3. Rheological Behavior of Fluids
Thiscollection of videos was created about half a century ago to explain fluid mechanics i...
published: 28 Apr 2011
3. Rheological Behavior of Fluids
Thiscollection of videos was created about half a century ago to explain fluid mechanics in an accessible way for undergraduate engineering and physics students. I find that no other series of videos has explained the basics of fluid mechanics better than this one by the National Committee for Fluid Mechanics (those national committees gotta be good for something...) As such, I have uploaded these videos here for the benefit of students and interested laypersons. I do not own the copyright and these videos were not made by me. If anyone should want me to take them down, I will comply without complaint. If you want scans of the printed notes that go along with these videos, check out them out over at the MIT side of things: web.mit.edu They are really great stuff.
published: 28 Apr 2011
Rheology 101 - Part 1 of 3
Rheology measurements and method development programs are one of the many services Aspen p...
published: 10 Aug 2010
Rheology 101 - Part 1 of 3
Rheology measurements and method development programs are one of the many services Aspen provides its clients, and shares its experiences through presentations at professional trade associations. This presentation explores the fundamentals of rheology, how to measure and interpret the results.
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: AspenResearch
Fundamentals of Rheology
This TA Tech Tip will help you brush up on the basics of rheology and the measurement of v...
published: 26 Apr 2012
Fundamentals of Rheology
This TA Tech Tip will help you brush up on the basics of rheology and the measurement of viscosity.
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: TATechTips
Rheology -part 1 - introduction + rheological models
First part of my rheology course. It contains: introduction, basic elements of rheological...
published: 11 Jan 2010
Rheology -part 1 - introduction + rheological models
First part of my rheology course. It contains: introduction, basic elements of rheological models, pictures of rheological models, constitutive equation of Maxwell model.
published: 11 Jan 2010
author: EinsteinInSkirt
Intelligent Molder - In-Mold Rheology Test (excerpt)
This excerpt is an introduction to the purpose and objectives of the In-Mold Rheology Test...
published: 10 Mar 2009
Intelligent Molder - In-Mold Rheology Test (excerpt)
This excerpt is an introduction to the purpose and objectives of the In-Mold Rheology Test and explains the relationship of shear thinning, shear rate and material viscosity. This test graphs viscosity over shear rate and results in curve that can be used to establish an optimum processing window. These courses were produced for technicians and process engineers that want to thoroughly evaluate both the capability and repeatability of a given injection molding machine, injection mold, or injection molding process. Each course references three in-depth tests and will greatly benefit any participant of RJGs classroom-based, Master Molder SM Certification Series either as a primer or as follow-up training. A. Routsis Associates - Complete Training Solutions for the Plastics Industry. Visit www.traininteractive.com for state-of-art plastics training, including interactive CD-ROM and online training.
published: 10 Mar 2009
author: traininteractive
Rheology - part 2 - creep and relaxation
Second part of rheological course. It contains creep and relaxation....
published: 13 Jan 2010
Rheology - part 2 - creep and relaxation
Second part of rheological course. It contains creep and relaxation.
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: EinsteinInSkirt
Lecture on nonlinear polymer rheology.mp4
The presentation will discuss the essence of nonlinear rheology of entangled polymeric mat...
published: 03 Mar 2012
Lecture on nonlinear polymer rheology.mp4
The presentation will discuss the essence of nonlinear rheology of entangled polymeric materials. By contrasting the prevailing viewpoint of the past with the emerging worldview, we will show why a new paradigm is required for further research in the field. In particular, it is necessary to emphasize the fact, well-known to Maxwell, that a viscoelastic material is solid like in its mechanical response when deformed on time scales much shorter than the Maxwell relaxation time. This means that such a material must yield, ie, undergo a transition from elastic deformation to flow (irrecoverable deformation) upon a startup of external deformation. The central question to address is whether this yielding would lead to strain localization, ie, inhomogeneous deformation, contrary to the textbook assumption of homogeneous deformation. Five years after the initial discoveries in Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 016001; 196001; 97, 187801 (2006), we have now a pretty good idea of what to expect and why entangled polymers (over 100 million tons consumed yearly worldwide) respond to large deformation in manners different from the textbook description. The work is, in part, supported by the US National Science Foundation under grants DMR-0821697, CMMI-0926522 and DMR-1105135.
