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Giants of the Game Teresita Sy Coson Conference Makati Shangri-La by
surfeo en coson
Krreteriando - Surfing CNU Playa Coson 01
QAV500-carretera nueva de Terrenas, COSON BEACH-Dom Rep
Casa Coson
Playa Coson, Samana, Dominican Republic


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Coson Filmography

  • Bo chi tung wah
    2008, role: actor , character name: Plainclothes Detectives

Make changes yourself !

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Giants of the Game Teresita Sy Coson Conference Makati Shangri-La by
  • Order:
  • Duration: 32:17
  • Updated: 12 Nov 2013

Giants of the Game Teresita Sy Coson Conference Makati Shangri-La by

Giants of the Game Teresita Sy Coson Conference Makati Shangri-La. A speaker conference held at the Makati Shangri-La Rizal Ballroom with keynote speakers including Teresita Sy Coson, RJ David, Edward Lee, David Lim, Cecilio Pedro and Martin Lorenzo. Hosted by the Anvil Business Club and the Association of Young Filipino-Chinese Entrepreneurs. Thank you for watching. For more awesome videos on Philippine Food | Travel | Lifestyle Please Subscribe to HourPhilippines TV! For exclusive content check out our website: Life is way too short, make today the first day of the rest of your life! Cheers, Lord and Aksana
  • published: 12 Nov 2013
  • views: 18 of the Game Teresita Sy Coson Conference Makati Shangri-La by
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 23 May 2013


The events begin on Sunday May 19 with COSON in the Church, the superlative National day of prayer and invocation to the Almighty with the most captivating g... ENJOYS COSON@THE CHURCH
surfeo en coson
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:30
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2012

surfeo en coson

emi,alejandro,miguel,amaury,oliver,randy) surfiando en semana santa, en las terrenas coson, esto fue creado por amaury ventura matando el tiempo, espero que... en coson
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 30 May 2013


COSON in the Church is the first in the 7 different events of the much publicized COSON Week. The event continues on Monday with the COSON Lecture at the Nat... ON COSON GREEN CARPET - FESTOUR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:47
  • Updated: 30 May 2013


It was fun, glitz, razzmatazz and class as Nigeria's entertainment's finest came out in their Sunday best to witness the first event of the much talked about... CELEBRATES @ HOUSEHOLD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 23 May 2013


COSON in the Church, the first of the events of the upcoming COSON Week. The artiste assures that guests are in for a great time and a show to be remembered ... ON COSON RED CARPET - FESTOUR
Krreteriando - Surfing CNU Playa Coson 01
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 14 Feb 2014

Krreteriando - Surfing CNU Playa Coson 01

  • published: 14 Feb 2014
  • views: 70 - Surfing CNU Playa Coson 01
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16
  • Updated: 30 May 2013


Nigeria offered their fans an unprecedented free street party during the much anticipated COSON In the Streets. Lagosians were treated to a rare sight of som... SAFETY SUPPORTS COSON- FESTOUR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Updated: 25 May 2013


COSON is the sole collective management organisation (CMO) approved by the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC) to act on behalf of authors, composers, Perfor..., ELEGANT LADIES ON COSON RED CARPET
QAV500-carretera nueva de Terrenas, COSON BEACH-Dom Rep
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:48
  • Updated: 23 May 2013

QAV500-carretera nueva de Terrenas, COSON BEACH-Dom Rep

Camino a Coson con el qav500-Watch it in HD720 May2 2013. nueva de Terrenas, COSON BEACH-Dom Rep
Casa Coson
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 31 Jan 2013

Casa Coson

Пролет на мотоплане над пляжем Косон. Лас Терренас. Самана. Доминиканская Республика. Coson
Playa Coson, Samana, Dominican Republic
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:01
  • Updated: 06 Apr 2013

Playa Coson, Samana, Dominican Republic

  • published: 16 Jun 2012
  • views: 245
  • author: Ben C Coson, Samana, Dominican Republic
Hip TV NEWS (COSON & Mercy Johnson, Don Jazzy & Wande Coal)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:00
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2013

Hip TV NEWS (COSON & Mercy Johnson, Don Jazzy & Wande Coal)

Don't Just Watch and Go, For more exciting Videos, Click here to Subscribe to HipTv Official YouTube Channel: Enjoy!
  • published: 14 Nov 2013
  • views: 190 TV NEWS (COSON & Mercy Johnson, Don Jazzy & Wande Coal)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:44
  • Updated: 30 May 2013


COSON in the Church is the first in the 7 different events of the much publicized COSON Week. The event continues on Monday with the COSON Lecture at the Nat... SUPPORT FOR COSON - FESTOUR

Make changes yourself !

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  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:18
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013


  • published: 17 Jun 2013
  • views: 39
  • author: Nigezie Tv PRESENTS: "COSON GREEN BALL"
David Archuleta -- Magic 89.9 Interview [Philippines] HQ [1/2]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:18
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

David Archuleta -- Magic 89.9 Interview [Philippines] HQ [1/2]

PART ONE OF ONE ! Held earlier in the afternoon -- May 14, 2009. { I recorded this online. :D Thanks to Archuleta Philippines for the links and updates. Th... Archuleta -- Magic 89.9 Interview [Philippines] HQ [1/2]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 25 May 2013


Pastor Ituah Ighodalo's Trinity House has finally moved to a permanent site after almost three years of renting the Landmark Village for worship. The new pla... IGHODALO @ COSON CHURCH SHOW
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:44
  • Updated: 28 May 2013


We entertain you to the last
  • published: 28 May 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:48
  • Updated: 25 May 2013


Africa's leading and celebrated talking drum girl, Aralola Olumuyiwa popularly known as Ara, the drummer girl, has taken her career to another dimension as s... ON COSON RED CARPET
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Updated: 23 Jun 2013


Born in Shanty town in Nigeria, Ras Kimono was bred in the Ghetto. As a youth, he experienced oppression, brutality, hardship and inequality, factors that be... KIMONO...RETURN OF RUBADUBMASTER@ COSON- FESTOUR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:29
  • Updated: 25 May 2013


Foremost filmmaker, cultural worker and Managing Director of Brickwall Communications Limited is without a doubt one of the leading figures of the Nigerian m... ALLI-BALOGUN @ COSON CHURCH SHOW
Sy-Coson on her mother's aversion to casinos
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:52
  • Updated: 20 May 2013

Sy-Coson on her mother's aversion to casinos

Read related story here :
  • published: 20 Oct 2012
  • views: 416
  • author: Rappler on her mother's aversion to casinos
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:25
  • Updated: 05 Feb 2013


Rep. Dominicana.
2face on coson
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2012

2face on coson

coson anti piracy campaign.
  • published: 10 Jul 2012
  • views: 23
  • author: DeTiomatic on coson
Building a retail bank with a retailer approach
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:17
  • Updated: 15 Jun 2013

Building a retail bank with a retailer approach

(Part II of III) Conversation with Teresita Sy-Coson, Chairman of SM Group and Banco De Oro, on the difficult years of acrymonious banking mergers. a retail bank with a retailer approach
Paseo en helicoptero encima de las playas de Las Terrenas.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:30
  • Updated: 13 Apr 2013

Paseo en helicoptero encima de las playas de Las Terrenas. : Descubre las playas de Las Terrenas ( Coson, Bonita, Ballenas, Popy ) desde el cielo. Discover the beaches of Las Terrenas (Coson, Bon... en helicoptero encima de las playas de Las Terrenas.
2 Filipino-Chinese on Forbes Asia's top bizwomen list
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:43
  • Updated: 03 Mar 2013

2 Filipino-Chinese on Forbes Asia's top bizwomen list

Two second-generation Filipino-Chinese make it to Forbes magazine's list of Top 50 businesswomen in Asia - Teresita Sy-Coson and Lourdes Josephine Gotianun-Yap. Filipino-Chinese on Forbes Asia's top bizwomen list
Interview with Mr. Hans Sy, chairman of the Philippine Skating Union
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Updated: 27 Feb 2014

