
Sexual Assault Situational Discussion (Film: Straw Dogs)
Short Clip For Educational Purposes only! Every so often a film comes along that depicts v...
published: 05 Jan 2012
Author: CombativeCorner
Sexual Assault Situational Discussion (Film: Straw Dogs)
Short Clip For Educational Purposes only! Every so often a film comes along that depicts violence and creates more than just a deep uneasiness, it generates fear. The Combative Corner dedicates itself to the instruction of proper methods, training and tactics in self-defense. After viewing this clip, we ask the viewer, "What could have (or should have) the character have done differently to prevent the rape/sexual assault?" Visit our article at the Combative Corner ( tinyurl.com ). Expert opinions given by Rener Gracie, TJ Kennedy and Michael Joyce.

I was Sexually Assaulted/ Harassed at Work
Thank you for listening I realized I spelled my twitter handle wrong! haha www.twitter.com...
published: 05 May 2010
Author: GoboSpeaks
I was Sexually Assaulted/ Harassed at Work
Thank you for listening I realized I spelled my twitter handle wrong! haha www.twitter.com jillhanner.com Distributed by Tubemogul.

Greendot- Sexual Assault
A sketch about sexual assault on the campus of Cal Poly Pomona. For more information pleas...
published: 14 Dec 2009
Author: greendotcpp
Greendot- Sexual Assault
A sketch about sexual assault on the campus of Cal Poly Pomona. For more information please visit sa-saits-ps-cis.dsa.csupomona.edu dsa.csupomona.edu

It's Not OK: Speak Out Against Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault PSA...
published: 18 Dec 2007
Author: fin3r
It's Not OK: Speak Out Against Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault PSA

Sexual Assault PSA
Public Service Announcement about the severity of Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse....
published: 21 Jan 2008
Author: obixgator
Sexual Assault PSA
Public Service Announcement about the severity of Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse.

Woman Sexually Assaulted By Mob in India
"Indians have reacted with anger and disgust over video footage of a young woman bein...
published: 22 Jul 2012
Author: TheYoungTurks
Woman Sexually Assaulted By Mob in India
"Indians have reacted with anger and disgust over video footage of a young woman being sexually assaulted by a laughing mob of more than a dozen men in a busy street outside a bar in north-east India. Not only did no one intervene for up to 45 minutes during the attack, but an off-duty TV journalist filmed the incident on his phone and called a cameraman to join him. The footage was then broadcast on news channels, prompting a debate on women's safety in India and whether journalists have a duty to help in such situations." Read more: www.rawstory.com Follow Us: www.twitter.com www.twitter.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: twitter.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com

Rape. Sexual assault. Let's STOP blaming the victim
Is it possible that a woman who drinks, dances and flirts, ALL in a short skirt, is doing ...
published: 16 Dec 2010
Author: welshgovernment
Rape. Sexual assault. Let's STOP blaming the victim
Is it possible that a woman who drinks, dances and flirts, ALL in a short skirt, is doing it for her own enjoyment? Rape. Sexual assault. Let's STOP blaming the victim. For more information and support visit www.stopblame.org or call the helpline on 0808 80 10 800

"Healing Begins" Recovery from Rape / Sexual Assault / Abuse
In every victim, there lies a decision that they make of whether or not they walk down the...
published: 14 Jul 2010
Author: 0408Hope
"Healing Begins" Recovery from Rape / Sexual Assault / Abuse
In every victim, there lies a decision that they make of whether or not they walk down the road to find healing from the pains of their past. This video illustrates the struggle that victims may have as they face their nightmares, battles, memories and choices to trust, open up, and try to find healing. The trauma may be rape, child abuse, emotional abuse, sexual assault, neglect - all can leave long lasting and detrimental impacts on a life. Please view my testimony video, under id twirling0408 www.youtube.com Song: "Healing Begins" by Tenth Avenue North. Thank you guys for making such a powerful song. Pictures: Many have been thankfully borrowed from online.

Sexual Assault Awareness
This is a video i created for my Human Service class. Enjoy!...
published: 01 Nov 2007
Author: stephaniejoy26
Sexual Assault Awareness
This is a video i created for my Human Service class. Enjoy!

Officer - 'Don't Dress Like Sluts' To Avoid Sexual Assault
TYT Mobile: bit.ly Subscribe: bit.ly Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter:...
published: 18 Feb 2011
Author: TheYoungTurks
Officer - 'Don't Dress Like Sluts' To Avoid Sexual Assault
TYT Mobile: bit.ly Subscribe: bit.ly Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com A word of advice to women from a Toronto police officer: to avoid sexual assault, don't dress "like a slut." This according to York University's community newspaper, Excalibur, which is reporting that the cop made his comment during a January 24 campus safety information session at, of all places, Osgoode Hall. The assistant dean of the Juris Doctor Program Ronda Bessner remembers being surprised by the officer's comments. "One of the safety tips was for women not to dress like 'sluts.' He said something like, 'I've been told I shouldn't say this,' and then uttered the words," she told Excalibur. Bessner contacted 31 Division to demand an explanation and apology, but was met with little response. Toronto police spokesperson Constable Wendy Drummond confirmed to Excalibur that the incident had been brought to the attention of senior officials and that it is a matter the police are taking very seriously. Drummond, however, could not confirm if the police intended to issue an official apology. Bessner says <b>...</b>

