The progress of nuclear reasearch in the Middle East has become a hot topic in the news lately. This is partially due to Iran’s arrogance and boasting that they will soon unveil their latest achievements with their nuclear project to the rest of the world. After all, Iran has been claiming for years that this project ct was only for electrical power. All the while they have been secretly working on advancements in their nuclear technology that are known to be primarily Continue reading
Current Progress Of Nuclear Research In The Middle East
Although Iran’s government claims that it is only using nuclear materials for energy research, the United States, the United Nations and especially Israel fear the worst. Many believe that Iran is hiding its nuclear bomb research inside a mountain to hide it from international investigators.
Iran has pursued its nuclear ambitions despite repeated attempts by the U.N. and other international bodies to stop Iran from gaining nuclear bomb capabilities. Many believe that Iran will use it to Continue reading
Middle East Creating Conflict With Western Forces
The western world is creeping closer and closer to the precipice of war once more. The conflicts in the Middle East are igniting dangerous political fires which could have devastating consequences.
One of the main causes of Middle East conflict is still the bitter blood-feud between Israel and Palestine. The tiny country of Israel is quite capable of unleashing ferocious firepower on any of its Arab neighbors but a major conflict would draw the US into the thick of the fighting.
Israel and Palestine have failed to find common ground on which any type of lasting peace Continue reading
Conflicts In The Middle East Affect The Western World
For over 50 years now the Middle East has been a tumultuous area, both politically and militarily. Currently, the world has many sanctions in place on Iran. American troops have just pulled out of Iraq and many other countries are either at war or face internal conflicts.
All this has an effect on the Western World. The Americas and Europe depend upon oil and other resources from the region. Gas prices have risen significantly in the Continue reading
How Do Conflicts In The Middle East Affect Us?
While not a lot of people find the prospect of peace between the Middle East and the United States happening anytime soon, especially if the former doesn’t ‘surrender’ to the cooperation of the latter, the conflicts that still know no end doesn’t only affect the Middle East in general, but the rest of the world as well.
So how do conflicts in the Middle East affect us, and it what ways? One of the most basic dilemmas posed by an ongoing conflict Continue reading