Interview with Mr. Hans Sy, chairman of the Philippine Skating Union

Interview with Mr. Hans Sy, chairman of the Philippine Skating Union and president of SM Prime Holdings.
  • published: 27 Feb 2014
  • views: 10 with Mr. Hans Sy, chairman of the Philippine Skating Union


  • published: 17 Jun 2013
  • views: 39
  • author: Nigezie Tv

Gi­ants of the Game Tere­si­ta Sy Coson Con­fer­ence Makati Shangri-La by HourPhilippines.​com
Gi­ants of the Game Tere­si­ta Sy Coson Con­fer­ence Makati Shangri-La. A speak­er con­fer­ence h...
pub­lished: 12 Nov 2013
The events begin on Sun­day May 19 with COSON in the Church, the su­perla­tive Na­tion­al day o...
pub­lished: 23 May 2013
sur­feo en coson
emi,ale­jan­dro,miguel,amau­ry,oliv­er,randy) sur­fian­do en se­m­ana santa, en las ter­re­nas coson...
pub­lished: 22 Jun 2012
COSON in the Church is the first in the 7 dif­fer­ent events of the much pub­li­cized COSON We...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
It was fun, glitz, razzmatazz and class as Nige­ria's en­ter­tain­ment's finest came out in th...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
COSON in the Church, the first of the events of the up­com­ing COSON Week. The artiste assur...
pub­lished: 22 May 2013
Kr­rete­rian­do - Surf­ing CNU Playa Coson 01
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2014
Nige­ria of­fered their fans an un­prece­dent­ed free street party dur­ing the much an­tic­i­pat­ed ...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
COSON is the sole col­lec­tive man­age­ment or­gan­i­sa­tion (CMO) ap­proved by the Nige­ri­an Copy­ri...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
QAV500-car­retera nueva de Ter­re­nas, COSON BEACH-Dom Rep
Camino a Coson con el qav500-Watch it in HD720 May2 2013....
pub­lished: 04 May 2013
Casa Coson
Пролет на мотоплане над пляжем Косон. Лас Терренас. Самана. Доминиканская Республика....
pub­lished: 01 Oct 2012
Playa Coson, Samana, Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2012
au­thor: Ben C
Hip TV NEWS (COSON & Mercy John­son, Don Jazzy & Wande Coal)
Don't Just Watch and Go, For more ex­cit­ing Videos, Click here to Sub­scribe to HipTv Of­fi­ci...
pub­lished: 14 Nov 2013
COSON in the Church is the first in the 7 dif­fer­ent events of the much pub­li­cized COSON We...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
Youtube results:
"COSON in the Church is an event never ex­pe­ri­enced be­fore, any­one who steps in to the exqu...
pub­lished: 22 May 2013
WIN, an acronym for "What Is New" is a com­pre­hen­sive mul­ti­me­dia ser­vices pack­age for max...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
Tere­si­ta Sy-Co­son Q & A
Gen­er­al Mem­ber­ship Meet­ing Mrs. Tere­si­ta Sy-Co­son Chair­per­son of BDO Uni­bank Dusit Thani H...
pub­lished: 19 Mar 2013
au­thor: fic­ci­phil
"DUMPED" The COSON Song Awards PSA
NEVER BEEN DONE BE­FORE: Sat­ur­day, May 25, 2013 The COSON Song Awards holds at the New Expo...
pub­lished: 09 Apr 2013
au­thor: COSON NG


  • published: 17 Jun 2013
  • views: 39
  • author: Nigezie Tv

pub­lished: 17 Jun 2013
au­thor: Nigezie Tv
David Archule­ta -- Magic 89.9 In­ter­view [Philip­pines] HQ [1/2]
PART ONE OF ONE ! Held ear­li­er in the af­ter­noon -- May 14, 2009. { I record­ed this on­line....
pub­lished: 14 May 2009
Pas­tor Ituah Igho­da­lo's Trin­i­ty House has fi­nal­ly moved to a per­ma­nent site after al­most t...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
We en­ter­tain you to the last...
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
Africa's lead­ing and cel­e­brat­ed talk­ing drum girl, Ar­alo­la Olu­muyi­wa pop­u­lar­ly known as Ar...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
Born in Shan­ty town in Nige­ria, Ras Ki­mono was bred in the Ghet­to. As a youth, he ex­pe­rien...
pub­lished: 30 May 2013
Fore­most film­mak­er, cul­tur­al work­er and Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor of Brick­wall Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Limi...
pub­lished: 24 May 2013
Sy-Co­son on her moth­er's aver­sion to casi­nos
Read re­lat­ed story here : www.​rappler.​com/​business/​14484-mrs-sy-not-keen-on-casino-busines...​
pub­lished: 20 Oct 2012
au­thor: Rap­pler
Rep. Do­mini­cana....
pub­lished: 05 Feb 2013
2face on coson
coson anti pira­cy cam­paign....
pub­lished: 10 Jul 2012
au­thor: De­Tiomat­ic
Build­ing a re­tail bank with a re­tail­er ap­proach
(Part II of III) Con­ver­sa­tion with Tere­si­ta Sy-Co­son, Chair­man of SM Group and Banco De Or...
pub­lished: 17 Apr 2012
Paseo en he­li­coptero enci­ma de las playas de Las Ter­re­nas.
http://​www.​las-t.​com : De­s­cubre las playas de Las Ter­re­nas ( Coson, Boni­ta, Bal­lenas, Popy...
pub­lished: 30 Jan 2013
2 Fil­ipino-Chi­nese on Forbes Asia's top biz­wom­en list
Two sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion Fil­ipino-Chi­nese make it to Forbes mag­a­zine's list of Top 50 busines...
pub­lished: 01 Mar 2013
In­ter­view with Mr. Hans Sy, chair­man of the Philip­pine Skat­ing Union
In­ter­view with Mr. Hans Sy, chair­man of the Philip­pine Skat­ing Union and pres­i­dent of SM P...
pub­lished: 27 Feb 2014
Youtube results:
Bat­taBox in­ter­views SOUND SUL­TAN - Nige­ri­an Music
(Nige­ria) Bat­taBox in­ter­views Nige­ri­an Music Star - Sound Sul­tan on his work and per­son­al ...
pub­lished: 14 Jan 2014
The Plat­form 11.0 in­ter­views Pas­tor Ituah Igho­da­lo
The Plat­form as a plat­form should find the plat­form to change the Nige­ri­an plat­form. These...
pub­lished: 11 Oct 2013
don jazzy in­ter­view part 2
pub­lished: 28 Jun 2012
au­thor: Hip TV
Man­age­ment 1 - Mang Inasal In­ter­view (2012)
This is for our doc­u­men­ta­tion of the dif­fer­ent as­pects of Man­age­ment in plan­ning and manag...
pub­lished: 22 Aug 2012
photo: AP / Gbemiga Olamikan
Women attend a demonstration calling on the government to rescue kidnapped schoolgirls of a government secondary school Chibok, in Abuja, Nigeria. Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
Edit The Independent
06 May 2014
In a chilling message, the leader of the Islamist militant group Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for the abduction of nearly 300 schoolgirls in the north of Nigeria last month, and said that he would sell them into slavery. “I abducted your girls,” Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said in the one-hour video released on Monday ... Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau (AFP) ... “You are playing games ... I said Western education should end ... ....(size: 6.5Kb)
photo: US DoD / Glenn Fawcett
Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton addresses the media along during a joint press conference with Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta and their Korean counterparts at the Department of State, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2012. (DoD Photo By Glenn Fawcett) (Released)
05 May 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. When then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton exclaimed "At this point does it really matter anymore," regarding the four U.S. citizens-including an ambassador-killed in the Sept. 12, 2012 Benghazi, Libya attacks, her words were a reflection of a careless and cruel society, versus one that is politically attentive and historically mindful ... It even has a holiday commemorating the U.S ... ....(size: 10.3Kb)
photo: AP / Manuel Balce Ceneta
Protestors march in front of the Nigerian embassy in northwest Washington, Tuesday, May 6, 2014, protesting the kidnapping of nearly 300 teenage schoolgirls, abducted from a school in the remote northeast of Nigeria three weeks ago.
Edit The Irish Times
07 May 2014
The United States government has said that it is preparing to send a team to help the Nigerian government find almost 300 girls kidnapped from their school by Islamic extremists last month ...Time is of the essence,” said Mr Carney, noting that the girls had been abducted 22 days ago. “Appropriate action must be taken to locate and to free these young women before they are trafficked or killed.” ... British aid....(size: 3.3Kb)
photo: US Navy / MCS1 Peter D. Blair
U.S. Navy contractors lower the Bluefin-21 into the Indian Ocean from the deck of the Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield, 26 April, 2014. The submersible is being utilized to search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370.
Edit BBC News
05 May 2014
Officials from Australia, Malaysia and China have met to map out a way forward in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. Transport ministers from Malaysia and China joined the Australian deputy leader and Angus Houston, the official leading the search, at the talks in Canberra. So far, an intensive search operation has found no sign of flight MH370 ... It lost contact with air traffic controllers over the South China Sea ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)
photo: AP / RIA-Novosti, Alexei Druzhinin, Presidential Press Service
In this Tuesday, April 29, 2014 photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to press after a meeting of the Eurasian Economic Council in Minsk, Belarus.
Edit Al Jazeera
07 May 2014
Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked pro-Kremlin separatists in southeastern Ukraine to postpone a series of disputed referenda planned for this weekend on declaring greater autonomy or outright independence from Kiev. The move was announced after a Kremlin meeting with Swiss president and current Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) chief Didier Burkhalter on Wednesday ... We have withdrawn them ... Agencies....(size: 3.4Kb)

