- published: 09 Mar 2009
- views: 79102
- author: monteverdifan

Heinrich Schütz - Die mit Tränen säen SWV 378
Philippe Herreweghe - Collegium Vocale Gent...
published: 09 Mar 2009
author: monteverdifan
Heinrich Schütz - Die mit Tränen säen SWV 378
Philippe Herreweghe - Collegium Vocale Gent

Calmus Ensemble Leipzig- H. Schütz: Also hat Gott
Heinrich Schütz: Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, op. 11,12 SWV 380; 11 May 2008 at Musica ...
published: 11 Jun 2008
author: DolfRabus
Calmus Ensemble Leipzig- H. Schütz: Also hat Gott
Heinrich Schütz: Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, op. 11,12 SWV 380; 11 May 2008 at Musica Sacra International, Dreifaltigkeitskirche Kaufbeuren Schlusskonzert 1; www.modfestivals.org
- published: 11 Jun 2008
- views: 67280
- author: DolfRabus

Heinrich Schütz - Meine Seele erhebt den Herren
Der Schwanengesang (SWV 482-494) Dresdner Kammerchor...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: Elizium1970
Heinrich Schütz - Meine Seele erhebt den Herren
Der Schwanengesang (SWV 482-494) Dresdner Kammerchor
- published: 23 Mar 2011
- views: 16245
- author: Elizium1970

Heinrich Schütz - Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes (Herreweghe)
This is my Schütz videos with Collegium Vocale Gent: Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes: ...
published: 11 Feb 2010
author: stigekalder
Heinrich Schütz - Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes (Herreweghe)
This is my Schütz videos with Collegium Vocale Gent: Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes: www.youtube.com Ich bin eine rufende Stimme: www.youtube.com Unser Wandel ist im Himmel: www.youtube.com Heinrich Schütz (1585 - 1672): DIE HIMMEL ERZÄHLEN DIE EHRE GOTTES Heinrich Schütz was a German composer and organist, generally regarded as the most important German composer before Johann Sebastian Bach and often considered to be one of the most important composers of the 17th century along with Claudio Monteverdi. He wrote what is thought to be the first German opera, Dafne. However, the music has since been lost. He was buried in the Dresden Frauenkirche. Schütz was of great importance in bringing new musical ideas to Germany from Italy, and as such had a large influence on the German music which was to follow. The style of the north German organ school derives largely from Schütz (as well as from the Dutchman Sweelinck); a century later this music was to culminate in the work of JS Bach. "Die Himmel erzählen" (SWV 386) was published in 1648 (in Dresden), as part of "Geistliche Chormusik" (Opus 11). The score is available at www.imslp.org. Die Himmel erzehlen die Ehre GOttes, und die Feste verkündiget seiner Hände Werck. Ein Tag sagts dem andern, und eine Nacht thuts kund der andern. Es ist keine Sprache noch Rede, da man nicht ihre Stimme höre. Ihre Schnur gehet aus in alle Lande, und ihre Rede an der Welt Ende. Er hat der Sonnen eine Hütten in denselben gemacht; und ...
- published: 11 Feb 2010
- views: 64458
- author: stigekalder

Heinrich Schütz Aus der Tiefe ruf ich, Herr, zu dir • Vocal Ensemble München
Musica Sacra International 2010 Marktoberdorf, Concert St. Martin, May 22 www.modfestivals...
published: 13 Jun 2010
author: DolfRabus
Heinrich Schütz Aus der Tiefe ruf ich, Herr, zu dir • Vocal Ensemble München
Musica Sacra International 2010 Marktoberdorf, Concert St. Martin, May 22 www.modfestivals.org Vocal Ensemble München, Dir.: Martin Zöbeley
- published: 13 Jun 2010
- views: 3014
- author: DolfRabus

Heinrich Schütz feat. Paul Hillier & ARS NOVA Copenhagen
Promotion video for Dacapo Records' CD release of Heinrich Schütz: Die Sieben Worte; Johan...
published: 02 Mar 2010
author: dacaporecords
Heinrich Schütz feat. Paul Hillier & ARS NOVA Copenhagen
Promotion video for Dacapo Records' CD release of Heinrich Schütz: Die Sieben Worte; Johannes-Passion featuring Paul Hillier and ARS NOVA Copenhagen. TO BE RELEASED IN APRIL 2010 (Dacapo CD 8.226093)
- published: 02 Mar 2010
- views: 3260
- author: dacaporecords

