DIAZ - FRAME G8 5/5 sangue
5° parte del dvd FRAME G8 Diaz. Genova, 21/22 luglio 2001 Il filmato (in presa diretta...
published: 21 Jul 2009
Author: Processig8
DIAZ - FRAME G8 5/5 sangue
5° parte del dvd FRAME G8 Diaz. Genova, 21/22 luglio 2001 Il filmato (in presa diretta, 40 minuti circa) è parte della consulenza tecnica prodotta al processo Diaz, che ricostruisce le fasi della "perquisizinoe" operata dalla polizia al complesso scolastico Diaz. Nel dvd sono contenute le comunicazioni radio della Centrale Operativa PS, del 118, radio Popolare, radio Gap, ed le foto di maggiore interesse processuale (armi?, feriti, sangue). INFO www.processig8.org
Maledetto G8 (5-9)
tutto il documentario de l'espresso in 9 parti...
published: 28 Jun 2007
Author: ABNormal62
Maledetto G8 (5-9)
tutto il documentario de l'espresso in 9 parti
Full Show - 5/26/11. Palin, Texas & TSA, G8, Immigration vs. Free Market
Tonight on Adam vs. the Man with Adam Kokesh: Despite the fact that an estimated 28.16 mil...
published: 27 May 2011
Author: AdamVsTheManRT
Full Show - 5/26/11. Palin, Texas & TSA, G8, Immigration vs. Free Market
Tonight on Adam vs. the Man with Adam Kokesh: Despite the fact that an estimated 28.16 million viewers tuned in to last night's season finale of American Idol, there were still important things going on in the world. In Texas, the state legislature has folded on its challenge to the TSA's authority, and governor Rick Perry might be running for President, Sarah Palin, the lovable derelict, is also inching closer to running, and the G8 is meeting in France! Kevin DeAnna of Youth for Western Civilization joins Adam in studio to tell you why today's Supreme Court ruling on Arizona's immigration law; not the police state one, the anti-business one, is good for WESTERN CIVILIZATION! Plus, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink joins Adam and Jake to discuss why people protest the G8 and Luke Rudkowski checks in LIVE from France!
Window G85 Touch screen PMP With fantastic Screen & Rich UI
The Window G85 use the RK2806 SoC, however it is one of the new generation players to use ...
published: 24 Apr 2010
Author: razzer001
Window G85 Touch screen PMP With fantastic Screen & Rich UI
The Window G85 use the RK2806 SoC, however it is one of the new generation players to use a flash based UI. This and similar players, use the flash based UI to get a better interactive feel to the player, it also allows the UI to be far more dynamic and slick than what you normally expect from a China PMP. The real stand out feature on this PMP is its fantastic screen. I am well impressed with how the flash UI works, although its not perfect and the touch screen has some hang ups, its overall a sound pmp. Recommended as a good all round device. Get this and other media players at www.mp4nation.net Discuss this on our forums http Get more media player news from our blog: www.mp4nation.net
Starcraft II G85 TLO (T) vs.Sky (T) Jungle Basin
Just another TvT and this time on Jungle Basin:) Hope you guys enjoy all those first perso...
published: 13 Jan 2011
Author: TaKeTVTaKeSeN
Starcraft II G85 TLO (T) vs.Sky (T) Jungle Basin
Just another TvT and this time on Jungle Basin:) Hope you guys enjoy all those first person vods :) www.youtube.com/TaKeTVTaKeSeN www.facebook.com/TaKeTV
Starcraft Combat-EX PvZ G85 P2 w/Commentary
Part 2....
published: 25 Apr 2008
Author: Wasif1112
Starcraft Combat-EX PvZ G85 P2 w/Commentary
Part 2.
