The Wayback Machine -
Sunday, 16 September 2012
On the Wire| What is 3G? |
3G vs. 4G Wireless - What is the Difference?
iPhone 2G/3G/3GS/4 Speed Comparison
iPhone 3GS vs iPhone 3G Speed Test
Android running on the iPhone 3G!
Apple iPhone 3G Review
How To Unlock iPhone 3Gs/3G 4.2.1/4.1 Using Ultrasn0w - Windows Version 5.14.02 & 5.15.04
iOS 4.0 on 3G iPhone (parody)
iPhone 3G Torture Tests
Palm Pre Vs. iPhone 3G
iPhone 3G Dissection, Disassembly, Take Apart & Tear Down by
iPhone 3G / 3GS Glass Digitizer Replacement Repair HD Tutorial DIY Complete


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On the Wire| What is 3G? |
  • Order:
  • Published: 26 Aug 2008
  • Duration: 2:31
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2012
Author: cellphonesavings
What-is-3g Three-G is everywhere, maybe even resting in a charger near you. So what is 3G, you might ask, and why is it important? the Wire| What is 3G? |
3G vs. 4G Wireless - What is the Difference?
  • Order:
  • Published: 15 Feb 2011
  • Duration: 7:43
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2012
Author: kenzboxtube
3G vs. 4G Wireless - What is the Difference Fun Tech Talk.flv vs. 4G Wireless - What is the Difference?
iPhone 2G/3G/3GS/4 Speed Comparison
  • Order:
  • Published: 25 Jul 2010
  • Duration: 3:29
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2012
Author: mikehellers
Side by side comparison of all four iPhone generations. Music: "Superfluous Umbrella" - Tyler Walker Find more music from Tyler at 2G/3G/3GS/4 Speed Comparison
iPhone 3GS vs iPhone 3G Speed Test
  • Order:
  • Published: 24 Jun 2009
  • Duration: 7:52
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2012
Author: phonedog
iPhone 3Gs vs iPhone 3G speed test. S is for Speed. Or is it? iPhone 3G vs iPhone 3GS in a speed test. Seven tests - you pick the winner. More Videos: Win Free Phones: 3GS vs iPhone 3G Speed Test
Android running on the iPhone 3G!
  • Order:
  • Published: 06 May 2010
  • Duration: 6:59
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2012
Author: planetbeing
Multitouch and wifi works. Sound is coming. More information at I can be reached at my blog at Thanks to ricky26 and bluerise for their time on the multitouch, many others who worked on openiboot, and my friend Alisa for the graphical changes (visit her site at http running on the iPhone 3G!
Apple iPhone 3G Review
  • Order:
  • Published: 14 Jul 2008
  • Duration: 7:38
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2012
Author: PhoneArena
The iPhone 3G is the successor to the original Apple phone, upgrading it with support for 3G HSDPA and GPS. It also runs the 2.0 software, but it is also available on the first-gen after upgrade , so is it really worth it ... iPhone 3G Review
How To Unlock iPhone 3Gs/3G 4.2.1/4.1 Using Ultrasn0w - Windows Version 5.14.02 & 5.15.04
  • Order:
  • Published: 29 Nov 2010
  • Duration: 7:44
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2012
Author: EverythingApplePro
MUST READ!!!! YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DON'T! This Video Will Show iPhone 3Gs & 3G Users How To Unlock On Firmware 4.1 Or 4.2.1 With Baseband 5.14.02 & 5.15.04 Using Ultrasn0w 1.2 FOR AN IN DEPTH GUIDE - Click Here: NEW 3Gs 5.1 Unlock HERE!: Fix Your MMS With this Video!: This Does NOT Yet work on 4.11.08, 4.10.01, 3.10.01 or the iPhone 4S NEW 5.1 Jailbreak HERE: 5.0.1 UNTETHERED Jailbreak HERE!: To Unlock iPhone 3Gs/3G 4.2.1/4.1 Using Ultrasn0w - Windows Version 5.14.02 & 5.15.04
iOS 4.0 on 3G iPhone (parody)
  • Order:
  • Published: 14 Jul 2010
  • Duration: 1:25
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2012
Author: Adam Burtle
As a generally happy Apple customer, I bought two 2G iPhones on the first day they hit the market (one for myself and one for my romantic partner at the time). When the 3G came out, I bought that model too. The first iPhone captivated the world because the interface was so well done, so snappy, so interactive; it was like nothing before it. Of course it was, it was an Apple product. That, right there, is why I buy Apple products. And I didn't even mind that it was missing "copy and paste," MMS, ringtones, etc — because I knew Apple would eventually get to these through software updates. And eventually they did. Unfortunately they kept coming out with new phones. With faster processors. And they wrote all their software updates for these phones, with little attention to deprecated models. I don't really use third party software on my phones, I honestly don't even use ringtones. I just use my phone for SMS, web, maps, and occasionally as an actual phone, so the 3G model was more than I ever needed. Except over time, it's fulfilled my needs less and less. And it's not because my needs have grown. It's not because I've installed a bunch of laggy software. It's because Apple's firmware has become bloated, with respect to the processing power of the 3G iPhone. I just installed iOS 4 two weeks ago, and at this point, I'd be happy to roll back to the first firmware I ever had, just to have that original speed again; forget about the copy and paste, I don't need it that badly. So <b>...</b> 4.0 on 3G iPhone (parody)
iPhone 3G Torture Tests
  • Order:
  • Published: 14 Jul 2008
  • Duration: 4:14
  • Updated: 16 Sep 2012
Author: PCWorldVideos
In our second annual iPhone Stress Tests, Senior Editor Tim Moynihan applied a serious beating to the Apple iPhone 3G using keys, breakfast cereal, water, dish soap, and city sidewalks. 3G Torture Tests
Palm Pre Vs. iPhone 3G
  • Order:
  • Published: 06 Jun 2009
  • Duration: 12:32
  • Updated: 10 Sep 2012
Author: jon4lakers
TechnoBuffalo: Follow me on twitter: Putting the Palm Pre and the Apple Phone head to head. Thanks for watching, Jon Pre Vs. iPhone 3G
iPhone 3G Dissection, Disassembly, Take Apart & Tear Down by
  • Order:
  • Published: 12 Jul 2008
  • Duration: 5:41
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2012
Author: pdaparts presents the iPhone 3G Dissection, Disassembly, Take Apart, Dismantle, Tear Down. This also includes information on how to replace your 3G screen, lcd, touch panel, battery and more. This ispart of the complete guides to taking apart your iPhone 3G, Palm Treo, Apple iPOD's, HP iPAQ, Dell Axim, Blackberry, PDA's and Smartphone units. For 5% off your first order on our webpage use coupon code YOUTUBE at checkout for a limited time only. Like Us on FaceBook: Follow us Twitter: 3G Dissection, Disassembly, Take Apart & Tear Down by
iPhone 3G / 3GS Glass Digitizer Replacement Repair HD Tutorial DIY Complete
  • Order:
  • Published: 16 May 2009
  • Duration: 10:14
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2012
Author: leewaterman