Edit noodls
05 May 2014
Teresita Sy-Coson ASEAN BAC Philippines Member;  Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima; Mr ... ASEAN BAC Philippines led by members Teresita Sy-Coson, Vice Chair of SM Investments Corporation and Jay Yuvallos, President of Interior Basics signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit Journal Online
01 May 2014
BdO UNIBANK, Inc ... Individual awards were given to C ... Sy-Coson is the chairperson of BdO, Florescio is executive vice president and treasurer, and Reyes is senior VP and head of investor relations and corporate planning ... Business. ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit Sun Star
29 Apr 2014
QUEEN of All Media Kris Aquino wore a creation by Cebuano designer Cary Santiago during the state dinner for United States President Barack Obama at Malacañang Palace on Monday evening. The television host shared a photo of her purple terno and pumps to her close to one million followers on image-sharing application, Instagram ... Kris also shared a table with businesswoman Tessie Sy Coson and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit noodls
28 Apr 2014
(Source. SM Investments Corporation). April 28,2014 ...  ASEAN BAC Philippines led by Teresita Sy-Coson, Vice Chair for SM Investments Corporation; and Jay Yuvallos, President of Interior Basics will be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc ...   ... About ASEAN-BAC Philippines ... 1039....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Malaya
23 Apr 2014
Under the terms of the agreement, SM Foundation will be funding the rehabilitation and expansion of the hospital which is expected to cost almost P20 million ... We have housing projects as well as medical missions. We also have 100 more scholars from Talcoban under the SM Foundation Scholarship Program as well as the rehabilitation of other health centers,” Ms Teresita Sy-Coson, vice-chairperson, SM Investments Corp. said ... Category. ....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit noodls
22 Apr 2014
(Source. SM Investments Corporation). April 22,2014. SM Foundation continues to support public-private efforts to rehabilitate the City of Tacloban. Addressing the need to provide quality health service to typhoon Yolanda victims in Tacloban, SM Foundation, Inc ... The DOH, the City of Tacloban and the SM Foundation, Inc ... Panfilo M ... Alfred S. Romualdez, Tacloban City Mayor; Teresita Sy-Coson, SM Investments Vice Chairperson; Debbie P....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit noodls
11 Apr 2014
(Source. SM Prime Holdings Inc) ... SM Prime today has shopping malls, residences, offices, hotel and convention centers and leisure facilities. SM Vice Chairperson Teresita Sy-Coson said that the SM Group has been "particularly active" with developments across all its core businesses in banking, retail and property which is indicative of the Philippine economy's growth story.  ... Coson said ... Coson added.  ...   ...   ... # # # ... Ms ... Tel....(size: 4.8Kb)
Edit noodls
11 Apr 2014
(Source. SM Investments Corporation). April 11,2014 ... SM Prime today has shopping malls, residences, offices, hotel and convention centers and leisure facilities. SM Vice Chairperson Teresita Sy-Coson said that the SM Group has been "particularly active" with developments across all its core businesses in banking, retail and property which is indicative of the Philippine economy's growth story.  ... Coson said ... Coson added.  ...  ....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Sun Star
09 Apr 2014
MANY disputes are not symmetrical. One party claims to have been wronged and the other party says very little. A topical example is that of Globe Asiatique Realty Holding Corp. (GA) headed by Delfin Lee ... Although we paid for the policy we never received it despite making urgent representations over many weeks to both BDO and Philamlife ... At the time we also made representations to the office of BDO’s Chairman Teresita Sy-Coson ... ***** ... ....(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit noodls
08 Apr 2014
(Source. SM Investments Corporation). April 8,2014. (Clockwise from top left) SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SM Prime) President Hans Sy with CG Asia Publisher and Managing Director Aldrin Monsod; SM Investments Corp. Chief Finance Officer Jose Sio and Mr. Monsod; BDO EVP and Head of Central Operations Group Dennis Velasquez, BDO SVP for Investor Relations and Corporate Planning Luis Reyes, Jr. and Mr ... Sy-Coson, Chairperson- BDO Unibank, Inc ... Ms....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit noodls
08 Apr 2014
(Source. SM Prime Holdings Inc). (Clockwise from top left) SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SM Prime) President Hans Sy with CG Asia Publisher and Managing Director Aldrin Monsod; SM Investments Corp. Chief Finance Officer Jose Sio and Mr. Monsod; BDO EVP and Head of Central Operations Group Dennis Velasquez, BDO SVP for Investor Relations and Corporate Planning Luis Reyes, Jr. and Mr ... Sy-Coson, Chairperson- BDO Unibank, Inc. Hans T ... -Best CSR ... # # #....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
07 Apr 2014
[Vanguard]The Chairman, Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Tony Okoroji has said that the representatives of COSON in the on-going NBC/NCC/COSON/BON/IBAN joint committee will not sacrifice the interest of the music industry. ....(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit All Africa
31 Mar 2014
[Daily Trust]This is contained in a statement issued in Abuja on Friday by COSON's Senior Executive on Media, Miss Mayree Uket. ....(size: 0.1Kb)
Listen to Coson interviews

Due to the lack of written information regarding the Getae-Dacians' history, many important names related to their civilization remain either unknown or controversial. The controversy regarding the name of this king was prompted after the discovery of golden coins inscribed with the word KOSON in Greek characters. Such coins were discovered in great numbers in Transylvania and the discovery captured the attention of writers starting the 16th century. Thus, there are comments from Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1520 and Stephanus Zamosius (István Szamosközy) in 1593.

Coins inscribed KOSON were discovered in several large stashes in Transylvania. The first group was discovered in 1543, and contained several thousands coins and objects made of gold. It was rumored that this stash was revealed in a bolted chamber under the river Strei, identified as the river Sargetia, and also mentioned by Dio Cassius. Further research disproved this, and placed the treasure in one of the Dacian castles in the Orăştie mountains, probably in Sarmisegetusa.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Teresita T. Sy–Coson is the eldest child of Forbes Philippines’ richest and founder and Chairman of SM Prime Holdings, Henry Sy, Sr. Teresita is also the widow of ethnic Chinese lumber tycoon Louie Coson, whom she has three children with. She graduated with the degree AB-BS Commerce major in Management from Assumption College.

