Australian Libertarian Society

Thoughts on Freedom

Melbourne Meeting, August 31st @ 7pm

I would like to cordially invite all readers to a libertarian meeting. Also attending will be David Sharp, a lawyer practicing at the Victorian Bar in Melbourne. In 1983 he was the Founding President of the Australian Adam Smith Club and has continued to play an active role in its activities since. He is the author of Economic Simplicities and writes for

Day/Time: August 31 at 7pm.

VenueThe Clare, 421 Rathdowne Street, Carlton.

RSVP: Facebook or Meetup.

August 18, 2012 Posted by | Events | Leave a Comment

Cigarette plain packaging, has it worked on illicit drugs?


Today Big Prohibition is celebrating its High Court victory over ‘Big Tobacco’ on the issue of plain packaging of cigarettes.  Tobacco companies had challenged the legislation to have all cigarettes sold in drab green packs without logos or company identification on the basis of denial of intellectual and other property rights.

In retrospect, this may have been a mistake as property rights are not a widely respected concept in Australia.  Rural landholders have largely borne the brunt of the assault on private property until now with a myriad of laws restricting their rights to carry out activities, from building right through to weed control.  A quick check with them would have let Phillip Morris know, it was flogging a dead horse on the issue. Read more »

August 16, 2012 Posted by | General | , , , | 30 Comments

Friedman dinner: Prof Jeff Bennett & “little green lies”

The next Brisbane Friedman dinner has been planned for Wednesday the 29th of August, where we will hear from Professor Jeff Bennett talking about his recently released book “Little Green Lies”. Please RSVP to John Humphreys, either by calling/messaging 0404 044561 or e-mailing or by commenting on the Facebook page.

When? 7pm Wednesday 29 August
Where? Elio’s restaurant, 119 Winstanley St, Carina Heights
Who? Prof Jeff Bennett (ANU) and a few dozen other freedom fighters
Cost? $32 per person for dinner & debate
Topic? Jeff’s recent book “Little Green Lies”

Read more »

August 13, 2012 Posted by | Events | , , , , , | 1 Comment

Welfare without the State (CIS event)

August 13, 2012 Posted by | Events | , , , , , | 1 Comment

Milton Friedman’s 100th birthday

The 31st of July will mark 100 years since the great man was born, and a few people want to celebrate. In Brisbane we will be having an ALS Friedman dinner, with Dr Alex Robson (Senior Lecturer in economics at Griffith University) and Senator George Brandis SC as a guest speaker.

When: 7pm 31 July 2012
Where: Elio’s restaurant, 119 Winstanley st, Carina Heights
Cost: $30 for dinner & fun
RSVP: e-mail

And over in Perth, the Mannkal group are putting on their own show…

July 4, 2012 Posted by | Events | , , | 3 Comments

CANdo Melbourne launch

CANdo isn’t a libertarian group, but they do share our preference for lower tax and economic freedoms. They are having their Melbourne launch on the 29th of June at Morgans @ 401 (401 Collins st) — including drinks, dinner and talks for $60. For more details, click the graphic below.

June 9, 2012 Posted by | Events | | 8 Comments


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