iPhone 3G Kit iPhone 3GS Kit If you have dropped your iPhone 3G and have broken the glass this Video is for you. Buy the tools and glass from This is a complete tutorial on to replace the glass and digitizer on your iPhone 3G. There are a couple of tips and tricks on how to remove the broken glass from the plastic bracket. This is a fairly easy process but does take some time and patience. If you feel you can not complete this process yourself after watching this video, drop me a message and I would be happy to assist you. Adhesive Only http Suction Cup Magnetic Screwdriver Case Opener Tool 3G / 3GS Glass Digitizer Replacement Repair HD Tutorial DIY Complete
How To: Replace iPhone 3G Battery |
  • Order:
  • Published: 13 Mar 2009
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 15 Sep 2012
Author: pdaparts iPhone 3G battery replacement and removal directions. These are step by step on how to replace the iPhone 3G battery and install a new one available from part number: IP-2214. This is part of the complete guides to taking apart your iPhone 3G and Smartphone units. For 5% off your first order on our webpage use coupon code YOUTUBE at checkout for a limited time only. Like Us on FaceBook: Follow us Twitter: To: Replace iPhone 3G Battery |
LG-GD910 3G Watch Phone
  • Order:
  • Published: 08 Jan 2009
  • Duration: 4:19
  • Updated: 13 Sep 2012
Author: LGteamCanada
A detailed look at the LG 3G Watch Phone GD-910 @ CES 2009 from LG Canada's Frank Lee in Las Vegas. LG Unveils First Market-Ready 3G Touch Watch Phone: Full touchscreen, video calling and voice recognition in an elegant, wearable package Seoul, Korea, January 7, 2009 -- LG Electronics, a worldwide technology and design leader in mobile communications, will officially unveil the worlds first market-ready Touch Watch Phone (Model: LG-GD910) with 3G Video Telephony (VT) service and GSM Quadband Network capabilities. This chic, wearable phone is a follow-up to the prototype that LG introduced at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2008 and includes a number of upgrades, including a full touchscreen interface, 3G capabilities and video calling. Most importantly, this watch phone will actually be available for purchase. Press release: 3G Watch Phone
  • On the Wire| What is 3G? |
  • 3G vs. 4G Wireless - What is the Difference?...7:43
  • iPhone 2G/3G/3GS/4 Speed Comparison...3:29
  • iPhone 3GS vs iPhone 3G Speed Test...7:52
  • Android running on the iPhone 3G!...6:59
  • Apple iPhone 3G Review...7:38
  • How To Unlock iPhone 3Gs/3G 4.2.1/4.1 Using Ultrasn0w - Windows Version 5.14.02 & 5.15.04...7:44
  • iOS 4.0 on 3G iPhone (parody)...1:25
  • iPhone 3G Torture Tests...4:14
  • Palm Pre Vs. iPhone 3G...12:32
  • iPhone 3G Dissection, Disassembly, Take Apart & Tear Down by
  • iPhone 3G / 3GS Glass Digitizer Replacement Repair HD Tutorial DIY Complete...10:14
  • How To: Replace iPhone 3G Battery |
  • LG-GD910 3G Watch Phone...4:19
What-is-3g Three-G is everywhere, maybe even resting in a charger near you. So what is 3G, you might ask, and why is it important?
On the Wire| What is 3G? | CellPhoneSavings.​org
What-is-3g www.​cellphonesavings.​org Three-G is ev­ery­where, maybe even rest­ing in a charg­er...
pub­lished: 26 Aug 2008
3G vs. 4G Wire­less - What is the Dif­fer­ence?
3G vs. 4G Wire­less - What is the Dif­fer­ence Fun Tech Talk.​flv...
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2011
Au­thor: kenzbox­tube
iPhone 2G/3G/3GS/4 Speed Com­par­i­son
Side by side com­par­i­son of all four iPhone gen­er­a­tions. Music: "Su­per­flu­ous Um­brel­la&...
pub­lished: 25 Jul 2010
Au­thor: mike­hellers
iPhone 3GS vs iPhone 3G Speed Test
iPhone 3Gs vs iPhone 3G speed test. S is for Speed. Or is it? iPhone 3G vs iPhone 3GS in a...
pub­lished: 24 Jun 2009
Au­thor: phone­dog
An­droid run­ning on the iPhone 3G!
Mul­ti­touch and wifi works. Sound is com­ing. More in­for­ma­tion at www.​pcworld.​com I can be r...
pub­lished: 06 May 2010
Apple iPhone 3G Re­view
The iPhone 3G is the suc­ces­sor to the orig­i­nal Apple phone, up­grad­ing it with sup­port for ...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2008
Au­thor: Phon­eAre­na
How To Un­lock iPhone 3Gs/3G 4.2.1/4.1 Using Ul­tra­sn0w - Win­dows Ver­sion 5.14.02 & 5.15.04
MUST READ!!!! YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DON'T! This Video Will Show iPhone 3Gs & 3G Use...
pub­lished: 29 Nov 2010
iOS 4.0 on 3G iPhone (par­o­dy)
As a gen­er­al­ly happy Apple cus­tomer, I bought two 2G iPhones on the first day they hit the...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2010
Au­thor: Adam Bur­tle
iPhone 3G Tor­ture Tests
In our sec­ond an­nu­al iPhone Stress Tests, Se­nior Ed­i­tor Tim Moyni­han ap­plied a se­ri­ous bea...
pub­lished: 14 Jul 2008
Palm Pre Vs. iPhone 3G
Tech­noBuf­fa­lo: technobuffalo.​com Fol­low me on twit­ter: cuthut.​com Putting the Palm Pre and...
pub­lished: 06 Jun 2009
Au­thor: jon4lak­ers
iPhone 3G Dis­sec­tion, Dis­as­sem­bly, Take Apart & Tear Down by DirectFix.​com
www.​directfix.​com pre­sents the iPhone 3G Dis­sec­tion, Dis­as­sem­bly, Take Apart, Dis­man­tle, T...
pub­lished: 12 Jul 2008
Au­thor: pda­parts
iPhone 3G / 3GS Glass Dig­i­tiz­er Re­place­ment Re­pair HD Tu­to­ri­al DIY Com­plete
iPhone 3G Kit www.​iphoneshopusa.​com iPhone 3GS Kit www.​iphoneshopusa.​com If you have dropp...
pub­lished: 16 May 2009
How To: Re­place iPhone 3G Bat­tery | DirectFix.​com
www.​directfix.​com iPhone 3G bat­tery re­place­ment and re­moval di­rec­tions. These are step by ...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2009
Au­thor: pda­parts
LG-GD910 3G Watch Phone
A de­tailed look at the LG 3G Watch Phone GD-910 @ CES 2009 from LG Cana­da's Frank Lee ...
pub­lished: 08 Jan 2009
Vimeo results:
The Water
Fol­low on Face­book: https://​facebook.​com/​TSOphotography for more videos, pho­tos and up­date...
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2011
CNET UK Pre­sents: His­to­ry of the iPhone, ded­i­cat­ed to the mem­o­ry of Steve Jobs
From CNET UK: The iPhone might be at the cut­ting edge of tech­nol­o­gy but it took a long tim...
pub­lished: 07 Oct 2011
Au­thor: Drew Stearne
C’était inévitable, le flat et le street util­isant la même base, le béton de nos villes ; ...
pub­lished: 22 Nov 2011
First Of­fi­cial iPhone 4 Music Video - flak­jakt "Cas­cades"
http://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=HymoNGR3G5w Artist. flak­jakt :: flakjakt.​com Song. Cas­cade...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2010
Youtube results:
iOS 4.2 on iPhone 3G - Is the per­for­mance any bet­ter?
www.​tipb.​com We take a look at iOS 4.2 on iPhone 3G. iOS 4's per­for­mance was dis­mal, i...
pub­lished: 07 Nov 2010
Au­thor: thei­phoneblog
Black­Ber­ry Curve 3G Un­box­ing & Re­view
crackberry.​com Video un­box­ing and quick overview of the Black­Ber­ry Curve 3G (Curve 9300)...
pub­lished: 02 Sep 2010
3G Un­re­stric­tor 5
Retweet: clicktotweet.​com Name: 3G Un­re­stric­tor 5 De­scrip­tion: En­able Face­Time, iCloud, Ph...
pub­lished: 16 Jan 2012
3.1.3 Jail­break/Un­lock Iphone 2g, 3g & Ipod Touch 1st gen and 2nd gen with Red­snow
IM­POR­TANT PLEASE READ: Be­fore you start please make sure you read this and un­der­stand it. ...
pub­lished: 03 Feb 2010
Au­thor: emac2299

