
Christopher Martin - Paper Lovin
Song off ZJ Chrome's Cardiac Bass riddim. Get it online - iTunes bit.ly | Amazon amzn....
published: 18 May 2011
Author: DancehallMobi
Christopher Martin - Paper Lovin
Song off ZJ Chrome's Cardiac Bass riddim. Get it online - iTunes bit.ly | Amazon amzn.to Music video directed by Gareth 'The Truth' Cobran

Christopher Martin - Cheaters Prayer (HD Music Video)
Wickedhype promotional video for Christopher Martin hit single "Cheaters Prayer."...;
published: 18 Dec 2011
Author: ciamlive
Christopher Martin - Cheaters Prayer (HD Music Video)
Wickedhype promotional video for Christopher Martin hit single "Cheaters Prayer." Video Is feature on wickedype.com. Watch it on our website: www.wickedhype.com

Chris Martin - Interview (The Graham Norton Show)
2011-12-09 - Chris Martin - Interview (The Graham Norton Show) : HD...
published: 10 Dec 2011
Author: meeniemint
Chris Martin - Interview (The Graham Norton Show)
2011-12-09 - Chris Martin - Interview (The Graham Norton Show) : HD

Chris Martin Quotes
These are just some of Chris Martin's Funniest quotes/interview moments from over the ...
published: 06 Jul 2009
Author: emilyemp3
Chris Martin Quotes
These are just some of Chris Martin's Funniest quotes/interview moments from over the years.

published: 17 Jun 2012

Chris Martin On Extras
Chris martin from coldplay on extras...
published: 06 Nov 2007
Author: ColdplayVideos
Chris Martin On Extras
Chris martin from coldplay on extras

Chris Martin | Bad Girl
Well well well, the dreaded youtube description box we meet again. I never know what to wr...
published: 09 Jul 2012
Author: PikaCheerio
Chris Martin | Bad Girl
Well well well, the dreaded youtube description box we meet again. I never know what to write in these damn things. I mean I know its a description box for the video. Yet, wouldn't watching the video itself describe the video. Its like reading a Hunger Games book while at the Hunger Games movie. Utterly absurd. I dont know if you read this but if you did I hope you know. I dont really think anybody could finish that book in the time span of the film. I mean lezbehonest. see ya! Follow me on twitter if you must: @pikacheerio Song: Bad Girl Artist: Usher Choreography: Chris Martin Dancers: Carlo Darang & Nic Ballecer Filmed and Edited: Anthony Quidachay Contact: cmartinbookings@gmail.com *NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED* "This video uses copyrighted material in a manner that does not require approval of the copyright holder. It is a fair use under copyright law. "quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the author's observations; use in a parody of some of the content of the work parodied; summary of an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report; reproduction by a library of a portion of a work to replace part of a damaged copy; reproduction by a teacher or student of a small part of a work to illustrate a lesson; reproduction of a work in legislative or judicial proceedings or reports; incidental and <b>...</b>

Chris Martin learns he is the role model for Harry from One Direction
This is an excerpt from the exclusive interview Patrick Langlois of MusiquePlus did with C...
published: 27 Jul 2012
Author: musiqueplus
Chris Martin learns he is the role model for Harry from One Direction
This is an excerpt from the exclusive interview Patrick Langlois of MusiquePlus did with Coldplay between their two shows at Montreal's Bell Centre on july 26, 2012. More will be posted shortly here: www.musiqueplus.com

Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer [Cardiac Strings Riddim] Sept 2011
Chris Martin Cheaters Prayer , Produced by Zj Chrome/Cr203 Records FACEBOOK: on.fb.me TWIT...
published: 06 Sep 2011
Author: krishgeniusmusic
Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer [Cardiac Strings Riddim] Sept 2011
Chris Martin Cheaters Prayer , Produced by Zj Chrome/Cr203 Records FACEBOOK: on.fb.me TWITTER: twitter.com WEBSITE: yardback.com Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011 Chris Martin - Cheaters Prayer {Cardiac Strings Riddim} Sept 2011

Chris Martin Kissing Gwyneth Paltrow
Miami Show 29 June 2012...
published: 30 Jun 2012
Author: LionfishHunter
Chris Martin Kissing Gwyneth Paltrow
Miami Show 29 June 2012

CHRIS MARTIN sings to GWYNETH at Glastonbury 2011 "LIFE IS FOR LIVING" - COLDPLAY (HD 1080)
published: 08 Mar 2012
Author: Brazilierrra
CHRIS MARTIN sings to GWYNETH at Glastonbury 2011 "LIFE IS FOR LIVING" - COLDPLAY (HD 1080)
AND GWYNETH IS IN THE AUDIENCE SINGING ALONG WITH CHRIS "Cause in the end, there's only love" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics: Now I never meant To do you wrong That's what I came here to say. That if I was wrong Then I'm sorry Don't let it stand in our way. Cause my head just aches When I think of, The things that I shouldn't have done. But, life is for living We all know, And I don't want to live it alone. I sing, Ah, ah, ah, Ah, ah, ah, And I sing And I sing ah, ah, oh, oh Cause in the end There's only us now, my friends That's only love In the end There's only love THIS BELONGS TO COLDPLAY AND THEIR RESPECTIVE RECORDING COMPANIES. I OWN NOTHING AND THIS IS NOT PROFIT. IT IS UPLOADED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND BECAUSE I LOVE COLDPLAY AND THIS SONG

