
Disturbed's Indestructible- American Military Tribute
A music video tribute to the American military featuring Disturbed's Indestructible. S...
published: 28 Jul 2008
Author: 7islandsnow7
Disturbed's Indestructible- American Military Tribute
A music video tribute to the American military featuring Disturbed's Indestructible. Shots of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.

American Vs Swedish Recruitment Ads
Patriotism or Fear?...
published: 05 Dec 2007
Author: buckamoona
American Vs Swedish Recruitment Ads
Patriotism or Fear?

'US military reins in White House warmongers'
A recent Pentagon draft report entitled a "Decade of War" has highlighted how &q...;
published: 13 Jun 2012
Author: RussiaToday
'US military reins in White House warmongers'
A recent Pentagon draft report entitled a "Decade of War" has highlighted how "strategic leadership repeatedly failed" in a decade of US-led wars. Lawrence Freeman from the Executive Intelligence Weekly told RT it is now the military keeping a bellicose White House in check - READ MORE on.rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark

US military build-up in Asia: 'Act of War'?
A day after laying out details of the Pentagon's new Asia-Pacific strategy, US Defense...
published: 04 Jun 2012
Author: RussiaToday
US military build-up in Asia: 'Act of War'?
A day after laying out details of the Pentagon's new Asia-Pacific strategy, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Vietnam. On Saturday, he said the majority of America's warships will be deployed in the area by 2020. Stephen Lendman, American radio host and author talks to RT. He says Congress would surely call such a build-up of troops in American waters 'act of war'. READ MORE: on.rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Watch RT LIVE on our website rt.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

US military weapons being used at home?
With over half of the country's income taxes being spent on the military industrial co...
published: 28 Jun 2012
Author: RTAmerica
US military weapons being used at home?
With over half of the country's income taxes being spent on the military industrial complex, one would think that the money is being put to good use. The US military has some of the best equipment around the world, but did you ever wonder what happens to all that gear once the troops come home. RT's Abby Martin has more. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

US Military Issues Warning to Ron Paul Supporters
The full text of the email can be found at: www.adamvstheman.com...
published: 17 Feb 2012
Author: AdamKokesh
US Military Issues Warning to Ron Paul Supporters
The full text of the email can be found at: www.adamvstheman.com

American Military Helps Iran - 1964 United States Army Documentary / Operation Delawor ایران
In April 1964 a Persian word meaning "courageous" became known to Americans as t...
published: 09 May 2012
Author: wdtvlive42
American Military Helps Iran - 1964 United States Army Documentary / Operation Delawor ایران
In April 1964 a Persian word meaning "courageous" became known to Americans as the name of a bold military adventure. An entire airborne brigade with heavy equipment was airlifted to Iran, land of the ancient Persians. American and Iranian armed forces successfully demonstrated their combat readiness in "Exercise Delawor", the subject of this episode of THE BIG PICTURE. "In April 1964 a joint military exercise with the United States (Operation Delaware) partially reassured Tehran of Washington's continued interest in the region. Annual military exercises continued with an increased Iranian naval component. In March 1965 the Shah publicly declared that Iran's military would in the future pay special attention to the Gulf. The Gulf was of interest to Iran both for its proximity to the rich oil fields of its southwest and for the oil-rich continental shelf that lay beneath its contested waters." (The Foreign Relations of Iran, Shahram Chubin & Sepehr Zabih, University of California Press, 1974.) Note: some sources quote this military action as "Operation Delawar", some as "Operation Delawor" while others as "Exercise Delaware". To confuse matters further the translation of the word meaning "courageous" from Persian to English is best written as "Delaavar" or "Delavar". In the context of this documentary all these terms refer to the joint American / Iranian military operation that commenced in 1964.

China watches US military buildup in Australia
On Wednesday, 200 US Marines arrived in Australia after President Obama announced in Novem...
published: 04 Apr 2012
Author: RTAmerica
China watches US military buildup in Australia
On Wednesday, 200 US Marines arrived in Australia after President Obama announced in November of last year that the US will position Marines on the continent. The 200 Marines are the first of 2500 to go down under, and the agreement between President Obama and Prime Minister Julia Gillard marks the first long-term expansion of the US military in the area since the Vietnam War. We take a closer look at the arrival of the troops. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

