the Julian calendar, six months before the Julian leap day. Thus the first day of the Ethiopian year, 1 Mäskäräm, for years between 1901 and 2099 (inclusive), is usually SEPTEMBER 11 (Gregorian), but falls on September 12 in years before the Gregorian leap year. THE CURRENT YEAR ACCORDING TO THE ETHIOPIAN CALENDAR IS 2004, which began on September 12, 2011 AD of the Gregorian calendar. The following are the <b>...</b>

Ethiopian Christmas celebrated at London Debere Tsion Mariam Church
Ethiopia has its own ancient calendar. The Ethiopian Calendar has more in common with the ...
published: 07 Jan 2012
Author: endexye
Ethiopian Christmas celebrated at London Debere Tsion Mariam Church
Ethiopia has its own ancient calendar. The Ethiopian Calendar has more in common with the Coptic Egyptian Calendar. The Ethiopic and Coptic calendars have 13 months, 12 of 30 days each and an intercalary month at the end of the year of 5 or 6 days depending whether the year is a leap year or not. The Ethiopian calendar is much more similar to the Egyptian Coptic calendar having a year of 13 months, 365 days and 366 days in a leap year (every fourth year) and it is much influenced by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, which follows its ancient calendar rules and beliefs. The year starts on 11 September in the Gregorian Calendar or on the 12th in (Gregorian) Leap Years. The Coptic Leap Year follows the same rules as the Gregorian so that the extra month always has 6 days in a Gregorian Leap Year. Christmas falls on the 7th of January as in the Orthodox "old" calendar. Likewise, Epiphany is on the 19th of January. Easter would appear to be calculated according to the Orthodox calendar also. Christmas and Epiphany also do not appear to move by one day during Leap Years as they would if they were being set by the above calendar. Thus, it would seem that Christian feasts are set according to the Orthodox calendar rather than according to the Coptic. An Egyptian Coptic source simply describes the date of Easter as being "the second Sunday after the first full moon in Spring." Ethiopia is a country that is steeped in ancient Christmas traditions. In fact, legends claim that <b>...</b>

Coptic Calendar
Stephen Sindoni puts the spotlight on historic events that happend on September 11th in th...
published: 16 Oct 2011
Author: sindoniproductions
Coptic Calendar
Stephen Sindoni puts the spotlight on historic events that happend on September 11th in the video entitled "Coptic Calendar." See additional Translations that follow: SPANISH TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni centra su atención en los acontecimientos históricos que acaecer el 11 de septiembre en el video titulado "Calendario copto." ITALIAN TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni punta i riflettori su eventi storici che happend 11 settembre nel video dal titolo "Calendario copto". FRENCH TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni met l'accent sur des événements historiques qui happend le 11 Septembre dans la vidéo intitulée «Calendrier copte." GERMAN TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni wirft ein Schlaglicht auf historische Ereignisse, die am 11. September in das Video mit dem Titel passiert "koptischen Kalender." PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION: Stephen Sindoni coloca os holofotes sobre eventos históricos que aconteceu em 11 de setembro no vídeo intitulado "Calendário copta."

RIP Pope Shenouda 17/3/2012
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III was the 117th Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All A...
published: 18 Mar 2012
Author: Fady Sherif
RIP Pope Shenouda 17/3/2012
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III was the 117th Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria. He was also the head of The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria. A graduate of Cairo University and the Coptic Orthodox Seminary, Nazeer Gayed became a monk under the name Father Antonios the Syrian after joining the Syrian Monastery of the Ever-Virgin Mary the Theotokos, where he was later elevated to the priesthood. Pope Cyril VI summoned Fr. Antonios to the patriarchate where he consecrated him General Bishop for Christian Education and as Dean of the Coptic Orthodox Theological Seminary, whereupon he assumed the name Shenouda, which was the name of a Coptic saint and two previous popes: Shenouda I (859--880) and Shenouda II (1047--1077). Shenouda served as Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria since 14 November 1971, presiding over a worldwide expansion of the Coptic Orthodox Church. During his papacy, he appointed the first-ever bishops to preside over North American dioceses that now contain over two hundred parishes (200 in the United States, 23 in Canada and one in Mexico), up from four in 1971, as well as the first bishops in Australia and the first bishops in South America. Shenouda was known for his commitment to ecumenism and had, since the 1970s, advocated inter-denominational Christian dialogue. He devoted his writings, teachings and actions to <b>...</b>

