
Iron Maidens at Winter NAMM 2012 in the Roland Corporation Courtney Cox Frank Boxberger Metal
Iron Maidens at Winter NAMM 2012 in the Roland Corporation filmed by Frank Boxberger Metal...
published: 23 Jan 2012
Author: fboxberger
Iron Maidens at Winter NAMM 2012 in the Roland Corporation Courtney Cox Frank Boxberger Metal
Iron Maidens at Winter NAMM 2012 in the Roland Corporation filmed by Frank Boxberger Metal Boss Demo Guitar and Vocals GR-55 Booth Peavy Guitar by Anares Gr-100 Boss pedal GT-100

NAMM '12 - Roland G-5 VG Stratocaster Demo
www.premierguitar.com PG's Rich Osweiler is On Location in Anaheim, California, at the...
published: 19 Jan 2012
Author: premierguitar
NAMM '12 - Roland G-5 VG Stratocaster Demo
www.premierguitar.com PG's Rich Osweiler is On Location in Anaheim, California, at the 2012 NAMM Show where he visits the Boss Roland booth. In this segment, we get to see and hear a demo of their newest guitar product -- the Roland V-Series G-5 VG Stratocaster. For more NAMM '12 video demos or to watch one of Premier Guitar's 1500 videos online, be sure to visit http

NAMM 2012: Roland GC-1 Fender Stratocaster Guitar
Roland introduce the Roland GC-1 Fender Stratocaster Guitar at NAMM 2012, www.gear4music.c...
published: 19 Jan 2012
Author: gear4music1
NAMM 2012: Roland GC-1 Fender Stratocaster Guitar
Roland introduce the Roland GC-1 Fender Stratocaster Guitar at NAMM 2012, www.gear4music.com

The Analog Roland Orchestra (Slices DVD Feature)
Electronic Beats Slices Feature about The Analog Roland Orchestra. Taken from Slices Issue...
published: 19 Jan 2012
Author: ElectronicBeatsVideo
The Analog Roland Orchestra (Slices DVD Feature)
Electronic Beats Slices Feature about The Analog Roland Orchestra. Taken from Slices Issue 4-11. More Slices Videos and information: www.electronicbeats.net/tv/slices DVD Online order: www.electronicbeats.net/eb-shop/issue-4-11

Roland JUNO 2012
The Juno 2012 is two Roland Juno 106's in a custom case giving the Juno 2 parallel osc...
published: 06 Jan 2012
Author: psyfi
Roland JUNO 2012
The Juno 2012 is two Roland Juno 106's in a custom case giving the Juno 2 parallel oscillators, LFO's Envelopes and filters per voice, Front panel fine-tuning for each synth provided and then running through parallel filters with a cross fading mix control. One runs as a master synthesizer and one as a slave you can edit both from the master panel or with the different setting of the rear function switch you can edit separate patches on each. these both run through the same chorus and jack board for a full stereo mix out at the rear and you can set each to a different midi channel for multi timbrel control. Also added is polyphonic filter frequency modulation of the master synthesizer's filters using the slaves synthesizers voices as mixable modulation sources. This pushes the sound creation potabilities of the Juno-2012 far beyond its original design

Roland V-Drums Demonstration Part 2-TD 12 Demonstration (Japanese)
Akira Yamazaki demoing the TD 12 V-Stage Series in japanese i'll translate it by annot...
published: 31 Jul 2009
Author: wii6tomoki
Roland V-Drums Demonstration Part 2-TD 12 Demonstration (Japanese)
Akira Yamazaki demoing the TD 12 V-Stage Series in japanese i'll translate it by annotations i'll upload more V Drums Demo 1.Cluster Hang Demo (features in the TD-12) 2.TD-12 introduction 3.VH-11 Kit Sample 1. Kit No.(7) Melodies 2. Kit No.(21)Rock Band 3. Kit No.(8) NewAgeJam 4. Kit No.(31) neo style 5. Kit No.(45) OrchPerc 6. Kit No.(22) HighSpeed 7. Kit No.(47) AfricanPerc End copyright:(C) 1999-2010 Roland Corporation. All Rights Reserved

roland TD15KV electronic drum kit @ musikmesse 2012
With its supernatural sound behaviour modelling previously found in the flagship TD30 rang...
published: 26 Mar 2012
Author: DV247TV
roland TD15KV electronic drum kit @ musikmesse 2012
With its supernatural sound behaviour modelling previously found in the flagship TD30 range, the all new TD15 packs a serious punch for the price... for full spec's please visit out dv247.com page: www.dv247.com audio recorded with the Rode VideoMic pro

Roland GW-7 Synthesizer Capabilities
This is the demo song for the Roland GW-7 Synthetizer, showing some of it's brilliant ...
published: 28 Apr 2009
Author: xfryan
Roland GW-7 Synthesizer Capabilities
This is the demo song for the Roland GW-7 Synthetizer, showing some of it's brilliant capabilities. It can be found at the Roland Corporate Website.

