
Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis
watch in full screen! Iannis Xenakis / Metastaeis from www.uni-ak.ac.at...
published: 09 Oct 2006
Author: jarkkkoo
Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis
watch in full screen! Iannis Xenakis / Metastaeis from www.uni-ak.ac.at

Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis (Spectral View)
Metastasis or Metastaseis ("dialectic transformations"), is an orchestral work b...
published: 15 Feb 2008
Author: babylonianman
Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis (Spectral View)
Metastasis or Metastaseis ("dialectic transformations"), is an orchestral work by Iannis Xenakis, a Greek composer-architect and a major figure in the postwar development of musical modernism worldwide. He is particularly remembered for the pioneering use of stochastic mathematical techniques in his compositions, including probability (Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases, aleatory distribution of points on a plane, minimal constraints, Gaussian distribution, Markov chains), game theory, group theory, Boolean algebra and Brownian motion. Metastasis was inspired by Einstein's view of time (a function of matter & energy) and structured on mathematical ideas by Xenakis's colleague Le Corbusier. The 1st and 3rd movements don't have a melodic theme to hold them together, but rather depend on the strength of this conceptualization of time. The 2nd movement does have some sort of melodic element. A fragment of a 12-tone row is used, with durations based on the Fibonacci sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34...) The preliminary sketch for Metastasis was in graphic notation looking more like a blueprint than a musical score, showing graphs of mass motion and glissandi like structural beams of the piece, with sound frequencies on one axis and time on the other. In this video I tried to display this by presenting the frequency spectrum (0-20.000Hz) of the piece and how Xenakis actually "drew" music. SWF Symphony Orchestra Hans Rosbaud, conductor October 1955

Mycenae Alpha
Iannis Xenakis created the music using the UPIC which makes sound based on drawings that X...
published: 13 Jul 2007
Author: d21d34c55
Mycenae Alpha
Iannis Xenakis created the music using the UPIC which makes sound based on drawings that Xenakis made.

Iannis Xenakis : Pithoprakta
The wonderful "Pithoprakta" (1956), which I personally regard as Xenakis' gr...
published: 29 Jan 2010
Author: flammesombres
Iannis Xenakis : Pithoprakta
The wonderful "Pithoprakta" (1956), which I personally regard as Xenakis' greatest work from his early period... but then I suppose there's ST/4 and Achorripsis. Anyway, there's a better recording of this with Tamayo and the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, but it's really worth buying.

Iannis Xenakis - Concret PH
Concret PH, for 2-track tape & at least 4 loudspeakers (1958) A casual listener may no...
published: 04 Jan 2011
Author: pelodelperro
Iannis Xenakis - Concret PH
Concret PH, for 2-track tape & at least 4 loudspeakers (1958) A casual listener may not be aware of Iannis Xenakis' early involvement in the field of architecture. He worked for Le Corbusier for close to thirteen years, and helped design a handful of projects for the famed architect throughout the 1950s. His most important contribution was the design of the Philips Pavilion for the 1958 World Fair in Brussels. Le Corbusier was occupied with a major project in India, so much of the work on the pavilion fell to Xenakis, who created a striking tent-like form based on hyperbolic paraboloid curves. Le Corbusier aimed to create a multimedia presentation for Philips, a "poème électronique," that would incorporate film, slides, lighting effects, sculpture, and music. Edgard Varèse created his only entirely electronic score for this installation, and Xenakis, too, contributed a brief electronic piece. Concret PH, the title being a reference to the architectural design and construction material, is a crackling two minutes of pointillistic sounds. Xenakis recorded the sound of burning charcoal, then layered and transposed the recordings to create evolving densities and ranges of snaps, crackles, and pops. This piece, along with Varèse's Poème électronique, remains a classic of the electroacoustic genre. [Allmusic.com]

Iannis Xenakis Orient Occident
Iannis Xenakis - Electronic Music - Orient Occident Iannis Xenakis (Ιωά&nu...;
published: 05 May 2009
Author: unholy1988
Iannis Xenakis Orient Occident
Iannis Xenakis - Electronic Music - Orient Occident Iannis Xenakis (Ιωάννης Ιάννης Ξενάκης) (May 29, 1922 February 4, 2001) was a Greek composer, music theorist and architect. He is commonly recognized as one of the most important post-war avant-garde composers.[1][2] Xenakis pioneered the use of mathematical models such as applications of set theory, varied use of stochastic processes, game theory, etc., in music, and was also an important influence on the development of electronic music.