Teresita began her career as a fashion buyer for her family's retail venture. She was only 22 when she managed their family’s first department store. In 1985, she moved on to head the first SM shopping mall, SM City North EDSA, where she made her mark by expanding the company's retail empire.

In 1990, she was was appointed president of Shoemart, Inc. She professes to working "twelve hours a day, six days a week," and has been credited as the brains behind the company's sales in 2006, which scored a 68 percent increase for the period hitting a record high of USD1.7 billion, and for brokering the BDO-Equitable PCI merger, one of the largest banking deals in recent history.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Mercy Johnson interviews

Mercy Johnson Ozioma, popularly known as Mercy Johnson, is a Nigerian actress who made her acting debut in the movie, "The Maid" in which she played the role of a possessed house help. Her performance in the movie shot her into the limelight and has acted in other major movies ever since. Mercy who is a native of Okene in Kogi state is from a family of seven children. Mercy reveals she got into the Nigerian movie industry (Nollywood) because she failed her Jamb exam. Johnson has appeared in over 60 movies. Mercy has revealed that growing up was tough and had difficulties paying her school fees most times. She also reveals that she worked as a house maid to survive.

Johnson won the 2009 African Film Award for best supporting actress.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Listen to Don Jazzy interviews

Michael Collins Ajereh (born November 26, 1982), better known as Don Jazzy, is a Nigerian Multi award-winning record producer, singer-songwriter, musician, former CEO of Nigerian record label Mo' Hits Records founded in 2004 and current CEO of the MAVIN Record label which he founded in May 2012 after his split up with childhood friend and Mo'Hits partner, D'banj. Born in Umuahia in Abia state, his first signing was D'banj who was at that time also the Vice-President of the label and now President after split.

Don Jazzy's first full credit production work was in 2004 on Tongolo for Nigerian singer D'banj. He went on to produce D'banj's first studio album titled No Long Thing released in 2005.

He has produced tracks for Dr SID, Wande Coal, D'Prince, Darey, Naeto C, Sauce Kid,Ikechukwu & Tiwa Savage . He also collaborated with Jay-Z and Kanye West on the production of Lift Off, featuring Beyoncé on the album Watch The Throne, released on August 8, 2011.

He recently was rated as the 36th. "Most powerful celebrity in Africa" according to Forbes

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The boat that failed it's only sail
is burning in the river
It's heating up the water mains
while the rest of the house just shivers
It's sinking fast
straight through the grass
A buoyant mask
A medical grasp
and that... was
all I had to give her
...but I will take my hand's mistakes
Stay afloat in
this flushing river
With the smell of your soul
and fix the bridge that
from the blows that age delivers
But I fear collapse...
as your
weight will pass
You know... I love you more that you will know
is coming for us
t's coming through the vents
.for the worst and
And so it seems
Like old beliefs...
We're struggling in the
Fishing for a fish that knows
of a way to save the other...
Don't turn
It's turning the room...
and as it spins the violence
coats the walls
in bother...
Carousels and comet tails
are somewhere in this river

She leaps higher than the scale
And then falls like iron and screaming air
Right down in front of me
I don't know how it came to this
I am so scarred up with ciggarrets
Ciggarrets and leaks
But I know I always stay possed
Like some creacher to a crucifix
If you drive your nails into me
We're sitting on the floor in a pile
Trading our arms for some wings of harm
I am goddamn
Been blow from the hidge
I can now barely stand
Oh, Jaelyn I can, I can feel you like the wind(?)
The beatings that rotation brings
Has us betting down on anything
But as our shrinking lives collide and rip
The sound is beautiful and lean
But I never planned to live like this
Empty vaults, and a rolling kiss
Oh I never planned on anything
Sitting on the floor in a smile
I'm tearing it apart, like poverty art
You are god sent
We've been both thrown over the hinge
And I can now barely stand
Oh, Jaelyn I can, I can feel you like the wind
I fear it’s getting close to the end
I can feel it in the wall ailings ends.
She says, “I don’t want to think about that cause I am
married to imaginary friends.”

a circus noose
another month and the golden goose
that I'll be squeezing forever
oh Suzanne
it's been so long since we shared the air
I need the carpet to move
hold out my hands
hold up the walls for you
they're rented, but perfect
to fill with sores
I should know better than that
I'm running much smoother now
I bought new bones and bigger feet
the biggest won't ever be missed
I'm lucky just to have your name inbounds again, again
a year so pale
shimmer and spill
I don't live so well
caught by all the audits
but your audience screams so much louder than those
hounds from hell
a river is building from a leak on the ceiling
but she's got a body holding the water uphill
even the lionhearted want to lay somewhere warm and
I'm feeling much smoother now
I bought new skin and bigger gifts
the biggest almost never miss

So tell me dear where is it you go from here?
As you curse and peel and pose in tears
Against the wall and across the hall
Across the wards as we both dissolve
I have this habit of punishing things
That move so fast they grow out wings
That sneaks through houses as we barter for sleep
(So just let me hide)
I wish I had you in my lungs
Id blow you upand block the sun
To save everyone from this brilliant light weve won
And our bodies got so much clearer
With dirty blood and thirty last calls
So fill it up and spin forever down the wall
I throw it up just to watch it fall
Through the window you looked much sweeter
Tell me something bout a lonely night
Burnt by the steam from a better life
But your lottery touch feels lucky enough
Refugee hands from a gin war.
I know a place where we can rest tonight
But when the bombs start falling... youve got to open
your eyes
And I just hope that I have mine
I just hope that I have.
I wish I had one hundred thousand pounds
Id crack the ground as your struggle for sound leaps
From town to town to town
Share your spoken wealth
Share your bodys health
I need it more than I need myself
I know youll leave with the kings reprieve
I guess thats just fine by me

Ive got these hands and Ive got some oxygen...
I just dont know what to do with it.
Brandy tricks and treats the knees and I fell for it...
Somehow they say this doll will sway and
Swing between the universe and me
Well spend our days fast and grey
Trying not to drink the sea.
Were so stout and double faced
Becoming prophets everyday with a gospel
Of how we grooved and all the breath that it removed
The rebellion is over...
The colors are much bolder
And the emperors new clothes sag...
Ill try my best, Ill make it fit...
But the more it grinds the worse it gets...
I watch it shake my hold of it...
The more it runs the more tired I get
Take all of space, the earth and how it tastes
I never loved it anyways
We fought the rain with the heaviest chains
Hoping to drown or float away...
Everything you could have been...
Has been rebuilt with gauze and tin
What I want is just to get on
Never get off
Never move on
And I dont have a single cell to pawn...
To the tricks the devil trips us on
We arm this room and get left in empty tombs
As the invisible break through
Screaming I know how to make this easier...
I can make it easier...