Boss GT-100 Classic Patches Medley by Josh Munday
Josh Munday from Roland Corporation Australia demonstrates the incredible sounds and flexi...
published: 02 May 2012
Author: kosmicmi
Boss GT-100 Classic Patches Medley by Josh Munday
Josh Munday from Roland Corporation Australia demonstrates the incredible sounds and flexibility of the Boss GT-100 via a medley of classic patches. See how well the GT-100 can recreate those classic recorded tones. For more information please check out our GT-100 overview in our channel. For further information or to purchase the GT-100 please visit www.kosmic.com.au

Roland GR20 Guitar Synth Demo - Alex Hutchings @ Nevada Music UK
Check out the new version GR55 here... www.nevadamusic.co.uk...
published: 27 Oct 2008
Author: NevadaMusicUK
Roland GR20 Guitar Synth Demo - Alex Hutchings @ Nevada Music UK
Check out the new version GR55 here... www.nevadamusic.co.uk

Roland V-Guitar
Since pioneering the GR-500 guitar synth in 1977, Roland has been dedicated to developing ...
published: 19 Jan 2012
Author: rolandmedia
Roland V-Guitar
Since pioneering the GR-500 guitar synth in 1977, Roland has been dedicated to developing the ultimate electronic guitar. A perpetual and continuous quest for the next-generation guitar led to electric-guitar giant Fender®. Now, collaborating with Fender, Roland proudly introduces a new...

Robert Marcello and the Roland VG-99 at Portland Music Co
Roland Guitar clinic at Portland Music Company with Guitar Hero Robert Marcello....
published: 27 Oct 2007
Author: portlandmusic
Robert Marcello and the Roland VG-99 at Portland Music Co
Roland Guitar clinic at Portland Music Company with Guitar Hero Robert Marcello.

Single bass drum pedal applications and ideas - Rafael Dolinski - 1
Rafael Dolinski www.rafaeldolinski.com http brasil.pearl-latinamerica.com www2.musical-exp...
published: 05 May 2009
Author: 1982Rafael
Single bass drum pedal applications and ideas - Rafael Dolinski - 1
Rafael Dolinski www.rafaeldolinski.com http brasil.pearl-latinamerica.com www2.musical-express.com.br cympad.com www.facebook.com These are some of the single bass drum patterns that I use: RH - Right Hand LH - Left Hand RF - Right Foot The first one is the double stroke roll between the right hand and the right foot (RH RH LF LF). I am applying the techniques that I demonstrated in this video: www.youtube.com Start slow to develop these patterns. Using a metronome is a big help too. You can add some backbeats or even phrases using the left hand while the right hand is playing. The second pattern is RH LH RF RF. The third is RH LH RH LH RF RF. It is a sextuplet. The fourth is RH LH RH LH RH LH RF RF. ______________________________ Pearl Drums/Evans Drumheads exclusively: 13x11" - G2 Coated/G1 Clear 16x16" - G2 Coated/G1 Clear 22x16" - Evans EQ4 Clear/EQ3 Mapex Black Panther Brass 14x5.5" - HD Dry/Hazy 300 6" Tamborim Cymbals: LP Cowbells Pearl Eliminator P2000C Pedal DW 5002AD3 Double Pedal Zildjian Vinnie Colaiuta Drumsticks ______________________________ Sony W120 Camera ______________________________ Roland Corporation My Paiste cymbal setup: www.paiste.com 5.5" 2002 Cup Chime 15" 2002 Sound Edge Hi-Hat 4" 2002 Accent Cymbal 19" 2002 Crash 22" 2002 Ride 14" RUDE Hi-Hat 22" 2002 China

Roland Micro Cube Electric Guitar Amplifier
www.worldmusicsupply.com Jason Spencer demos the Microcube, a very nice sounding portable ...
published: 22 Oct 2007
Author: WorldMusicSupply
Roland Micro Cube Electric Guitar Amplifier
www.worldmusicsupply.com Jason Spencer demos the Microcube, a very nice sounding portable amp. Makes a great gift!
Vimeo results:

OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutel...
published: 12 Jun 2011
Author: OFFF, let's feed the future
OFFF Barcelona 2011 Main Titles
Still shocked and excited from last night, it's an honor for us to show you this absolutely MINDBLOWING TITLES made for OFFF by PostPanic.
Thank you so much to PostPanic, and specially to Mischa Rozema, Ania Markham and Si Scott, simply epic!!!
Written by Mischa Rozema and British graphic designer, Si Scott, the opening titles reflect their dark thoughts on a possible future. Directed by Mischa and shot on location in Prague, the film guides the viewer through a grim scenario embedded with the names of artists appearing at this year’s OFFF festival. The live action was brought back to Amsterdam for post, primarily carried out by PostPanic’s in-house team of artists but also with the additional help of freelancers and partner companies that we have enjoyed strong creative relationships with over the years. It’s really fair to say that this was a labour of love by a passionate crew of people.
Says Ania Markham, Executive Producer at PostPanic:
“The images created by the crew of people working on the titles has been unbelievable, with nationalities represented including Dutch, Czech, English, American, Polish, German, Swedish and Belgian. It’s been a great opportunity for all of us to work together on a non-commercial project we’re passionate about and we’re so proud of the combined effort and final result.”
This project started out as a collaboration between myself and Si Scott. Right from the start, we decided that it should be the darkest thing we could make. I think it just felt natural to the both of us; if we had to nail the future, it would not be a nice place.
This idea evolved into a clash of times. Inspired by an idea from the late Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote about different historical civilizations meeting in a single point in time. So what happens when civilizations meet? The 'weaker' one gets eaten by the 'stronger'. You only have to look at history to see the destructive power of civilizations.
So the main underlying idea is: what would happen if the future lands on our doorstep today? Let's take mankind, add perhaps 100 years and then let them show up on our doorstep today. The future would pretty much devour the present. Probably in a matter of, let's say, 7 days… So that's what we're looking at. But every ending also means a new beginning, hence Year Zero.
There's all kinds of hidden messages in there. Like the virus eating away at reality, buildings and people, even at the viewers brain. It's behaving off course much like a computer virus. And the network of wires represents the future of social networking. I just made it physical and let it 'catch' the city and it's people like a net. All these ideas just serve as inspiration for us to create a future that worked for this concept. They're not meant to be deciphered by the audience. It's still meant to be just a title sequence and not an actual movie.
Now what makes a good title sequence? Personally, I think it's something that gets you in the mood, warms you up for what you're about to experience, be it a film, tv series or in our case, the OFFF festival. We decided to treat the OFFF festival as a feature film experience. So all we had to do was get the viewer into the right state of mind. Without, of course, being too narrative led. The best title sequences out there are nothing but a random collection of images/scenes that don't tell a lot if you watch them on their own. But edit them together and a new context is created. A context that matters, a feeling that gets the viewer ready for the main event, in our case, the festival.
To get started, the next thing we did was make a collection of ideas that would scare me and Si. So, anything drawn from our youth, right through to stuff that's inspired us over the years as well as seemingly random compositions that trigger the imagination of the viewer. For example, when we show you the aesthetics of a car explosion, it's carefully constructed. Why a car and not something else? Because an exploding car brings extra content to an otherwise simple aesthetic display of violence. A car doesn't explode by itself so instantly the brain tries to formulate the background behind it. It adds an either political or criminal edge to the violence. To me it felt appropriate because of the sense of protest and rebellion the shot has. And maybe the biggest question; was there someone in the car and if so, who was it? For me, every idea should provoke these kind of questions; from a girl in a prom dress holding a rocket launcher to a riot cop standing in the kitchen. All scenes have a pre and post story to them. In no time you're actually trying to connect these seemingly random scenes and boom; you've just created your own strange context. You now have a feeling, a taste and lots of questions probably. Questions that normally would be answered by watching the actual movie. But since there's no actual movie here we'll leave stranded with, hopefully,

Hdr skies
Shot on 400D, 60D & Sigma 10-20
Hand made 3 axis motion control rig
HDR shots tone mapped ...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Author: Tanguy Louvigny
Hdr skies
Shot on 400D, 60D & Sigma 10-20
Hand made 3 axis motion control rig
HDR shots tone mapped with Photomatix v4
Edited in Adobe Premiere & After effects CS5
Music composed on Roland mc-808
Thanks for watching !
All shots © Tanguy Louvigny 2011 all rights reserved
Visit me at http://www.hdrskies.com/
Edit :
For those interested i posted pics of my hand made motion control rig :
Tetrix based motion control rig
Controled by mindstorms brick
Programmed in Robot C

