Very long instruction word (VLIW) refers to processor architectures designed to take advantage of instruction level parallelism (ILP). Whereas conventional processors mostly allow programs only to specify instructions that will be executed in sequence, a VLIW processor allows programs to explicitly specify instructions that will be executed at the same time (that is, in parallel). This type of processor architecture is intended to allow higher performance without the inherent complexity of some other approaches.
Traditional approaches to improving performance in processor architectures include breaking up instructions into sub-steps so that instructions can be executed partially at the same time (known as pipelining), dispatching individual instructions to be executed completely independently in different parts of the processor (superscalar architectures), and even executing instructions in an order different from the program (out-of-order execution). These approaches all involve increased hardware complexity (higher cost, larger circuits, higher power consumption) because the processor must intrinsically make all of the decisions internally for these approaches to work. The VLIW approach, by contrast, depends on the programs themselves providing all the decisions regarding which instructions are to be executed simultaneously and how conflicts are to be resolved. As a practical matter this means that the compiler (software used to create the final programs) becomes much more complex, but the hardware is simpler than many other approaches to parallelism.
It's cold outside in the middle of the winter and my brain's in the fridge
(Would you know what shape I'm in)
Point things in the better I'm lucky if I even give in to the sin
(Would you know what shape I'm in)
And it's all been luck until now
Caught in the race of up to down
Photography mixed in the monogamy keepin' my world happenin'
(would you know what shape I'm in)
I know that I'm better when I know that you are better and I'll hold you again
(would you know what shape I'm in)
And its all been luck until now
Caught in the race of up to down
And it's all been luck until now
I only hope that you're still 'round me now
And it's gonna rage
it's gonna stay with you always
Every second counts on you to prove you're off the ground
It's cold outside in the middle of the winter and my brains in the fridge
Point things in the better I'm lucky if I even give in to the sin
And its all been luck until now
And its all been luck until now
And its all been luck until now
Caught in the race of up to down now
And its all been luck until now
Caught in the race of up to down
And it's all been luck until now
I only hope that you're still 'round me