Ninjaman and Lecturer on Killamanjaro
Late 80s dance, Jaro playing with Stone Love and Romantic (Little John's Sound). Ninja...
published: 26 Aug 2006
Author: smart2177
Ninjaman and Lecturer on Killamanjaro
Late 80s dance, Jaro playing with Stone Love and Romantic (Little John's Sound). Ninjaman briefly adresses Twitch who had dissed the other sounds on Romantic saying "Jaro come outta bottom" (check www.youtube.com ), then it's business as usual and the mic passes around from Ninja to Lecturer and back. Also on the scene are Major Mackrel, Dominick, Jr Cat and Jr Demus.
Funny Physics Lecturer
from california institute of technology. there are 3 parts from 3 different lectures which...
published: 15 Nov 2007
Author: bck1990
Funny Physics Lecturer
from california institute of technology. there are 3 parts from 3 different lectures which i cut out, hilarious, i wish lecturers in my sch were as humorous, the first part is a lecture on Maxwell's Equations, second one is on Resonance and the last one is on Static Electricity (electric field).
Physics 10 - Lecture 22: Relativity
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 22: Relativity
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 16: Invisible Light II
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 16: Invisible Light II
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 21: Review Session
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 21: Review Session
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 19: Quantum III
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 19: Quantum III
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 20:- Quantum IV
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 20:- Quantum IV
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 24: Universe I
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 24: Universe I
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
The First Lecture
Senior University of Sydney Lecturer Giuseppe Carabetta discusses how to capture students&...
published: 13 Jul 2008
Author: uniofsydney
The First Lecture
Senior University of Sydney Lecturer Giuseppe Carabetta discusses how to capture students' attention in the first lecture.
Physics 10 - Lecture 10: Electricity and Magnetism II
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 10: Electricity and Magnetism II
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 15: Invisible Light I
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 15: Invisible Light I
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Integrative Biology 131 - Lecture 02: Skeletal System
Integrative Biology 131: General Human Anatomy. Fall 2005. Professor Marian Diamond. The f...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Integrative Biology 131 - Lecture 02: Skeletal System
Integrative Biology 131: General Human Anatomy. Fall 2005. Professor Marian Diamond. The functional anatomy of the human body as revealed by gross and microscopic examination. The Department of Integrative Biology offers a program of instruction that focuses on the integration of structure and function in the evolution of diverse biological systems. It investigates integration at all levels of organization from molecules to the biosphere, and in all taxa of organisms from viruses to higher plants and animals. The department uses many traditional fields and levels of complexity in forging new research directions, asking new questions, and answering traditional questions in new ways. The various...
Physics 10 - Lecture 18: Quantum II
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 18: Quantum II
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Physics 10 - Lecture 17: Quantum I
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 17: Quantum I
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
Vimeo results:
JESS3 / The State of The Internet
JESS3 designed and animated this for the JESS3 lecture at AIGA Baltimore in Feb 2010....
published: 22 Feb 2010
Author: JESS3
JESS3 / The State of The Internet
JESS3 designed and animated this for the JESS3 lecture at AIGA Baltimore in Feb 2010.
Milton Glaser Draws & Lectures
Filmed at Milton's studio in 2006....
published: 09 Oct 2009
Author: Employment
Milton Glaser Draws & Lectures
Filmed at Milton's studio in 2006.
Erik Spiekermann - Putting Back the Face into Typeface
Typographer, graphic designer and businessman Erik Spiekermann has created timeless, influ...
published: 01 Feb 2011
Author: Gestalten
Erik Spiekermann - Putting Back the Face into Typeface
Typographer, graphic designer and businessman Erik Spiekermann has created timeless, influential and, yes, Meta-physical work over the past three decades.
Next to founding MetaDesign and FontShop, the latter being the first ever digital distributor of fonts, and designing more instant classic typefaces than any other, he has been recognized as an outstanding expert internationally as a lecturer and professor.
Listen to the design genius talk about new visual languages, design processes, the analogies of music and typography, and why we need better client culture in our latest Gestalten.tv video and you will easily realize why. Before heading to new visionary pastures, the bike enthusiast will make a short stop to receive the German Design Lifetime Achievement Award 2011 in February.
Watch our complete line up of video interviews on www.gestalten.tv
Lecture: DOOM (Madrid 2011)
Hip hop's last enigma sits down on the Academy couch to break down the message behind the ...
published: 02 Nov 2011
Author: Red Bull Music Academy
Lecture: DOOM (Madrid 2011)
Hip hop's last enigma sits down on the Academy couch to break down the message behind the mask, rap beef behind his different personas, and why good things come to those who wait.
Youtube results:
Physics 10 - Lecture 09: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The m...
published: 21 Aug 2007
Author: UCBerkeley
Physics 10 - Lecture 09: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events. Topics covered may vary and may include energy and conservation, radioactivity, nuclear physics, the Theory of Relativity, lasers, explosions, earthquakes, superconductors, and quantum physics. [courses] [physics10] [spring2006] Credits: lecturer:Professor Richard A. Muller, producers:Educational Technology Services
The Pleasure Trap
A presentation by Douglas Lisle, Ph.D.. There is a hidden force that has turned many smart...
published: 31 May 2011
Author: vshvideo
The Pleasure Trap
A presentation by Douglas Lisle, Ph.D.. There is a hidden force that has turned many smart, savvy people into unwitting saboteurs of their own wellbeing. When trying to make positive changes in diet and lifestyle, well-intentioned determination is, surprisingly, rarely enough. People who are chronically overweight, sick and ailing, or junk-food junkies are not that way because they${q}re lazy, undisciplined, or stuck with bad genes. They are victims of a dilemma that harkens back to our prehistoric past...the Pleasure Trap. Dr. Doug Lisle, a former lecturer in psychology at Stanford University and currently the psychologist for The McDougall Program explains a recent revolution in motivational psychology that can help people break free from the self-destructive rut. A new understanding of why we do what we do has yielded a dramatic new path toward lasting and positive change. His new book, The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health and Happiness has been critically acclaimed. Filming and editing by Dr William Harris MD January 15, 2005 at McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Beach Park, Honolulu, Hawaii Sponsored by: Vegetarian Society of Hawaii www.vsh.org
NTU lecturer Feedback Damn Funny..
It is a real NTU singapore lecturer's feedback that he have over the year. Laugh my he...
published: 22 Oct 2006
Author: lemont97
NTU lecturer Feedback Damn Funny..
It is a real NTU singapore lecturer's feedback that he have over the year. Laugh my head off man~
Lecture 7A | MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986
Metacircular Evaluator, Part 1 Despite the copyright notice on the screen, this course is ...
published: 08 Apr 2009
Author: MIT
Lecture 7A | MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986
Metacircular Evaluator, Part 1 Despite the copyright notice on the screen, this course is now offered under a Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA. Details at ocw.mit.edu Subtitles for this course are provided through the generous assistance of Henry Baker, Hoofar Pourzand, Heather Wood, Aleksejs Truhans, Steven Edwards, George Menhorn, and Mahendra Kumar.