
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov Biography - Documentary
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was a dissident and a Soviet nuclear scientist. He constructed...
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: ArtyomProductions
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov Biography - Documentary
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was a dissident and a Soviet nuclear scientist. He constructed the first Soviet Hydrogen Bomb, but later turned to be against the use of H Bomb and stood up for rights of the people and became an activist. He received Nobel Peace Prize and became a hero of Soviet Union. He prevented 3rd world war and made a huge amount of contributions towards the end of arms race & global peace and justice. *The video is made for my school project, I got 100% :D* If you have any questions of comments feel free to share.

Soviet Files: The Sakharov Paradox
The famous Russian scientist Andrey Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb and received ...
published: 20 May 2011
author: RussiaToday
Soviet Files: The Sakharov Paradox
The famous Russian scientist Andrey Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb and received many top awards. But he was also the most widely-known Soviet dissident, constantly hounded by the KGB and oppressed by the party's leadership. On May 21st, Russia marks the 90th anniversary of Andrey Sakharov's birth. RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com RT on Twitter: twitter.com

Andrei Sakharov Quotes
What was your favorite Andrei Sakharov quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, th...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: quotetank
Andrei Sakharov Quotes
What was your favorite Andrei Sakharov quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, then jump over to quotetank.com and make a list of your favorites, so you'll never forget! We update our Twitter and Facebook with new quotes every few minutes, don't miss out! twitter.com | www.facebook.com If you enjoyed these quotes, please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! Who is Andrei Sakharov? A Soviet nuclear physicist, dissident and human rights activist.

The Andrei Sakharov Speeches USSR Congress 1989 - Речь Андрея Сахарова
These are the collection of speeches of famous Soviet nuclear physicist, human rights acti...
published: 04 May 2012
author: RedSamurai84
The Andrei Sakharov Speeches USSR Congress 1989 - Речь Андрея Сахарова
These are the collection of speeches of famous Soviet nuclear physicist, human rights activist, and dissident Andrei Sakharov. Spoken at the 1st Congress of Peoples Deputies from May 25th till June 9th 1989. Sakharov polarized the congress and made calls for radically reforming the USSR, so radical were his words that it was too much for even liberal minded Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who censors Sakharov in his final speech. Whether you agree with this man's views or not, for better or worse Sakharov is a Soviet historical figure that helped shape the future of his nation into the 21st century. Речь Андрея Сахарова на Съезде народных депутатов СССР в 1989 года.

Andrey Sakharov.
Andrey Sakharovs scientific genius gave the USSR nuclear equality with the US Some believe...
published: 09 Mar 2010
author: russianwomenshome
Andrey Sakharov.
Andrey Sakharovs scientific genius gave the USSR nuclear equality with the US Some believe his invention helped prevent a Third-World War. But he was later to become a vigorous advocate of nuclear disarmament.

Defending human rights in Russia and the Sakharov prize
Every year the European Parliament awards the Sakharov prize for the Freedom of Thought, t...
published: 03 Dec 2009
author: eppgrouptv
Defending human rights in Russia and the Sakharov prize
Every year the European Parliament awards the Sakharov prize for the Freedom of Thought, to honour human rights defenders around the world. In 2009 the prize was awarded to Memorial, a human rights organisation that Andrei Sakharov himself helped to found. Memorial works not only to remember the abuses of the Soviet era but to highlight the threat facing human rights in Russia today.

Elena Bonner - Oslo Freedom Forum 2009
Elena Bonner's father and uncle were executed while her mother and aunt were exiled to...
published: 20 Jun 2011
author: OsloFreedomForum
Elena Bonner - Oslo Freedom Forum 2009
Elena Bonner's father and uncle were executed while her mother and aunt were exiled to labor camps during Stalin's Great Purge. She subsequently became active in the Soviet human rights movement, eventually marrying fellow activist Andrei Sakharov in 1972. When Sakharov won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975, Bonner traveled to Oslo to represent him as he was restricted from leaving his country. She continued as his lifeline to the outside world into the 1980's until she too was arrested and exiled in 1984. Her dedication won her the prestigious Rafto prize in 1991. She was an outspoken critic of the Chechen war and of Vladimir Putin's increasing authoritarianism. Elena died June 18, 2011, of heart failure at the age of 88.