Chris Martin - GirlFriends [Heart & Soul Riddim] Nov 2011
Produced by Notice Productions , WEBSITE: krishgenius.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: on...
published: 12 Nov 2011
Author: krishgeniusmusic
Chris Martin - GirlFriends [Heart & Soul Riddim] Nov 2011
Produced by Notice Productions , WEBSITE: krishgenius.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: on.fb.me WEBSITE 2: yardback.com Chris Martin - GirlFriends [Heart & Soul Riddim] Nov 2011 Chris Martin - GirlFriends [Heart & Soul Riddim] Nov 2011 Chris Martin - GirlFriends [Heart & Soul Riddim] Nov 2011 Chris Martin - GirlFriends [Heart & Soul Riddim] Nov 2011

Chris Martin - Paper Loving
Chris Martin - Paper Loving...
published: 20 Oct 2011
Author: rickomba
Chris Martin - Paper Loving
Chris Martin - Paper Loving

Chris Martin of Coldplay On working with Brian Eno and Rihanna
Coldplay's Chris Martin dropped by the Rolling Stone studio yesterday to chat about hi...
published: 20 Sep 2011
Author: RollingStone
Chris Martin of Coldplay On working with Brian Eno and Rihanna
Coldplay's Chris Martin dropped by the Rolling Stone studio yesterday to chat about his band's fifth album Mylo Xyloto, a record which reunites the English quartet with Viva la Vida collaborators Markus Dravs and Brian Eno. This time around, though, Eno was less involved in production and more engaged in the actual performances. "Brian Eno has become, not a session musician, but a player," says Martin. "He loves to just stand in the circle and play with the band. So he's kind of more of a band member than producer this time, which is very fun." Martin also spoke excitedly about the band's collaboration with Rihanna on the new song "Princess of China," noting that her contribution is the best singing on the record. Video by Matthew Murphy
Youtube results:

Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012
Christopher Martin - Chill Spot - Chill Spot Riddim Produced by Chimney Records WEBSITE: k...
published: 22 Mar 2012
Author: krishgeniusmusic
Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012
Christopher Martin - Chill Spot - Chill Spot Riddim Produced by Chimney Records WEBSITE: krishgenius.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: on.fb.me WEBSITE 2: yardback.com Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012 Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012 Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012 Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012 Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012 Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012 Christopher Martin - Chill Spot [Chill Spot Riddim] Mar 2012

Extras - Chris Martin
Chris Martin manages to get a guest apperance on Andy's "When the Whistle Blows&q...;
published: 13 Oct 2008
Author: abbedabb
Extras - Chris Martin
Chris Martin manages to get a guest apperance on Andy's "When the Whistle Blows".

Chris Martin "The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends" Sessions - "I Don't Want You To Die"
Follow www.facebook.com and twitter.com for updates, behind-the-scenes videos, photos and ...
published: 20 Apr 2012
Author: psychexfutureheart
Chris Martin "The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends" Sessions - "I Don't Want You To Die"
Follow www.facebook.com and twitter.com for updates, behind-the-scenes videos, photos and details on every "Heady Fwends" track. No infringement intended. Video will be removed promptly upon request from owners or related parties. Coldplay's Chris Martin joins the Lips for "Heady Fwends" closing track, "I Don't Want You To Die." In this video watch them record it, followed by Martin covering the Lips "Waitin for a Superman." Stream The Latest Flaming Lips-related releases: A cover of The Beach Boys' "God Only Knows" www.youtube.com Mastodon's cover of the Lips' "Spoonful Weighs a Ton" www.youtube.com "Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends" Double LP and related videos: Side 1 1."2012 (You Must Be Upgraded)" (featuring Ke$ha and Biz Markie) www.youtube.com Watch the evolution of Kesha's relationship with the Lips and them recording together, including sessions for "2012" and songs for Kesha's next album www.youtube.com 2."Ashes in the Air" (featuring Bon Iver) www.youtube.com 3."Helping the Retarded to Find God" (featuring Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros) www.youtube.com Watch the two bands bond and record this song www.youtube.com Watch behind the scenes at Hollywood Forever last year, included Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros' sunrise performance with the Lips www.youtube.com Watch the Hollywood Forever bells from the sunrise performance and the official live video www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Side 2 4."Supermoon Made Me Want to Pee" (featuring Prefuse 73) Watch the <b>...</b>

Chris Martin Reveals Tinnitus Agony
Celebs on File: Chris Martin has revealed that he has been suffering from the agonising he...
published: 04 May 2012
Author: mrpaparazziuk
Chris Martin Reveals Tinnitus Agony
Celebs on File: Chris Martin has revealed that he has been suffering from the agonising hearing condition tinnitus for the last decade. 07/05/12 All the latest news and more on our website: www.mrpaparazzi.com Mr Paparazzi on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com