She keeps a bottle hanging like religon
right underneath the bed
She pours it in the sheets and vents...
Combats the awful things we did
Snakes and Plagues and her former slaves
are arising from the dead...
She grinds her heels as we bottom out...
..the horrible years we were fed...
And as the lights double back again...
We curse the man who invented them
I see a little bit of you in everything
Blowing up like jerusalem in me
How I'm in love with everything..
The girl with the golden back
Give me love in a telescope
and beat your heart like a marching band
oh I could bludgeon it
or bottle it...
or beat it back to bed...
But bleeding bleeds much safer streets
so pick up that bandaged dress..
and put the polish down
and leave the crooked ground..
You look infinite at best...
and as time gives god a rest..
we better bind our better halves...
I store a little bit of heaven everywhere
Even with the cabinets so dirty and bare
How im in love with everything

Lolita, she's got the songs of sirens, she's got it all
painted so humbly over the bathroom wall
but the porcelain drips and she breaks up so quick
and now I'm left with the bastard of the ambassador's
Lolita, I love her, she's perfect all over
built like a bridge made of four leaf clovers
throwing winks to a monster that keeps them forever
to have in pockets and lockets
that will float as she drowns
I know that it's almost over
but it keeps starting over
I know this beautiful belle
that rings just for money
as the sound moves her body
and I hope they treat you well
cause there are no words that can save us now
Lolita on fire, I'm feeling so old and tired
but her eyes are unfrozen, filled with admire
she sells like liquor as the planet gets thicker
it gets so much heavier the closer we stand
and I know that music is over
but it keeps starting over
that's how it goes
so come on, come around my new engine of love
watch it roll over, watch it move the ground
Lolita, they found her with love all around her

The marionette made its marks, dragging on the
The dogs of sleep and sick were tangled in the strings
that keep the leverage.
Come on, come with light...Illuminate and drive...
I need to leave what followed me
When I washed in from the sea...
That's taken so many of our lives
With its awful waves
This Chevrolet is done. It's sunk into the ground.
Chromes become my dining couch,
The ornament on a broken house,
And the weathers com alive
And it's leaking inside...
Knocked the breakers paralyzed,
And turned my savings on its side.
Its taken many of our lives...
With its wild ways
...So my mother says...
Heaven found on my way out...
...I took a walk one way...
And with a spark, all the lights in the city started
Out interstates and up the up the buildings, through
the walls
and turn so filthy.
And it lights this room that we pay with our

Wait! There's something up ahead.
I've seen its claws I can see the marks it left.
Well fed and eating with a thousand hands.
This coma of factory and bars won't last
It's numbing power and it's never winding heart.
So climb what you can before it's gone
And always carry in your lungs
The prettiest voice from drowning as you drag this swamp
'Cause the smell will stay with you for so long
The past can only stretch for so long
The last can only stretch, so long so long so long
So we wait until it's overhead

The avenue is at it again,
with a mouth that swallows men,
and it fills my words with smoke and broke amen's.
She says "...we're filling up with embers
And the water tastes like timber
...but I try not to think about it now and then.
And if you're not whole,
I will stitch that shirt you're wearing.
And it will cover holes,

I'm breaking up, for the gravity's won
before it snaps where the warm blood runs
cause it will flood our bodies soon
flood this hotel room
oh blue collar ruins the rags I wear
I closed the vents come and claim the air
and I hope the ceiling gives in
since you got a hold of it and skinned it for the look of
I've got everything coming back, a boomerang of lead
baby, I've got it bad
"but I can't empty the bed", she said
the creature that roams the street at night
will bite me straight in half
these sinking shoes will sink me soon
so hold me up til my feet sink through
and who dares, such a giant leap where a giant's sleeping
I hear it breathing, I hear it up above
sick in the attic with my digital love
and I fear the ceiling's rising
since you got a hold of it
and skinned it for the sound of me
the creature that's eating this street at night

Oh this hurricanes blowing us thin
This never ending swirl of American sin
Where I strayed on my knees to a bottomless cage
Where they throw dollar bills and hope to be saved
The poshest scarf on the warmest day
Its enough to make you give up .she says...
I know I know I know it shows
As we sleep in this broken Cadillac
We watch the world leave it doesnt look back
I gotta say thatwhen my heart attacks
Dont return itit will fire right back...
So lets just lie here as they paint us black
Oh this earthquake is shaking our hands
Free at the wrists just as we started a dance
The hardest thing next to diamond rings
Is the coats we have to wear just to make ends meet
I got this year and fifty more to beat
Its enough to make you give up.she says
I know I know I let go
The nervous ticks only the holy get
The country treats as the cities get sick
The lunatics and the Harlem tricks

How do you make a living, crawling crumbling stairs?
You have some beautiful legs, but the stairs... they just don't care.
And how you miss your mother, and the way she's almost there...
I know about the shame from the cyclones that she bares.
In this bed of weeds... grow tall and die with seeds.
Lonely miss aero plane is dropping parts all over the place...
But I still feel you in my clothes, in the cotton... it's that close...
And of all the floors to stand on, don't stand on this one here...
It cracked when all the wealth came back and claimed its share.
You've cursed the men who built it...
You've stomped it straight to tears...
I don't think you're just built like it... but be aware...
How do you make a living on musical chairs?
You love those pretty songs, but the chairs... they just don't care.
In this bed of weeds grow small and die with ease
Lonely miss aero plane has disappeared been kissed insane,

Leroy Crow blew overboard, far away from American buoys.
Into alligators and two by fours... and it made a splash that I will always remember.
The hills collapse into the floor... scared of the skies as it rattles the doors.
They left in horror, and with the lord,
and made a wake that I will always remember.
Many have melted here...
Into a mound of years...
Floating on a loan...
Where the wind won't blow.
And if you've come to blossom here
In the boiling air...
I'll tell you that levee's breaking here.
Who could know that the kings own home
was built to float on American bones?
The wood is rotten but the shade is strong...
Leroy Crow is scattered and soaked.
The water turns to lead as it crosses the coast...
Filling his pockets, invading his throat...

Maddie? s always moving. She? s flying down the aisles.
Got both hands in her pockets, trying to keep the balance mild.
Her motions like a movie, slicing constant air?
The wires are electrifying her phosphorescent hair.
I have seen the hunger, soaking through your shirt
Sunken eyes found alive but smashed under the dirt.
So lord give her one more set of hands...
For those dulling rings that I can barely stand.
I hope when I leave, she leaves them buried here,
and they don? t grow into the air.
Sing of soaking through me, on a kitchen chair.
Sing of all the savage tiny bites that blossomed tears.
The glass is always glowing, there? s vacancy out there,
but don? t you ride out very far; you? ll end up everywhere...
So slow?
Speed erodes?
The weight of bother on your body will fall down like snow.
Lord take this telephone in hand.
It? s lost the ring that I once couldn? t stand.
I hope when I leave, I leave it buried here...

Don't pass through this ragged room.
The cold old floor just creeks, and croons,
and aches as mistakes stampede underneath.
The video screens have learned to see...
Its blue eyes blind... spreading disease with
vitamins from plastic tangerines.
Maybe I'm tumbling...
Maybe I role with energy...
that I don't have but need to eat.
We don't swim... we dive for what we need.
This holy place I've come to clean.
You can stare... or wash with me...
It's covered with pretty graffiti.
I scraped the faded paint you wear,
and found the walls you washed with care
for the animals that wandered out in the street.
Maybe I just don't keep...
Maybe they hold you with their teeth
but I know why you feed the weak...
The hunger is permanently me.
Amelia, Amelia... make your mark on mine.
And we'll see what image... forms when they collide.

Father time fell ill to night
Fight the war with the windows tight
And my tin throne, it's blown into kingdom come
Now I need you here so I can I move my bones
For all the horror, for all the stains
All of over the walls
All of over my brains
Father time fell into night
The fire waters is burning all too bright
But she knows that and knows the path
The roads I run have drilled a hole in the world
The television paints a tunneled picture
So pile on the bend as the walls grow thicker
And carry on the end
Father time is shivering gold
Searching the hills for sex and gold
I ran my body straight out my soul
It hurts so bad I sank into her
And I got lost in the weight of one
Father time took off tonight
Left mother nature to grow and die
The rain machines now rain in fire
I sold all my water just to stay alive
And I am getting so so tired

We... go!
Gotta go!
We gotta go higher!
High, kiss me in the night
Feel me and we'll fly
I'll take you much higher than you've ever been
Your body in my hands
Together we're gonna reach the stars!
Pump to the music,
We gotta go higher!
Go higher!
Pump to the music,
We gotta go higher, wooah!
We gotta go higher...
Gotta go!
You, the beat of my heart,
The beat of the drums,
We just keep on pumping, baby, never stop
We can't break away
Together we're gonna reach the stars!
Pump to the music,
We gotta go higher!
Go higher!
Pump to the music,
We gotta go higher, wooah!
We gotta go higher...

