
Hukum Hudud
Subject: Hukum Hudud-Mnorisam1 From: "Mnorisam1" Date: 15/07/2010 3:40 PM...
published: 15 Jul 2010
Author: Mnorisam1
Hukum Hudud
Subject: Hukum Hudud-Mnorisam1 From: "Mnorisam1" Date: 15/07/2010 3:40 PM

Hikmah Hudud Rejam
This video explain about wisdom from sentence in islam that call hudud.. click subscribe t...
published: 04 May 2012
Author: TheRedha85
Hikmah Hudud Rejam
This video explain about wisdom from sentence in islam that call hudud.. click subscribe this video..thanks for watching..

Fatwa Hudud Dr.Mahathir.MP4
published: 28 Feb 2012
Author: kapisagurl
Fatwa Hudud Dr.Mahathir.MP4

BFM Uncensored - C'mon Mat Sabu, Hudud or Not?
PAS Deputy President, Mat Sabu wants to clear the air on a question that's troubling m...
published: 17 May 2012
Author: bfmvdo
BFM Uncensored - C'mon Mat Sabu, Hudud or Not?
PAS Deputy President, Mat Sabu wants to clear the air on a question that's troubling many Malaysians. Has his party given up its Hudud agenda and why can't prominent party members keep to Pakatan Rakyat's message? BFM's Sharaad Kuttan also brings up the question of his Youth Wing's cultural agenda and if the party intends to intensify the policing of piety and sexual morality.

PAS downplays hudud row
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS has been forced to play down the controversial hudud issue again after i...
published: 31 Jul 2012
Author: FreeMalaysiaToday
PAS downplays hudud row
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS has been forced to play down the controversial hudud issue again after its secular ally in Pakatan Rakyat took the Islamist party to task over its vague position on a plan to implement the Islamic criminal law. Read more: www.freemalaysiatoday.com Video journalist: Hisyam Salleh

'Haram, also, to back Najib who doesn't want hudud?'
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim today came to the DAP's defence by asking why the pa...
published: 09 Aug 2012
Author: malaysiakini
'Haram, also, to back Najib who doesn't want hudud?'
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim today came to the DAP's defence by asking why the party is being singled out, when even the prime minister had said that hudud will never be implemented in Malaysia. Full Story: www.malaysiakini.com Camera/Editin: Tan Jiun Wuu

Ridhuan Tee: Hudud has to be implemented 'by force'
The only way to implement the Islamic hudud law is by implementing it "by force"...
published: 26 Oct 2011
Author: malaysiakini
Ridhuan Tee: Hudud has to be implemented 'by force'
The only way to implement the Islamic hudud law is by implementing it "by force", Malaysian National Defence University lecturer Ridhuan Tee Abdullah said today. "To implement Islamic law and to educate non-Muslims (on Islam) can only be done by force," the associate professor told a forum entitled 'Hudud: Its dilemma and implementation' organised by Malay-language daily Sinar Harian in Shah Alam today. Qualifying his assertion, Ridhuan said this is because the "negative attitude" of non-Muslims towards Islamic law makes it unlikely that they will voluntarily accept its implementation. Full story: www.malaysiakini.com Camera/Editing: Tan Jiun Wuu

Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Hukum Hudud (1)
Masjid Kubang Panjang, Gong Kiat...
published: 20 Aug 2011
Author: permulaanbaru
Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Hukum Hudud (1)
Masjid Kubang Panjang, Gong Kiat

Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Hudud Bagi Bukan Islam
published: 07 Sep 2011
Author: ahaizat
Ustaz Azhar Idrus - Hudud Bagi Bukan Islam

Hudud Part III: The Aceh Experience
The Indonesian province of Aceh is in the midst of implementing Hudud into their justice s...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Author: malaysiakini
Hudud Part III: The Aceh Experience
The Indonesian province of Aceh is in the midst of implementing Hudud into their justice system since achieving its 'Special Region' from the Indonesian central government. The Special Region came about from a 2001 peace treaty signed between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian government after years of guerrilla warfare. In 2003 Syariah law was formerly introduced and several Aceh provinces are implementing this law. Interview with Dr Lili Yulyadi bin Arnakim Visiting Lecturer Department of South East Asian Studies Universiti Malaya

Hudud Part II: Evoking emotions
Part II of our story on Hudud: Evoking emotions, we speak to lawyer Saadiah Din, Sisters I...
published: 13 Nov 2011
Author: malaysiakini
Hudud Part II: Evoking emotions
Part II of our story on Hudud: Evoking emotions, we speak to lawyer Saadiah Din, Sisters In Islam and The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST). While Saadiah supports the implementation of Hudud because she says, as a Muslim it's obligatory and perhaps the Islamic penal code is more needed than ever, SIS and the MCCBCHST are oppose to the idea for their own reasons.