KYRGYZ USSR RUS - E.Bonner on Her Husband, Andrei Sakharov (in Kyrgyz)
Andrei Sakharov, the author of Russia's A-bomb, is the best known USSR dissident. He w...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: AzattykUnalgysy
KYRGYZ USSR RUS - E.Bonner on Her Husband, Andrei Sakharov (in Kyrgyz)
Andrei Sakharov, the author of Russia's A-bomb, is the best known USSR dissident. He was forced by authorities to leave Moscow and spent years in small city called Gorky. With Glasnot and Gorbachev he was allowed to return to Moscow and elected as a member of People's Congress. RFERL, thanks to the generosity of a well-known movie maker in Latvia, Devini studio, www.devini.lv is in position to offer you the Sakharov speech at that session and Gorbarchev raction to it. The extract is the part of the documentary MY HUSBAND ANDREI SAKHAROV, Latvian - French co-production, , director Inara Kolmane. Ригадагы Devini студиясында режиссер Инара Колмане даярдаган "Менин күйөөм Андрей Сахаров" аттуу даректүү тасмада советтик диссидент, академик Андрей Сахаров (1921-1989) менен СССР Президенти Михаил Горбачевдун кайым айтышуусу, Елена Боннэрдин күйөөсү тууралуу пикири чагылдырылган. Котормосун Т.Чоротегин даярдады. "Азаттык" үналгысы. 21.6.2011.

The Square Of Andrei Sakharov. Composer and performer Vladimir Krylov
One of the best place of Saint Petersburg. Мы посв...
published: 25 May 2011
author: olgakrylova777
The Square Of Andrei Sakharov. Composer and performer Vladimir Krylov
One of the best place of Saint Petersburg. Мы посвящаем этот фильм прекрасным людям, с которыми нас свела судьба, работавшим и работающим в Библиотеке Российской Академии Наук и в Санкт-Петербургском Государственном Университете. Бог в помощь вам, друзья мои, Бог в помощь вам!

Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought: Spotlight on Human Rights
The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after the Russian scientist and political...
published: 10 Nov 2011
author: EuropeanParliament
Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought: Spotlight on Human Rights
The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after the Russian scientist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov, honours individuals or organisations for their efforts to defend human rights, democracy and freedom of expression. Created in 1988, the prize is awarded annually in December at a formal sitting held in Strasbourg. In 2011, the prize goes to five activists of the Arab Spring.

Freedom and Human Rights. Sakharov Prize 2010 - Eu Hostel
The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after the Russian scientist and political...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: euhostel
Freedom and Human Rights. Sakharov Prize 2010 - Eu Hostel
The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after the Russian scientist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov, seeks to honour individuals or organisations anywhere in the world for their efforts on behalf of human rights, democracy and freedom of expression and their struggle against intolerance and oppression. Created in 1988, the prize is awarded annually by the European Parliament at a formal sitting held in Strasbourg. If Parliament's calendar allows, the award ceremony takes place on or as close as possible to 10 December, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948. Previous notable prize winners have included Nelson Mandela (South Africa), Alexander Dubček (Czechoslovakia), Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo (The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo - Argentina), Wei Jingsheng (China), Ibrahim Rugova (Kosovo), the United Nations Organisation and its former Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Aliaksandr Milinkevich (Belarus)

Memorial win Sakharov prize
Returning to the country of its namesake's origin, Russian human rights defenders Lyud...
published: 28 Oct 2009
author: EuropeanParliament
Memorial win Sakharov prize
Returning to the country of its namesake's origin, Russian human rights defenders Lyudmila Alexeyeva, Sergei Kovalyov and Oleg Orlov took home the honours for Memorial.

Tatiana Yankelevich - Oslo Freedom Forum 2009
Tatiana Yankelevich, Director of the Sakharov Program on Human Rights at Harvard Universit...
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: OsloFreedomForum
Tatiana Yankelevich - Oslo Freedom Forum 2009
Tatiana Yankelevich, Director of the Sakharov Program on Human Rights at Harvard University, introduces remarks by Elena Bonner, her mother and the widow of Nobel Peace Prize recipient Andrei Sakharov.