  • Airtel 3G Servcie Launch Event, New Delhi
    Creative Commons /
  • iPad 3G and iPad Wi-Fi
    Creative Commons / Yutaka Tsutano
  • Blackberry 9800 Torch smartphone,announced 2010 August,- features 3G,3.2
    WN / Emico Silalahi
  • Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets with Amb. Byung-ho Kim, Co-host of 3G Forum.
    UN / Eskinder Debebe
  • Dinner hosted by Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt for 3G Conference participants.
    UN / Eskinder Debebe
  • Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon adresses Global Green Growth (3G) Forum 2011, co-hosted by Denmark, South Korea, Mexico.
    UN / Eskinder Debebe
  • Eurocopter Tiger of the German Army armed with the PARS 3.The PARS 3 LR in German service, also known as TRIGAT-LR (Third Generation anti tank, Long Range) and AC 3G in French, is a currently (2011) in development fire-and-forget missile which can be used against air or ground targets.
    Creative Commons / Stahlkocher
  • Tmobile MyTouch 3G Slide shown with keyboard open.
    Public Domain / Robbrown
  • For sale::Brand new Apple Ipad2 64gb+wifi 3g for just $600usd
    WN / Apple Store
  • IPhone 3G VS iPhone (back)
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • IPhone and iPhone 3G (Yutaka Tsutano)
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • IPhone and iPhone 3G (Yutaka Tsutano)
    Creative Commons / Yutaka Tsutano
  • IPhone & iPhone 3G fronts
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • Aircel communications has launches 3G Service in kashmir valley in Srinagar on 01, March 2011.
    WN / Imran Nissar
  • Aircel communications has launches 3G Service in kashmir valley in Srinagar on 01, March 2011.
    WN / Imran Nissar
  • Aircel communications has launches 3G Service in kashmir valley in Srinagar on 01, March 2011.
    WN / Imran Nissar
  • Reliance communications has launches 3G Service in kashmir valley in Srinagar on 22, Feburary 2011.
    WN / Imran Nissar
  • Reliance communications has launches 3G Service in kashmir valley in Srinagar on 22, Feburary 2011.
    WN / Imran Nissar
  • IPhone and iPhone 3G (Yutaka Tsutano)
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • IPhone 3G VS iPhone (back)
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • Apple iPhone 3G - Smartphone
    WN / Yolanda Leyba
  • Apple iPhone 3G - Smartphone
    WN / Yolanda Leyba
  • Mon iPhone 3G 01
    Creative Commons / Pierre Bauduin
  • Back of iPhone 3G white showing the fixed focus 2 megapixel camera
    Creative Commons / Feureau
  • IPhone & iPhone 3G fronts
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • IPhone 3G VS iPhone
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • IPhone 3G VS iPhone (back)
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • IPhone & iPhone 3G fronts
    Creative Commons / HereToHelp
  • NoneApple iPhone 4 Quadband 3G HSDPA GPS Phone (SIM Free)

