Pillars Agape Women Association - by ACIEK DUT # 1
Pillars Agape Women Association - by ACIEK DUT # 1
PROJECT A 1003- JULY 2007
PROJECT A 1003- JULY 2007
DUT1/July 2007- Video: FARAH HANA, NABILA, NOOR LINA, SYAZWANI are trying to show to the world that they can act too, and in English! Go girls! (more)
PROJECT A 1003- JULY 2007
PROJECT A 1003- JULY 2007
DUT1/July 2007- Video 1: FARITH, HAZAKI, RIDHWAN AND AZAHARI are trying to show to the world that they can act too, and in English! Go guys! (more)
English For Technical Purposes 1
English For Technical Purposes 1
Video 2 : Hazim, Adam, Azim and Irsyaq of DUT 1/ July 2007 are trying to prove to the world that they can act too, and in ENGLISH. Bravo guys!
English For Technical Purposes 1
English For Technical Purposes 1
Video 1 : Hazim, Adam, Azim and Irsyaq of DUT 1/ July 2007 are trying to prove to the world that they can act too, and in ENGLISH. Bravo guys!
PROJECT A 1003- JULY 2007
PROJECT A 1003- JULY 2007
DUT 1/July 2007- Video 2: Irfan, Fadhil, Addan and Faizal are trying to show to the world that they can act too, and in English! Go guys!
Crysis - Paradise Lost [2/4]
Crysis - Paradise Lost [2/4]
Now what the hell is going on? Fraggs finds an unlikely accomplise! :O
Maddie & Peanut - Inspirational Natural Horsemanship for Kids!
Maddie & Peanut - Inspirational Natural Horsemanship for Kids!
Maddie has had Peanut since July 2009. He was 3 years old and unstarted. Maddie trains with PonyPros and with the help of Kali and Les, started Peanut herself. They are now cantering bareback. Peanut is primarily a left brain extrovert needing focusing activities. Maddie had had limited riding lessons before coming to PonyPros but could walk and trot. She and Peanut have learned an amazing amount in the last 9 months.
Dorybob45 Vid 11 Part Two, Makeshift Romeo - The Way I Was
Dorybob45 Vid 11 Part Two, Makeshift Romeo - The Way I Was
READ AND SUBSCRIBE: I made the second half now with Makeshift Romeo's song The Way I Was. I used the single version I think, which imo, has better melody in the chorus than other versions I've heard. You can download here files.filefront.com I did actually try to edit this video with wmv, I realize some of it may not look too pretty, I just wanted to do something new. I'm 94 attack 99 strength 96 hp 72 def 71 prayer. Watch some of my old vids (I have a lot).Disclaimer RuneScape is a registered trademark of JaGeX Limited. I do not claim, or have any, affiliation with JaGeX Ltd. This video was not intended for any personal gain, only for entertainment purposes. All comments expressed in the video are solely my own, all comments by others are their own and I do not take responsibility for their actions. Consider this, free advertising www.runescape.com Disclaimer: This game is owned and operated by Jagex Ltd. Ignore below Tank pvp lure bil mil best top one of castoo dorybob45 ranger moch5 mage barrage bank str mb rune runescape jagex person versus person worlds new wildy wilderness return hit remix one funny hilarious must see high spec damage classic original dharok laat2 valntined rune rock tele varrock quest help jad guide myspace hot young 99 stat legal illegal how to a vid of tab passed away died runescape cancer jagex views comments subsribe coventry uk england msn jagex usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs jagex p2p magic <b>...</b>
Carabineros detuvo a un joven por rayar la sede de la diputada Hoffmann
Carabineros detuvo a un joven por rayar la sede de la diputada Hoffmann
La secretaria de la parlamentaria UDI denunció que el autor del ataque es un infiltrado de la protesta estudiantil de este jueves. Ver más información en www.soychile.cl