Kim KardashianWest got quite a bit of blowback recently when she debuted what she called her "Bo Derek braids" while wearing not much else in s series of provocative Instagram posts ... [readmore.8097137] ... People magazine said it appeared that the actress was referring to EgyptianQueenAhmose-Nofretari (also known as Ahmose-Nefertari), the first queen of the 18th dynasty in Egypt who was famously buried in her braids ... ....
Heart disease was the topic of a talk presented at the SeniorExpo on Tuesday. Dr. JeffreyMichel, interim chief cardiology division Baylor Scott & WhiteTemple division, talked about what is known about heart disease and what is not known ...Sixteen million people in the U.S ...Ahmose Meryet Amon, an Egyptian princess, lived 3,500 years ago, died in her 40s and a scan showed she had plaque in her arteries ... Age is a major factor, he said....
For $15 you can get your pin-up on this Saturday. ... in the Ridglea Lounge. Tickets are $15. The party will feature performances by. ... - MidnightJoy. - AmelieAhmose ... .......
One of 23 mummies found in a church crypt in Lithuania. PHOTO CREDIT. Kiril Cachovski via NYT. Hundreds of skeletons have lain scattered around a crypt beneath a church in Vilnius, Lithuania, for centuries. But 23 of these remains are unlike the rest ... Using burial markings on the tombs, they identified their oldest case of coronary heart disease in Ahmose-Meritamun, an Egyptian princess who lived from 1550 to 1580 BC ... Most ... ....
As she becomes acquainted with her new self and is also reunited with Amon’s two brothers, Ahmose and Asten, she undergoes trials she never thought possible, all in the name of love ... scenes, and readers can be swept away as they read not only about the love between Lily and Amon but also learn more about the hearts of Ahmose and Asten as well....
As she becomes acquainted with her new self and is also reunited with Amon’s two brothers, Ahmose and Asten, she undergoes trials she never thought possible, all in the name of love ...AuthorColleen Houck never disappoints in her romance scenes, and readers can be swept away as they read not only about the love between Lily and Amon but also learn more about the hearts of Ahmose and Asten as well ... If you go ... What ... When ... 30, 6 p.m....