
Double Dipping: Britain faces second round of recession
The UK's economic forecast is cloudy with little chance of a speedy recovery, as the n...
published: 08 Sep 2012
Author: RussiaToday
Double Dipping: Britain faces second round of recession
The UK's economic forecast is cloudy with little chance of a speedy recovery, as the nation struggles to overcome its double-dip recession. Britain's shrinking economy has left shop owners and everyday workers worried about the country's future - READ MORE on.rt.com RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Barber: Olympics show us how to beat recession
TUC leader Brendan Barber says Britain should learn the lessons from the Olympics on how t...
published: 10 Sep 2012
Author: telegraphtv
Barber: Olympics show us how to beat recession
TUC leader Brendan Barber says Britain should learn the lessons from the Olympics on how to rebuild our economy.

What is a Recession?
WatchMojo.com looks at the economic trend known as a Recession and looks at its causes and...
published: 08 May 2008
Author: WatchMojo
What is a Recession?
WatchMojo.com looks at the economic trend known as a Recession and looks at its causes and effects.

Western bankers intensify global recession by financial terrorism
Western bankers are using weapons of mass financial destruction as the world is entering i...
published: 26 Jul 2012
Author: MaxKeiserTV
Western bankers intensify global recession by financial terrorism
Western bankers are using weapons of mass financial destruction as the world is entering into global recession and depression, a financial analyst tells Press TV.

European recession slowing global economy
The global economy is slowing, as key European countries enter a recession bringing impact...
published: 06 Sep 2012
Author: oecden
European recession slowing global economy
The global economy is slowing, as key European countries enter a recession bringing impacts worldwide, the OECD said in its latest Interim Economic Assessment. For more info visit: www.oecd.org/oecdeconomicoutlook

What Is a Recession?
Two youth discuss what constitutes a recession and why people don't welcome these epis...
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: imf
What Is a Recession?
Two youth discuss what constitutes a recession and why people don't welcome these episodes when economic output falls and unemployment rises. Check out Finance & Development as it explains some fundamental concepts of economics. www.imf.org/basics Speakers: Harris Qureshi and Wala'a El Barasse, IMF External Relations Department

Dr. Marc Faber: Global Recession, Gold & Silver Update, Midwest Drought, Middle East Tension & More
usawatchdog.com - Dr. Mar Faber said this week he thinks there is now a 100% chance of a g...
published: 24 Aug 2012
Author: usawatchdog
Dr. Marc Faber: Global Recession, Gold & Silver Update, Midwest Drought, Middle East Tension & More
usawatchdog.com - Dr. Mar Faber said this week he thinks there is now a 100% chance of a global recession. How can Faber make this call and we have any meaningful recovery? We simply do not and what we have are bailouts and bottom bouncing. Faber has made many monster calls on the economy. In 2009, he told everyone to buy stock and the market more than doubled. Maybe that's why the Fed is signaling it will, once again, start quantitative easing or money printing. It meets at the end of the month at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Expect a big announcement then. This may also be why gold and silver have been rising in price lately. It looks like some sort of gold standard and an audit of the Federal Reserve are going to be part of the Republican platform this November. If the Republicans are serious, they may have a chance of capturing Ron Paul supporters which are young voters. Join Greg Hunter from USAWatchdog.com as he gives his analysis of these stories and more in the weekly news Wrap-Up.

Recession and Recovery
An upside to the downturn. www.ft.com Part of "Stay on top of the World"; a seri...
published: 27 Mar 2012
Author: FinancialTimesVideos
Recession and Recovery
An upside to the downturn. www.ft.com Part of "Stay on top of the World"; a series of animated and interactive 3D infographics covering economic and technology stories. From March 27-29 2012 commuters at New York's Grand Central Station can interact with the infographics as they are projected inside the station in 3D as part of the Financial Times latest brand campaign. For more information about the campaign visit: www.ft.com