Schütz: Heu mihi domine & Quid commisisti - Vocalconsort Berlin
Heinrich Schütz: Mottetn 'Heu mihi domine', SWV 65 & 'Quid commisisti' SWV 56 Vocalconsort...
published: 31 Jan 2012
author: avroklassiek
Schütz: Heu mihi domine & Quid commisisti - Vocalconsort Berlin
Heinrich Schütz: Mottetn 'Heu mihi domine', SWV 65 & 'Quid commisisti' SWV 56 Vocalconsort Berlin olv Daniel Reuss Opgenomen tijdens de BachDag ism de Organisatie Oude Muziek 29 januari 2012, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 5886
- author: avroklassiek

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) - Schwanengesang
1. Psalm 119. Aleph und Beth. "Wohl denen, die ohne Wandel leben" SWV 482 2. Psalm 119. Gi...
published: 26 May 2012
author: baroque6hiro
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) - Schwanengesang
1. Psalm 119. Aleph und Beth. "Wohl denen, die ohne Wandel leben" SWV 482 2. Psalm 119. Gimel und Daleth. "Tue wohl deinem Knechte, daß ich lebe" SWV483 3. Psalm 119. He und Vav. "Zeige mir, Herr, den Weg deiner Rechte" SWV 484 4. Psalm 119. Dsaïn und Chet. "Gedenke deinem Knechte an dein Wort" SWV 485 5. Psalm 119. Thet und Jod. "Du tust Guts deinem Knechte" SWV 486 6. Psalm 119. Caph und Lamed. "Meine Seele verlanget nach deinem Heil" SWV487 7. Psalm 119. Mem und Nun. "Wie habe ich dein Gesetze so lieb" SWV 488 8. Psalm 119. Samech und Aïn. "Ich hasse die Flattergeister" SWV 489 : 46:08~ 9. Psalm 119. Pe und Zade. "Deine Zeugnisse sind wunderbarlich" SWV 490 10. Psalm 119. Koph und Resch. "Ich rufe von ganzem Herzen" SWV 491 11. Psalm 119. Schin und Tav. "Die Fürsten verfolgen mich ohn Ursach" SWV 492 12. Psalm 100. "Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt" SWV 493 : 1:13:32~ 13. Deutsches Magnificat. "Meine Seele erhebt den Herren" SWV 494 : 1:21:46~ Paul Hillier ( con ) The Tapiola Chamber Choir
- published: 26 May 2012
- views: 4610
- author: baroque6hiro

Heinrich Schütz: Ehre sei dir Christe
Heinrich Schütz: Ehre sei dir Christe előadja a Debreceni Református Kollégium Kántusa, ka...
published: 15 Aug 2008
author: duduudvardi
Heinrich Schütz: Ehre sei dir Christe
Heinrich Schütz: Ehre sei dir Christe előadja a Debreceni Református Kollégium Kántusa, karnagy: Berkesi Sándor
- published: 15 Aug 2008
- views: 18905
- author: duduudvardi

Heinrich Schutz - O Jesu, Nomen Dulce - Andreas Scholl
Note: For some reason I don't understand, some parts of the video is out of sync slightly....
published: 28 Jun 2007
author: civileso
Heinrich Schutz - O Jesu, Nomen Dulce - Andreas Scholl
Note: For some reason I don't understand, some parts of the video is out of sync slightly. It looks just fine on wmp but apparently something happened in the process of uploading it.. Heinrich Schutz (1585-1672) From "Kleine geistliche Konzerte Vol II SWV 308 O Jesu, nomen dulce, nomen admirabile, nomen confortans, quid enim canitur suavius, quid auditur jucundius, quid cogitatur dulcis, quam Jesu, Dei filius. O nomen Jesu, verus animae cibus, in ore mel, in aure melos, in corde laetitia mea. Tuum itaque nomen, dulcissime Jesu, in aeternum in ore meo portabo.
- published: 28 Jun 2007
- views: 78433
- author: civileso