Woman Sexually Assaulted In Broad Daylight
"Yesterday, DC resident Liz Gorman was sexually assaulted in broad daylight in what i...
published: 17 Jul 2012
Author: TheYoungTurks
Woman Sexually Assaulted In Broad Daylight
"Yesterday, DC resident Liz Gorman was sexually assaulted in broad daylight in what is considered a "safe" neighborhood in DC Here are her own words about her experience." Read more: www.washingtonpost.com Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss this story and Ana talks about just how common this type of encounter is. Tell us in the comment section below if you've gone through the same thing as Ana and Liz Gorman. www.washingtonpost.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: twitter.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com

Sexual assault and rape
Victoria was raped in 2009. She describes what happened to her and how she has been affect...
published: 12 Mar 2010
Author: NHSChoices
Sexual assault and rape
Victoria was raped in 2009. She describes what happened to her and how she has been affected. And an expert gives advice on where to find your nearest sexual assault referral centre. For more information visit the NHS website: www.nhs.uk You can also ring the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre - National Freephone Helpline on 0808 802 9999 for support. Lines are open open every day of the year from 12pm-2.30pm and between 7pm-9.30pm You can find more information on 'Help after sexual assault', on NHS Choices Live Well: www.nhs.uk

surviving child sexual abuse
Please watch both part 1 and 2...thank you! The truth is a dragon. I am freeing that drago...
published: 10 Jun 2008
Author: myblueart
surviving child sexual abuse
Please watch both part 1 and 2...thank you! The truth is a dragon. I am freeing that dragon. These videos are very special and important to me, they are a piece of my truth that has been hidden, causing me to live a fractured life, and I choose to be whole from now on. Our truth isn't always comfortable or easy for others, and sometimes it takes amazing courage to speak out the truth. My truth was silenced, and now, my eyes are opened, and my mouth unsealed. Thank you so much for watching! if you need help, here is a good resource... PLEASE ask for help! it'll be ok! surviving sexual abuse and assault: www.rainn.org

Teen Sexually Assaulted, Then Threatened With Jail
She told her story online and launched a First Amendment battle that could change juvenile...
published: 21 Aug 2012
Author: ABCNews
Teen Sexually Assaulted, Then Threatened With Jail
She told her story online and launched a First Amendment battle that could change juvenile court.
Vimeo results:

TSA Screener Accosting 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint
Shocking video of TSA agents accosting 3 year old children all in the sake of security.
published: 15 Nov 2010
Author: RonPaul Fan
TSA Screener Accosting 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint
Shocking video of TSA agents accosting 3 year old children all in the sake of security.
This video has been removed from several of the sources that made it available.
I will not voluntarily delete this video.

The Invisible War Trailer
An investigative and powerfully emotional examination of the epidemic of rape of soldiers ...
published: 30 Nov 2011
Author: Kirby Dick
The Invisible War Trailer
An investigative and powerfully emotional examination of the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the U.S. military, the institutions that cover up its existence and the profound personal and social consequences that arise from it.
WINNER - 2012 Sundance US Documentary Audience Award