US military complex gets rich off of Afghanistan
Description: The US is famous for going to other countries with goals ranging from retalia...
published: 28 Feb 2012
Author: RTAmerica
US military complex gets rich off of Afghanistan
Description: The US is famous for going to other countries with goals ranging from retaliation to installing democracy to stopping a civil war. And quite often the US Government and the military alike are surprised at what they find: that people in those countries don't want them there and, in many cases, will risk or sacrifice their lives to make sure they leave. We're seeing a new low point in America's longest war, unfolding as we speak. Riots in Afghanistan, as citizens there protest the burning of Korans by US military personnel at Bagram airbase. Some American soldiers have been killed and many more Afghan citizens are dying as well. And there's beginning to be a sense that the battle to win the hearts and minds there is simply impossible. Paul Craig Roberts, former official with the Reagan administration, speaks to RT's Kristine Frazao about what happens if things don't change dramatically. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

The American Military (All 5 Branches)
This is a tribute to the Army, Marines, Navy, Airforce, and Coast Guard. I do not claim an...
published: 11 Jun 2010
Author: Americanpatriot777
The American Military (All 5 Branches)
This is a tribute to the Army, Marines, Navy, Airforce, and Coast Guard. I do not claim any sort of rights to the two songs in this slideshow.

Military can't detain Americans indefinitely; NDAA shot down by Federal judge
Opponents of the the National Defense Authorization Act are celebrating after a judge rule...
published: 17 May 2012
Author: RTAmerica
Military can't detain Americans indefinitely; NDAA shot down by Federal judge
Opponents of the the National Defense Authorization Act are celebrating after a judge ruled that the act is unconstitutional. District Judge Katherine Forrest favored a group of activists and journalists who claimed section 1021 could have Americans indefinitely detained without due process only on suspicion of having terrorist ties. For now, the NDAA is blocked and the US government has the option to appeal the ruling. David Seaman, journalist and host of The DL Show, joins us with his take on the ruling. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com

Call Me Maybe Cover - Kunar, Afghanistan - US Army Soldiers
A cover of "Call Me Maybe" performed by US Army Infantry Soldiers in Kunar Provi...
published: 19 Aug 2012
Author: TheChuckfive
Call Me Maybe Cover - Kunar, Afghanistan - US Army Soldiers
A cover of "Call Me Maybe" performed by US Army Infantry Soldiers in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. Original by Carly Rae Jepsen. Directed, filmed, and edited by the troops as a morale boost for our Soldiers here and our families/FRG back home. See you in just a few more months, and thanks for all your support! Also, a shout-out to our ANA partners for their enthusiasm and excitement to get involved and film the partnered dance scene! Unfortunately, we are unable to post a mobile version of this video due to copyright issues with the song in accordance with this website's policy. We apologize for this inconvenience but thanks much for your continued support!

Iran Pre-war: 'Israel is an American military base'
The Arab Spring will not bring democracy, former Deputy Secretary General of the Arab Leag...
published: 11 Dec 2011
Author: RussiaToday
Iran Pre-war: 'Israel is an American military base'
The Arab Spring will not bring democracy, former Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League Adnan Omran warns. He tells RT that slogans brandished before elections are no guarantee that the winner is actually going to practice democracy. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com

(Intel Update Playlist... www.youtube.com LATEST UPDATE MAY, 2012 LBN NEWS Link: www.youtu...
published: 31 Mar 2012
Author: helias314
(Intel Update Playlist... www.youtube.com LATEST UPDATE MAY, 2012 LBN NEWS Link: www.youtube.com "There is an event coming in the very near future that is going to effect the USA to its very soul," former Kansas State Trooper Greg Everson of The Heartland USA and former host of Republic Broadcasting Voices from the Heartland told host Steve Quayle in a special two hour Survive 2 Thrive broadcast. Help Broadcast this important news... RATE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE! "What is being planned and what is coming together is a perfect storm brewing right over our heads." Everson cited verifiable information confirmed by an active duty US Air Force Colonel, three chiefs of Police, a local Sheriff, State Troopers in 3 neighboring Midwest states and a Federal agent he has known for twenty years. There is being made an effort to bring together the Armed Forces of this Nation in preparation for responding to and acting against the interests of our Citizens, Everson said. Such efforts include actions that will be so deep and penetrating that the United States will never be the same. Everson explained that the deteriorating economy combined with Federal Reserve theft of trillions has produced a devastating effect on Americans who have had enough. The US Military expects many Americans will respond by defending what little they have left. The American people have reached the point of total saturation due to the failure of Government to protect its borders, political corruption, the looting of <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:

Please visit the site below if you view this and show your support.
published: 16 May 2008
Author: Scott Denton
Please visit the site below if you view this and show your support.
In an effort to bring more awareness and bring people together in support of Burma's people our company Shilo recently created this spot. Not only are the horrible atrocities happening to them by their government but now having to recover from the resent cyclone Nargis.
My heart goes out to these peaceful people. please view the video and give any kind of support you can.
Quoted from We Make it Good
"We joined forces with an amazing group of people to create this viral public service announcement (PSA). The purpose was to raise awareness on the Burmese peoples ongoing peaceful protests against their military government’s notorious human rights violations. Working on this piece was a unique experience for us and it was exciting to work with such a passionate group of people.
An important goal for each of us, in every project we take on, is getting people to think. With this piece, it is not just a provocation but a call to action. The people of Burma are oppressed: They are not free to express themselves. At Shilo, we are a group of individuals who make art for our livelihoods and we value personal expression as the highest of our freedoms. We are inviting people to join the global conversation about this issue and hopefully we’ll inspire people to make a positive difference for the people of Burma.
This has become even more relevant due to this weekend’s cyclone that ravaged the area, killing thousands. Please join us in showing your support for this cause. Here are some helpful sites."
Marketers: MTV Network and noneofusarefree.org
Supervisor: John Jackson - Director of Social Responsibility (MTV Network)
Supervisor: Suki Dusanj - Head of Events (Burma Campaign UK)
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather (Amsterdam)
Executive Creative Director: Carl Le Blond
Agency Producer: Brenda Bentz van den Berg
Production Company: Shilo (New York, USA)
Director: Shilo
Creative Director: Andre Stringer
Lead Artists: Andre Stringer, Tamir Sapir, David Hill
Matte Painting: Mathieu Reynault and Rodeo FX, Andre Stringer, Marco Giampaolo, Cassidy Gearhart, Noah Conopask,
3D Animators: Henning Koczy, Richard Cayton, Ohad Bracha, Bren Wilson, Eugen Sasu, Keil Figgens
Lead Modeler: Scott Denton
3D Artists: Scott Denton, Christina Ku, Richard Kim, Warren Heimall, Craig Kohlemeyer
Compositors: David Hill, Andre Stringer, Tamir Sapir, Cassidy Gearhart, Noah Conopask, Stieg Retlin
Typography: Evan Dennis
Miniature Design: Willi Patton
Editor: Nathan Caswell
Sound Design: Dante Nou
Coordinator: Danielle Smith
Producer: Lindsay Bodanza
Executive Producer: Tracy Chandler
Executive Producer (UK): Mark Hanrahan
Music: Music production and arrangement: Good Sounds Amsterdam

Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Ber...
published: 03 Dec 2011
Author: enpiedeguerra
Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Beriain sobre la historia de Serxio Ces, percebeiro de Cedeira, Galicia.
Preseleccionado para los Premios Goya 2012.
Ruge el viento. El mar golpea los acantilados. Dos metros de roca, ésa es la franja de agua y oxígeno en la que crece el percebe. Dos metros donde el mar se ensaña, donde bate con fuerza milenaria. Una frontera de olas y espuma en la que Serxo y sus compañeros luchan por un bocado de mar.
Una frontera de valor y miedo. De temeridad y sentido común. Dos metros sin margen de error. Ahí vive el percebe. Ahí vive Serxo.
Percebeiros es la batalla contra el mar de unos guerreros que no se consideran héroes.
David Beriain is a Spanish war correspondent that has covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Colombia and Kashmir, among others. He is currently in charge of coordinating the fea- ture section at Medina Media, a production com- pany based out of Spain.
Beriain is one of the few reporters in the world that has managed to infiltrate the FARC guerrilla camps in Colombia. His work there made him a finalist for the Bayeux-Calvados, the most pres- tigious international award for war correspon- dents. He has interviewed the Taliban command- ers who killed Spanish soldiers, met with the twelve-year-old hitmen that Colombian druglords exploit as child soldiers, and even accompanied the American Army on some of their most danger- ous military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His latest TV documentary took him to Eastern Congo, where he covered the conflict between the Congolese Army and the rebels who fight, kill and rape in order to gain the control of the Coltan and Cassiterite mines.
During his time at Sea Bites, Beriain was in charge of producing the story and coordinating all the members in the team. He was the one who convinced everyone to get on board and as a true leader, he turned a group of people who did not know each other into a real team.
(+34) 609 72 71 61 beriain.david@gmail.com enpiedeguerra.tv/