Roland product demo by V-Topia (1/5) at Musikmesse
David Ahlund plays V-Synth GT, Fantom-G8, SH-201 and JUNO-G. Michael Schack plays TD-20K a...
published: 16 Feb 2009
Author: RolandChannel
Roland product demo by V-Topia (1/5) at Musikmesse
David Ahlund plays V-Synth GT, Fantom-G8, SH-201 and JUNO-G. Michael Schack plays TD-20K and SPD-S in V-Topia. TD-20K www.roland.com With the V-Pro Series TD-20K, Roland improves upon the industry-standard V-Drums by starting from the ground up. At the heart of this flagship set is the TD-20 module with new sounds and functions, superb expressiveness and in-depth V-Editing. The patented mesh pads now feature great dynamic range and natural rim shot triggering, along with a new look and stunning black finish. The TD-20K also features Roland's amazing new V-Hi-Hat and a new drum stand designed to hide the cabling. With this powerful new combination of pads and hardware, the TD-20K lets drummers express themselves more naturally and with more realism than ever before! SPD-S www.roland.com The SPD-S Sampling Pad is a simple and affordable way to tap into the power of sampling. Six pads and three edge triggers allow drummers to trigger CD-quality samples and create phrase loops complete with pro-quality effects. V-Synth GT www.roland.com Roland's original V-Synth set a new standard in expressive synthesis and sound design. It won awards and acclaim around the world, as it forever changed the way sounds were created and performed. But just when you thought V-Synth technology had reached its peak, Roland raised the bar even higher with the new flagship V-Synth GT! This unique instrument injects the V-Synth's famous Elastic Audio Synthesis engine with revolutionary Articulative <b>...</b>
Genova G8 - Blu notte (5 di 14)
playlist della puntata: it.youtube.com (ricaricato dopo la censura del mio canale) www.blu...
published: 28 Jan 2008
Author: expiero1979channel2
Genova G8 - Blu notte (5 di 14)
playlist della puntata: it.youtube.com (ricaricato dopo la censura del mio canale) www.blunotte.rai.it qui si può scaricare l'intera puntata http Tra il 20 e 22 luglio del 2001 si riuniscono a Genova i leader degli otto paesi più industrializzati del mondo: è il Vertice G8. Negli stessi giorni il Genoa Social Forum, il controvertice organizzato dal movimento "new global" italiano, programma una serie di manifestazioni di protesta pacifiche. Genova è sotto i riflettori nazionali e internazionali. La città diventa teatro di scontri violentissimi tra manifestanti e forze dell'ordine. Una spirale di violenza e odio provoca la morte di un ragazzo, più di mille feriti, danni per 50 miliardi di lire, 250 arrestati, diverse inchieste e processi ancora in corso. Perché tutta quella rabbia e quel sangue? Di chi è la responsabilità? Carlo Lucarelli cercherà di raccontare i misteri ei dubbi di quei giorni. qui una descrizione dettagliata unoenessuno.blogspot.com
DIAZ - FRAME G8 3/5 molotov
3° parte del dvd FRAME G8 Diaz. Genova, 21/22 luglio 2001 Il filmato (in presa diretta...
published: 21 Jul 2009
Author: Processig8
DIAZ - FRAME G8 3/5 molotov
3° parte del dvd FRAME G8 Diaz. Genova, 21/22 luglio 2001 Il filmato (in presa diretta, 40 minuti circa) è parte della consulenza tecnica prodotta al processo Diaz, che ricostruisce le fasi della "perquisizinoe" operata dalla polizia al complesso scolastico Diaz. Nel dvd sono contenute le comunicazioni radio della Centrale Operativa PS, del 118, radio Popolare, radio Gap, ed le foto di maggiore interesse processuale (armi?, feriti, sangue). INFO www.processig8.org
26-5-11 Berlusconi parla con Obama contro giudici al G8 (English subs-Subtítulos español)
tratto dal TG LA7 26/5/2011 A Deauville in Francia durante il vertice del G8, Berlusconi i...
