
ABU RAYHON BERUNIY (1QISM)-UzbekTVNewYork,Inc 1718-600-6518
UzbekTVNewYork,Inc uzbekny.tv http uzbek.radio12345.com...
published: 23 Jan 2011
Author: UzbekNewYorkTV
ABU RAYHON BERUNIY (1QISM)-UzbekTVNewYork,Inc 1718-600-6518
UzbekTVNewYork,Inc uzbekny.tv http uzbek.radio12345.com

ABU RAYHON BERUNIY (2QISM)-UzbekTVNewYork,Inc 1718-600-6518
UzbekTVNewYork,Inc uzbekny.tv http uzbek.radio12345.com...
published: 23 Jan 2011
Author: UzbekNewYorkTV
ABU RAYHON BERUNIY (2QISM)-UzbekTVNewYork,Inc 1718-600-6518
UzbekTVNewYork,Inc uzbekny.tv http uzbek.radio12345.com

Amudaryo. Beruniy.3gp
Это реално най
published: 21 Jan 2012
Amudaryo. Beruniy.3gp
Это реално найдено на берегах реки Амударё р.Каракалпакистан г.Беруний ТРУП РУСАЛКИ вернее засохщий.

Tashkent beruniy Max.mp4
published: 23 Mar 2012
Author: blackM717
Tashkent beruniy Max.mp4

Tashkent beruniy max2 .mp4
published: 23 Mar 2012
Author: blackM717
Tashkent beruniy max2 .mp4

Shahriyor - Cry baby
Cry babe - Shahriyor ijrosida 2006 yil...
published: 26 Jun 2009
Author: Narimon
Shahriyor - Cry baby
Cry babe - Shahriyor ijrosida 2006 yil

Uzbekistan-All I have! (Presented by Mira'zam)
Education Uzbekistan pays great attention to education of population. Annually, about 53% ...
published: 02 Oct 2011
Author: UzbekEconomy
Uzbekistan-All I have! (Presented by Mira'zam)
Education Uzbekistan pays great attention to education of population. Annually, about 53% of state budget is appropriated for further improvement of education system in the country. Uzbek national education model includes all stages of education and upbringing of personality, preschool education, primary and secondary education, vocational education, higher education, raising skills/training and further education. The country carries targeted activity for basic and professional education of talented children and youth overseas. Since the very day of Independence of Uzbekistan, thousands of young people have undergone courses on different prestigious programs or have been educated in solid universities abroad. Sources of science of Uzbekistan date back to ancient centuries, have deep and strong roots. Through concentration, it can serve the whole humanity in achieving the secrets of the nature. Such great scientists as Ahmad Al-Farghoniy, Abu Raikhon Beruniy, Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Mukhammad Al-Khorazmiy, Mirzo-Ulughbek, who originated from Central Asia, in medieval ages made great contribution in development of such sciences as astronomy, geography, geology, geophysics, mineralogy, pharmacology, botanic, anatomy, human physiology, medicine, chemistry, physics, metaphysics. Intellectualpotentialoftoday'sUzbekistanhasbeenformed. Its level of development, innovations and capabilities, at present, are moving ahead of many developing countries of the world, and in many cases do not <b>...</b>

* PrO BeRuNy *
MuCkáM váS hOLky...
published: 01 Feb 2008
Author: KamicekKamka
* PrO BeRuNy *
MuCkáM váS hOLky

beruny-tým aerobiku RCE
rce tým - Berušky...
published: 16 Dec 2008
Author: Domisek94
beruny-tým aerobiku RCE
rce tým - Berušky

Beruny ve Vídni
Protest ve Vídni za Legalizaci marihuany.........a beruny tam nesměli chyb...
published: 15 May 2011
Author: MICUDKA1
Beruny ve Vídni
Protest ve Vídni za Legalizaci marihuany.........a beruny tam nesměli chybět........jako vždy a všude.........že...:-))