All night long, you're my sexy baby!
All night long, you make me fell your love!
All night long, you're my sexy baby!
All night long, gonna make you fell my touch!
You, can make me fell so good
You, make me fell so happy
Now i, i'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna drive you crazy

Shake, shake, shake...
(get up and never stop the music)
Shake, shake, shake...
I’m gonna get the groove night and day
Gonna move my body this way
Gonna get in the mood to have…
Fun, fun, fun
And i’m gonna turn the radio on
Wanna feel the beat all night long
Gonna feel my heart with the
Funky music

Give me Give me love, my baby
Oh oh oh
Give me Give me love, my baby
Never thought I´d fall in love this way
This is our night why don´t you stay
Look into my eyes and say I wanna be with you
You´ll always be
The guiding light for me
The owner of my soul
You are the one who makes me loose control
'Cause deep inside my heart
I just can´t wait to be together again
Stay with me now...
Stay With me tonight
Give me Give me love, my baby
Stay with me now...
Stay With me tonight
Give me Give me love, my baby
Give me Give me love, my baby
Oh oh oh
Give me Give me love, my baby
Never thought I´d fall in love this way
This is our night why don´t you stay
Look into my eyes and say I wanna be with you
You´ll always be
The guiding light for me
The owner of my soul
You are the one who makes me loose control
'Cause deep inside my heart
I just can´t wait to be together again
Stay with me now...
Stay With me tonight
Give me Give me love, my baby
Stay with me now...
Stay With me tonight
Give me Give me love, my baby
Stay with me now...
Stay With me tonight
Give me Give me love, my baby
Stay with me now...
Stay With me tonight
Give me Give me love, my baby
Oh oh oh
Give me Give me love, my baby

I don't wanna say goodbye
Baby won't you give me just a second chance,
Cause I just need another try
Played so many games with you
And now I know I've been so wrong
And when you're not around
Always puts me down
Never knew I'd feel so lonely
Now I need you by my side
Cause only you can make my world
Go on and on and on.
Can't get over, I can't get over you
Tell me you will come back baby
Can't get over, I can't get over you
Tell me you will come back baby
I don't wanna say goodbye
Baby won't you give me just a second chance,
Cause I just need another try
Played so many games with you
And now I know I've been so wrong
And when you're not around
Always puts me down
Never knew I'd feel so lonely
Now I need you by my side
Cause only you can make my world
Go on and on and on.
Can't get over, I can't get over you
Tell me you will come back baby
Can't get over, I can't get over you

Nasty nasty
C'mon, uh huh
You know I like em when they're *nasty*
Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh
All I ever wanted was a nasty girl
to make a nigga hot and scream "Don't stop!" when you hit the spot
Ain't a treat wit me, cos you see me with the Lock
Ain't gon' leave with me cos you see me in the drop
Ooh I like that when it takes some game
justa, get your name, don't you see my chain?
Got a lotta ice and she like "Yeah that's nice
You Kasino right?", and I say "Yeah that's right"
"That was you that I seen on TV last night"
I say "Yeah", she said "I'm sorry, you ain't my type"
I want a chick I could holla at, throw a dollar at
If she wanna come chilly, tell her holla back
Got the Ac fo' in the lot, tell her follow that
back to the room, checkout time ain't til noon
"But I just met you" but it ain't too soon
Let's play house, you be the wife, I could be the ???
[Chorus: Nite & Day]
All I ever wanted was a nasty girl
Someone who can go with the flow with the lights down low, oh
But she can't be easy, sleasy
Got to be based with freaky freaky
Excuse me Miss, you never heard me say I was rich
I just talk like this and walk like this
All I ever wanted was a nasty chick
who gonna strip when I say so, skip when I say go
Creep when I say no, uhh uhh I ain't think so
Party just beginnin, I'm thinkin bout it in us
As I don't drink or smoke, I'm thinkin bout women
in back of the truck, wit her legs up (That's right)
Sittin on 20's and she don't want money
She knows I'm a freak so she brung a friend for me
>From around-the-way girls to a Playboy bunny
Use to be too thin to win but now I'm chubby
Just like a teddy bear, all the girls love me
Wanna play wit me, hopin, can't hit me
If I got enough money maybe she could stay wit me
Tell me the truth, are you waitin after the show?
Cos you after my doe and an asskissin no
Let me know, do you want cash from the doe?
Is it sex or pay cheque you askin me fo'?
Pretty chick, don't you think that I'm serious?
I heard a lot about you, ain't you curious?
How you, shake your hips and you, lick your lips
Would you, give me a kiss if I give you my chips?
Ain't that type of girl, let me save you a trip
What if I was broke, all that I could give you is dick
I need a girl that's gon' still be, bout it bout it
No doubt about it, can't live without it
Sex me in the SC, so well
she need to ask me how she played, no replay
Playmate of the month, all she need is a pimp
I'm like the nastiest nigga since Larry Flynt
[Chorus x2]
[Outro: Kasino]
Kasino like a nasty girl
Nigga Lock love a nasty girl
Mike P'll love a nasty girl
Jive Records like a nasty girl

[Intro: Sheek Luchion]
Yeah, what the deal. This is what y'all niggaz been waiting for?
This is what been waiting for huh? That Kasino shit. L.O.X. shit.
Oh my God. Flex gonna pump this. Clue gonna pump this.
Angie Martinez gonna pump this. Ahhh, oh.
[Verse One: Sheek Luchion]
Yo I don't toss it when I pop, I just run up in the spot
Pour acid on my glock and start burying the pot
In the back yard, used to have the dead dog I stuffed with G's
Tell the cops that he died from fleas
That shit was well planned, but I know when it happens
When the shit hits the fan, and that nigga be your man
And get caught red hand with a half a pelican
What do you do? Don't stall
Spring him and buy more
It's the code of the streets
If your belly ain't the beast
And you ain't hungry for this cake
How much you expect to make?
When I was young I threw parties and had food fights at school
Whoever came and made it there fresh was cool
So that taught me
I started stealing dean's walkie-talkies
Five cent a chip
The next month, bought a whip
Something like, Lucy or Rex, next thing you know
I'm getting sex from 9th and up, that's living it up
Not Donald Trump but what, buying pies for the class
Fifteen buying Hydro in glass
Way back when
Only drinking Gin
Now I'm a Hennessey man, I dealt with many hoes
Used to pump my fist with Arsenio
Player hating niggaz that used to rap in all the videos
That needed to be me
My click needed to be G
All up in the game, with bitches riding our train
And I'm pretty sure my nigga Kasino feeling the same
[Verse Two: Kasino]
Ayo you can't tell me nothing about doing dirt
Sitting up, six months in the spot, on the block, losing work
I been there, any part of the game you name
I done did it, even after Sledge runs in it
I done copped out, blew trial, done my whole sentence
Went from no dough, 'til the point when the dough don't grow
Got too big for them little whips, the door won't close
Got the big truck, bent up, all over the road
Remember little Keith, from P.S. 93 with his brothers clothes
Went from hand me downs, but y'all hear me now
Don't forget that I'm sober when y'all staring me down
Got a team of hungry niggaz, that's my family now
And they get down, there's no lace wearing their browns
Went from spitting hot lyrics, to spitting a round
And yo I promise not to act funny
Loyalty to all them niggaz who react for me
Handle my gats funny, but for this rap money
I was three cars deep, and this my pack money
Eating and learning to act hungry
From South Cat country, hustling cane
I'm like Denzel with a Benzel, he got game
[Verse Three: Styles Paniro]
I swear if I die, don't you dare send me flowers
If you ain't a friend of ours
Sucker, they call me S. P. I don't blend with cowards
I spit Heroin, make y'all niggaz pure dope heads
Like Tony when he went to kill Frank Lopez
Top of the world
Gun cocked, cocking' your girl
Blowing the steam
Feels good fulfilling your dream
Using your head, while y'all niggaz losing your bread
Watching the snakes in the garden and I'll watch y'all dead
Whether I'm living or dying, got 'em rough riding
Leave with two bitches 100 G's plus iron
Styles spits the shit that'll have niggaz crying
Telling your man what I said, fucking with Dreads
In the 500 I'm blunted, most wanted by Feds
Lock me up, your little ass copied up
Had the whole East Side looking poppied up
Hop in the Porsche
Cranberry frosty sauce
Deep dish 18's
Out of state play things
Ten niggaz behind me, we all racing
Eleven left hands with them platinum face things
Busting a left, about the get the truck with the checks
Sending you death for fucking with the Men of Respect
[Verse Four: Jadakiss]
Y'all think y'all getting a dime of this rap money, you crazy
I'm hungry and I can't pump no more, I'm lazy
I never did like you, I really don't know you
And just because I give you a dap, I'll still blow you
Listen here, we just gonna make one thing clear
You gonna lose two of your mans a month, for a year
Yeah I seen ill niggaz slide off broke
That's why I got incorporated, now I write off coke
Burning the hash, keep money, learning the stash
My credit is great, but I buy burners with cash
I'm the nigga that'll come through and light up an ounce
Y'all the faggots that'll talk about me as soon as I bounce
All your men are hating me, four door Inf. off white
With the nickels, the chip, and the clear lights
I bear right, bust a U, then hop out with the pump
And make all them niggaz empty all their shit in the trunk
Jadakiss in the top 5, dead or alive
Spit bees at a nigga, that'll give him the hives
Whenever you hear me, it'll be the flow of the night
Just gimme a light, and lower the Mic
I swear to God, have everybody saying I'm the MC of their choice
Then they'll remember it was me, raspy voice
Got Clive D, Lyor and Tommy
Trying to buy me
I don't wanna talk, all y'all do is send me a check
L.O.X. and Kasino be the Men of Respect
[Chorus: all]
Men of Respect, steal the work, kill the connect
You look dry so we leaving you wet
I don't care if I'm sentenced to death