published: 26 May 2011
Author: guidotg2
26-5-11 Berlusconi parla con Obama contro giudici al G8 (English subs-Subtítulos español)
tratto dal TG LA7 26/5/2011 A Deauville in Francia durante il vertice del G8, Berlusconi insulta la Magistratura Italiana parlando con Obama. L'intero servizio è sottotitolato in inglese e spagnolo by (and thanks to) Pat. I sottotitoli sono visualizzati correttamente quando il bottone CC è rosso. Qualora fosse grigio, cliccarlo. Eventualmente selezionare la lingua. During the G8 summit held in Deauville, France, Mr. Berlusconi complains to Mr. Obama about the "dictatorship of left-wing judges". The entire video has English and Spanish subtitles by (and thanks to) Pat. The red "CC" button at the right bottom corner of the player has to be red for subtitles to be properly displayed. If it's grey, just click it to turn subtitles on. If necessary, select language. The English version of Mr. Berlusconi's closed criminal proceedings can be found here: theobamadiary.com Breve memorandum sui procedimenti penali di B. già conclusi (restano aperti i casi Mills, Mediaset, Mediatrade, Agcom-Annozero e Ruby) 1. Falsa testimonianza P2. Accusa fondata: la Corte d'appello di Venezia dichiara B. colpevole, ma salvo per amnistia. 2. Corruzione Guardia di Finanza. Accusa fondata: Fininvest pagò tre tangenti di £ 100 milioni ciascuna per addomesticare verifiche fiscali. Il corruttore Sciascia ei finanzieri corrotti sono condannati, B. è assolto per "insufficienza probatoria" grazie alla falsa testimonianza di Mills. 3. Fondi neri sui terreni di Macherio. Accusa parzialmente fondata (£ 4,4 <b>...</b>
Solo Limoni (Parte 1/5) - Documentario sull'anti-G8 di Genova
Qui delle divertite passioni per miracolo tace la guerra, qui tocca anche a noi poveri la ...
published: 28 Aug 2009
Author: las3k
Solo Limoni (Parte 1/5) - Documentario sull'anti-G8 di Genova
Qui delle divertite passioni per miracolo tace la guerra, qui tocca anche a noi poveri la nostra parte di ricchezza ed é l'odore dei limoni. Eugenio Montale ------------------------------------- Il video e' composto di 13 episodi che raccontano alcuni momenti delle giornate di Genova. Dal clima della Zona rossa alle cariche della polizia sul corteo del 21 luglio, alla situazione attorno al corpo di Carlo Giuliani in Piazza Alimonda. Le riprese sono una selezione di immagini girate da Giacomo Verde e da altri videomaker indipendenti collegati a diversi gruppi. L'intenzione del video e' di raccontare quello che i mezzi di informazione non riescono a mostrare perche' imprigionati nelle regole della comunicazione-spettacolo e dello scoop. Cosi' molti episodi sono commentati da testi di "poesia militante" in modo da fornire spunti riflessivi che vadano oltre la contingenza dei fatti, e altri usano immagini "effettate" (rallenty, velocity ecc.) e un commento sonoro originale in modo da andare oltre il dato documentaristico comunque presente. Un video che vuole essere un strumento di riflessione emotiva e politica, per le varie componenti del movimento anti-g8, sulle diverse questioni emerse dalle giornate di Genova. Durata 44',35'' si puo' scaricare da WWW.ngvision.org --------------------------------------- Il video e' libero da copyright per qualsiasi uso NON commerciale di associazioni No-profit. Per qualsiasi uso commerciale da parte dei media e di chiunque altro e <b>...</b>
Gipfelstuermer - Die blutigen Tage von Genua (1/5)
Vor knapp einem Jahr versammelten sich die Regierungschefs der größten Industri...