Photo: AP / Chris Clark
Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton speak to staff, during a visit to the University of St. Andrews, in St. Andrews, Scotland, where they first met, Friday Feb. 25, 2011. The couple, who both graduated from the university, are scheduled to marry on April 29, at London's Westminster Abbey.
ABC News
14 Sep 2012
Britain's royal family says it is suing the French magazine that published topless photos of Kate Middleton sunbathing....

Photo: Creative Commons / elle from Hamburg, Germany
DNA India
06 Sep 2012
Etisalat will not take part in the second generation (2G) telecom spectrum auctions, scheduled for November. “Following the publication by India’s Ministry of Communications and Information...

Photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba
Google - Search engine - Mobile phone
The Daily Telegraph
04 Sep 2012
Google could be facing a 'tsunami of litigation' according to the head of Foundem, a British search engine company. Google may be facing a 'tsunami of litigation' Photo: PA...

Photo: WN / jayshree
Bharti Airtel,India
The Times of India
27 Aug 2012
Download free ET iPad add for easier viewing of latest and financial News ! An analysis of the latest data reveals that Bharti commanded 30.3% of the industry's sales for the June 2012 quarter when...

Daily Finance AT&T (NYS: T) and Verizon (NYS: VZ) are in a similar boat at the moment. Apple's (NAS: AAPL) just-launched iPhone 5 will be available through these two carriers only, and the resulting advancement from 3G contracts to 4G...(size: 1.5Kb)
The Saigon Times A salesperson of Vietnamobile test-runs 3G applications on a cellphone - Photo: Thu Hien HCMCQualcomm, one of the world’s leading 3G chipset suppliers, has forecast 3G mobile service subscriptions in Vietnam will shoot up at a two-digit rate annually in the next few years....(size: 1.9Kb)
CNN By David Goldman @CNNMoneyTech September 13, 2012: 5:33 AM ET The 4G iPhone 5 Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled this week comes as a giant relief to the wireless carriers. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- It's the moment wireless carriers have been dreaming of: Apple finally brought 4G capabilities to the iPhone,...(size: 7.7Kb)
The Hindu In the wake of police cracking a terror module and arresting a few terror suspects in Bangalore and Hubli, the State government has decided to install jammers in the Central jails of Mysore, Bangalore, Belgaum and Bellary to prevent the use of 3G-enabled mobile...(size: 1.7Kb)
Yahoo Daily News Magic Rosin™, premium rosin for violin, viola, cello and bass, announces the inclusion of a free sample on their website, to allow instrumentalists a chance to try the new formulas 3G (3rd generation). Minneapolis, Minnesota (PRWEB) September 12, 2012 Sarah West,...(size: 8.9Kb)
Crunch This newsletter will be delivered Monday - Friday around 10am. This newsletter will be delivered around 10am Fridays. The most commented posts on Engadget over the past 24 hours. Apple Store goes down ahead of iPhone announcement 0 Nokia reaffirms WP 7.8 support for existing Lumia...(size: 8.0Kb)
Canada Newswire Sony Computer Entertainment Canada and Rogers announce exclusive agreement to bring next generation mobile gaming experiences to Canadians TORONTO, Sept. 11, 2012 /CNW/ - Rogers Communications and Sony Computer Entertainment Canada announced today that Rogers will provide exclusive wireless...(size: 6.1Kb)
Joystiq While US gamers have had seven months to choose between the wi-fi and wi-fi/3G models of the PlayStation Vita, there's been but a single option in Canada. Next month, PlayStation fans up north will finally get a chance to discover that the 3G isn't all that useful, when the 3G Vita launches on...(size: 6.8Kb)

3G or 3rd generation mobile telecommunications is a generation of standards for mobile phones and mobile telecommunication services fulfilling the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) specifications by the International Telecommunication Union.[1] Application services include wide-area wireless voice telephone, mobile Internet access, video calls and mobile TV, all in a mobile environment.

