Archives for March, 2009

Deep thought

American auto manufacturing is on death’s door, the economy is in the shitter, and creationism is about to be forced into textbooks across the nation. Thus, it makes sense that Larry King wants his viewers’ opinions on Madonna’s adoption plans.

For those in Canadia, you might stop by the Redpath Museum auditorium tomorrow for any of the events in McGill University’s symposium on Islam and Evolution. I’ll be presenting at 11, and it promises to be a fascinating day of talks and discussion among panelists.

On keeping one’s story straight

John West is gloating about the new Texas science standards, and in doing so, he’s lost track of the truth: Evolutionists typically cast themselves as the champions of secular reason against superstition, but in Texas they tried to inject religion into the debate at every turn. Indeed, this past week it seemed that they couldn’t…

Thoughts on Texas

Berlanga and Nuñez voted against the final TEKS, the other 13 voted to approve them. Texas has new science standards. Those standards are better than the old ones, but those old standards really did suck. As the Fordham Institute put it, giving the standards an F in 2005, “Thematic unities, so persuasively urged in the…

Earth and Space Science amendments

Craig offers to amend ESS 4: Earth in Space and Time. The student knows how Earth-based and space-based astronomical observations reveal differing theories about the structure, scale, composition, origin, and history of the universe. to read: 4) Earth in Space and Time. The student knows how Earth-based and space-based astronomical observations reveal information about the…

More Biology amendments

Dunbar jumped in line, and is trying to reinsert a new 7(B), slightly varied from the one just stricken. “analyze and evaluate the sufficiency of scientific explanations concerning any data of sudden appearance, stasis, and the sequential nature of groups in the fossil record.” Allen likes it better, but won’t support it, because he hasn’t…

Biology amendments

Lawrence Allen proposes to strike the noxious 7B from Biology standards. That standard states: “analyze and evaluate the sufficiency or insufficiency of common ancestry to explain the sudden appearance, stasis, and sequential nature of groups in the fossil record.” McLeroy claims that evolution can’t explain stasis or sudden appearance. Must I observe that stabilizing selection…

Snippy, much?

Gail Lowe: “I think you need to use your brain.” Delivered to Mavis Knight who objects to a large amendment offered with no particular background. Now we’re slowly working through the grades. 6th grade right now.

Dunbar offers a new amendment to the fraught 3A, formerly the “strengths and weaknesses” language. It would now read: analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations in all fields of science by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning and experimental and observational testing, by examining scientific evidence that is supportive and not supportive of those explanations, so…

Earth and Space Science Amendments

Bob Craig is proposing amendments to Earth and Space Science. These largely track recommendations from a panel of the ESS writers, in response to amendments offered by the Board last January. The first strikes “differing theories” and replaces it with “information about,” in: 4) Earth in Space and Time. The student knows how Earth-based and…