published: 03 Mar 2012
author: polymerrheology
Rheology - part 3 - rheological functions of spring, linear dashpot and Maxwell model
Third part of my course. It contains calculation of creep compliance and relaxation modulu...
published: 14 Jan 2010
Rheology - part 3 - rheological functions of spring, linear dashpot and Maxwell model
Third part of my course. It contains calculation of creep compliance and relaxation modulus for spring, linear dashpot and Maxwell model.
published: 14 Jan 2010
author: EinsteinInSkirt
Food Rheology, Emulsion & Foam
This video summarizes the essence of topics on food rheology as well as emulsion and foams...
published: 28 Oct 2011
Food Rheology, Emulsion & Foam
This video summarizes the essence of topics on food rheology as well as emulsion and foams. These topics are part of the course, Physical Properties of Food. The course is taught by Professor Abd Karim Alias, Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia. The video is produced solely for educational purposes. Copyright of all images (except one) belong to the original owner and I would like to thank them all, whoever and wherever you are. Visit his blog: onestoplearning.blogspot.com
published: 28 Oct 2011
author: Abd Karim Alias
Rheological flow test - Yield stress - Ketchup - 30° C
Rheological flow test - measurement of the Yield stress of a ketchup sample @30° C. Ru...
published: 05 Sep 2011
Rheological flow test - Yield stress - Ketchup - 30° C
Rheological flow test - measurement of the Yield stress of a ketchup sample @30° C. Rubens Rosario Fernandes Admilson Teixeira Franco Thermical Sciences Laboratory (LACIT), Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) - Brazil.
published: 05 Sep 2011
author: Rheologylacit
Group Assignment Rheology of Food
This is IMK209 group 4 2011/2012 production. Here, we demonstrate on yield stress, shear t...
published: 06 Nov 2011
Group Assignment Rheology of Food
This is IMK209 group 4 2011/2012 production. Here, we demonstrate on yield stress, shear thinning and shear thickening.
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: meegg2
BioE 102 Presentation: Rheology and Blood Flow
Presentation for BioEngineering 102: Biomechanics taught by Professor Mofrad at UC Berkele...
published: 30 Oct 2009
BioE 102 Presentation: Rheology and Blood Flow
Presentation for BioEngineering 102: Biomechanics taught by Professor Mofrad at UC Berkeley during the Fall 2009 semester. Credits: Principal actor and Concept design: James Che Actor and Director of music: Nikit Patel Cinematography and Video editing: Justin Feng
published: 30 Oct 2009
author: BioEHS
Rheology of drilling mud
Rheology is the study of flow and deformation of fluid. Check out www.drilling-mud.org for...
published: 14 Dec 2010
Rheology of drilling mud
Rheology is the study of flow and deformation of fluid. Check out www.drilling-mud.org for drilling mud knowledge.
published: 14 Dec 2010
author: rachainj
Rheology 101 - Part 2 of 3
Rheology measurements and method development programs are one of the many services Aspen p...
published: 10 Aug 2010
Rheology 101 - Part 2 of 3
Rheology measurements and method development programs are one of the many services Aspen provides its clients, and shares its experiences through presentations at professional trade associations. This presentation explores the fundamentals of rheology, how to measure and interpret the results.
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: AspenResearch
Vimeo results:
Dispersion Rheology
A very introductory discussion of why the viscosity of a dispersion increases with particl...
published: 30 Sep 2010
Author: John Coupland
Dispersion Rheology
A very introductory discussion of why the viscosity of a dispersion increases with particle volume fraction and why particle aggregation further increases viscosity.
Rheology of Food
This is IMK209 Group 4 2011/2012 production.
Here, we demonstrate on yield stress, shear t...
published: 10 Nov 2011
Author: lishan
Rheology of Food
This is IMK209 Group 4 2011/2012 production.
Here, we demonstrate on yield stress, shear thinning and shear thickening of food.