Dancing Pigeons - Ritalin
Directed by Tomas Mankovsky
Cast/ Performer...
published: 26 Jul 2010
Author: Blink
Dancing Pigeons - Ritalin
Directed by Tomas Mankovsky
Cast/ Performers (in order of appearance)
Old Man - Keith Francis
Flame Man - Adam Speers
Ice Man - Phil Zimmerman
Producer - Patrick Craig
Casting Director - Sophie North
Editor - Julian Tranquille
Post Production Supervisor - Justin Brukman
1st AD - Chris Kelly
1st AD - Ben Fogg
Production Manager - Adam Shaw
Director Of Photography - Adam Frisch
Focus Puller - Jeremy Fusco
Phantom Technician - John Hadfield
Camera Assistant - Roland Philip
7D Camera Assistant - Chris Nunn
Gaffer - Tony Miller
Spark - Jim Okeffe
Spark - Chris Georgeous
Spark - Jason Fletcher
Genny Op - Kevin Cooli
Genny Op - Lee Parfit
Art Director - Arthur De Borman
Art Director - Sam Ludgate
Special Effects - Artem
Special Effects Supervisor - Simon Tayler
Special Effects Technicians - Toby Stewart
Special Effects Technicians - Jonathan Bickerdike
Special Effects Technicians - Matt Loader
Hair & Make Up - Izzy Broad
Stylist - Tess Loe
Stylist Assistant - Daisy Babbington
Fire Cover - 1st Defense
Medical Cover - Location Medical
Animals - A-Z Animals - Gerry Cott
Photography - Marcus Palmqvist
Photography Assistant - Belinda Foord
Production Assistant - Rob Leonard
Runner - Sophia Marks
Runner - Lola Marks
Runner - Anna Fogg
Special Thanks To
Cut and Run
Take 2 Films
Green Door Films
Black Country Parks
San Remo Café
Commissioned by Diesel:U:Music

Will Sweeney - Concept designer and Illustrator
Steve Scott - Director, Concept designer ...
published: 04 Jun 2009
Author: Steve Scott
Will Sweeney - Concept designer and Illustrator
Steve Scott - Director, Concept designer and compositor
James Littlemore - Editor / Compositor
Geoff McDowall - Animator
Ed Willmore - Animator
Roland Edwards - Animator
Dele Nuga - Digital Painter
Lottie Hope - Producer
Dan O'Rourke - Executive Producer
Not To Scale - production
Thanks to Big Active
Youtube results:

Roland TR-808 Drum Machine Demo Video 'Old School Beats'
Roland TR-808 Demo Video I put together when selling it on eBay in 2009. If you really lov...
published: 25 Jan 2008
Author: GPDII
Roland TR-808 Drum Machine Demo Video 'Old School Beats'
Roland TR-808 Demo Video I put together when selling it on eBay in 2009. If you really love the TR-808 and would like an 808 shirt or poster check out www.zazzle.com/uniquest. Lots of cool items to choose from.

Roland Micro Cube guitar amp Marshall Fender Vox Mesa tones
www.nextlevelguitar.comClick link to get a killer brand new Blues lesson not on YouTube an...
published: 12 May 2009
Author: rockongoodpeople
Roland Micro Cube guitar amp Marshall Fender Vox Mesa tones
www.nextlevelguitar.comClick link to get a killer brand new Blues lesson not on YouTube and a Blues scales and lead guitar Ebook, all for free from NextLevelGuitar.com In this video we demo and review the Roland Micro Cube guitar amp and all its features. Check out the tones. Many more full on video lessons at the full on instructional website at: www.nextlevelguitar.com Click the link below to go to the sound odyssey website to purchase the micro cube as well as check out tones of other new, pre-owned and vintage gear and instruments. http

Roland AX Synth
Here it is. The reissue of the famous "shoulder keyboard" by Roland. Previously ...
published: 17 Jan 2009
Author: DanKrisher
Roland AX Synth
Here it is. The reissue of the famous "shoulder keyboard" by Roland. Previously the AX-7. This has a Fantom-G quality sound engine on-board, effects and real-time control on board. Use as a MIDI controller too and edit new sounds from your computer. It runs on batteries and it can make you the center of attention at your gigs!

Roland Boss VT-1 Voice Transformer Demonstration
Roland Boss VT-1 Voice Transformer Demonstration and walk through with Dave Thiarazo (spel...
published: 23 Nov 2009
Author: BluePlanetMedia
Roland Boss VT-1 Voice Transformer Demonstration
Roland Boss VT-1 Voice Transformer Demonstration and walk through with Dave Thiarazo (spelling?)