Fernando Ureña is a Spanish editor and script writer. For the past three years, he has worked as a script analyst for Cuatro’s national fiction shows. He has also supervised the scripts for several other Spanish networks such as Canal+, Digital+, TVE or Audiovisual Sport. He is currently writing the scripts for various Spanish movies, a work he combines with his editorial tasks at some of Spain’s most prestigious publishing compa- nies.
Ureña gave birth to the idea of Sea Bites.
He conceived the story and was David Beriain’s second hand in the team. They wrote the script together and Ureña followed the entire process of video-editing, post-production and sonorization.
(+34) 655 01 89 80 fmumary@gmail.com
SERGIO CARO Director of photography
Sergio Caro is a Spanish photographer and cam- eraman. He is specialized in international con- flicts and illegal immigration in Europe. His 2005 photographs of Sub-Saharan immigrants being hauled away by bus to be abandoned in the desert won him the Visa D’Or at the International Photo- journalists Awards in Perpignan, one of the most prestigious ceremonies in the world. His photo- graphs have been published in renowned media such as Newsweek, Le Figaro or the Financial Times. As a television cameraman, he has cov- ered Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo together with David Beriain.
Together with Ernesto Villalba, he created Once Upon a Time, a multimedia company that por- trays unique characters from a very artistic point of view.
In Sea Bites, Caro’s ten years of experience al- lowed him to hang himself from the rocks just as the barnacle fishermen did and taking as many risks as they do. He also played the role of direc- tor of photography coordinating all the camera- men at work.
(+34) 656 55 06 57 sergio@sergiocaro.com sergiocaro.com/

Ernesto Villalba is a Spanish multimedia journal- ist. He is a co-founder of Once Upon a Time, a pioneer online production company that makes short films and other multimedia materials for the web. The company’s first work, “Time to Time”, was selected by Innovative Interactivity as one of the fifty best multimedia packages of the year. Since 2008, he has directed all graphic design- and social media-related strategies for REC, the main feature aired by Cuatro, one of Spain’s “Big Five” TV networks.
Villalba is currently focused on his work at Once Upon a Time developing several documentary projects and combines them with his role as a teacher for several innovative seminars.
In Sea Bites, he was the cameraman that followed Serxo, our protagonist, outside the sea. Villalba’s particular sensitivity made our protagonist feel so comfortable with him that he even got the nick- name “Sombra”, shadow in Spanish.
(+34) 667 55 56 10 ernestovillalba.photo@gmail.com e

Check out my new experimental feature film work-in-progress, Shockwaves:
published: 21 Jul 2010
Author: kasumi
Check out my new experimental feature film work-in-progress, Shockwaves:
BREAKDOWN, a mashup of thousands of public domain samples, is the ageless tale of corrupt power-seekers perpetrating hideous deceptions on gullible masses. The New York Times called BREAKDOWN, in its Carnegie Hall premiere with the American Composers Orchestra “an uproarious bricolage of alien-invasion panic, financial distress, military might and patriotic sentiment.”
When an unidentified object is spotted in space, observers immediately alert the government, now in the hands of the Illegal Party, puts the country on red alert: vast profits can be made from this unknown enemy. The propaganda machine generates fear in the public. Mesmerized by the righteous glories of war, people fall into step with the military drumbeat, and drift into total complacency to the lilt of a free market bandwagon. Many lose the power to question their government and cannot recognize the looming breakdown of their world. Others, moved by the government's disdain for its impoverished citizens, foment resistance. People march out to vote, but rigged voting booths open onto a worse fate. The smallest protest becomes a treasonous act and citizens are rounded up, imprisoned for interrogation, and ultimately tortured by a vindictive and triumphalist government.
For the full, uncut version:
PR Newswire:
EIN Presswire:

I Hate Mountains Trailer
### What? You hate mountains?
No, it’s not a joke, and no, we don’t really hate mountains....
published: 19 May 2010
Author: NykO18
I Hate Mountains Trailer
### What? You hate mountains?
No, it’s not a joke, and no, we don’t really hate mountains. “I Hate Mountains” is the name of a brand new Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 campaign made by three French friends, Nicolas "NykO18" Grevet, Marc "Moroes" Bidoul and Geoffroy "Kane" Espinasse.
### Why are we doing it?
Because we friggin’ love this game. We are playing Left 4 Dead together since the early days, during the Festival du Jeu-Vidéo in Paris, in 2008 (before the release). We played this game so much and always on the same campaigns that we believed it needed fresh new content, quickly. We were sick of playing rubbish campaigns that overlook everything and didn’t even try to create any ambiance nor any sense of fear and desolation in this creepy universe.
### How are we doing it?
We are simply pushing the very limits of the Left 4 Dead engine to make room for all our ideas. You could see this as a joke, but it’s not. Some of our levels are so complex and detailed that optimizing them took entire months. We broke the limits multiple times, having too much geometry, too much dynamic stuff going on, too much animations, and so on. We are simply applying industry-standard methods in a fun and casual way, between three friends who love this game and creating stuff.
### More details on the campaign
The I Hate Mountains campaign is divided into five different maps, just like Valve did with their own campaigns in Left 4 Dead 1. The difference is that our campaign is entirely nature-oriented, there’s only a few building and most of the action takes place in outdoor environments, which is a challenge to build in itself. We also focused our development on offering a better re-playability by providing several long alternate paths in the levels that can totally change the way you play it.
# Forest : The survivors crashed their bus in an utility pole of this dark forest while fleeing. They must now find their way through the spooky North American mountains.
# Manor : The survivors got out of the forest and must now reach the highest point of this manor and try to launch a distress call from the radio broadcasting some tape loop.
# Underground : Escaped from the manor, the survivors are now fleeing through an old system of caves and tunnels running under the manor and through the mountains.
# Lumberyard : Freshly escaped from this oppressing cave system, survivors are now looking for help and rescue in the lumberyard nearby where military forces set up their outpost.
# Lakeside : Fleeing the now infected and desolated lumberyard, the survivors find themselves blocked by a lake and are eagerly waiting to be rescued by whoever could catch their signal.
### Who are we?
Mostly people from the Portal: Prelude team.
We are three friends with a professional, a student and an amateur background of the video-game industry.
Check out our website page for more details:
Also, thanks to Vimeo for making such an incredible website which actually respects video quality.
Youtube results:

US military - After Afghanistan: US marines back from the frontline
REPORTERS - US military - A few weeks ago, FRANCE 24 filmed the first American unit to pul...
published: 18 Nov 2011
Author: france24english
US military - After Afghanistan: US marines back from the frontline
REPORTERS - US military - A few weeks ago, FRANCE 24 filmed the first American unit to pull out of Afghanistan: the Marines of the "Darkside" battalion. In this follow-up report, we meet the same Marines again as they set foot back on American soil and witness their joys, fears and frustrations. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 www.france24.com International news report on the ground from the France 24 team and our seniors reporters. International news coverage from the FRANCE 24 teams and our senior reporters. Thursdays at 9.45 pm and Fridays at 10.10am. All shows: www.france24.com FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 www.france24.com http www.france24.com

"There is an event coming in the very near future that is going to effect the USA to ...
published: 09 Apr 2012
Author: TheCoop30301
"There is an event coming in the very near future that is going to effect the USA to its very soul," former Kansas State Trooper Greg Everson of The Heartland USA and former host of Republic Broadcasting Voices from the Heartland told host Steve Quayle in a special two hour Survive 2 Thrive broadcast. Help Broadcast this important news... RATE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE! RELATED NEWS UPDATE LINK: www.youtube.com "What is being planned and what is coming together is a perfect storm brewing right over our heads." Everson cited verifiable information confirmed by an active duty US Air Force Colonel, three chiefs of Police, a local Sheriff, State Troopers in 3 neighboring Midwest states and a Federal agent he has known for twenty years. There is being made an effort to bring together the Armed Forces of this Nation in preparation for responding to and acting against the interests of our Citizens, Everson said. Such efforts include actions that will be so deep and penetrating that the United States will never be the same. Everson explained that the deteriorating economy combined with Federal Reserve theft of trillions has produced a devastating effect on Americans who have had enough. The US Military expects many Americans will respond by defending what little they have left. The American people have reached the point of total saturation due to the failure of Government to protect its borders, political corruption, the looting of our Treasury by the Banksters and now, the NDAA, NDRP <b>...</b>

A Message to the American Military.
As the situation around the world intensifies, United States Military gets involved in mor...
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: TheCallfortruth
A Message to the American Military.
As the situation around the world intensifies, United States Military gets involved in more and more wars all over the globe. My only hope that this military will come to know Christ and stands up for what is right instead of the Satanic Agenda. God Bless. Christ is Lord. Please see this movies. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com

Military Could Detain Americans Indefinitely
A provision in the National Defense Authorization Act would allow the military to detain t...
published: 01 Dec 2011
Author: TheYoungTurks
Military Could Detain Americans Indefinitely
A provision in the National Defense Authorization Act would allow the military to detain terrorism suspects, including American citizens, indefinitely with no real trial. Cenk Uygur and Ben Mankiewicz discuss on The Young Turks. www.huffingtonpost.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com