Histopathology Skin--Melanoma in situ
Histopathology Skin--Melanoma in situ...
published: 15 May 2007
author: WashingtonDeceit
Histopathology Skin--Melanoma in situ
Histopathology Skin--Melanoma in situ
In-Situ Cornicework
Plasterers using an oystershell lime putty finish plaster to create in-situ cornice work....
published: 10 Jul 2008
author: virginialimeworks
In-Situ Cornicework
Plasterers using an oystershell lime putty finish plaster to create in-situ cornice work.
In Situ Hybridization
Intro to in situ hybridization. Thanks to the Cohn Lab, Ashley Seifert, and the HHMI-GATOR...
published: 24 Apr 2008
author: StaceyAlex
In Situ Hybridization
Intro to in situ hybridization. Thanks to the Cohn Lab, Ashley Seifert, and the HHMI-GATOR team.
Histopathology Breast--Ductal carcinoma in situ
Histopathology Breast--Ductal carcinoma in situ...
published: 09 May 2007
author: WashingtonDeceit
Histopathology Breast--Ductal carcinoma in situ
Histopathology Breast--Ductal carcinoma in situ
In situ substrate exchange
Last week you had a short video, so this week it's a long one. Jamison Mambas are more...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: viperkeeper
In situ substrate exchange
Last week you had a short video, so this week it's a long one. Jamison Mambas are more dangerous to handle than Black Mambas. They are far more nervous, go nuts when touched, get stressed out and die when handled too much. Because I believe it's far more dangerous for keeper & snakes I replace all of the substrate in the cage WHILE they're still inside.
In-situ synchrotron tomography of glass raw materials melting at high temperature
An in-situ tomography experiment was realized on the ID15 beamline of the ESRF synchrotron...
published: 06 Sep 2011
author: EmmanuelleGouillart
In-situ synchrotron tomography of glass raw materials melting at high temperature
An in-situ tomography experiment was realized on the ID15 beamline of the ESRF synchrotron. A granular packing of sand, sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate was heated at high temperatures and observed in-situ while the grains reacted together and glassy melts were produced. The movie starts by showing the different types of grains and the granular packing at room temperature. Then images at different temperatures are shown for the same vertical cut. 3-D visualizations were realized with the Mayavi software. This study was realized by E. Gouillart, MJ Toplis, J. Grynberg, M.-H. Chopinet, E. Sondergard, L. Salvo, M. Suéry, M. Di Michiel, and G. Varoquaux.
Running Cornice In-Situ Tutorial Plastering
I show you how to plaster cornice In-situ...
published: 02 Oct 2010
author: plasterrenovations1
Running Cornice In-Situ Tutorial Plastering
I show you how to plaster cornice In-situ
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
( www.abnova.com ) - FISH is a technique used to identify and localize the presence or abs...
published: 05 May 2011
author: ABNOVA1
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
( www.abnova.com ) - FISH is a technique used to identify and localize the presence or absence of specific DNA sequences on cells and tissues. You can use FISH probes for the detection of gene amplification, loss and translocation. Each FISH probe product has a pair of locus-specific, fluorophore-labeled probes originated from a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. More videos at Abnova http
Psilocybin Cubensis mushrooms- examples in situ - part 3
part 3 in a series of videos showing different stages of growths and decay of the cubensis...
published: 04 Mar 2010
author: volkerwanderung
Psilocybin Cubensis mushrooms- examples in situ - part 3
part 3 in a series of videos showing different stages of growths and decay of the cubensis mushroom. inspired by ppl sending me pictures and video requesting identification.
Gulf Coast Oil Spill In-Situ Burn
Video of burning the oil from the Gulf Coast oil spill....
published: 02 May 2010
author: DeepwaterHorizonJIC
Gulf Coast Oil Spill In-Situ Burn
Video of burning the oil from the Gulf Coast oil spill.