Several telecommunications companies market wireless mobile Internet services as 3G, indicating that the advertised service is provided over a 3G wireless network. Services advertised as 3G are required to meet IMT-2000 technical standards, including standards for reliability and speed (data transfer rates). To meet the IMT-2000 standards, a system is required to provide peak data rates of at least 200 kbit/s (about 0.2 Mbit/s). However, many services advertised as 3G provide higher speed than the minimum technical requirements for a 3G service. Recent 3G releases, often denoted 3.5G and 3.75G, also provide mobile broadband access of several Mbit/s to smartphones and mobile modems in laptop computers.

The following standards are typically branded 3G:

  • the UMTS system, first offered in 2001, standardized by 3GPP, used primarily in Europe, Japan, China (however with a different radio interface) and other regions predominated by GSM 2G system infrastructure. The cell phones are typically UMTS and GSM hybrids. Several radio interfaces are offered, sharing the same infrastructure:
    • The original and most widespread radio interface is called W-CDMA.
    • The TD-SCDMA radio interface was commercialised in 2009 and is only offered in China.
    • The latest UMTS release, HSPA+, can provide peak data rates up to 56 Mbit/s in the downlink in theory (28 Mbit/s in existing services) and 22 Mbit/s in the uplink.
  • the CDMA2000 system, first offered in 2002, standardized by 3GPP2, used especially in North America and South Korea, sharing infrastructure with the IS-95 2G standard. The cell phones are typically CDMA2000 and IS-95 hybrids. The latest release EVDO Rev B offers peak rates of 14.7 Mbit/s downstream.

The above systems and radio interfaces are based on spread spectrum radio transmission technology. While the GSM EDGE standard ("2.9G"), DECT cordless phones and Mobile WiMAX standards formally also fulfill the IMT-2000 requirements and are approved as 3G standards by ITU, these are typically not branded 3G, and are based on completely different technologies.

A new generation of cellular standards has appeared approximately every tenth year since 1G systems were introduced in 1981/1982. Each generation is characterized by new frequency bands, higher data rates and non backwards compatible transmission technology. The first release of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard does not completely fulfill the ITU 4G requirements called IMT-Advanced. First release LTE is not backwards compatible with 3G, but is a pre-4G or 3.9G technology, however sometimes branded "4G" by the service providers. Its evolution LTE Advanced is a 4G technology. WiMAX is another technology verging on or marketed as 4G.



The following common standards comply with the IMT2000/3G standard:

  • EDGE, a revision by the 3GPP organization to the older 2G GSM based transmission methods, utilizing the same switching nodes, base station sites and frequencies as GPRS, but new base station and cellphone RF circuits. It is based on the three times as efficient 8PSK modulation scheme as supplement to the original GMSK modulation scheme. EDGE is still used extensively due to its ease of upgrade from existing 2G GSM infrastructure and cell-phones.
    • EDGE combined with the GPRS 2.5G technology is called EGPRS, and allows peak data rates in the order of 200 kbit/s, just as the original UMTS WCDMA versions, and thus formally fulfills the IMT2000 requirements on 3G systems. However, in practice EDGE is seldom marketed as a 3G system, but a 2.9G system. EDGE shows slightly better system spectral efficiency than the original UMTS and CDMA2000 systems, but it is difficult to reach much higher peak data rates due to the limited GSM spectral bandwidth of 200 kHz, and it is thus a dead end.
    • EDGE was also a mode in the IS-135 TDMA system, today ceased.
    • Evolved EDGE, the latest revision, has peaks of 1 Mbit/s downstream and 400kbit/s upstream, but is not commercially used.
  • The Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, created and revised by the 3GPP. The family is a full revision from GSM in terms of encoding methods and hardware, although some GSM sites can be retrofitted to broadcast in the UMTS/W-CDMA format.
    • W-CDMA is the most common deployment, commonly operated on the 2100 MHz band. A few others use the 850, 900 and 1900 MHz bands.
      • HSPA is an amalgamation of several upgrades to the original W-CDMA standard and offers speeds of 14.4Mbit/s down and 5.76MBit/s up. HSPA is backwards compatible with and uses the same frequencies as W-CDMA.
      • HSPA+, a further revision and upgrade of HSPA, can provide theoretical peak data rates up to 168 Mbit/s in the downlink and 22 Mbit/s in the uplink, using a combination of air interface improvements as well as multi-carrier HSPA and MIMO. Technically though, MIMO and DC-HSPA can be used without the "+" enhancements of HSPA+
  • The CDMA2000 system, or IS-2000, including CDMA2000 1x and CDMA2000 High Rate Packet Data (or EVDO), standardized by 3GPP2 (differing from the 3GPP), evolving from the original IS-95 CDMA system, is used especially in North America, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa.[2]
    • CDMA2000 1x Rev. E has an increased voice capacity (in excess of 3 times) compared to Rev. 0 EVDO Rev. B offers downstream peak rates of 14.7 Mbit/s while Rev. C enhanced existing and new terminal user experience.

While DECT cordless phones and Mobile WiMAX standards formally also fulfill the IMT-2000 requirements, they are not usually considered due to their rarity and unsuitability for usage with mobile phones.

Detailed breakdown of 3G systems[link]

The 3G (UMTS and CDMA2000) research and development projects started in 1992. In 1999, ITU approved five radio interfaces for IMT-2000 as a part of the ITU-R M.1457 Recommendation; WiMAX was added in 2007.[3]

There are evolutionary standards (EDGE and CDMA) that are backwards-compatible extensions to pre-existing 2G networks as well as revolutionary standards that require all-new network hardware and frequency allocations. The cell phones used utilise UMTS in combination with 2G GSM standards and bandwidths, but do not support EDGE.[4] The latter group is the UMTS family, which consists of standards developed for IMT-2000, as well as the independently developed standards DECT and WiMAX, which were included because they fit the IMT-2000 definition.