Particle Technology Two Phase Flow Rheology and Powders
The eighth lecture in the module Particle Technology, delivered to second year students wh...
published: 05 May 2010
Author: EngCETL
Particle Technology Two Phase Flow Rheology and Powders
The eighth lecture in the module Particle Technology, delivered to second year students who have already studied basic fluid mechanics. Two phase flow, rheology and Powders covers flow of dispersions of powders in liquids and gases, as well as the storage of powders and why they sometimes do not flow. Equations to predict the pressure drop in pumped systems are provided, for both streamline and turbulent flows.
Rheology in our daily life by Group 5
Assignment IMK 209 Rheology In Our Daily Life,USM
Presented by group 5 IMK 209....
Here is...
published: 02 Nov 2011
Author: Min Ing
Rheology in our daily life by Group 5
Assignment IMK 209 Rheology In Our Daily Life,USM
Presented by group 5 IMK 209....
Here is the video of our assignment ,briefly discuss about Rheology in our daily life, we include rheology in our daily life ,for example yield stress, newtonian fliud, non-newtonian fluid and etc.
Youtube results:
Rheology 101 - Part 3 of 3
Rheology measurements and method development programs are one of the many services Aspen p...
published: 11 Aug 2010
Rheology 101 - Part 3 of 3
Rheology measurements and method development programs are one of the many services Aspen provides its clients, and shares its experiences through presentations at professional trade associations. This presentation explores the fundamentals of rheology, how to measure and interpret the results.
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: AspenResearch
Malvern Instruments Kinexus Rheology Teaser & Launch 2008
Creative & Directed by Rick Pickford Agency Hotdiggity Creative Inc. Dover NH USA www....
published: 24 Mar 2009
Malvern Instruments Kinexus Rheology Teaser & Launch 2008
Creative & Directed by Rick Pickford Agency Hotdiggity Creative Inc. Dover NH USA www.hdcreates.com http This is the animation we did for Malvern Instruments Kinexus Rheology Teaser Pre-Launch campaign in late 2008. Our agency created the piece to bring attention to a game changing technology created by Malvern Instruments Ltd, Worcestershire, United Kingdom First Place B to B Magazine October 26th 2009 Best Online Campaign 2009 Award Creative credits: HotDiggity Creative Inc Dover New Hampshire, Creative Director & Director: Rick Pickford, Illustration: Carly Glovinski, Michele James, Voice performance: Bruce Miles, Animation: Jacob Ospa, Interactive Design: Steve Deschene, Programming: Johnny Hoell and Malvern's Marketing Communications Team Why we liked it: As a rule, we frown on borrowed interest. What we usually want from marketing communications is a story about the product or service, and why it will benefit us, the potential customers. In this case, Malvern Instruments couldn't talk about its product, a new rheometer that hadn't yet debuted. In fact, this online campaign was a teaser for the new product's Web launch. So Malvern and its agency, Hot Diggity Creative, produced an online campaign that featured engaging animated drawings and mock serious music—Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra, familiar to most as the music from 2001: A Space Odyssey—to present the launch on the rheometer as an advance over previous versions. The cartoons whimsically showed the <b>...</b>
published: 24 Mar 2009
author: Rick Pickford
Rheology modifiers
Rheology modifiers enable formulators to adjust the flow behavior of paints. That way, pai...
published: 17 Aug 2012
Rheology modifiers
Rheology modifiers enable formulators to adjust the flow behavior of paints. That way, painters benefit from improved viscosity and application characteristics. For example, rheology modifiers from BASF reduce dripping and spattering of paints during roller or brush application. Sag resistance of a paint is improved by a rapid but controlled viscosity increase after application. During transport and storage of the paint, the rheology modifiers prevent sedimentation of the pigments within a formulation.
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: BASF
Rheological Methods for Fingerprinting Polyolefin Processing Behavior - SpecialChem LOD
WATCH THE FULL VIDEO HERE: www.omnexus.com This video will demonstrate the power of rheolo...
published: 24 Dec 2009
Rheological Methods for Fingerprinting Polyolefin Processing Behavior - SpecialChem LOD
WATCH THE FULL VIDEO HERE: www.omnexus.com This video will demonstrate the power of rheology in polyolefin characterization. In particular, extensional flow measurements generate highly directional flow fields that are very sensitive to the molecular structure of a polymeric system
published: 24 Dec 2009
author: Omnexus