Zoos and Conservation
**Version with Spanish subtitles available: www.youtube.com Humanity relies on nature - an...
published: 17 May 2010
author: EAZAvideo
Zoos and Conservation
**Version with Spanish subtitles available: www.youtube.com Humanity relies on nature - and time is running out for many species. The accumulated knowledge of zoos and aquariums is crucial in the fight to save biodiversity. EAZA members are at the forefront of wildlife conservation. This film, produced to mark International Year of Biodiversity 2010, explores some of the links between zoos and field conservation projects. EAZA is the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, linking and representing more than 300 institutions across Europe and beyond. To find your local EAZA member visit: www.eaza.net -------- The video features interviews with the following people: Bengt Holst - Director of Research and Conservation at Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark Patrícia Medici - Coordinator, Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative, Brazil Stewart Muir - Director, Newquay Zoo, UK Nguyen Van Thai - Program Officer, Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program, Vietnam Dr Christoph Schwitzer - Head of Research, Bristol Zoo Gardens, UK; and Executive Secretary, The Lemur Conservation Association (AEECL) Production Team: Director/Producer: Paul King Director of Photography: Mark Verkerk Editor: Natassia Wijdeveld 2nd Unit Camera: Paul Woodd-Walker 2nd Unit Production: Rebecca Harris Production: Esther Hertog Graphic Design: Robert Doets Production Assistant: Suzanne Schreve Music composed and performed by Steven de Geus Special thanks to MacGyver Post Production Amsterdam This production was made <b>...</b>
In Situ | Ragga Dance
Ragga Dance music video by In Situ Choreo by: Nere González & Oriana Mejí...;
published: 21 Nov 2010
author: insitudance
In Situ | Ragga Dance
Ragga Dance music video by In Situ Choreo by: Nere González & Oriana Mejías (Iume / In Situ / Alicante) Also: Jorge Vidal, Daniel Guillén & Aitor Calatayud Film & edition: Marco Ramos (mayormarko@hotmail.com) Come to Alicante and visit us! insitudance.com
Steam Line for In Situ Technology in Alberta, Canada
Companies are producing crude oil from oil sands using a process called in-situ developmen...
published: 11 Aug 2009
author: energy
Steam Line for In Situ Technology in Alberta, Canada
Companies are producing crude oil from oil sands using a process called in-situ development. The oil sands are heated underground with steam, gravity pulls the hot oil down toward a wellbore, and the oil is brought to the surface.
Histopathology Cervix --Squamous metaplasia & carcinoma-in-s
Histopathology Cervix --Squamous metaplasia & carcinoma-in-situ...
published: 30 Apr 2007
author: WashingtonDeceit
Histopathology Cervix --Squamous metaplasia & carcinoma-in-s
Histopathology Cervix --Squamous metaplasia & carcinoma-in-situ
Youtube results:
TV3 - In Situ - Monòlegs - Dani Mateo
El Dani Mateo es va passar uns quants anys mirant pantalles de tele, però no era ni...
published: 07 Aug 2007
author: tv3
TV3 - In Situ - Monòlegs - Dani Mateo
El Dani Mateo es va passar uns quants anys mirant pantalles de tele, però no era ni un voyeur ni el Gran Germà d'Orwell: donava la informació del trànsit. Un bon dia, Paramount Comedy va aparèixer en la seva vida i li va permetre presentar el late night "Noche sin tregua", que fa més de 3 anys que és en antena.
TV3 - In situ: Berto Romero
Quan jo era petit, si portaves ulleres i t'agradaven els còmics, al col·...
published: 18 Feb 2008
author: tv3
TV3 - In situ: Berto Romero
Quan jo era petit, si portaves ulleres i t'agradaven els còmics, al col·legi et deien de tot i et feien bullying, mobbing i et tiraven a la paperera. Però després passen els anys i resulta que aquella raresa es converteix en talent i la mateixa gent que es burlava de tu t'acaba admirant. Això és el que li ha passat al Berto Romero (Cardona, 1974), que amb uns amics va formar el grup El Cansancio i ha acabat presentant "El matí i la mare que el va parir".
TV3 - In situ: Iñaki Urrutia
L'Iñaki Urrutia (Barcelona, 1977) ha tingut una carrera meteòrica, perqu...
published: 08 Feb 2008
author: tv3
TV3 - In situ: Iñaki Urrutia
L'Iñaki Urrutia (Barcelona, 1977) ha tingut una carrera meteòrica, perquè va començar directament dedicant-se al cine. D'acord que feia d'acomodador, però es dedicava al cine. Després "El Club de la Comèdia" i Paramount Comedy se'l van rifar, no ha parat d'actuar per tota la península i fins i tot s'ha pogut comprar un pis. I avui dia això sí que és triomfar.
TV3 - In situ: Toni Moog
Durant anys, ell se'n va anar a dormir tard perquè el mètode Estivill se...
published: 11 Feb 2008
author: tv3
TV3 - In situ: Toni Moog
Durant anys, ell se'n va anar a dormir tard perquè el mètode Estivill se'l passava pel forro i perquè feia de disc-jockey a les discoteques de més renom de Barcelona. Per una aposta de borratxos va pujar a un escenari, i com que fa metre noranta i té molt mala pinta, ningú es va atrevir a fer-lo baixar. Des de llavors ha treballat com a humorista amb Paramount Comedy, Manel Fuentes i el programa Homozzaping. Es diu Toni Asencio (Barcelona, 1971) però la gent el coneix com Toni Moog, el dels tatoos o el del "que pum que pam".