German economy headed toward possible recession
Latest numbers suggest Germany is heading for a major economic slowdown, and maybe even a ...
published: 15 Aug 2012
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
German economy headed toward possible recession
Latest numbers suggest Germany is heading for a major economic slowdown, and maybe even a downturn. If German's economy weakens, who will be able to step in to lift the Eurozone out of its current crisis? Al Jazeera's Nick Spicer reports from Berlin.

young jeezy - The Recession (Intro) - The Recession
young jeezy - The Recession (Intro) - The Recession...
published: 28 Aug 2008
Author: youngjeezyrecession
young jeezy - The Recession (Intro) - The Recession
young jeezy - The Recession (Intro) - The Recession

CBO: Recession in 2013 If No Action by Congress
The US economy will slide into recession in 2013 if Congress fails to act to maintain curr...
published: 22 Aug 2012
Author: WSJDigitalNetwork
CBO: Recession in 2013 If No Action by Congress
The US economy will slide into recession in 2013 if Congress fails to act to maintain current tax rates and avert deep cuts to federal spending, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. Nell Henderson has details on Lunch Break.

Sinking Spain: Lost in the recession pit
Spain has plunged into a second recession amid government measures to rein in the country&...
published: 30 Apr 2012
Author: RussiaToday
Sinking Spain: Lost in the recession pit
Spain has plunged into a second recession amid government measures to rein in the country's debt. Ratings agency Standard and Poors has downgraded nine of Spain's banks, many of which are bogged down in bad loans. It also comes as Spain's unemployment rate has soared to almost 25 per cent, the highest in Europe. And sweeping cuts to health care and education have seen thousands taking to the streets, angered at the government austerity measures. RT gets some analysis on the situation in the country from Professor of economics Philipp Bagus, author of the book "The tragedy of the euro". RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com

Ron Paul Predicts the Great Recession: Austrian School of Economics
thefilmarchive.org 1988 The 2008--2012 global recession, sometimes referred to as the late...
published: 03 Jun 2012
Author: thefilmarchives
Ron Paul Predicts the Great Recession: Austrian School of Economics
thefilmarchive.org 1988 The 2008--2012 global recession, sometimes referred to as the late-2000s recession, Great Recession, the Lesser Depression, or the Long Recession, is a marked global economic decline that began in December 2007 and took a particularly sharp downward turn in September 2008. The global recession affected the entire world economy, with higher detriment in some countries than others. It is a major global recession characterized by various systemic imbalances and was sparked by the outbreak of the 2007--2012 global financial crisis. There are two senses of the word "recession": a less precise sense, referring broadly to "a period of reduced economic activity", and the academic sense used most often in economics, which is defined operationally, referring specifically to the contraction phase of a business cycle, with two or more consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. If one analyses the event using the economics-academic definition of the word, the recession ended in the US in June or July 2009. However, in the broader, lay sense of the word, many people use the term to refer to the ongoing hardship (in the same way that the term "Great Depression" is also popularly used). In the US, for example, persistent high unemployment remains, along with low consumer confidence, the continuing decline in home values and increase in foreclosures and personal bankruptcies, an escalating federal debt crisis, inflation, and rising petroleum and food prices. In <b>...</b>

US ECONOMY: Fed warns of new recession
BUSINESS - Live from the newsroom, the last business news All shows: www.france24.com FRAN...
published: 18 Jul 2012
Author: france24english
US ECONOMY: Fed warns of new recession
BUSINESS - Live from the newsroom, the last business news All shows: www.france24.com FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 www.france24.com
Vimeo results:

The Crisis of Credit Visualized
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis.
The goal of giving f...
published: 17 Feb 2009
Author: Jonathan Jarvis
The Crisis of Credit Visualized
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis.
The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit jonathanjarvis.com.
Support the project and buy a T-Shirt! cafepress.com/crisisofcredit
© Copyright 2009 Jonathan Jarvis

watch the american housing market spiral out of control.
Download the entire Cinema 4D pr...
published: 20 Apr 2009
Author: beeple
watch the american housing market spiral out of control.
Download the entire Cinema 4D project file for the film: http://www.beeple-crap.com/resources.php
become a fan of beeple: http://www.facebook.com/beeple
become a fan of nobot: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NOBOT/33513694942?ref=ts
beeple-crap.com / myspace.com/nobot / vimeo.com/sounddesigner