[Coptic Hymns] Annual Aspasmos Watos - Epchois Efnouti - Divine Liturgy
The Annual Aspasmos Watos Epchois Efnouti, a Coptic hymn. For more on the three seasons of...
published: 12 Aug 2012
Author: TheCopticdeacon
[Coptic Hymns] Annual Aspasmos Watos - Epchois Efnouti - Divine Liturgy
The Annual Aspasmos Watos Epchois Efnouti, a Coptic hymn. For more on the three seasons of the Coptic Calendar: ccdl.libraries.claremont.edu Source hymn from the Cantor Gad Lewis - tasbeha.org

Day 20 - Bishop Angaelos - Premier Video Advent Calendar
Bishop Angaelos is a bishop in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Based in the UK but travelling ...
published: 14 Dec 2011
Author: officialpremiertv
Day 20 - Bishop Angaelos - Premier Video Advent Calendar
Bishop Angaelos is a bishop in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Based in the UK but travelling widely, he has a special interest in youth ministry. He reads for us today from John 9 and gives us a Christmas message. www.premier.tv

oh my god
Song ~ The Silent Comedy - Bartholomew Bartholomew (Greek: Βαρθ&omicr...;
published: 12 Sep 2012
Author: AmericanThinkTank
oh my god
Song ~ The Silent Comedy - Bartholomew Bartholomew (Greek: Βαρθολομαίος, transliterated "Bartholomaios") comes from the Aramaic bar-Tôlmay (תולמי-בר), meaning son of Tolmay or son of the furrows (perhaps a ploughman). According to the Synaxarium of the Coptic Orthodox Church, his martyrdom is commemorated on the 1st day of the Coptic Calendar (1st day of the month of "Thout"), which currently falls on September 11 (corresponding to August 29 in the Gregorian Calendar). "...And from the mire of filth and pain, the call was answered by the profane. No longer dumb, deaf, or blind, in truth and wisdom, now aligned and from their revolt, a world be born, no longer filled by evils' scorn." ~ Rise of the Race

godlili44 coptic teaching (2).AVI
humm and go staying healthy, thinking healthy...
published: 23 Nov 2011
Author: godlili44
godlili44 coptic teaching (2).AVI
humm and go staying healthy, thinking healthy
Vimeo results:

REVELATION 9:11 : " And they had a king over them, which is the
angel of the bottomless p...
published: 24 Jun 2011
Author: Entheogeen
REVELATION 9:11 : " And they had a king over them, which is the
angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is
Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
*exactly* "911" days after 9-11-01 multiple bombs go off across Madrid's commuter train system,
on March "11th", 2004.
-11 letters - Ney York City
-11 letters Afganistan
-11 letters George W bush
-11 th state New York
-11 flight number first of the plane to hit the towers
-Total crew on Flight 11 was '11'
-2001 is 11 years from 2012
-wtc took 11 years to build from 1966 to 1977
-Plane flight 11 has 65 passengers 6+5 = 11
-Plane flight 77 has 92 passengers 9+2 = 11
-tragedy too place 11 septemer 9/11 - 9+1+1 = 11
-Emergency number of US911 9+1+1= 11
-Highjacked plane had 254 passenger on board 2+5+4 = 11
-11 september is the 254 th day of the year 2+5+4 = 11
-111 days left in the year from 9/11
-Exactly 911 days later Madrid Bombing took place 9+1+1 = 11
-Madrid Bombing 3/11/2004 3+1+1+2+4 = 11
-On September 11th 1990 at 9.09PM, 11 years prior to September 11th 2001, George Bush Senior
made a speech to Congress entitled "Toward A New World Order
-On 11th August 1999 at 11:11am there was a total solar eclipse observed throughout Europe
-21st December 2012 at 11:11am is the winter solstice of the final day of the Mayan calendar
- Aquarius - the 11th sign of the zodiac
- 21st December 2012 = 21/12/2012 = 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+2 = 11
- The sunspot cycle lasts 11 years - the next one peaking in 2012.
- The World Trade Centre stood like an '11'
- 9/11/1943 Building of the Pentagon starte
-9/11/1919 USA attacks Honduras
-9/11/1946 USA attacks Korea
9/11 is America's Patriot Day
9/11 is New Years day on the ancient Egyptian calendar. called the Coptic or ALexandrian
Youtube results:

Melkam Addis Amet! Ethiopian New Year's Celebration in Sweden
Ethiopian New Year's Celebration according to the Coptic Calendar. Stockholm, Sweden, ...
published: 06 Jan 2012
Author: LillGandhi
Melkam Addis Amet! Ethiopian New Year's Celebration in Sweden
Ethiopian New Year's Celebration according to the Coptic Calendar. Stockholm, Sweden, September 11, 2011. Melkam Addis Amet, Brother Cheru! Happy New Year! Music video: Atenkakagne, with Amsal Metkea.

Christians warned to leave Nigeria [CNN 1-03-2012] (mirror)
Originally uploaded by HottestNews2012 on Jan 15, 2012 The Nag Hammadi massacre was a mass...
published: 22 Jan 2012
Author: lduych
Christians warned to leave Nigeria [CNN 1-03-2012] (mirror)
Originally uploaded by HottestNews2012 on Jan 15, 2012 The Nag Hammadi massacre was a massacre of Coptic Christians carried out on the eve of 7 January 2010, in the Egyptian city of Nag Hammadi. The massacre occurred at the hands of Muslim gunmen in front of the Nag Hammadi cathedral, as Coptic Christians were leaving the church after celebrating the midnight Christmas mass according to the Coptic calendar. The massacre resulted in the murder of eight Copts and one Muslim bystander. Nine other Copts were confirmed to be wounded, and two Muslims were reportedly wounded in the attack. Following the attack, two other Coptic Christian women were killed in nearby villages when Muslim mobs set their houses on fire. Numerous Coptic businesses were looted and destroyed in the accompanying attacks. Visit MeTee.com The place for publishing and printing t-shirts & always free shipping. Become a channel sponsor for 30 days for $1/day meseed.com Have any ad you want play in each video (any one video can go viral with tens-of-thousands of hits) Donate $1 to keep this channel going: meseed.com Thank you for your generosity Subscribe for Breaking News. Like/Dislike, Comment, Favorite and share on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ to get the word out on this video. Put this video on your channel with a more interesting title (never know if this channel will get taken down): www.keepvid.com Download video with keepvid and upload file to your own Youtube account. Signup to get video headlines <b>...</b>

Re-Uploaded from user INFOMATIC More info on: tinyurl.com NOTE 1: This is a Public Service...
published: 31 Jul 2012
Author: Danny Jowenko
Re-Uploaded from user INFOMATIC More info on: tinyurl.com NOTE 1: This is a Public Service Announcement (PSA). It is intended to warn the gullible public to pay attention, to make a tiny effort to learn how the NWO Gang of criminals work in pursue of their Global Domination Agenda and their World Depopulation Plans (500 Millions only left to deal with - from over 6 Billions). NOTE 2: AUGUST 12 IS FEAST OF LIGHTS FOR ISIS IN OSYRIAN CULT. The NWO Criminals worship (Lucifer - the nice deceitful name for Satan). Therefore, they follow Luciferian Rituals, Customs, etc, of the Old Egyptians. Therefore, it is the old (Coptic or Alexandrian) calendar that they follow. SEPTEMBER 11 IS THE FIRST DAY OF COPTIC EGYPTIAN CALENDAR With Trillions of dollars stolen every years for Black Projects, these MFs have already a fleet of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects for "We, The People" only). They also have their 3D Holographic show and... of course... they have all the leading-edge technology for blowing up things: anything from nanothermite to small tactical nukes (and whatever else is there that we cannot even utter).

Tight Security for Coptic Christmas
Many Eastern Rite Christians, including Copts, celebrate Christmas according to the Julian...
published: 08 Jan 2011
Author: VOAvideo
Tight Security for Coptic Christmas
Many Eastern Rite Christians, including Copts, celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar on January 7th. In the aftermath of the New Year's Eve bomb attack on Copts in Alexandria, Egypt, security has been increased around Coptic churches worldwide, including in the United States. There are, according to estimates, as many as one million Copts in the US VOA Correspondent Peter Fedynsky has this report from Jersey City, New Jersey.