Iannis Xenakis - S.709
S.709, for 2-track tape & at least 4 loudspeakers (1994) After composing GENDY3, Xenak...
published: 19 Jan 2011
Author: pelodelperro
Iannis Xenakis - S.709
S.709, for 2-track tape & at least 4 loudspeakers (1994) After composing GENDY3, Xenakis extended the GENDY program, adding the possibility of modulating the parameters of the dynamic stochastic synthesis algorithm. With this version of the program, Xenakis created S.709. S.709 premiered at a concert at La Maison de Radio-France in December 1994. Its title stands for Sequence 709. Sequence was the name that Xenakis gave to the sections created by the PARAG program. In a radio interview, Brigitte Robindoré, head of musical production at Les Ateliers UPIC, said about S.709: "It's unedited. It's unrestrained." It could then be inferred that S.709 consists of the output of only one PARAG program: it could be a PARAG section of 7 minutes in length. In this piece, the rapid and periodic modulation of the parameters creates voices that are constantly and widely fluctuating in pitch, amplitude and timbre. In the same radio interview, Robindoré mentions that S.709 "produces quite a polemical reaction in the audience." This is not surprising; this work is extremely original in its materials and in its construction; it does not resemble any other piece by Xenakis, nor any other piece that I have ever heard. [Sergio Luque, "The Stochastic Synthesis of Iannis Xenakis."]

Eonta (part 1 of 3) [1963 - 64] by Iannis Xenakis [1922-01]
Rand Steiger conducts Eonta. Live performance recorded on December 3, 2007 at Zipper Conce...
published: 28 Dec 2007
Author: mondayeveningconcert
Eonta (part 1 of 3) [1963 - 64] by Iannis Xenakis [1922-01]
Rand Steiger conducts Eonta. Live performance recorded on December 3, 2007 at Zipper Concert Hall at the Colburn School in Los Angeles as part of the Monday Evening Concerts. More information at www.mondayeveningconcerts.org. Eric Huebner, Piano Ian Carroll, trombone James Miller, trombone Russell Moss, trombone Daniel Rosenboom, trumpet Aaron Smith, trumpet Rand Steiger, conductor Cameramen: Ross Karre and Jordan Albert Video Director: Ross Karre

Xenakis- Persephassa (1/3)
Iannis Xenakis' Persephassa for Percussion Ensemble....
published: 26 Jan 2009
Author: John11inch
Xenakis- Persephassa (1/3)
Iannis Xenakis' Persephassa for Percussion Ensemble.

Iannis Xenakis - Tetras
Tetras, for string quartet (1983) Arditti String Quartet Tetras stands as one of the very ...
published: 05 Feb 2011
Author: pelodelperro
Iannis Xenakis - Tetras
Tetras, for string quartet (1983) Arditti String Quartet Tetras stands as one of the very finest chamber compositions of Greek composer Iannis Xenakis. It is also one of the most original, profoundly challenging contributions to the string quartet genre. "Tetras" means "four" in ancient Greek, and the composer treats the four players as a single entity throughout most of the sixteen minutes of the piece. This multi-bodied, many-stringed organism vibrates with intense energy, the strings oscillating at lightning speed as glissando contours take shape across the registral continuum. It is no coincidence that Tetras was written for the Arditti String Quartet, a group that sealed its reputation as the leading proponent of challenging new repertoire with its exhilarating, awe-inspiring performances of such demanding works. While the glissando is the primary compositional element of this piece, others are important as well. After the opening section, in which the texture of the initial violin solo is gradually filled in, there is a long passage made up of a shifting timbral kaleidoscope: short grinding noises, bowing behind the bridge, knocking on the body of the instrument, extremely high harmonics, and the like. These strange sounds interrupt the texture at various other points in the piece, creating moments of surprise and theatricality. A later passage is built from scales; while the avant-garde aesthetic often avoids such banal material, Xenakis offers a new approach by <b>...</b>

Yuji Takahashi_Herma(Iannis Xenakis)
Iannis Xenakis...
published: 13 Oct 2006
Author: hirabayashi49
Yuji Takahashi_Herma(Iannis Xenakis)
Iannis Xenakis

Xenakis - Psappha
Xenakis - Psappha Steven Schick...
published: 26 May 2007
Author: qtpipi
Xenakis - Psappha
Xenakis - Psappha Steven Schick

Iannis Xenakis : Jonchaies {1/2}
from 1977....
published: 24 Dec 2009
Author: flammesombres
Iannis Xenakis : Jonchaies {1/2}
from 1977.

Rebonds B and A, by Iannis Xenakis...
published: 22 May 2008
Author: Peaux
Rebonds B and A, by Iannis Xenakis
Vimeo results:

Iannis Xenakis
published: 01 Oct 2009
Author: ywngr
Iannis Xenakis

A sneak preview of the new version of IanniX…
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer...
published: 09 Apr 2011
Author: IanniX
A sneak preview of the new version of IanniX…
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.
Un petit aperçu de la nouvelle version de IanniX…
IanniX est un séquenceur graphique open-source, inspiré des travaux de Iannis Xenakis, destiné à la création numérique. IanniX synchronise via Open Sound Control (OSC) des événements et courbes vers votre environnement temps-réel.
Project manager : Thierry Coduys (thierry@iannix.org)
Development : Guillaume Jacquemin (guillaume@iannix.org)
Web & identity : Matthieu Ranc (matthieu@iannix.org)