Overview of 3G/IMT-2000 standards[5]
ITU IMT-2000 compliant standards common name(s) bandwidth of data pre-4G upgrade duplex channel description historical areas
TDMA Single‑Carrier (IMT‑SC) EDGE (UWC-136) EDGE Evolution likely discontinued FDD TDMA evolutionary upgrade to GSM/GPRS[nb 1] worldwide, except Japan and South Korea
CDMA Multi‑Carrier (IMT‑MC) CDMA2000 EV-DO UMB[nb 2] CDMA evolutionary upgrade to cdmaOne (IS-95) Americas, Asia, some others
CDMA Direct Spread (IMT‑DS) UMTS[nb 3] W-CDMA[nb 4] HSPA LTE family of revolutionary upgrades to earlier GSM family. worldwide
TD‑SCDMA[nb 6] China
FDMA/TDMA (IMT‑FT) DECT none FDMA/TDMA short-range; standard for cordless phones Europe, US
IP‑OFDMA WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) OFDMA worldwide
  1. ^ Can also be used as an upgrade to PDC or D-AMPS.
  2. ^ development halted in favour of LTE.[6]
  3. ^ also known as FOMA;[7] UMTS is the common name for a standard that encompasses multiple air interfaces.
  4. ^ also known as UTRA-FDD; W-CDMA is sometimes used as a synonym for UMTS, ignoring the other air interface options.[7]
  5. ^ also known as UTRA-TDD 3.84 Mcps high chip rate (HCR)
  6. ^ also known as UTRA-TDD 1.28 Mcps low chip rate (LCR)

While EDGE fulfills the 3G specifications, most GSM/UMTS phones report EDGE ("2.75G") and UMTS ("3G") functionality.


The first pre-commercial 3G network was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Japan in 1998[8], branded as FOMA. It was first available in May 2001 as a pre-release (test) of W-CDMA technology.[9] The first commercial launch of 3G was also by NTT DoCoMo in Japan on 1 October 2001, although it was initially somewhat limited in scope;[10][11] broader availability of the system was delayed by apparent concerns over its reliability.[12]

The first European pre-commercial network was an UMTS network on the Isle of Man by Manx Telecom, the operator then owned by British Telecom, and the first commercial network (also UMTS based W-CDMA) in Europe was opened for business by Telenor in December 2001 with no commercial handsets and thus no paying customers.

The first network to go commercially live was by SK Telecom in South Korea on the CDMA-based 1xEV-DO technology in January 2002. By May 2002 the second South Korean 3G network was by KT on EV-DO and thus the Koreans were the first to see competition among 3G operators.

The first commercial United States 3G network was by Monet Mobile Networks, on CDMA2000 1x EV-DO technology, but this network provider later shut down operations. The second 3G network operator in the USA was Verizon Wireless in July 2002 also on CDMA2000 1x EV-DO.[13] AT&T Mobility is also a true 3G UMTS network, having completed its upgrade of the 3G network to HSUPA.

The first pre-commercial demonstration network in the southern hemisphere[dubious ] was built in Adelaide, South Australia by m.Net Corporation in February 2002 using UMTS on 2100 MHz. This was a demonstration network for the 2002 IT World Congress. The first commercial 3G network was launched by Hutchison Telecommunications branded as Three or "3" in J June 2003.

Emtel Launched the first 3G network in Africa.

By June 2007, the 200 millionth 3G subscriber had been connected. Out of 3 billion mobile phone subscriptions worldwide this is only 6.7%. In the countries where 3G was launched first – Japan and South Korea – 3G penetration is over 70%.[14] In Europe the leading country is Italy with a third of its subscribers migrated to 3G. Other leading countries by 3G migration include UK, Austria, Australia and Singapore at the 20% migration level. A confusing statistic is counting CDMA2000 1x RTT customers as if they were 3G customers. If using this definition, then the total 3G subscriber base would be 475 million at June 2007 and 15.8% of all subscribers worldwide.


3G was relatively slow to be adopted globally. In some instances, 3G networks do not use the same radio frequencies as 2G so mobile operators must build entirely new networks and license entirely new frequencies, especially so to achieve high data transmission rates. Other delays were due to the expenses of upgrading transmission hardware, especially for UMTS, whose deployment required the replacement of most broadcast towers. Due to these issues and difficulties with deployment, many carriers were not able to or delayed acquisition of these updated capabilities.

In December 2007, 190 3G networks were operating in 40 countries and 154 HSDPA networks were operating in 71 countries, according to the Global Mobile Suppliers Association (GSA). In Asia, Europe, Canada and the USA, telecommunication companies use W-CDMA technology with the support of around 100 terminal designs to operate 3G mobile networks.

Roll-out of 3G networks was delayed in some countries by the enormous costs of additional spectrum licensing fees. (See Telecoms crash.) The license fees in some European countries were particularly high, bolstered by government auctions of a limited number of licenses and sealed bid auctions, and initial excitement over 3G's potential.

The 3G standard is perhaps well known because of a massive expansion of the mobile communications market post-2G and advances of the consumer mophone. An especially notable development during this time is the smartphone (for example, the iPhone, and the Android family), combining the abilities of a PDA with a mobile phone, leading to widespread demand for mobile internet connectivity. 3G has also introduced the term "mobile broadband" because its speed and capability make it a viable alternative for internet browsing, and USB Modems connecting to 3G networks are becoming increasingly common.