Yeah, I'm about to fill you all in on some things ya know what I'm sayin
See what you don't know aint nothin but one big gamble
It's like a big ol' roulette wheel you know what I'm sayin
But peep this
I'm abut to put you all up on this story
It's about this youngster
Strugglin, strivin, doing what he thought had to be done
So Check this out
[Verse 1]
He was only a youngster
Strapped between two foundations
Father was a minister
Mother worked for the board of education
He had the will to do right but peer pressure took his grip
A long trip down that dirty road he's about to flip
School became unimportant so he dropped out
Started following the wrong influences, he can't stop now
Caught up in the hustlin, servin small time at first
Started buyin jewels tryin to prove his self work
His mom could only hang her head and pray for a change
Dreadin the call that would say they found her son's remains
You could see it in him, million dollar signs in his eyes
His office was the drive, his bank was the ride
Run-ins with the police of course you knew that would come
He bought a strap, that's another youngster with a gun
So now I guess this boy think he tough right
He had some words with somebody, pulled his heater last night
I guess he feels he gotta do what he gotta do
Different situations call for different actions dude
I hope for the best
For his moms sake
It would be a shame to see another youngster put in an early grave
Life is a gamble
We don't know what tomorrow may bring
Life is a gamble
Could today be the last we see
Life is a gamble
I've got to do the things that must be done
Life is a gamble
Cuz I have responsibility
[Verse 2]
He arises from his sleep unaware of the gal layin next to him
All that bumpin last night got his mind ruined
Still persuing the ultimate dream of getting his money right
At anyone's expense on any given day or night
Checks his pager to see what's popping on his block
Just some pennies but his boy informs him of a plot
Here's the scheme
Take money from an institution
We can get major bread in 20 seconds, just listen to me
You'll drive the car and I'll run on in
When I come out we'll have big wood to spend daddy
Aight he's all for it, thinking of his kids
It's been a drought for a minute so he's gotta handle his buiz.
At the spot, his boy runs in ,demands the bread
"Give me all the loot unless you want this teller dead"
Out the door, to the car, hit it, then they speed off
Unaware that the police ha already been keyed off
About two miles down the street the cop slows in
All this led to a five year sentence in the pen.
I guess god said "enough's enough I'll slow his role some,
Give him a little time to see what type of man he'll become"
[Verse 3]
Release date, a long bus ride home
After four and a half long years a lot of his homies are gone
Either dead or in jail but they aint there no more
i guess it's true, we ?? what we saw
He's got a little brother workin on his album now
Gets to the crib, calls him up, "hey what's up pal"
"Ya headin to the studio, well aight then"
"Give me an hour to get my self together, I'll slide in"
He had all this talent but never channeled it
Could he go a starightened arrow or could he handle it
His decision
His brother asked him to drop a verse
Sees his boy, "damn I see you're still puttin in work"
The rest is history as they say "my oh my this kid has came along way"
God decided he didn't have to die for his mistakes
Just suffer a bit, to get his mind straight
I guess some gamblers are worth it if in the end
The big picture comes into focus, so you can win
This kid has been blessed, in a major way
The trip is, I see him in the mirror everyday

[Intro:] Whose world is this?
[Verse One: Kasino]
Mine call me Kasino
Lay up in the Coconut Lounge in Montego
Keep it on the hush cuz we busting something lethal
Multi coastal, villas in Puerto Rico
You can call me Papa, mama show me love
Perrier, stay up in the whirlpool tub
We can parlay all day in the sun
Or bounce in the 720 thou. in the club
Straight to LA five months for the winner
Play the House of Blues or the Beverly Center
Everywhere we enter, we on the guest list
Garbona suited down, up in Essence
Who said we don't stack the presidents
0-7 triple 6 peep my residence
Benzo push don't have the Lexus
Show me V-12 600 S's
Unless it's money up on the table
I'm trying to see me via satellite cable
Worldwide, multi-plat. 'til I die
Putting your life on the line, well here's mine
Keep on doing what you're doing
I gotta get mine, you gotta yours, so brother let's get paid [x2]
[Verse Two: Dinero]
Stand swift represent the most vandalous teams
Spread love across the planet like Dr. Kings dreams
International, America, flip pone cellular
Do it once a week kid, we do it on the regular
Who represents it from NY to the C
Crushing all pussy clots, they won test me
They want some of me, I'll leave bullets in 'em swift
My mob is taking over while you ain't taking shit
[Verse Three: Jadakiss]
It ain't no time for sleeping, cuz this money comes uno
And you know
We gonna get it
As long as they print it
Me and my fam, likes to rock Persian lambs
Sip Persuette and freak honies in the sedan
Can't get rich off say so, it's all about the peso
Catchy melodies whenever Jay flows
Sure, gimme more, Jockodajour
Universal money ripping tour after tour
All the butter Nats be eating the fresh fruit
Laced in $1,200 sweat suits
Sipping Don out the bottle, laying up with the super model
You know the time like Movado
Clocks be, my socks be seasoned Picatti
In the Benz with the chromed out biagotti
Hear me, we trying to bring the L.O.X. to the Grammy's
Gown men shouldn't have to sling rock candy
[Verse Three: Mo' Money]
Now, many estates in the estates we built
But in the Swiss Alps, we own the glass house on stilts
Five car garages, steam room massages
Being watched by the Feds, getting cash regardless
Legal fronts can't be touched by the government
The only money spent, was laundered by bank presidents
Leaving no traces, the lawyers covered all bases
Illegal searches bought dismissals on our whole cases
Now we facing, conspiracy and homicide
Who woulda thought the day before trial the snitch would cry
Ghetto protection
Money breeds deception
No pay dough, a no show
Death row's a no go
So when we blow by now, we watch out for the sniper
Dissing you snake bitches, never sipping venom with vipers
While we sit
Illegally rich
Underworld kingpins
From American dreams