Heinrich Schutz Magnificat
Round Top Festival Institute - November 21, 2010 Houston Chamber Choir; The Whole Noyse; A...
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: Alain G. Declert
Heinrich Schutz Magnificat
Round Top Festival Institute - November 21, 2010 Houston Chamber Choir; The Whole Noyse; Alan Austin & Sean Wang, violins; Barrett Sills, viola da gamba; Barbara Braid, organ; Richard Savino, theorbo. Dr. Manfred Cordes, conductor.
- published: 22 Nov 2010
- views: 4934
- author: Alain G. Declert

Heinrich SCHÜTZ HISTORIA DER GEBURT JESU CHRISTI SWV 435 ( Weihnachtshistorie ) Dresde 166...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: RIRRATTO
Heinrich SCHÜTZ HISTORIA DER GEBURT JESU CHRISTI SWV 435 ( Weihnachtshistorie ) Dresde 1664 Hertha Flebbe - Hans Joachim Rotzsch - Hans-Olaf Hudemann Westfäliche Kantorei Direction WILHELM EHMANN enregistré en septembre 1959
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 3590
- author: RIRRATTO

Heinrich Schütz - Rorate coeli desuper
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) Rorate coeli desuper, SWV 322 aus: Kleine geistliche Konzerte ...
published: 04 Sep 2008
author: Ablacsia
Heinrich Schütz - Rorate coeli desuper
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) Rorate coeli desuper, SWV 322 aus: Kleine geistliche Konzerte Hanne Mari Orbaeck, soprano Susanne Ryden, soprano Ulrich Messthaler, bass Concento Vocale, dir. René Jacobs Rorate coeli desuper et nubes pluant iustum, aperiatur terra et germinet Salvatorem. Übersetzung: Tauet, ihr Himmel, von oben, ihr Wolken regnet den Gerechten! Tu dich auf, Erde, und sprosse den Heiland hervor! Translation: The heavens spill forth dew, and the clouds rain down justice, that the earth below might open up and cause Our Savior to take seed. Gemälde: Jean-Baptiste-Marie Pierre, Nativity
- published: 04 Sep 2008
- views: 38524
- author: Ablacsia
Youtube results:

Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) Wohl denen, die ohne Wandel leben, SWV 482
Schwanengesang No.1 Dresden Chamber Choir Dresden Early Music Ensemble Hans-Christoph Rade...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: FromBaroquewithLove
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) Wohl denen, die ohne Wandel leben, SWV 482
Schwanengesang No.1 Dresden Chamber Choir Dresden Early Music Ensemble Hans-Christoph Rademann, conductor www.amazon.de ____________________________________________________________ Heinrich Schütz (October 8 (JC), 1585 - November 6, 1672) was a German composer and organist, generally regarded as the most important German composer before Johann Sebastian Bach and often considered to be one of the most important composers of the 17th century along with Claudio Monteverdi. He wrote what is thought to be the first German opera, Dafne, performed at Torgau in 1627, of which the music has since been lost. He is commemorated as a musician in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church on July 28 with Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel. He was buried in the Dresden Frauenkirche but his tomb has been destroyed. [en.wikipedia.org
- published: 12 Jul 2011
- views: 2082
- author: FromBaroquewithLove

Heinrich Schütz. Musikalische Exequien
Heinrich Schütz. Musikalische Exequien op. 7, SWV 279 - 281 1.- Concierto en forma de misa...
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: Alberto Sosa
Heinrich Schütz. Musikalische Exequien
Heinrich Schütz. Musikalische Exequien op. 7, SWV 279 - 281 1.- Concierto en forma de misa de funeral alemán 2.- Motete: Herr, wenn ich nur Dich habe 3.- Canticum Simeonis: Herr, nun lässest Du Deinen Diener La Chapelle Royale Philippe Herreweghe
- published: 30 Mar 2012
- views: 5116
- author: Alberto Sosa

Heinrich SCHUTZ = Psaume de David
Paume 150 ''alleluja lobet den herren''- La chapelle Rhénane , dir= Benoit Haller- Durant ...
published: 22 Nov 2009
author: cezig
Heinrich SCHUTZ = Psaume de David
Paume 150 ''alleluja lobet den herren''- La chapelle Rhénane , dir= Benoit Haller- Durant les folles journées de Nantes 2009
- published: 22 Nov 2009
- views: 6658
- author: cezig