Tashkent is a center of Islamic Culture in 2007 (Presented by Mira'zam)
History The territory of modern Uzbekistan is one of the most ancient cradles of world civ...
published: 02 Oct 2011
Author: UzbekEconomy
Tashkent is a center of Islamic Culture in 2007 (Presented by Mira'zam)
History The territory of modern Uzbekistan is one of the most ancient cradles of world civilization. Here, from ancient times, emerged powerful state formations replacing each other. It's the region where East and West came together, their cultures and religions, where great scientist and thinkers lived and created. Uzbekistan is the country with the richest history. Here emerged and prospered such powerful states as Bactria, Sogdiana, Khorazm, Kushan Kingdom. In the IV century BC, Alexander the Great invaded Central Asia, conquered Sogdiana and Bactria, leaving here the tracks of Greek culture. The Great Silk Road passed through the country. The peak of prosperity of the former falls on the VII-X centuries. Trade routes passed through the pearls of world civilization, which coevals of Rome and Athens -- cities Samarqand, Bukhoro and Khiva. In the VIII century and consequent centuries, Islam and Muslim culture started to rapidly spread in Central Asia. This period, which entered in to the history as Eastern Renaissance, was noted by the flowering of towns, development of Islamic theology and secular sciences, Muslim architecture and art, about achievement of which we could judge from records and material monuments and sources reaching us. At that epoch, on our land, outstanding scientists and thinkers lived and created. Their achievements became weighty contribution in development of world civilization: · Al-Khorazmiy, the founder of modern algebra, the scientist who <b>...</b>
Youtube results:

Yulduz Usmonova - O'zbekiston
O'zbekiston - Muhammad Yusuf so'zi Yulduz Usmonova ijrosida 2001yil TAVALLO Oq yo`...
published: 24 Jun 2009
Author: Narimon
Yulduz Usmonova - O'zbekiston
O'zbekiston - Muhammad Yusuf so'zi Yulduz Usmonova ijrosida 2001yil TAVALLO Oq yo`rgakka o`ragansan o`zing bizni, Ham oq yuvib-taragansan o`zing bizni. Beshigimiz uzra bedor ona bo`lib, Kunimizga yaragansan o`zing bizni. Fidoying bo`lgaymiz seni, O`zbekiston, Hech kimga bermaymiz seni, O`zbekiston!.. Qalqoning bor, kim qasd qilsa gar joningga, Alpomishlar ruhi yor har o`g`loningga. Asragaymiz giyohing ham gulday o`pib, Yovlar yaqin yo`lolmagay qo`rg`oningga. Adoying bo`lgaymiz seni, O`zbekiston, Hech kimga bermaymiz seni, O`zbekiston. Tuzing totib, unutganlar xor bo`ladi, Ko`zlariga ikki dunyo tor bo`ladi. Shodon daming ko`rolmagan yurtfurushlar Bir kun bir kaft qumlog`ingga zor bo`ladi. Yoningda turgaymiz seni, O`zbekiston, Hech kimga bermaymiz seni, O`zbekiston!.. Gul ko`ringan dashtingdagi giyoh-xasdir, Soddadilu ulug`vorlik senga xosdir. Sevamizki, cho`llaring ham bizga jannat, Tuprog`ing ham Makka misol muqaddasdir. Onadek ko`rgaymiz seni, O`zbekiston, Hech kimga bermaymiz seni, O`zbekiston!

Rayhon - Hech Ayrilma
uploadbox.com чтобы скачаm...
published: 17 Jan 2011
Author: VideoSkachat
Rayhon - Hech Ayrilma
uploadbox.com чтобы скачать нажмите. бесплатно легко и просто

Abu Rajkhan Al Beruni 2/3
film of Shukrat Abbasov 1974...
published: 07 Oct 2010
Author: AbuAlWalidIbnRuchd
Abu Rajkhan Al Beruni 2/3
film of Shukrat Abbasov 1974

published: 17 Mar 2012
Author: beruny2