Iannis Xenakis - Charisma
Interperetación de María Lipkau y Hugo Manzanilla de la pieza de Xenakis "Charisma" en el ...
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: Jaime Lobato
Iannis Xenakis - Charisma
Interperetación de María Lipkau y Hugo Manzanilla de la pieza de Xenakis "Charisma" en el festival Sección Temperie 1.0, dentro de la serie de conciertos Open Source, organizado por el Centro Multimedia (CNA, México) y el colectivo Dicotomía.
Curaduría de Jaime Lobato

Iannis Xenakis Persepolis LA
published: 11 Nov 2010
Author: Alex Braidwood
Iannis Xenakis Persepolis LA
Youtube results:

Iannis Xenakis - Oresteïa I
Iannis Xenakis: Oresteïa (1966) I. Agamemnon II. Kassandra (1987) III. Agamemnon (sui...
published: 07 Nov 2009
Author: pelodelperro
Iannis Xenakis - Oresteïa I
Iannis Xenakis: Oresteïa (1966) I. Agamemnon II. Kassandra (1987) III. Agamemnon (suite et fin) IV. Les coephores V. Les Euménides Spiros Sakkas - Baritone Sylvio Gualda - Percussion Maitrise de Colmar Ensemble Vocal d'Anjou Ensemble de Basse-Normandie Dominique Debart Robert Weddle From the time of his youth, Xenakis found solace and inspiration in the writings of the ancient Greeks, and his handful of stage works draw on these sources exclusively. One of the composer's earliest commissions came from Alexis Solomos, originally of the Greek National Theater, who had been engaged to direct a series of performances of Greek dramas in Ypsilanti, Michigan in the summer of 1966. Xenakis was hired to provide the music for Aeschylus' tragic trilogy, Oresteïa. Evidently, he provided almost two hours of music for this production; as it was not recorded nor ever again presented, little is known about the original score. Soon after the premiere, though, Xenakis produced a concert suite which was subsequently published and performed. The suite is in three parts, following, in abbreviated fashion, the outline of the original trilogy: "Agamemnon," "The Libation Bearers," and "Eumenides." In fashioning the suite, Xenakis used only excerpts from the choruses, setting them in the original Greek and attempting to follow the rhythmic and melodic contours of the language as much as possible. The instrumental writing, while more restrained than that in Xenakis' other works, is nonetheless <b>...</b>

CHARISMA X - IANNIS XENAKIS by Efi Xirou. Documentary, 64 min. - 2008. This is a documenta...
published: 09 Sep 2009
Author: islanddrone
CHARISMA X - IANNIS XENAKIS by Efi Xirou. Documentary, 64 min. - 2008. This is a documentary film on the life and work of the composer Iannis Xenakis, the architect of sound, whose visionary work reconciles art with science. The film develops in such a way to show how Xenakis's philosophy, architectural experience, mathematics and political background morph into music and how physical phenomena are transformed into musical expression. Iannis Xenakis' multidimensional work is presented through excerpts of his musical compositions, his architectural work, his interviews and archive material from Oresteia and Polytopes, the grand spectacles of sound and light. The camera follows the musicians Francis-Marie Uitti, Lori Freedman, Elisabeth Chojnacka, Christophe Roy and Benny Sluchin. They are performing, specifically for this film, such works as Charisma, Naama Nomos Alpha and Keren. The venues they are performing are: Delphoi, La Tourette Convent and Xenakis' house in Paris. The film includes interviews of Françoise Xenakis, Mâkhi Xenakis, Georges Aperghis, Curtis Roads, François-Bernard Mâche, Sharon Kanach, Makis Solomos, Gérard Pape, Elisabeth Chojnacka, Giorgos Koumendakis and Roviros Manthoulis, Spyros Tsouvelis, Mosha Theologitou.

Iannis Xenakis- Mists (1/2)
One of Xenakis' five solo piano pieces, here is "Mists", which is probably t...
published: 21 Aug 2008
Author: John11inch
Iannis Xenakis- Mists (1/2)
One of Xenakis' five solo piano pieces, here is "Mists", which is probably the least-performed of the three major pieces, which includes "Herma"- Musique Symbolique (which happens to be my favorite piano piece of all time) and Evryali. Aesthetically, one might almost call this piece a juxtaposition of Herma and Evryali; chaos splattered across a fairly rigid framework, interspersed with little flurries of aggravation. It's not as technically monstrous as either of those two pieces, luckily, so I just don't understand why it's not performed as much. Personally, I prefer it over Evryali, which I find very interesting academically but somewhat lacking in musical substance. The excerpt you see is in fact from this piece. Iannis Xenakis Mists for Solo Piano, 1981 Aki Takahashi performs

Xenakis: "Antikhthon" Part One
Iannis Xenakis: "Antikhthon" (1971) for 86 or 60 players....
published: 17 Nov 2008
Author: NewMusicXX
Xenakis: "Antikhthon" Part One
Iannis Xenakis: "Antikhthon" (1971) for 86 or 60 players.