published: 10 Jan 2008
Author: mochecka
Gipfelstuermer - Die blutigen Tage von Genua (1/5)
Vor knapp einem Jahr versammelten sich die Regierungschefs der größten Industrienation in Genua zum jährlich stattfindenden Wirtschaftsgipfel G-8. Während die Staatschefs und ihre Berater im frisch herausgeputzten Palazzo Ducale über den freien Warenverkehr in der Welt berieten, forderten 300.000 Globalisierungsgegner auf den Straßen des Konferenzorts eine gerechtere Welt. Noch nie hatten sich so viele Menschen zu einem Protest gegen die herrschende Weltordnung versammelt, und noch nie war die Reaktion der Polizei so scharf wie in Genua. Die Regierung Berlusconi, seit wenigen Wochen im Amt, hatte 20.000 Polizisten zusammengezogen. Und diese prügelten und verhafteten in einer Willkür, die die parlamentarische Opposition in Rom an chilenische Zustände erinnerte. Hunderte zum Teil Schwerverletzte wurden mit gebrochenen Rippen, Beinen und Armen in Krankenhäuser eingeliefert. Gleichzeitig - so erzählen Zeugen - hätten Polizisten mit faschistischen Liedern und mit Hymnen auf Mussolini ihre "Siege" gefeiert. Vermummter Demonstrant; Bild: WDR/dpa Doch der öffentlichen Ordnung hat das rabiate Vorgehen der Polizei wenig genützt. Im Gegenteil: Rund 800 Schwarzvermummte konnten in Banken ungestört Feuer legen, Supermärkte plündern oder Autos anzünden. Die Gewalttäter, eine Mischung aus Skins, Hooligans, Neonazis und professionellen Randalierern, zogen drei Tage lang brandstiftend durch Genua und nahmen quasi unter den Augen der Polizei - manche sagen, mit ihrer stillen Duldung - die <b>...</b>
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (5-20-12) - Webster Tarpley & Jerome Corsi -
On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the r...
published: 21 May 2012
Author: ConspiracyScope
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (5-20-12) - Webster Tarpley & Jerome Corsi -
On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the run as the establishment media is forced to report on the Bilderbergers and their noxious plan to finally unfold a devastating attack on Iran, undermine the internet with government censorship, and sell the public on more trillions in bankster bailouts and punitive carbon taxes under the discredited cover of saving the earth. Alex talks about the continued and long overdue outing of Kenyan-born Obama the imposter and the G8 war council in Chicago that has transformed the Windy City into a repressive police state where political activists disappear and patsies are set-up as terrorists to further the manufactured war on terror and its Orwellian control grid. Guests Webster Tarpley and Jerome Corsi. www.infowars.com prisonplanet.tv conspiracyscope.blogspot.com www.youtube.com Alex Jones Show Playlist: www.youtube.com
Berlusconi con Obama (tg la7 26/5/2011)
tratto dal TG LA7 26/5/2011 Berlusconi insulta la Magistratura al G8...
published: 26 May 2011
Author: albe9187
Berlusconi con Obama (tg la7 26/5/2011)
tratto dal TG LA7 26/5/2011 Berlusconi insulta la Magistratura al G8
Vimeo results:
Conexão para todos!
Desde 2011 a Plankton desenvolve projetos interativos para o Conexão Vivo, um dos maiores ...
published: 28 Jun 2012
Author: Plankton Digital Brain
Conexão para todos!
Desde 2011 a Plankton desenvolve projetos interativos para o Conexão Vivo, um dos maiores programas culturais do país. O público dos eventos pôde interagir com os telões do ambiente via SMS, Twitter e Foursquare. Mesmo sem smartphones as pessoas compartilhavam conteúdo no Facebook, curtindo seus artistas favoritos via SMS.
Conheça mais detalhes em http://migre.me/9G8G5.
Vivre après une chirurgie - Jean Chrétien - Sebastian DeWay - UdeM February 2011
Music made to accompany the webclip of University de Montreal's journal.
Forum en clip:
published: 04 Dec 2011
Author: Sebastian DeWay
Vivre après une chirurgie - Jean Chrétien - Sebastian DeWay - UdeM February 2011
Music made to accompany the webclip of University de Montreal's journal.
Forum en clip:
I do not own the copyright of the images.
Volker Pispers history of USA and terrorism 1 of 5
Volker Pispers history of USA and terrorism 1 of 5
Last part of Volker Pispers' program "...
published: 25 Mar 2011
Author: zenzid zorglub
Volker Pispers history of USA and terrorism 1 of 5
Volker Pispers history of USA and terrorism 1 of 5
Last part of Volker Pispers' program "Bis neulich" (2004), dealing with American foreign policy, 9/11 and the war on terror in general.