Some of them are full of black water. Others have become graveyards for old lawn furnitur...
published: 24 Feb 2010
Author: California is a place.
Some of them are full of black water. Others have become graveyards for old lawn furniture and rodent carcasses. They are shaped like jelly beans and manufactured by companies named Sunny Side and Champagne. Once upon a time, Fresno was the California Dream. Own a car. Own a house. Own a pool. Everyone wanted it and the wonderful world of credit made it all possible. But now, with the foreclosure monster running wild, the dream is dry. Thousands of pools are festering in the hot Central Valley sun. For most people this is tragic. But for some, it’s an opportunity.
A film by Drea Cooper & Zackary Canepari

Good Books "Metamorphosis"
We dug through the darkest recesses of our minds and studio to create original music and s...
published: 12 Mar 2012
Author: Antfood
Good Books "Metamorphosis"
We dug through the darkest recesses of our minds and studio to create original music and sound design for this Buck masterpiece. Working with squirming, analog-tape leeches, moaning coeds, screaming guitar goats, and brain-exploding psychedelia, we were certainly in our element. Plus, it's always fun to rock out and get a little weird for a good cause!
Good Books, an online bookseller, passes all of its profits through to Oxfam. Our hats go off to Buck and String Theory.
Enjoy the trip!
Client: Good Books
Agency: String Theory
Director: Buck
Music & Sound Design: Antfood
DISCLAIMER: What you will see is an entirely fictional and completely unendorsed representation. [Though we humbly suggest Hunter S. Thompson might have liked it.] We are devoted fans paying homage. No disrespect is intended.
Youtube results:

Spain grapples with recession
Spain is stuck firmly in a recession for the second time in three years. Latest figures sh...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Spain grapples with recession
Spain is stuck firmly in a recession for the second time in three years. Latest figures show the economy shrank in the first half of this year. There's speculation the European Central Bank is preparing new ways to help them out. Barnaby Phillips reports from Madrid.

Jobs, Less is More? Gabby Douglas! Europe's Recession!
My commentary on the Labor Department's statistical contradiction regarding unemployme...
published: 08 Aug 2012
Author: DEMCAD
Jobs, Less is More? Gabby Douglas! Europe's Recession!
My commentary on the Labor Department's statistical contradiction regarding unemployment and the unfair criticism of Olympic Gymnastic Champion Gabby Douglas' hair and what I like about the Olympics. I also congratulation Aly Raisman, Jordyn Wieber, McKayla Maroney and Kyla Ross. US Job Openings At Four-Year High In June www.rttnews.com The Employment Rate In The United States Is Lower Than It Was During The Last Recession www.blacklistednews.com Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey data.bls.gov Italian Economy Remains In Recession www.rttnews.com German Factory Orders Fall On Weak Demand www.rttnews.com

Congressional Budget Office Warns A Recession May Be Coming Soon
August 22, 2012 C-SPAN MOXNews.com...
published: 23 Aug 2012
Author: wwwMOXNEWScom
Congressional Budget Office Warns A Recession May Be Coming Soon
August 22, 2012 C-SPAN MOXNews.com

Fed Reports How Much Recession Shrank US Wealth
The Great Recession shrank Americans' wealth so much that in 2010 median family net wo...
published: 13 Jun 2012
Author: AssociatedPress
Fed Reports How Much Recession Shrank US Wealth
The Great Recession shrank Americans' wealth so much that in 2010 median family net worth was no more than in 1992 after adjusting for inflation, the Federal Reserve reported Monday. (June 12) Subscribe to the Associated Press: bit.ly Download AP Mobile: www.ap.org Associated Press on Facebook: apne.ws Associated Press on Twitter: apne.ws Associated Press on Google+: bit.ly