The first African use of 3G technology was a 3G video call made in Johannesburg on the Vodacom network in November 2004. The first commercial launch was by Emtel-ltd in Mauritius in 2004. In late March 2006, a 3G service was provided by the new company Wana in Morocco. In May 2007, Safaricom launched 3G services in Kenya while later that year by Vodacom Tanzania also started providing services. In February 2012 Bharti Airtel Launched a 3.75G Network in selected cities in Kenya with a countrywide rollout planned for later in the year. In Egypt, Mobinil launched the service in 2008 and in Somaliland, Telesom started first 3G services on 3 July 2011, to both prepaid and postpaid subscription customers. Telecommunication networks in Nigeria like Globacom, Airtel and MTN provide 3G services to their numerous customers.


Asia is also using 3G services very well. A lot of companies like Dialog Axiata PLC (First to serve 3G Service in South Asia in 2006), BSNL, WorldCall, PTCL, Maxis, Vodafone, Airtel, Idea Cellular, Aircel, Tata DOCOMO and Reliance have released their 3G services.

Sri Lanka[link]

Sri Lanka's all mobile networks (Dialog, Mobitel, Etisalat, Airtel and Hutch) launched 3G services. Now Dialog & Mobitel launched 4G LTE services on Colombo.


Kabul, March 19, 2012: Etisalat Afghanistan, the fastest growing telecommunications company in the country and part of Etisalat Group, today announced the launch of 3G services in Afghanistan.


Nepal is one of the first countries in southern Asia to launch 3G services. Nepal first 3G company NTC(Nepal Telecom Corporation) and second is Ncell. Ncell Also Covered Mount Everest with 3G.NTC Provides high speed video calling with other 3g service. NTC is providing Postpaid and Prepaid 3G SIM


Pakistan's biggest telecommunication company PTCL launched its 3G network, EVO, in mid-2008 and has since then established itself in this sector. It provides 3G services in 105 cities across Pakistan. Omantel's WorldCall also provides 3G services in 50 cities Pakistanwide.

On 14 August 2010. Pakistan became the first country in the world to experience EVDO's RevB 3G technology that offers maximum speeds of 9.3 Mbit/s. At present the services of EVO Nitro (brand name) are available in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and Karachi. The RevA network, with speeds if up to 3.1 Mbit/s is available in over 100 cities of the country.


Two operators, Qubee and Banglalion, currently offer 4G WiMAX data services around Bangladesh. CityCell operates a nationwide third-generation CDMA2000 network capable of delivering super-fast internet service.


China announced in May 2008, that the telecoms sector was re-organized and three 3G networks would be allocated so that the largest mobile operator, China Mobile, would retain its GSM customer base. China Unicom would retain its GSM customer base but relinquish its CDMA2000 customer base, and launch 3G on the globally leading W-CDMA (UMTS) standard. The CDMA2000 customers of China Unicom would go to China Telecom, which would then launch 3G on the CDMA2000 1x EV-DO standard. This meant that China would have all three main cellular technology 3G standards in commercial use. Finally in January 2009, Ministry of industry and Information Technology of China awarded licenses of all three standards: TD-SCDMA to China Mobile, W-CDMA to China Unicom and CDMA2000 to China Telecom. The launch of 3G occurred on 1 October 2009, to coincide with the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. By August 2011, China Telecom's 3G subscriber has exceeded 23 million .[15]


11 December 2008, India entered the 3G arena with the launch of 3G enabled Mobile and Data services by Government owned Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd MTNL in Delhi and later in Mumbai. MTNL becomes the first 3G Mobile service provider in India. After MTNL, another state operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) launched 3G services on 22 Feb 2009 in Chennai and later launched 3G as Nationwide. The auction of 3G wireless spectrum was announced in April 2010 and 3G Spectrum allocated to all private operators on 1 September 2010.

North Korea[link]

North Korea has had a 3G network since 2008, which is called Koryolink, a joint venture between Egyptian company Orascom Telecom Holding and the state-owned Korea Post and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC) is North Korea's only 3G Mobile operator, and one of only two mobile companies in the country. According to Orascom quoted in BusinessWeek, the company had 125,661 subscribers in May 2010. The Egyptian company owns 75 percent of Koryolink, and is known to invest in infrastructure for mobile technology in developing nations. It covers Pyongyang, and five additional cities and eight highways and railways. Its only competitor, SunNet, uses GSM technology and suffers from poor call quality and disconnections.[16] Phone numbers on the network are prefixed with +850 (0)192.[17]


3G services were made available in the Philippines on December 2008.[18]


In Europe, mass market commercial 3G services were introduced starting in March 2003 by 3 (Part of Hutchison Whampoa) in the UK and Italy. The European Union Council suggested that the 3G operators should cover 80% of the European national populations by the end of 2005.

North America[link]

In Canada, Bell Mobility, SaskTel[19] and Telus launched a 3G EVDO network in 2005.[20] Rogers Wireless was the first to implement UMTS technology, with HSDPA services in eastern Canada in late 2006.[21] Realizing they would miss out on roaming revenue from the 2010 Winter Olympics, Bell and Telus formed a joint venture and rolled out a shared HSDPA network using Nokia Siemens technology. After the AWS spectrum in 2008, new entrants to the Canadian wireless markets including but not limited to Mobilicity, WIND Mobile and Vidéotron have deployed their own UMTS networks in Canada using the AWS spectrum.

Middle East[link]

In Iran Rightel won the bid for the third Operator license . Rightel is the first 3G operator in Iran.Rightel has commercially launched in the last months of 2011.

In Jordan Orange is the first mobile 3G operator in Jordan.

Mobitel Iraq is the first mobile 3G operator in Iraq. It was launched commercially on February 2007.

MTN Syria is the first mobile 3G operator in Syria. It was launched commercially on May 2010.

In Lebanon Ministry of Telecoms launched a test period on September 20, 2011, where 4,000 smart-phone users were selected to enjoy 3G for one month and provide feedback. Currently, the test period is over, MTC Touch and Alfa began rolling out the new 3G services.