53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonal...
published: 18 Jul 2011
Author: EDP
53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly
Comments: "Range" is an appropriate middle name. What incredibly
detailed reporting on a variety of complicated topics. What an ability to
make us feel as if we know the players. What skill in explaining messy
situations. The very essence of solid journalism.
2nd place: David Evans, Bloomberg Markets, "Duping the Families of
Fallen Soldiers"
HM: Mariel Garza, Los Angeles Daily News Editorials
A2. PRINT (Under 50,000 circulation)
Radley Balko, Reason Magazine
Comment: ―Radley Balko is one of those throw-back journalists that
understands the power of groundbreaking reporting and how to make a
significant impact through his work. Time and time again, his stories cause
readers to stop, think, and most significantly, take action.
2nd Place: Dan Evans, Glendale News-Press
HM: Ryan Vaillancourt, Los Angeles Downtown News
Ana Garcia and Fred Mamoun, KNBC-TV
Garcia and Mamoun shoot, write and edit compelling stories. One of
their strengths as a team is the obvious respect for their subjects, and the
ability through contacts in the community to land exclusive interviews and
opportunities. They are strong storytellers and the pieces move!
2nd Place: Antonio Valverde, Univision
Valverde has a wide range as a journalist. He is able to work with various
segments of the community to tell compelling stories. He has political
acumen and can accurately and fairly tell stories, while also reaching out
to the disenfranchised to share their stories of life in L.A.
Susan Valot, KPCC
Comments: Well-rounded reports with authoritative, informed tone. Great
use of sound. Valot‘s work is some of the best we‘ve heard.
2nd Place: Brian Watt: KPCC
HM: Kitty Felde: KPCC
Daniel Heimpel, FosteringMediaConnections.org
2nd Place: Chris Hedges, Truthdig.com
HM: Robert Scheer, Truthdig.com
Kim Masters, KCRW-FM Radio
Comments: Nice voice in both senses of the word, along with substantive
content. Covering a story about outed CIA agent Valerie Plame, she
tracked down Plame to comment on her portrayal, rather than just talking
to the actress. She also gave a lot of information on entertainment agents
that broadened the picture the public was likely to have of that
2nd Place: Tara Wallis-Finestone, NBC LA
HM: George Pennacchio, KABC-TV
Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Times
Over 50,000 circulations – including news bureaus and correspondents
Tracy Manzer and Sarah Peters, Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Heroes foil
bank heist"
Comments: The writing was appropriately-paced for the category and
the story content. I enjoyed the writers' use of sensory details and factual
information, presented with a slightly humorous/sarcastic tone that made
this piece fun to read.
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly, ―The Parent Trigger‖.
Comments: Documents a groundswell of democracy while explaining a
new law through a real-world prism. Powerful. Incredibly well-sourced and
informative, yet provides a human touch. The story of poor minorities trying
to make a change documented how the masses can move the
establishment. Inspiring to others, this story shows what newspaper do like
no other. Bravo.
2nd Place: Thomas Curven, Los Angeles Times, ―Walking Away from Grief‖
HM: Kristopher Hanson, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Dangers Close to
Steve Friess, LA Weekly, ―A Tragic Love Story‖
2nd Place: Charlotte Hsu, LA Weekly, ―Forever Scared — The Story of
Herman Atkins‖
HM: Karen Robes Meeks, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Murchison: A
Portrait of a Long Beach Lobbyist‖
David Evans, Bloomberg News, "Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash
Payout as Insurers Profit"
Comments: These articles are the soul of great investigative journalism,
uncovering a shocking system whereby the families of slain soldiers are
tricked about benefits, and where shameless insurance companies reap
big profits at the expense of those families.
Best of all, it led to immediate Congressional investigations and action.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "The Dance of the Lemons"
HM: Monica Alonzo and Simone Wilson, LA Weekly, "Culture of Cruelty"
Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times, "California unfriendly to business?
Figures say no"
Comments: This is an authoritative and well-documented piece that
refutes the common wisdom of California's tax structure being unfriendly
to business.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "Barry Minkow 2.0"
HM: Donna Howell, Investor's Business Daily,

Sexual Assault Response Team video by KRCC's Rape Crisis Center
This very informative video describes the role, responsibilities and benefits of having a ...
published: 20 Dec 2011
Author: Caney Digital Media
Sexual Assault Response Team video by KRCC's Rape Crisis Center
This very informative video describes the role, responsibilities and benefits of having a Sexual Assault Response Team in your community.
Produced by Kentucky River Community Care, Inc. and Caney Digital Media.
Youtube results:

Ottawa Police Sexual Assault and Strip Search of Female Prisoner CCTV pt.1
Ottawa police officers are seen committing a violent sexual assault on Stacy Bonds in a CC...
published: 27 Nov 2010
Author: bulletproofcourier
Ottawa Police Sexual Assault and Strip Search of Female Prisoner CCTV pt.1
Ottawa police officers are seen committing a violent sexual assault on Stacy Bonds in a CCTV jail video released to the media. After kicking and punching her and slamming her head into the table, they pin her down on the floor and use scissors to cut off her bra and shirt. Afterward. the criminal gang parades their topless female prize down the halls of the Ottawa jail. bulletproofcourier.blogspot.com

Military Women Should 'Expect' Sexual Assault (Fox Pundit Doubles Down)
"Womens' veterans groups and media figures widely criticized Fox News pundit Liz ...
published: 23 Feb 2012
Author: TheYoungTurks
Military Women Should 'Expect' Sexual Assault (Fox Pundit Doubles Down)
"Womens' veterans groups and media figures widely criticized Fox News pundit Liz Trotta last week for claiming that women service members should "expect" sexual assault and complaining about levels of bureaucracy that support women who have been "raped too much." Trotta was reacting to and complaining about a recent Pentagon decision to relax rules on women serving in combat roles...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur talk about Trotta's follow up to her original comments. * thinkprogress.org Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

NYC Police Arrest IMF Head in Hotel Sex Assault
The leader of the International Monetary Fund was pulled from an airplane moments before h...
published: 15 May 2011
Author: AssociatedPress
NYC Police Arrest IMF Head in Hotel Sex Assault
The leader of the International Monetary Fund was pulled from an airplane moments before he was to fly to Paris and was arrested Sunday in connection with the violent sexual assault of a hotel maid, police said. (May 15)

Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted
CBS Reporter Lara Logan had suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating whe...
published: 17 Feb 2011
Author: TheAlyonaShow
Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted
CBS Reporter Lara Logan had suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating when reporting from Tahrir Square in Egypt. Mother Jones' Mac McClelland discusses why these stories of reporters being assaulted aren't getting enough attention.