
  • Days of Rage: The Quebec Student Protest Movement and the New Social Awakening

    By Henry A Giroux, Truthout | Op-Ed

    Quebec Protest(Photo: Pamela Drew / Flickr)In many countries throughout the world, young people are speaking out. They are using their voices and bodies to redefine the boundaries of the possible and to protest the crushing currents of neoliberal regimes that ruthlessly assert their power and policies through appeals to destiny, political theology, and the unabashed certainty bred of fundamentalist faith. From Paris, Athens, and London to Montreal and New York City, young people are challenging the current repressive historical conjuncture by rejecting its dominant premises and practices.



  • Medical Journal Cites Truthout, Raises Questions About Medical Abuse at Guantanamo

    Medical Journal Cites Truthout, Raises Questions About Medical Abuse at Guantanamo

    By Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout | Report

    A new medical journal article seriously questions the US government's rationale for use of the controversial antimalaria drug mefloquine on all detainees sent to the detention center at Cuba's Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base.

    The article cites a series of investigative reports published by Truthout, which first broke the news about the mass administration of mefloquine at Guantanamo in December 2010.

  • How to Safely Scale Down the Fiscal Cliff

    How to Safely Scale Down the Fiscal Cliff

    By Salvatore Babones, Other Words | Op-Ed

    Taxmageddon and sequestration aren't necessarily bad things, but their timing is certainly bad. As Chairman Bernanke made clear, we have to improve our finances. The question is how to do so responsibly.

    The U.S. government is running a budget deficit of more than $1.3 trillion this year. Under current law, the 2013 deficit will be cut in half. How can we safely descend into this promised land of fiscal discipline without harming the economy in the process?