Turkcell, Avea and Vodafone launched their 3G networks commercially on 30 July 2009 at the same time. Turkcell and Vodafone launched their 3G service on all provincial centres. Avea launched it on 16 provincial centres. It was after Turkey's monopoly mobile operator Turkcell accepted number portability, mobile operators attended frequency band auction and frequencies for 3G usage distributed around mobile operators. Turkcell got A band, Vodafone B and Avea C. Currently Turkcell and Vodafone have 3G networks on most of crowded cities and towns. Turkey has 3.9G networks now.

New Zealand[link]

In late 2005, Vodafone NZ Launched their 3G Network, followed by Telecom NZ's XT Network in 2008, and Newcomer 2degrees running off a combination of Vodafone's 3G towers and their own in 2009. 2degrees has since built more towers, and is now self-sufficient in the major cites (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin) but relies on a roaming agreement with Vodafone to cover the rest of the country. This gives it essentially the same footprint as Vodafone.


Data rates[link]

ITU has not provided a clear definition of the data rate users can expect from 3G equipment or providers. Thus users sold 3G service may not be able to point to a standard and say that the rates it specifies are not being met. While stating in commentary that "it is expected that IMT-2000 will provide higher transmission rates: a minimum data rate of 2 Mbit/s for stationary or walking users, and 384 kbit/s in a moving vehicle,"[22] the ITU does not actually clearly specify minimum or average rates or what modes of the interfaces qualify as 3G, so various rates are sold as 3G intended to meet customers expectations of broadband data.


3G networks offer greater security than their 2G predecessors. By allowing the UE (User Equipment) to authenticate the network it is attaching to, the user can be sure the network is the intended one and not an impersonator. 3G networks use the KASUMI block cipher instead of the older A5/1 stream cipher. However, a number of serious weaknesses in the KASUMI cipher have been identified.[23]

In addition to the 3G network infrastructure security, end-to-end security is offered when application frameworks such as IMS are accessed, although this is not strictly a 3G property.

Applications of 3G[link]

The bandwidth and location information available to 3G devices gives rise to applications not previously available to mobile phone users. Some of the applications are:


Both 3GPP and 3GPP2 are currently working on extensions to 3G standard that are based on an all-IP network infrastructure and using advanced wireless technologies such as MIMO. These specifications already display features characteristic for IMT-Advanced (4G), the successor of 3G. However, falling short of the bandwidth requirements for 4G (which is 1 Gbit/s for stationary and 100 Mbit/s for mobile operation), these standards are classified as 3.9G or Pre-4G.

3GPP plans to meet the 4G goals with LTE Advanced, whereas Qualcomm has halted development of UMB in favour of the LTE family.[6]

On 14 December 2009, Telia Sonera announced in an official press release that "We are very proud to be the first operator in the world to offer our customers 4G services."[24] With the launch of their LTE network, initially they are offering pre-4G (or beyond 3G) services in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway.

See also[link]


  1. ^ Clint Smith, Daniel Collins. "3G Wireless Networks", page 136. 2000.
  2. ^ CDG. "CDG Market Trends and Facts". Retrieved 13 September 2011. 
  3. ^ ITU. "ITU Radiocommunication Assembly approves new developments for its 3G standards". press release. Archived from the original on 19 May 2009. Retrieved 1 June 2009. 
  4. ^ ITU. "What really is a Third Generation (3G)(3G) Mobile Technology" (PDF). Archived from the original on 12 June 2009. Retrieved 1 June 2009. 
  5. ^ ITU-D Study Group 2. "Guidelines on the smooth transition of existing mobile networks to IMT-2000 for developing countries (GST); Report on Question 18/2". Archived from the original on 12 June 2009. Retrieved 1 June 2009. 
  6. ^ a b Qualcomm halts UMB project, Reuters, 13 November 2008
  7. ^ a b 3GPP notes that “there currently existed many different names for the same system (eg FOMA, W-CDMA, UMTS, etc)”; "Draft summary minutes, decisions and actions from 3GPP Organizational Partners Meeting#6, Tokyo, 9 October 2001" (PDF). p. 7. 
  8. ^
  9. ^ "The history of UMTS and 3G development". 
  10. ^ "World's first 3G launch on 1 October severely restricted (". 
  11. ^ " grinds to a start". 
  12. ^ "DoCoMo Delays 3G Launch". 
  13. ^ "Verizon Wireless Launching New High-Speed 3G Wireless Network". 
  14. ^ "Plus 8 Star presentation, "Is 3G a Dog or a Demon – Hints from 7 years of 3G Hype in Asia"". 2008-06-11. Retrieved 2010-09-06. 
  15. ^ China Daily. "China Telecom subscribers reach 110.94m". Retrieved 13 September 2011. 
  16. ^ "Cell phone demand stays strong in North Korea". Business Week. 2009-12-08. Retrieved 2010-09-06. 
  17. ^ Telephone numbers in North Korea
  18. ^
  19. ^
  20. ^
  21. ^ Kapica Jack (2006-11-02). "Rogers unveils new wireless network". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 2010-03-22. 
  22. ^ "Cellular Standards for the Third Generation". ITU. 1 December 2005. Archived from the original on 24 May 2008. 
  23. ^ "Security for the Third Generation (3G) Mobile System". Network Systems & Security Technologies. 
  24. ^ "first in the world with 4G services". TeliaSonera. 2009-12-14. Retrieved 2010-09-06. 
Preceded by
2nd Generation (2G)
Mobile Telephony Generations Succeeded by
4th Generation (4G)

Related pages: (telefonia)ía móvil 3G३जी

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