El PE dedica una sala a Andrei Sakharov
fr.euronews.net El presidente del Parlamento Europeo Jerzy Buzek ha inaugurado en Bruselas...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: euronewses
El PE dedica una sala a Andrei Sakharov
fr.euronews.net El presidente del Parlamento Europeo Jerzy Buzek ha inaugurado en Bruselas la Sala Sakharov, como lugar de debate sobre los derechos humanos. Este año el Premio Sakharov del Parlamento Europeo ha recaído en cinco activistas de la Primavera Árabe. Salima Ghezali, periodista argelina, recibió el premio en 1997: "la democracia no es algo común en los países árabes. En el mundo árabe se lucha desde hace mucho tiempo por la democracia, pero solo desde hace poco se está prestando atención a esta lucha".
Youtube results:

Edward Manukyan - "Oh, That Mushroom Cloud!" - On words by A. Sakharov
Lyndi Williams (soprano) and Margarita Sargsyan (piano) perform "Oh, That Mushroom Cl...
published: 27 Dec 2011
author: OpenPalmMusic
Edward Manukyan - "Oh, That Mushroom Cloud!" - On words by A. Sakharov
Lyndi Williams (soprano) and Margarita Sargsyan (piano) perform "Oh, That Mushroom Cloud!" from Edward Manukyan's "A World Without War" cantata. This particular piece is based on words by the prominent Soviet nuclear physicist Andrei Sakharov (1921-1989), the inventor of hydrogen bomb who became a major peace and human rights activist. The performance was recorded at the Martiros Saryan House Museum, on Oct 2, 2010. The words are as follows: "I saw a blinding yellow sphere expand, Enormous swirling grey-blue cloud, with fire. Shock waves criss-crossed the sky, blasting all around. I felt for those who'd die. Oh, that mushroom cloud! Mushroom cloud! Yes, the world can be beautiful, beautiful! That depends on just us, that depends on us! Mushroom cloud!" (From the memoirs of A. Sakharov)

Russia leaps ahead in race for H-bomb supremacy in August 12th 1953
August 12th 1953 - Russia leaps ahead in race for H-bomb supremacy and demonstrated the us...
published: 14 Sep 2011
author: Sergeyspb2009
Russia leaps ahead in race for H-bomb supremacy in August 12th 1953
August 12th 1953 - Russia leaps ahead in race for H-bomb supremacy and demonstrated the use of fusion in a weaponizable design known as the Sakharov's Sloika or "Layer Cake" design. How it became now known such great scientists as Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr conscientiously co-operated to advising the Soviet nuclear project. They had a right to use the own ideas against the grain of western governments. But Russian physicists and Russian science had a leading role in this achievement. Prejudices of political clans of western society always made effect of self-deceit. And it is can be similar to ignorance about philosophy of Russian cosmism (as source of modern rockets technologies) or modern primitive desire to create Missile defense ignoring opinion of Russia. Andrei Sakharov offered the effective project of placing of a fifty of 500 megatons TNT bombs along the US marine border (using vulnerability of marine border). He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and wanted to cure the US neocons from an fixed idea about Russia! This humanism project can do to absurd of any idea missile defence, to help for russophobes to forget about Russia.

The most humane science?
A small subject that popped into my head. Maybe I didn't warrant a video, but apparent...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: Vitoldian
The most humane science?
A small subject that popped into my head. Maybe I didn't warrant a video, but apparently I made it anyway :3 en.wikipedia.org

Antiwar Radio - (the other) Scott Horton - 9/5/2010 - 1 of 3
antiwar.com The Other Scott Horton (no relation), international human rights lawyer and co...
published: 06 Sep 2010
author: AntiwarRadio
Antiwar Radio - (the other) Scott Horton - 9/5/2010 - 1 of 3
antiwar.com The Other Scott Horton (no relation), international human rights lawyer and contributing editor at Harper's magazine, discusses spreading American ideas through education instead of with bombs, democratic growing pains (or death throes) in the Kyrgyz Republic, how the wide ideological divisions in the Cold War have since converged in a mash-up of state capitalism and authoritarianism, the strident nationalism of Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney and why a one-world government is not a realistic possibility. MP3 here. (41:53) dissentradio.com The Other Scott Horton is a Contributing Editor for Harper's magazine where he writes the No Comment blog. A New York attorney known for his work in emerging markets and international law, especially human rights law and the law of armed conflict, Horton lectures at Columbia Law School. A life-long human rights advocate, Scott served as counsel to Andrei Sakharov and Elena Bonner, among other activists in the former Soviet Union. He is a co-founder of the American University in Central Asia, and has been involved in some of the most significant foreign investment projects in the Central Eurasian region. Scott recently led a number of studies of abuse issues associated with the conduct of the war on terror for the New York City Bar Association, where he has chaired several committees, including, most recently, the Committee on International Law. He is also a member of the board of the National Institute of Military Justice <b>...</b>