PAS responds to Mahathir's hudud challenge
PAS Kuala Selangor MP, Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad responds to former premier Mahathir Mohamad'...
published: 22 Sep 2011
Author: malaysiakini
PAS responds to Mahathir's hudud challenge
PAS Kuala Selangor MP, Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad responds to former premier Mahathir Mohamad's challenge to implement hudud law in Kelantan where the party controls the government of the state.

Hudud (english subtitles)
VERSION FRANCAISE: www.youtube.com ------------------------------------------- Short anima...
published: 28 Oct 2008
Author: CameraEtc
Hudud (english subtitles)
VERSION FRANCAISE: www.youtube.com ------------------------------------------- Short animation film made by 12 young palestinian from Bethlehem and the Dheisheh refugee camp. HUDUD ------------------------------------------- To be 16 in Palestine today is to have ones life dictated by curfews, clashes with soldiers at checkpoints and arbitrary arrests CREDITS ------------------------------------------- DIRECTOR : Louise-Marie Colon and Delphine Hermans STORY, CHARACTERS, ANIMATION, VOICES, SOUND EFFECT AND MUSIC: 12 young people from Palestine ORIGINAL MUSIC: Mathieu Labaye DURATION : 8 min PRODUCER: Jean-Luc Slock PRODUCTION : Camera-etc © (2008)
Youtube results:

published: 23 Sep 2011
Author: SuperMeknik

Al-Hudud , Irak Gothia cup 2012
Al-Hudud , Iraq Gothia cup 2012. ---------------------------------------------------------...
published: 20 Jul 2012
Author: bavyan1
Al-Hudud , Irak Gothia cup 2012
Al-Hudud , Iraq Gothia cup 2012. ------------------------------------------------------------ هاردلك لفريق ناشئه الحدود ولو كنا نتمنى ان يصلون للنهائيات ولكن قدر الله وما شاء فعل --------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook fan Page : www.facebook.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By : Bavyan1 Youtube Channel. --------------------------------------------

Pakatan fails to reach consensus on hudud
Pakatan Rakyat today said they agreed to disagree on the thorny issue of the implementatio...
published: 28 Sep 2011
Author: malaysiakini
Pakatan fails to reach consensus on hudud
Pakatan Rakyat today said they agreed to disagree on the thorny issue of the implementation of the hudud law when its top leaders failed to come to a consensus. Speaking after a meeting lasting about three hours ending at midnight, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said that the decision was to respect both PAS and DAP's divergent stand on the matter. "It's quite clear that DAP opposes it and PAS and PKR respect this... We acknowlege the differences in ideology in Pakatan, as a democraric coalition and this involves PAS' stand on syariah law," he said. malaysiakini.com

PAS: Hudud Umno's diversion
Also at the open house, PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hassan said that hudud is part and parce...
published: 26 Sep 2011
Author: malaysiakini
PAS: Hudud Umno's diversion
Also at the open house, PAS Youth chief Nasruddin Hassan said that hudud is part and parcel of the Islamic faith and it is the duty of all Muslims to discuss and know. However, he said that the issue should not have been "politicised or polemicised" but instead discussed in detail and in the proper manner. Nasruddin posits that only the BN government is keen to play up the matter in the media in order to obfuscate more important matters like fake ICs of dubious voters and the ISA. He reiterated the Islamic party's stand that as Islam is the agenda, they hope to see hudud implemented one day, but allayed allegations and fears that hudud will adversely affect non-Muslims. "This is for Muslims," assured Nasruddin. Full story: www.malaysiakini.com Camera: Hazlan Zakaria Editing: Tan Jiun Wuu