[Intro: Jadakiss (with Chorus in the background)]
Yeah yeah, Dinero, Kasino, Sheek Luch, Jadakiss, L-O-X, Genovesee
[Chorus x2: Jadakiss]
Just making out way in the world today
takes everything we got
Being involved with all this money
sure do help a lot
[Verse One: Styles Paniro]
L-O-X bars, deeper than the bitches in the cars
Styles hits the scene start twisting up the Lah
And only Allah, will I fear when I'm here
cuz even if I die I'ma be deeper where I stare
That's either the ground or in the air do you hear?
and if you don't dog let me make myself clear
My attitude towards you, I feel I oughtta to sword you
I'm in the whip, playing your shit, I fast forward you
It ain't no money now like it used to be back in them days
stark blue 840 Convert. with the MKs
Two-for-Five come free honeys try to pimp Jay
but I just kick 'em to the curb like a Sensei
Flow been here ever since the Rakim days
ask Maria how I blew it down mad Wednesdays
Now you feel me in your body like Ben Gay
fuck what your mens say, them niggaz can't offend Jay
[Sheek Luchion:]
How many niggaz that you know
can go solo
And sell three...million and recoup
each 9 for the group
L.O.X. melt tracks like choc-o-la-te
like M&M;'s let that Phillippino bite my body
I can't sleep but not over no chick like Kelly
constantly the ATF taps my celly
Butterflies in my belly, got me 'bout to flee to Brazil
underwater, submarine style like Lauryn Hill we chill
'Ready or Not' couldn't find another style like mine-a
L.O.X. the Dream Team you'll get dunked on China
Reminder nigga, we the real McCoys
with a little twist of pumping crack, quick to bust your warriors
Plus we keep our b-b-b-bones
up in your main bitch when you don't be home
Scared money don't make money
I got courage I take money, God don't like ugly
But he got to love hungry, I do things to change
the small change for the Range when I see Him I'll explain
I know the price, I went from playing dice for dollars
to "Give it up dog" cuz I'd rather steal than borrow
Keep enough ice on the big and little hands of the Movado
the time stays froze, that's my motto
One in a million people wins the Lotto
But give any dick access to the bricks
he'll learn how to flip
I treat my ones like a trick
when she acts up somebody gots to get fucked to double what I spent
And I admit, I done a lot of bad things to get where I'm at
but I always came back

[Kaydo] Trying to put him six feet deep; underneath the concrete
O.G. is back on the streets So niggaz, grip the heat; it's on once again
[Cell] While he soaking round the block, on the swing
[Kaydo] Fresh out the pe-en
[Kausion] Damn!
[Cell] We's out to be in this mothafucka for trying to loc up
[Kaydo] ?For hold up?
[Cell] Niggaz ain't gone choke up
We gotsta play another plot to put him on his back
[Gonzoe] And this full-prove nigga known missing on the attacks Where he at
[Kaydo] The last time I seen him he was toast
[Cell] Straight sittin' at the liquor store, coast
[Gonzoe] My temper's roasted
This nigga that snatch my hearing bone
Body slams sale would chase Cell all the way home
[Kaydo] So fuck that
[Cell] No, I got tha shit under control
[Kausion] The fool who put us on is the fool who get his head blown
[Chorus: Kausion]
O.G.'s trippin', lil' homies dippin'
why you wanna fuck with me
Fool we flossing, nigga this Kausion
sowing up the whole West scene
[Mack 10]
Yeah y'all niggaz got to respect yo mothafucking G
Check this here, out of the whole terme I was locked
y'all niggaz didn't never seen me or wipped up
Ey Kaydo what you got on my set little nigga
[Gonzoe] We watching every move he make
Anticipating which bone to break
Grab my properties, bake em up and shake em
[Cell] I'm trying to lay in my cull connecting every bolo
Watch wings, stompin they mouth Trying to break his collarbone and spleen
[Gonzoe] We bring fast kicking and stitches, to bitches who trippin
Reveal the .38's for pistol-whippin'
[Kaydo] Man, I told ya nigga Kaydo was that corner too quick
I ran around the block and got the foot long clip
It's filled to the tip
[Cell] Straight prepared, full equipped
[Gonzoe] But no buzzin cuz catching the ale ain't the shit
So we went from the shoulders, mobbed the hood souljah
Set trippin Kausion. Dippin like I told ya
[Mack 10]
Yea ok ok Y'all lil' niggaz wanna do it like this
You must have forgot, I call the mothafucking shots around here
and I'm-a have all your mama's crying
[Gonzoe] He played the big brother role, to other souls
Where I stay Pelican Bay turned the nigga the wrong way
[Kaydo] He smoked 50 sacks wit us till day get dark
Used to ? weed at the fiends ? at the park
[Cell] It's like one less [Cell & Kaydo one less] fool we gotsta worry about
Mopped his ass up the clap, Kaydo and [Gonzoe] No doubt
[Gonzoe] Kausion niggaz stomp niggaz the worst
Fucked up cuz you test us first

You are my dream around my sweet desire
You are the air the moon that's in the sky
I see there is a glow on all the people
Guess they know that I'm so deep in love
Day after day I'm feeling very happy
Since you came I knew you were the one
I want a love to keep me going baby
I close my eyes and all I dream is you
See-see-see-see my dream around
See my dream around
See-see-see-see my dream around
See my dream
I want you to stay here beside me, honey
Put your lips on mine and take my mind tonight
You are my life, my star, my rain and fire
All I can do is really always dream
Day after day I'm feeling very happy
Since you came I knew you were the one
I want a love to keep me going baby
I close my eyes and all I dream is you
See-see-see-see my dream around
See my dream around
See-see-see-see my dream around
See my dream
See-see-see-see my dream around
See my dream around
See-see-see-see my dream around
See my dream
I want you to stay here beside me, honey
I want you to stay by my side
I want you to stay here beside me, honey
I want you to stay by my side

A reason to pretend
And fake a smile
To let me pass the day
And watch the stars
Illuminate the goddamned skies tonight
As you define the smile lines
Scarred on my face
Do you remember?
Under the sun, we made a promise
To hold on to what we used to have
The memories
The days of old when everything was right
The days of old when everything was always right
The days when it only rained
When it should be
When you define the meaning of
Those eyes over rain
Do you remember?
Under the sun, we made a promise
To hold on to what we used to have
The memories
The days of old when everything was right
The days of old when everything was always right
The days when it only rained
When it should be
Colours of your heart shine even brighter
Than ever before
The seasons

Deus não rejeita oração, oração é alimento
Nunca vi um justo sem resposta, ou ficar no sofrimento
Basta somente esperar o que Deus irá fazer
Quando Ele estende suas mãos é a hora de vencer
Então louve, simplesmente louve
Tá chorando louve, precisando louve
Tá sofrendo louve, não importa louve
Seu louvor invade o céu
Deus vai na frente abrindo caminho
Quebrando as correntes, tirando os espinhos
Ordena aos anjos pra contigo lutar
Ele abre as portas pra ninguém mais fechar
Ele trabalha pra o que nele confia
Caminha contigo de noite ou de dia
Erga suas mãos sua bênção chegou
Comece a cantar com muito louvor
Com muito louvor, com muito louvor
Com muito louvor
A gente precisa entender, o que Deus está falando
Quando Ele fica em silêncio, é porque está trabalhando

Oceans apart and it's heavy on my heart
Roll and row but my rolling game too slow
I'm happy you know
I'm spending my time watching the ship and the globe
Why beauty's in the simple things
Your sweetness and your elegance
I'm happy you know
Paa pa pa paa pa pa paa papa pa paa paa 2X
Oceans apart and I'm sailing on my dreams
Roll and row but my rolling game too wild
I'm lost in your smile
I'm spending my time watching the ship and the globe
Why beauty's in the simple things
Your sweetness and your elegance
I'm happy you know
Paa pa pa paa pa pa paa papa pa paa paa 2X