Part 1/5, english subs
1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4H_E8b-qmo
2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOZd3iCknZU
3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRWAyM26YV8
4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ9Amuri6G8
5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2ullkbVCL8
* war
* on
* terror
* iraq
* iran
* 9/11
* terrorism
* pispers
* volker
Youtube results:
Manu Chao et Ska P and Fermin Muguruza - Live contre le G8 - Annemasse part. 1/5
Music : Manu Chao & Fermin Muguruza Track : 1. Wellcome to Tijuana ; 2. El Viento ; 3....
published: 12 Mar 2010
Author: lenino111
Manu Chao et Ska P and Fermin Muguruza - Live contre le G8 - Annemasse part. 1/5
Music : Manu Chao & Fermin Muguruza Track : 1. Wellcome to Tijuana ; 2. El Viento ; 3. Tumba ; 4. Por el suelo ;
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Speaker: Pavan Sukhdev Chair: Dr Giles Atkinson This event was recorded on 21 March 2011 i...
published: 23 Mar 2011
Author: lsewebsite
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity
Speaker: Pavan Sukhdev Chair: Dr Giles Atkinson This event was recorded on 21 March 2011 in Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House Pavan Sukhdev is Study Leader for the G8+5 commissioned report on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), a hugely influential global study launched in Nagoya in October 2010. He is also Special Advisor and Head of the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) Green Economy Initiative. Prior to his work for TEEB and UNEP, Pavan was Head of Deutsche Bank's Global Markets Business in India and a founding member of the Green Indian States Trust (GIST).
Pontiac G8 Exhaust Compilation 2nd Edition Part 1.MTS
This is the 2nd Edition (part 1) of the Pontiac G8 Exhaust compilation that was taken duri...
published: 03 Oct 2010
Author: Shawn Bunner
Pontiac G8 Exhaust Compilation 2nd Edition Part 1.MTS
This is the 2nd Edition (part 1) of the Pontiac G8 Exhaust compilation that was taken during a recent meet. The 6th and 7th car can be found in Pontiac G8 Exhaust Comilation 2nd Edition Part 2. 1) G8 GT Solo HFC's and Corsa catback exhaust 2) G8 GXP Solo HFC's and Solo Mach Shorty Unbalanced 3) G8 GT Solo HFC's and Solo Mach Shorty Balanced 4) G8 GT Livernois Stage 1 cam, Kooks LT's, SLP Axle-backs 5) G8 GT Solo V2 + J with Solo resonators 6) G8 GT Kooks LT's w/HFC's, Solo Axle-backs 7) G8 GT Doug Thorley LT's, SLP Loudmouths. Sorry for the terrible camera work.
Street Demons 4 : S/C C6Z - KB/N2O Cobra - H/C/N2O WS6 - S/C G8 - S/C Fox - 408s + more
www.facebook.com C6 Z06 - vortech s trim @ 5 psi cam boltons Mystic Bitch - KB cobra @ 18 ...
published: 15 May 2012
Author: nightmareZ2899
Street Demons 4 : S/C C6Z - KB/N2O Cobra - H/C/N2O WS6 - S/C G8 - S/C Fox - 408s + more
www.facebook.com C6 Z06 - vortech s trim @ 5 psi cam boltons Mystic Bitch - KB cobra @ 18 psi 100 shot nitrous Samsel450r - heads cam boltons 6 speed 3.73s 9" 150 shot nano standalone Shane - D1SC Procharger @ 12 psi ported heads cam 3200 stall boltons ANIL8U- 572ci BBC Chevelle 5 speed Foxbody - heads cam intake 302ci vortech s trim @ 12 psi stalled 4r70 black 408 SS- 6 speed 4.30s 28" MT L92 heads silver 408 SS- 4200 stall auto 13.5 CR E85 blend C5 Z51- cam boltons 6 speed LS1 Camaro SS- boltons 6 speed